Discover The Diamond in You

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Foreword by the Success Icon of a Billion Hearts!


Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri

Praise for Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri

“The maverick management guru!”

Financial Times, London

“The intellectual litterateur of the decade”

The Hindustan Times

“Set(s) the stage on fire”

“Inspiration personified”
The Times of India
Praise for
“Discover The Diamond In You”
Also by Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri

“No quick fixes, this book is packed with

PLANNING INDIA sound, simple and realistic advice. It reveals
and guides one with clarity and indepth
COUNT YOUR CHICKENS searching making one conscious of one’s
BEFORE THEY HATCH own potential, thereby empowering and
motivating each individual to experience
THE GREAT INDIAN DREAM true fulfillment.”
Voted as Millennium’s “Greatest Actor of Stage and
Screen” in a poll by BBC News

This one is for you, Baba! You have always taught

me economics and shown me the way to understand
the world better. But you have no clue that you have
always inspired me as much with your entrepreneurial
vision. And it’s from you that I learnt, “If you think
you can, you are right.” This book is to that spirit in
you that believes that we are all diamonds – at the
most, just waiting to be discovered! This book is also
to the spirit of the great IIPM education movement
that you started, which has created so many sparkling
Why this book: My earlier book, Count Your Chickens
Before They Hatch, was a book on success indeed,
but perhaps more from a managerial perspective. My
friends had been telling me since then to write a book
on success, but without any management theories!
This book, thus, is an attempt to fulfill the desires of
my friends and therefore, also in a way it is, Count
Your Chickens Before They Hatch, Part 2.
This book also is an attempt to share the last eight
years of my learnings since Count Your Chickens
Before They Hatch! It attempts to share with my
readers powerful principles of success that I’ve grown
to passionately believe in; to share some secrets I’ve
seen around me, that have led to success in life. And
above all, it’s an attempt to induce the belief inside
my readers that they are all gems. Precious gems. In
fact diamonds, which at times are just waiting to be
Discover The Diamond In You / XII Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / XIII

discovered. And as a minute token of this promise of mine, the

For whom is this book: This book is for entire proceeds of this book will go completely to his
everybody. Everybody who wants to increase his or Manav Seva Kendracentres that he runs with unseen
her productivity in life and work. Everybody who and unbelievable passion in the villages within West
wants to be a better father, mother, sister, brother, son, Bengal and Orissa.
daughter, manager or entrepreneur! For we are all Acknowledgements to my most important
diamonds waiting to be discovered or cut, or polished partner: Often, I fail to acknowledge this or I assume
or to dazzle. And at times perhaps, diamonds which that it is understood. But this time, I won’t make that
have lost a bit of sheen; it’s only by regular polishing mistake. Because I genuinely feel that without the
that we remain the diamonds that we always were. support of my wife and friend Rajita, I wouldn’t have
Whom do I owe this book to: I owe almost been doing half the things I do with half the peace. And
everything that I am to my father. His pure and more than that, without having a friend who always
passionate commitment to working and thinking non- and without fail provides intellectual companionship
stop about how to remove poverty from India and the with so much of honesty and dedication, I would
world is inspirational beyond what words can explain. really have been incomplete! Rajita, you really never
When you grow up seeing a man who has never ever ask for any diamonds, but are the real diamond of my
spoken or thought of anything else but his country life :-) Thanks for all your support in life and for the
and its poor, and has spent an entire life working only extensive support in the making of this book!
for them, then obviously all you can feel is absolute Thank you Shah Rukh! My father still remembers
awe. I actually owe an apology to him for doing many you as Abhimanyu Rai from Fauji! I remember
things, which he wouldn’t have wanted me to do – like going with Rajita, time after time to watch Dilwale
making his part of the house a little bit more modern Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, only to come back with an
(my parents and my family stay together), unlike the increased appetite for you. You are indeed the icon
Ho Chi Minh type of living and setting that he had of a billion hearts as well as the few in our home! But
always aspired for. However, I owe him a promise what is most fascinating about you is that you are a
that I will try my level best to fulfil all his dreams rarest combination of success and intelligence. Its just
of seeing an India without the problems it has in the amazing to hear you speak - almost on any topic. The
areas of health, education, employment and justice. day I heard you speak on success at IIPM for the first
Discover The Diamond In You / XIV Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / XV

time, I had this strong urge to have the foreword of sweet friend and always giving me the support of your
my book penned by you! It’s really an honour for me lovely publishing house, Vikas Publishing! I thank all
that you agreed to share your most inspiring thoughts my other colleagues, friends and well wishers whose
inspite of the fact that these very thoughts will also love always makes me feel like a diamond!
find a reflection in your forthcoming autibiography!!! Lastly, not a day goes by when I don’t miss you
I also owe my happiness to: My family: my mom Aurobindo, my brother. You were the rarest diamond
Ratna– a gem; my sister Arundhati – a star; and my son of our lives.
Che – my diamond! Thanks for the love you all give Why is this book also referred to as the 59-
to keep me going. I must also thank my friends Ashok, minute guide to success: That is because after the
Sandeep, Prashanto, Shikha, Aditi and their respective foreword, there are only 59 written pages in this book
family members Uma, Anjali, Monalisa, Esha and my and it shouldn’t take any reader more than one minute
‘jaan’ Sarah for providing me unparalleled happiness to read, understand and grasp each page. Once you
all the time. My heartfelt thanks to my colleagues too, have read and understood these pages, the process
who keep my life and work full of happiness, especially of discovering the diamond in you will be complete!
during tough times. They are all absolute diamonds. How much you dazzle thereafter in life would depend
My friend and colleague A. Sandeep who is always upon how much you practise the powerful principles
there (and also edited this book) for me, come what discussed in this book!
may; my organisation’s backbone – Amit and Prasun, Now go ahead and, “Discover The Diamond In
my most trusted warriors; Naveen, who coaxed me You!”
to keep this the title of the book; the ever-inspiring
Sourav; my creative brain Shubho; my intellectual
support Sutanu; my most trusted and driven senior
colleagues Deepak, Vikram, Viraj (who, being the
son of a gemologist, explained to me the intricacies of Trivia: I run my entire firm virtually on sms as I don’t use e-mail.
I find typing an sms the fastest way of communicating. Every
diamonds), Sumit, Namita, Satyajit, Arindam, Rohit, week, I write my editorials for my magazine The Sunday Indian
Kiran, Mansi, Gurudas and Rajat; and my colleagues on sms. It might sound unbelievable but yes, it’s true that I typed
Biswajit and Shantanu for their creative help in the entire book on my mobile and kept forwarding the messages
designing this book. Piyush, thanks for being such a to my colleague Biswajit, who then put it into the book format.

Foreword by Shah Rukh Khan 19

1. The 9P Success Trilliant 23
2. How many CARATS is the Diamond within you?

The first P of the Discovery: PASSION 35

The second P of the Discovery: POSITIVE ENERGY 43
3. How well CUT is the Diamond in you?

The third P of the Discovery: PERFORMANCE 51

The fourth P of the Discovery: PERSEVERANCE 61
4. What is the COLOUR of the Diamond in you?

The fifth P of the Discovery: PERSONALITY 73

The sixth P of the Discovery: PEOPLE 79
5. What is the CLARITY of the Diamond in you?

The seventh P of the Discovery: PERSPECTIVE 87

The eighth P of the Discovery: PRINCIPLES 95
The ninth P of the Discovery: PATRIOTISM 101
6. You Are A Diamond! Now Dazzle! 107
Success is FOREWORD
never final
just like Arindam is a dear friend and I have enjoyed reading

failure is
his books and articles. This one, which you are holding
in your hands, I can assure you is a real diamond – and
therefore, for me, it is a privilege to write this foreword!

never fatal The book talks lucidly about the meaning of success
and principles that will help you become successful.
I realize that I am expected to write about success as
the world usually sees me as a successful person. But
instead, I would rather write about the other end of the
spectrum... that is, failure! Unless you know what you
want to avoid, I think it is very difficult to get what
you wish to obtain.
I believe that success is a wonderful experience,
but not always one from which we acquire wisdom
or knowledge – which is why I feel success, whether
deserving or not, can be enjoyed but cannot be passed
Discover The Diamond In You / 20 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 21

on. My being successful in no way guarantees that my So work hard whenever you fail. Failure is an
children will be successful too! So instead of trying amazing teacher. If you don’t fail, you will never learn.
to write about success and how to become successful, If you don’t learn, you will never grow and never
let me tell you honestly all that I have gone through really discover the diamond inside you! Failure taught
in life. me to stop pretending and being someone else. It gave
I’m very scared of failures. In my life, it’s not success me a clear sense of direction. Sometimes, you are not
that I want as much as I want to not fail. I have seen cut out for a particular job and you have to accept it
a lot of failures. Mine was a normal, lower-middle and leave it. You need to know when to stop beating
class family. My father was a beautiful man and the a dead horse, and repeated failure at something can
most successful failure in the world. My mother also sometimes be the best sign and time to do so. Failure
failed to stay with me long enough for her to see me helped me find real friends and test out the true strengths
become a movie star. Actually, we were very poor, and of relationships. It taught me empathy towards others.
at a very early age – after my parents died – I equated Being a star, it is easy for me to be prone to the notion
poverty with failure. Whether it was right or wrong, I that I am superior, good looking, fantastic, the ‘King
knew just one fact – I never wanted to be poor. When of Bollywood’ – but some films just happened. And
I signed my initial films, most of them were discards I realized with honesty that what I become is simply
of actors; films, for which producers could not find based on what I do. I am neither special nor immune
anyone to act. I acted in all of them just to make sure to the results of bad work or bad ideas... I’m just like
that I continued working and avoided unemployment. everyone else. Failure also helped me to discover that
I worked very hard on those movies out of desperation I had a stronger will and more discipline than I had
and belief – sentiments that somehow go hand-in- suspected, and these helped me wake up each morning
hand. Somehow, something worked, and suddenly I with a passion to strive harder.
was a big star! I guess the fear of failure, in the context I won’t say failure is a good thing, but I would
of what I knew it to be, always made me give more like to tell you all that life is not just a checklist of
than a hundred percent wherever and whenever I acquisitions, achievements and fulfillments. Your
could. Failure gave me an incentive to work harder, qualifications and CV don’t matter. Instead, life
an act which invariably leads to some kind of success is difficult and complicated and beyond anyone’s
in most cases. control. The humility to know that and the ability
Discover The Diamond In You / 22 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 23

to respect your failures will help you survive life’s

unknown qualities and quantities. The 9Ps of success
that Arindam so swiftly and lucidly narrates will help
you overcome failures and achieve success – because
we all need some guidelines when we are down.
Remember, success is never final, just like failure is
never fatal! Courage is doing what you are afraid to do.
There can be no courage, unless you are scared. Have
the fear of failure, so that you all get the courage to
succeed! This book is guaranteed to inspire you and it
will definitely get you started on your path to discover THE 9P
the diamond within. There is a lifetime of learning
squeezed into this innovative book. 59 minutes is all
Arindam asks from you and you will have a more TRILLIANT
positive approach to your life forever. I finished this
book in 59 minutes flat and it read like a story I have
often lived and experienced. You too will discover a
part of yourself in these pages and get inspired. Read
on to have some control over the future course of your
life – because this control will bring success within
your sights.

All the best!

Shah Rukh Khan

Discover The Diamond In You / 24 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 25

Yes! You are a diamond! Just the way

diamonds are rare, so are humans. While
diamonds are found only in rare places on earth,
similar is the case with life, which is found only
in the rarest of rare places in our solar system
You know what – in fact, earth is the only such place known
to me. And amongst the thousands of different
you are, but types of life, being born as a human being is
no less than being a diamond! The question
you don’t know therefore is not whether you are a diamond,
but which stage you are in? It could even be
what you can that you are yet to discover it – in fact, most of
us live life without discovering that we have
become! a diamond within us! At times, even when we
realise that there is a diamond in us, we never
bother to cut it properly; or rather, fail to get the
right teachers who can cut the various edges
properly and bring out the light inside. At
times, we discover the diamond, and cut it too,
but fail to polish it properly; for it’s only when
we polish a well-cut diamond properly that it
starts to dazzle! And some of us are diamonds
Discover The Diamond In You / 26 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 27

that may have just lost their sheen a little and believing that you can dazzle like a diamond
require some more polishing. But it’s my firm and this book is going to help you realise how
belief that we are all diamonds in this world! you can!
It’s with this belief that we run our institute And trust me, a belief can do wonders. You
IIPM. The first day, every student is told that must believe you can. In fact, the worst thing
he is a diamond and he must believe that he is. in life is not that many people don’t think they
And that in the institute, we will cut and polish can, but that many people despite knowing that
him from 72 different edges – there are 72 they can, still don’t! For example, so many
subjects that are taught in a typical programme people know that they can protest when an
at IIPM – till he is finally ready to dazzle! And injustice takes place. But cynicism holds them
do they dazzle before leaving!!! back. “What’s the use?” they ask. “Nothing will
This book is about the entire process of the change,” they justify. I started my first book
discovery to dazzle! It helps you explore and Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch with
discover the diamond within you – which is one quotation of Mahatma Gandhi, “Almost
most important! It also tells you how to cut anything you do will seem insignificant. But
and polish the diamond, so that you finally it’s very important that you do it. You must be
dazzle like a rare gem. To believe that you are the change you wish to see in this world.” To
a diamond, you have to believe that you are me, discovering the diamond within us is not
rare. You have to believe that you can dazzle, merely trying to do well for ourselves. It’s about
once shown the right path. And believe that “If making a difference in society and making a
you think you can, you are right!” That is what better society. When we see so much wrong
your first step ought to be. You have got to start happening around us, we can get very critical
Discover The Diamond In You / 28 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 29

– I often do get into that mode in my editorial

CARAT columns in The Sunday Indian. But looking at
Passion the way our system functions, I also believe
Positive Energy that the best way to feel good and change things
around is by changing ourselves, and by being
CUT the change we want to see! Because there is
Performance hardly anything that we can’t do if we want to.
Perseverance And that’s the underlying philosophy of this
process of ‘discovering the diamond in you!’
COLOUR Thus, if a diamond were to be the metaphor
Personality for human beings, then let’s consider the four
People Skills qualities which make a diamond so sought
after. The first quality that makes a diamond so
CLARITY invaluable is its carat weight. You would have
Perspective heard questions like, “How many carats is that
Principles diamond?” That’s the most sought after quality
Patriotism of a diamond. In human beings, carats are the
depth that we possess. And this is represented
by two Ps: Passion and Positive Energy! These
The Four Cs of Grading the
are the two most important aspects that are
Human Diamond
the hallmark of a diamond with a high carat
value! All successful achievers have these two
Discover The Diamond In You / 30 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 31

extremely important characteristics. The more

TRILLIANT the passion and positive energy inside you, the
higher carat diamond you are!
The second quality that makes for a great
diamond is its cut. The cut involves a lot of
hard work. Thus, in human beings, the cut is

about the next two Ps of this discovery process:
Performance and Perseverance. If you want to
have a great shine tomorrow and be sought
POSITIVE ENERGY after as a human diamond, then you have got
PERFORMANCE to perform and have a tremendous amount of
PERSEVERANCE perseverance!
PERSONALITY The third quality that makes a diamond
visibly great is its colour. The more it refracts
PRINCIPLES light, the higher it is priced. And exactly in
the same way, a human being’s colour is
represented by the next two Ps: Personality
and People Skills! The better these two are, the
more light an individual refracts, the better is
his colour, and the more he goes up in life.
And finally, the fourth quality that makes a
diamond great is its clarity. In human beings,
Discover The Diamond In You / 32 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 33

there are three Ps that represent clarity:

Perspective, Principles and Patriotism. Without
clarity, a diamond may seemingly dazzle, but
under a lens, the dark spots become visible,
and that takes away the value and sheen from
the diamond. So, clarity – which manifests
as the perspective about where and why the
person is going, correct principles in life and a
tremendous sense of patriotism – is what makes IS THE
the human diamond really dazzle.
But perhaps the most special aspect about DIAMOND
the journey to becoming a diamond is the fact
that a diamonds formed under a combination of
high temperatures and extreme pressure in the
Earth’s mantle. And it’s not formed overnight.
If we want to shine bright like a diamond, we
must never give in to pressure, too soon.
The following pages will take you through
each of these 9 Ps, which I call the ‘9P Success
Trilliant’ in order to enable you to understand
their importance and help you succeed in life
and dazzle!
Discover The Diamond In You / 34 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 35

The first

of the
There is nothing discovery:

more powerful
than a human soul
Nothing in life defines us more than how
on fire! passionately we go about doing what we
believe in. Like the density of a diamond is
measured by its carats, similarly the depth
of the human diamond lies in his passion. It
is the most important ingredient for success
and happiness in life! Without it, we are
worth nothing; and as human diamonds, our
carats would be negligible. Passion can make
anything happen.
Follow your passion and everything will
Discover The Diamond In You / 36 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 37

follow. Take the case of the high school biology his passion to keep improving the athletic
teacher who loved playing football and left performance.
everything to go on to become a football and He pushed himself to experiment and
sports coach in a university. Many would have aggressively pursue inventive approaches.
considered it an ordinary, thankless job. Why His insatiable curiosity pushed him to
do you think he chose to do it? realise that running shoes are an athlete’s best
He realised that he was quite passionate friend and if only an ounce could be removed
about helping young athletes improve their from the shoe’s weight, then, in a one-mile
performance while running. race, almost 200 pounds of aggregate effort
He pursued this passion relentlessly and could be reduced.
went on to become a coach of national and His research found no takers among any of
international stature. the shoe manufacturers, but that did not deter
But he did not rest on his laurels. His him.
dedication and passionate will to succeed He went on to invent a waffle sole which
ensured his name in the Hall of Fame gallery was far lighter and had a better grip than the
as one of the greatest track and field coaches ones that were at the time manufactured.
in the history of the United States, having Yet again, no one paid heed to his invention,
trained some of the finest athletes who went but he knew he had to help athletes perform
on to become record holders and Olympic better and that was all that mattered. With
champions. this in mind, he went on to become a shoe
The fame and everything else that went manufacturer himself with the little savings
with it was gratifying, but did not reduce that he had.
Discover The Diamond In You / 38 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 39

Over time, along with Phil Knight, a businessman, author and change agent.
middle-distance runner, he overcame many That was Bill Bowerman for you. And
trials and tribulations and went on to establish trust me, your success story is waiting to
one of the biggest and most successful brands happen, for there is a high carat diamond
in marketing history with the omnipresent within you waiting to sparkle only if you
swoosh logo. Yes, the same biology teacher are willing to ignite the passion within you
became the co-founder of Nike, and like and are ready to chase it passionately! And
the brand, enjoyed a cult status of his own. in this chase of your passion, there will be
And still his passion remained running and other powerful principles that will have to
improving performance of athletes. be followed. But nothing, absolutely nothing
He wanted the world to share his passion. can be achieved without an unending strong
He ignited the jogging phenomenon in the passion! For chasing your passion is as good
United States. The term also became the title as discovering the diamond within you! You
of his book, Jogging, selling a million plus have to do what you believe in and you have
copies. He helped define the sport of running be passionate about what you are doing!
as we know it today and helped people lead a As Martin Luther King Jr said: If you are a
better, healthy life derived from the joys and street sweeper, so be it. Clean your street so
benefits of jogging. well that others are forced to acknowledge
One passion: Running. your existence and feel that “here lived
And many facets: Educator, trainer, all-time a street sweeper who did his job well,”
great track and field legendary coach, ultra- because anything worth doing is worth doing
innovator, inventor, brand builder, successful passionately. Else, neither will you be happy,
Discover The Diamond In You / 40 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 41

nor will you sparkle, and interestingly, nor

will you earn money.
In the early 1960s, Srully Blotnik conducted
a research on 1500 people. These people were
divided into two groups and were observed
for 20 years! Group A made up 83% of the
sample and group B the remaining 17%. While
the former lot embarked on a career chosen
solely to make money, the latter chose a
career based upon their passions and did what
they wanted to do. In 1982, he published his
research findings. At the end of twenty years,
101 people went on to become millionaires.
Out of them, 100 were from the group which
decided to follow their passions!
I surely don’t need to say more about the
importance of passion. All I can say is that
all the other Ps that you will read about in
the following chapters are either byproducts
of passion or play only a supportive role
in success. Passion is all important and all
This ain’t a diamond!! pervasive.
Discover The Diamond In You / 42 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 43

The second

Success occurs of the

twice in life: discovery:

Once in your mind

once in reality! Linked very closely to passion, the other
characteristic which increases the carat of a
human diamond is the positive energy that
lies within us. The higher the positive energy,
the more our chances of achieving success.
All your passion can go waste, if it is not
backed up by a tremendous amount of positive
energy. That’s the force behind our passions.
And that’s what makes passionate men work
Discover The Diamond In You / 44 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 45

What happens when a one-tonne boulder falls This positive energy has two sources. One is
on you in a freak accident during a climbing external motivation. Someone else motivates
expedition, and the doctor amputates both your you and fills you with positive energy. Then, of
legs from the mid-thigh? Well, if you have course, the job is easier. But what when there
positive energy, then that is all that the doctor is no source of external motivation? Well,
can take when you are Warren Macdonald, an that’s when the real challenge comes. And
adventure enthusiast with a more than rock that’s when you look inside your own reserves
solid passion for living and daring beyond the and bring out your positivity. As Rabindra
boundaries of acceptance. After a successful Nath Tagore wrote, “Jodi tor dakshunekeo
amputation operation that took away his legs na aashe, tobeeklachalo re... [‘If nobody
but saved his life, the doctor announced to responds to your call, then walk it alone...’].”
Warren that he would not be able to walk That’s the spirit of self-motivated men.
ever again. But the doctor never said anything They motivate themselves and go after their
about not cycling, kayaking or climbing, dreams.
and totally underestimated the unbelievable “By 1980, I will be the best known Oriental
power of positive energy that lay within this movie star in the United States and will have
man! Thus, with tremendous positive energy secured $10 million. And in return, I will give
to back up his undying passion for adventure, the very best acting I could possibly give every
Warren went on to climb Africa’s tallest peak single time I am in front of the camera. And I
Mt Kilimanjaro, America’s tallest cliff face El will live in peace and harmony.”
Captain and Canada’s Weeping Wall! That’s The above are contents of a secret letter that
the power of positive energy for you! Bruce Lee wrote to himself. You can see it for
Discover The Diamond In You / 46 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 47

yourself, if you ever visit Planet Hollywood

in New York City.
The letter is dated 9 January 1970 and Bruce
Lee died in 1973 after having surpassed all
that he had decided for himself, much before
the ten years’ deadline he had set for himself.
How many times have you written a letter to
yourself? And made yourself a commitment
and motivated yourself to go after it and excel?
In my workshops all over the world, I always
mention, “Success occurs twice in life. Once
in your mind, in your beliefs and then once in
reality.” You can never be successful if you
don’t have the positive energy within you to
believe that you can. It is a medical fact that
when medicines fail, even cancer can be cured
with the help of positive energy! And the best
example of this is Lance Armstrong. Positive
energy can even fight real physical problems
to make you achieve the impossible, let alone
any other problem.
This ain’t a diamond!!
Discover The Diamond In You / 48 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 49

Sustained Sincerity:
The two most HOW WELL CUT
important words DIAMOND
that make IN YOU?
an achiever!
Discover The Diamond In You / 50 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 51

The third

Failure is not when of the

you don’t reach discovery:

your goals. It is
when you don’t
“Continuing the same behaviour and expecting
have any goal to a different result,” is how the organization
Alcoholics Anonymous defines ‘Insanity’.
reach! If you keep doing what you’ve always done,
you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got,
and only a mad man would think otherwise.
If you want things around you to change, you
need to be that change agent. You have got
do something more than what you’ve always
been doing. You need to act – now! You need
to perform and lead by example for others to
Discover The Diamond In You / 52 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 53

follow. This is where the hard work begins. Simply said, there is no short cut to success.
It’s the true test of the cut of the diamond in Nothing compares to the power of sincere and
you. dedicated hard work. The best success stories
Doctors, psychologists, coaches, mentors have been scripted by individuals who have
and just about everybody maintained that it never shied away from hard work, and have
was humanly impossible to cross a mile in performed when it mattered.
less than 4 minutes. Every athlete accepted The route to success is a four stage plan –
this as a norm, but not Roger Bannister, who if you can vividly imagine, ardently desire,
broke the barrier through sheer hard work. In genuinely believe in your dreams and act
1954, hailed now as the miracle run, he defied upon them wholeheartedly, there is no one
all logic as he sped past 45 others runners and who can stop you. The funny part is, most of
crossed the finishing line in 03:59:04 seconds. us are very good with imagining, passionately
History was created that day because it was his desiring and truly believing in our dreams,
hard work that gave shape to his passion. The but most of us forget the ‘act’ bit. As someone
high carat diamond had been cut very well! rightly said, “Some people dream of success.
The very next year, about two dozen people Others wake up and work hard at it.” That is
crossed the mile in less than 4 minutes. Today, the difficult part. You need to work, for the
this is an expected norm. love of it.
George Washington Carver, a chemist who Dreaming and believing is fine – it’s the
discovered over 325 uses for the peanut, once one who outperforms others, who wins. Anita
remarked, “99% of all failures come from Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, did
people who have a habit of making excuses.” not stop at just believing in the fact that one
Discover The Diamond In You / 54 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 55

needed to work for the less privileged, she

also went ahead and showed the world how.
Visiting remote tribal communities around
the world, searching for ingredients and then
bringing them back to her research department
to see if a beauty product could be created to
make her Western consumers look and feel
better, she developed a novel way of not just
doing business but of helping the community
too. She did whatever it required to connect
with the tribals – from travelling by elephants
in India, distributing condoms to truckers
entering red-light areas, to even going to the
extent of dropping her drawers to show some
tribal women her pubic hair just to connect
with them and clinch a deal.
“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing
and staring at the water,” said Rabindranath
Tagore. You need to be ready to go the extra
mile. The secrets of success will not work
until you do that.
This ain’t a diamond!! Christopher Reeve charmed the world
Discover The Diamond In You / 56 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 57

with his performance in the Superman movie You need to seize the day – make the most
series, and in 1978, during the Academy of every moment – for every moment matters.
Awards, wittily remarked that he had gained Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, and
stardom only because he looked like a cartoon yet, even today, he works 16-18 hours every
character. However, it was during the 1996 day. Malcolm Gladwell, in his new book
Academy Awards when the world actually Outliers, speaks of a study done in the 1990s
saw the true ‘Superman’ Christopher Reeve, by the psychologist K. Anders Ericsson,
when he came to the award function in a who studied musicians from Berlin’s elite
wheelchair. A riding accident had left him ‘Academy of Music’ and tracked the number
paralyzed from the neck down. That day, not of hours each top musician had practised
only did the Academy Award hall echo with during the past. Based on that, Gladwell
thunderous applause from the audience, but reveals that it’s nothing else but the number
the world over too, people marvelled at the of hours of practice that differentiates world
man’s indomitable spirit. Even a serious injury class performers from the not so good ones.
like that could not stop him from performing. The magic number Gladwell reaches is
He refused to let tragedy turn him into a 10,000 hours of practice. This is what is
martyr, and became a crusader for spinal cord required to become a master at anything
injuries. He spoke to large crowds of 20,000 – music, painting, chess, sports... Mozart
and motivated and inspired them. In fact, it’s produced his greatest compositions only after
his ‘real’ life performance on stage that left a he had composed music for more than twenty
greater impact on the world than his ‘reel’ life years – by which time, he had put in the
ones. Truly a Superman! desired 10,000 hours. If you need to succeed,
Discover The Diamond In You / 58 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 59

you need to start early in life – to be able to became a merit holder in his tenth and twelfth
clock those 10,000 hours. Warren Buffet, the boards, completed his Ph.D. and tried for 15
financial wizard, bought his first share at 11 years before making it to the IAS! Thus, the
years of age. Bill Gates wrote his first piece of fact remains that the only place where success
software at the age of thirteen. comes before work is in a dictionary.
When he was 15, he scored 100 not out in As the saying goes, talent is cheaper than
his debut first class match for Bombay against table salt. It is most overrated. What separates
Gujarat. He was the youngest Indian to score the talented from the successful is the sheer
a century on first class debut. He has gone dynamism of consistent hard work. A man who
on to score over 30,000 runs in International is energy, enigma personified, who electrifies
cricket. Yes, the man is Sachin Tendulkar, the stage with his sheer presence – Shah Rukh
whom Amitabh Bachchan called the ‘nation’s Khan – is the best example of what persistent
heartbeat,’ which keeps beating till he is on hard work and determination can do. Way
the field and stops when he’s out. It’s the back, heroes were tall, with booming voices.
accolades that the world sees. What they And without good connections, you couldn’t
forget is, when other children were enjoying survive in Bollywood. He defied all rules and
the joys of childhood, Sachin as a little boy sculpted his own success story – his way. He
was practising day in and day out relentlessly is a figure of admiration and is held in high
at the nets. esteem by all. Anyone who works with him
Maniram Sharma, a son of an illiterate knows that he has never failed to perform, and
farmer from a remote village in Alwar didn’t that’s the proof of how well cut a diamond he
get deterred by his 100% hearing disability. He really is.
Discover The Diamond In You / 60 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 61

The fourth

The result of your of the


journey is not PERSEVERANCE

the reward. The “The only people who never fail are those
who never try!” This quote sums up this ‘P’.
journey is the Show me a winner and I will show you how
true the fallacy of the term ‘overnight success’
reward! is. Every winner is a winner because he has
dared to fail. Consider some of these stories:
• This man was turned down by Toyota
Motor Corporation in a job interview for an
engineer during World War II. Soichiro did
not lose hope... He went on to start Honda.
• She was rejected by 20th Century Fox
as they thought she was unattractive. Little
did Fox realize that even years after her
Discover The Diamond In You / 62 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 63

death, Marilyn Monroe would remain the the long run. What matters is performing each
quintessential Hollywood diva everyone loves and every time and with exactly as much
to love. sincerity. And then, you sure are a very well
• His music teacher told him that as a cut diamond; and mind you, it is the cut of a
composer, he was hopeless. Beethoven’s diamond which requires the hardest work!
music lives on even now! Spielberg was put in a class for those with
They all showed the world one thing – if learning disabilities. Michael Jordan was taken
you believe in yourself, then irrespective out from his high school basketball team.
of what the world says, you must have the Vincent Van Gogh sold only one painting
perseverance to just keep doing what you in his lifetime. What made these ordinary
think you can – and you will surely. The failures into extraordinary success icons was
difference between successful persons and their ability to persist – to persist when no one
others is neither lack of strength, nor a lack of gave them a chance, to persevere when the
knowledge, but often, a lack of perseverance. world labelled them as failures.
In my organisation, Planman, every individual J. K. Rowling is the world’s first billionaire
is extremely passionate. Yet, many often fail. author; in fact, she faced such rejection
And I’ve realised that almost every single time, that few of us would have experienced. An
the reason is lack of what I call “sustained exceptionally short-lived marriage left her
sincerity,” or in other words, perseverance. jobless – a single parent as poor as it was
You can have a lot of passion and even deliver possible to be in modern Britain, she hit ‘rock
high value performance from time to time, bottom’. It was this experience of hitting rock
but that actually is worth almost nothing in bottom that became the solid foundation of
Discover The Diamond In You / 64 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 65

her life. Failure taught her to stop pretending

and doing what mattered most to her – writing.
An old typewriter, a dear daughter and her
imagination were all that she had to make do
with to shine, and she did survive.
Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic was a
new airline with lots of promises, and a threat
to its competitors. British Airways was a big,
old player in this business, yet Virgin’s entry
made it feel the heat and it took recourse to
every possible dirty trick to kill Virgin. It
snooped into Virgin’s confidential data and
found out which of its flights were delayed,
and then hired people who, with white
carnations on their lapels, would go scouting
for delayed Virgin passengers to persuade
them to transfer to BA. For a tiny start-up like
Virgin with a fleet of only seven aircraft, this
was a big blow. Every passenger lost meant
losses. As Branson admitted, “Had we only
had the airline, we would have gone under...
This ain’t a diamond!! The strength of other Virgin companies saved
Discover The Diamond In You / 66 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 67

us.” Yet, Branson did not give up. He fought Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computers,
back. He dared to file a case against this huge knows it best. At the age of 21, he and his friend
opponent for poaching its passengers. He Steve Wozniak made their first computer in
won! Jobs’ garage in 1976. By the time Jobs was 25,
Kiran Majumdar Shaw started her company he was worth $200 million and was featured
in her garage in Bangalore. She named it on TIME magazine’s cover at 26. In 1985, at
Biocon. It was in the business of making the age of 30, he was thrown out of his own
enzymes for industrial use. Back then, in the company by John Scully – the very man whom
1970s, no one understood enzymes and they Jobs himself had recruited into Apple when
definitely did not want to bet on a business if Scully was the head of marketing at Pepsi.
it had a woman as its head. Banks refused to Not many founders are made to resign from
loan her money without a male guarantor. She the very companies they have founded. Not to
could not find anyone who was ready to work be dissuaded, Jobs immersed himself into the
for her – not even a secretary. She did not cry formation of a new company NEXT. It was
foul and give up. She kept faith and stuck on a disaster. In the meanwhile, Apple realised
till she found a bank that was willing to take it was a mistake to have let go of Steve Jobs
a chance on her. In 2004, Biocon went public; and bought over NEXT, along with Jobs. The
and by the end of the first day of trading, the failure of NEXT did not worry Jobs for he
company had achieved a market value of then went on to form Pixar Inc. which created
$1.1 billion. Today, Kiran Majumdar Shaw is six of the biggest blockbuster animated films
India’s wealthiest woman. of all times, which together grossed more
Life can be quite a roller-coaster and Steve than $3.2 billion at box offices worldwide by
Discover The Diamond In You / 68 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 69

2005. These films made Jobs the most sought take adversity in your stride.
after man in Hollywood. The man went from Adversity of every kind is what Oprah
success to success. His iPod (launched in Winfrey faced since the beginning. Born
2003) and the digital jukebox iTunes changed into a poor family, she was molested by male
the music industry of the world. relatives and became pregnant at the tender
On 15 August 1992, Mani Ratnam’s movie age of 14. The girl carried on. Her job as a
Roja was released. The movie was a hit, news anchor was not too successful either.
but there was something else that rocked the She finally tasted her first success when she
film. It was the music rendered by a shy quiet became the co-host on a local talk show. Her
25-year-old debutante, A. R. Rahman, who own talk show created history. It made her
became a household name overnight – or so America’s number one celebrity. Today, she
the world thought. What escaped notice was is the most influential person in America. Not
the years of hardships faced and gruelling bad for a girl who received her first pair of
hard work that this young lad had put in when shoes at age six. She’s come a long way, done
his father unexpectedly passed away leaving everything, save one – she didn’t complain, or
the nine year old to take care of his mother blame others or destiny.
and sisters. Success teaches us very little – it is failure
Life sometimes proves to be a hard taskmaster that makes you think and work harder.
and makes you put up with the worst. But as J. Be prepared to fail, but have the perseverance
Paul Getty once said, “A man may fail many to try again and again. Success will not be far
times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to behind.
blame somebody else.” Stop complaining and
Discover The Diamond In You / 70 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 71

There has never WHAT IS THE COLOUR

been a great leader OF THE
without a great IN YOU?
Discover The Diamond In You / 72 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 73

The fifth

of the

The colour of the human diamond is

determined by an individual’s personality
and faith in one of the most important Ps for
success – People. A charismatic and pleasing
personality is one major aspect of success.
Personality hones in you the synergy effect.
Add a magnetic personality to your hard work
and perseverance and you can reach much
further than you can with hard work alone.
It’s not just great talent but a feeling of
This ain’t a diamond!! camaraderie and commitment within a team
Discover The Diamond In You / 74 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 75

that leads to its success. This can only happen – because there is nothing like good looking
when there is a leader who not only leads and bad looking (What’s ‘good looking’ in
from the front, but also loves his team; who America may be bad looking in Africa; what’s
understands each team member the most and good looking in Africa might be bad looking in
gives each one a task where the individual can Vietnam; and what’s good looking in Vietnam
excel. may be considered ugly in India!). ‘Looks’ is
In a leader, personality is more important about the first impression you give of yourself
than technical expertise. He has to have this to others, from the way you present yourself.
ability to create an aura of dynamism around A United Nations summit is the best example
him and bring in so much good cheer and of how leaders of a hundred plus nations – all
positive energy that it sets the right tone for the with different physical looks – come across
entire organisation and has a strong, positive as looking so good. Why? Because regardless
impact on group performance. of the colour of your skin and your physical
To become such a great leader and develop a appearance, when you stand in the UN summit
magnetic personality, you need to work day in wearing a white shirt, a fitting black suit, a red
and day out and groom yourself. You need to tie, well-polished shoes and hair neatly done,
become a great communicator and relentlessly you are bound to make a good impression.
follow the LAW of personality building. It doesn’t cost much either, but it decides if
And the law of personality stands for the other person is interested in speaking to
Looks, Actions and Words! These are the three you. Often, during an interview, from the
hallmarks of a great personality. ‘Looks’ is not time you walk into the room and take your
about how good looking you are physically seat, the interviewer has already decided not
Discover The Diamond In You / 76 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 77

to take you. That’s because he is searching Years after the first time that Dr Prannoy
for a surrogate for his organisation; and just Roy broke into our drawing rooms, he is
by looking at you, he might have decided he still one man whom we love to watch. Ever
doesn’t need you. And you are left wondering wondered why? That’s because there are very
why you were asked only two questions few people on television who can match better
before the interviewer let you go? So, the first his polished looks, amazing body language,
impression that you make is very important in actions and articulate and intelligent words.
life. It’s the same reason why we love to see
After looks, come your actions: The way Rajdeep Sardesai or Arnab Goswami – again
you walk, the way you use your hands while Dr Roy’s proteges – on TV.
speaking, the way you take the chair to sit, When STAR TV’s fortunes were dwindling,
the way you use eye contact while speaking... they roped in Amitabh Bachchan. He stormed
Everything is important! Because what you into our drawing rooms with his immaculate
have inside you is first reflected by your looks personality – a perfect example of the power
and then by your actions. It’s only when you of LAW of personality – and bowled us over.
have been able to make a favourable impression Talent apart, it’s his personality that took him
with your looks and actions that you are given to a level no one else had ever reached before,
a chance to use the ‘W’ of LAW, that is, your despite there being many other very talented
words. So, we must remember that despite people before him, including some superstars
having great knowledge, we might never even too!
be heard, if we aren’t able to use our looks and
actions properly before uttering any words!
Discover The Diamond In You / 78 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 79

The sixth

The job of the of the

leader is not to discovery:

create followers.
It is to create
During interviews, I am often asked how I
more leaders. manage an institute, a media house, a film
production company and a consulting firm,
Fearlessly. all together. I always say – and I mean it – “I
have got great people who run my businesses,
and I just give interviews!”
The truth is that if I were to do it alone, I
wouldn’t have been able to do a fraction of
what we do. But because I have a team of
extremely passionate people, a considerable
lot gets done. That’s the power of believing
Discover The Diamond In You / 80 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 81

in people. I have always believed that the ranking companies in the world. When asked
most important job of a leader is to find his about the secret of his success, Jack Welsh
replacement. Only then can he grow in life. said, “Great people, not great strategies, are
The graveyards, as they say, are full of people what made it all work!” ‘Teamwork’ works,
who thought they were indispensable and and it’s no secret. Years ago, Thomas Edison
could do it all by themselves. was asked why he had a team of twenty-one
It’s a big, bad, mad world out there, and in assistants. He replied, “If I could solve all the
this rat race for success, you are competing problems myself, I would.”
with people who are equally, if not more Nature is at its ferocious best on the
talented than you, and as competitive and Himalayas – ask any mountain climber and
determined. The way to take the lead then is he will have his share of horror stories to tell.
to have with you a great team. There is an Small and helpless, in front of the powers of
African saying, “If you want to go fast, go nature, mountaineers rely on one indispensable
alone; if you want to go far, go together.” ally – other mountaineers. For any successful
You need to have the ability and the knack climbing mission, teamwork is essential. It
of building a great team. It’s easy to get good was the strong bond of friendship and trust
players, but getting them to play together is that was, among other factors, responsible for
the hard part. the success of the first ascent of Everest. Sir
He was a railroad conductor’s son, who as a Edmund Hillary and TenzingNorgay would
child, suffered from a stuttering problem. Not probably have not been able to do it alone
many would have called him a leader, yet it’s in spite of being highly talented individually.
this man’s might that made GE one of the top Much similar to Michael Jordan, who in
Discover The Diamond In You / 82 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 83

spite of being supremely talented, failed

to win the NBA championship till he got a
team that complemented him. If there is one
sport where success depends on the power to
work in a team, it’s basketball. Five players
working together is a perfect setting for
getting that ultimate teamwork-experience.
Be it business or sports, the rules of success
remain more or less the same. Look at
Infosys and you have a classic example of
the powers of teamwork. It was a great team
(including Nandan Nilekeni and Kris Gopala
Krishnan along with Narayana Murthy) that,
with its hard work and commitment, could
build one of India’s greatest companies from
scratch. Many people knew that India had a
vast pool of English speaking, analytically
strong, technically talented personnel with
great work ethics (the perfect ingredients
for global success). Yet, it was only one man
and his team who were able to harness this
This ain’t a diamond!! energy, this pool of talent and nurture it into
Discover The Diamond In You / 84 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 85

a big business house. Murthy understood the

benefits of teamwork very early. When his
father taught him Western classical music,
he also showed Murthy how in Western
classical music, a group of people – maestros
in their own right – came together, overcame
their egos, and worked as a team to produce
something outstanding. Something that each WHAT IS THE CLARITY
one individually would never have been able OF THE
to do. Who could understand teamwork better
than Vince Lombardi, the one time football
coach for NFL. He said, “Teamwork is what IN YOU?
the Green Bay Packers were all about. They
didn’t do it for individual glory. They did it
because they loved one another...”
It can easily be said that are plenty of
success stories with only the first four P’s.
But when you add Personality and People
Skills it has a synergy effect and 1+1 is no
more 2; it becomes 11!! You want to multiply
your success score you got to focus on the
color of the human diamond!!
Discover The Diamond In You / 86 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 87

The seventh

of the

Perspective is the first P that helps us become

a spotless clear diamond! If you know where
you are travelling to and what you want in
life, everything else becomes clear, and
your journey reaps the maximum rewards.
Perspective requires personal as well as a
broader vision. The unfortunate reality in our
lives is that often, because we lack perspective,
we choose that path which gives us short-term
returns, but is harmful in the long run. Every
year, during the government budget exercise,
the entire Indian business community, without
This ain’t a diamond!! fail, displays its complete lack of perspective
Discover The Diamond In You / 88 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 89

for themselves as well as for the country. their profits would increase far more than what
They go to the finance minister and lobby for they would gain by lobbying for a percentage
short-term gains through reduction of petty reduction in excise duty. That’s what I mean
taxes here and there. Removal of poverty by perspective. We all need it in life to know
and providing purchasing power to the poor our way forward.
is never in the agenda they wish to lobby for. Ray Kroc was a salesman who, for a
Such a perspective (or absence of the same) decade and a half, sold multi-mixers to make
not only harms the nation immensely, but milkshakes. His largest customer was a
most importantly harms their own business California-based restaurant that used a mass
too. Due to a total lack of perspective, our production-cum-assembly line for making
business community doesn’t realise the hamburgers and sandwiches. He convinced
same. Nokia, Electrolux, HP, and similar the brothers who owned the company to sell
other corporations sell far more in China than the restaurant to him. At the age of 52, while
in India. Why? Because the Chinese people suffering from diabetes and arthritis, with his
have purchasing power and the government gallbladder and thyroid gland having been
works sincerely to lift them out of poverty. surgically removed, Ray Kroc was never
Today, we virtually live in a world owned by more sure in his life about what he wanted
the Chinese. Indian leaders – especially in to do. The McDonald brothers were so busy
business – due to their lack of perspective, working that they missed out on the long-
fail to realise that if the government were term potential of their plan. It required Ray
to focus on poverty eradication, their own Kroc’s vision to make McDonald’s the way
products would sell tens of times more, and we know it today.
Discover The Diamond In You / 90 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 91

A clear perspective gives you the insight and family and conversing with them around
and the guts to believe in your dreams and a dinner table – only this time, you did it
carry on. It was Mahatma Gandhi’s vision online with a mouse, not your mouth.
that helped free India. He knew it was only People thought Jeff Bezos was crazy –
and only through his ‘Satyagraha’ non- after all, who would buy books online. His
violent movement that India could appeal proved them wrong. His latest
to the moral conscience of Britain and make invention, Kindle (the e-reader) was mocked
them realize the unfairness of Colonial Raj. at too. Who wanted to read from a screen?
It was Ted Turner’s vision and his ability Well, too many I guess, considering the fact
to see the big picture that made him think out that Amazon ran out of Kindles in just a few
of the box to give birth to CNN. Cable news hours after its launch in November 2008.
changed the way the world watched news. Meg Whitman saw the strong potential
Sitting in his dorm room in Harvard, Mark for technology that could “change lives” and
Zuckerberg saw the immense potential of provide a level playing field where a new
an online ‘social graph’. Instead of using entrepreneur could compete with a large
the Internet to make new friends the way corporation in selling goods. E-bay grew
Myspace does, he thought it would be more from 30 employees to 15,000 with $8 billion
fun just keeping in touch with old friends and in revenue under the visionary leadership of
acquaintances. It was this plan that helped him Meg Whitman.
launch Facebook, which has today become a One wintry day in 1990, the founders of
giant new powerful model of word of mouth Infosys met in a small office. The excitement
communication. It was like meeting friends this time was something new. After nine years
Discover The Diamond In You / 92 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 93

of toiling hard, the company had received difference in the long run. “A PC on every
an enticing offer – a sum of $1 million desk in every home,” propelled Microsoft in
for selling Infosys. For hours, everyone the right direction for many years.
discussed animatedly how this would prove On a much lighter note, after being
to be a turning point in their careers, and how inspired by a bout between Muhammad Ali
with the extra money, they could all move on. and Chuck Wepner, Sylvester Stallone wrote
Finally, when it was Murthy’s turn to speak, the screenplay for Rocky. Many producers
he reminded them of the dream with which liked the script and were ready to pay him a
they had started the company and said that lot of money for it but refused his condition to
even if times were hard at the time, things cast him as well. Even with the lure of USD
would change if they had faith. The darkest 265,000 at a time when his bank balance
hours came just before dawn. It was Murthy’s was only USD 100, Stallone refused to lose
long-term perspective and foresight that made his perspective till he got what he wanted.
Infosys what it is today. Rocky was a runaway success and Stallone
Sergey Brin was a senior in Stanford was nominated for ten Academy Awards.
University where he met Larry Page. Even A clear perspective gives you the power
though their first meeting started with and courage to face even the greatest of
arguments, it was their common vision about problems with optimism. It becomes the
the potential of the web that led them to lay source of greatest motivation during your
the foundation of Google – the largest search darkest hours. A clear perspective shows you
engine of the world. the direction to follow when life brings you
The right perspective often makes the real to a crossroad.
Discover The Diamond In You / 94 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 95

The eighth

of the

Let there never be PRINCIPLES

any doubt about

what you stand for. The second P in our lives that helps us become
spotless clear diamonds are our principles. As
a consultant to some leading organisations, I
have realised that the biggest challenge at the
top level that leaders face in finding a second
man for themselves is the lack of principles and
ethics in people. For, by the time they reach
the top, they realise that those are principles
that make a man stand tall in the long run,
contrary to the popular belief that one needs to
be street smart in life – another way of saying
Discover The Diamond In You / 96 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 97

one needs to sacrifice principles in life – to they were failures. They tried and chased what
move ahead fast. It’s actually not true. All great they believed in. And for them, the journey
leaders worth naming, worth appreciating, was the reward. We must believe this and
have always stuck to their principles. That’s then we can never experience failure. For the
what takes them to the very top. Sacrifice man to whom the journey itself is the reward,
principles and you’ve put a big spot inside everything else is merely an add-on. And that’s
the diamond that will be revealed one day how we become clear diamonds.
or the other. That’s why it’s most important For decades, this man was denied the simple
for us to know the real definition of success. pleasure of watching the sun set – a view that
Success is not about the results. Success is used to fill him with the greatest happiness.
about the courage to undertake a journey that Nelson Mandela is a man who personifies
you believe in, as the title of Steve Jobs’ book struggles. He spent nearly three decades of his
says, “The journey is the reward.” That’s the life behind bars, endured hardships, yet never
true meaning of success for a principled man. ever did he compromise on his principles. It
And that’s what the Gita explains beautifully, was this that inspired others around him and
“Tu karmkiye ja, phalkichinta mat kar[Keep gave them strength and optimism.
working without worrying about the results].” Individuals and corporations need to live by
Yes, that’s what true diamonds do. They keep a set of values. A brand becomes famous and
doing what they believe in, what they know loved only when the leader behind it shows
is right, without worrying about results. Some integrity. Starbucks is so big because Howard
like Subhash Chandra Bose or Che Guevara Schultz ensured every cup of coffee made
never saw success. But that doesn’t mean that in his outlet was of the best quality, because
Discover The Diamond In You / 98 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 99

cutting corners could lead only to short-term

Her party won 82% of the seats in the 1990
elections, but the Junta regime refused to
hand over power. Instead, it imprisoned and
tortured members of her party and put Aung
San Suu Kyi under house arrest. The Junta
could arrest her but not stop her, and today her
struggle remains one of the most extraordinary
examples of civil courage.
It’s a wrong notion that to succeed you
need to be unethical. J.R.D Tata, India’s most
respected businessman for decades, showed
the world how one could succeed in business
while maintaining very high ethical standards.
Never did he bribe politicians or use the black
market to increase revenues. Today, the TATA
group remains India’s most respected business
house. Contrast this to the Satyam, Enron or
recently the Bernard Madoff scam – all their
top men are behind bars. This only shows that
This ain’t a diamond!! in the long run, it pays to be ethical.
Discover The Diamond In You / 100 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 101

The ninth

Inglorious is of the

that success, PATRIOTISM

which comes
without The final P of this discovery of the diamond
in you is patriotism! It is the final symbol
patriotism. of clarity of the human diamond. The most
dazzling of clear human diamonds, without
patriotism, will always show up dark spots,
when viewed under a magnifying lens! You
might be a high carat diamond which has been
cut meticulously and has a great colour, but
it’s the love for your country and for human
beings anywhere in the world that makes a
human diamond perfect! Patriotism makes
Discover The Diamond In You / 102 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 103

your success live forever. In the mid-1950s, in his country!

AkioMorita, the man behind Sony, rejected His poor borrowers today are better at
a huge order of a hundred thousand units for repaying their loans than many of the rich
his transistor radios at a time when he was who borrow from big banks!
struggling to find any takers for his products, It’s the same feeling with which Samuel
because the buyers said he could not brand Casas started Casas Bahia, an organisation
his radio. For Akio, his country came first. in Brazil that runs with the sole aim of
Five years later, while walking on New York’s increasing the standard of living of Brazilians
Fifth Avenue, Akiorealised that many nations – especially of those below the poverty line.
except Japan had their flags on display on top It’s an organisation with its heart at the right
of the avenue’s stores. He made it his mission place. Explaining his stance, Samuel says,
to fly the first Japanese flag there. Two years “My talent is trusting the poor and giving
later, 1962 became a hallmark year as it them good service. Many poor have a better
was the first time since World War II that character than the rich. I was poor once.”
the Japanese flag was unfurled formally on The Chinese today have turned their backs
American soil. What a day it must have been! on all things Western – from designer wear
Sony was able to make the world look up to to cars. The no. 1 selling car in China is
Japan. And the rest, as they say, is history. Chery, the no. 1 selling cola in rural China
It was this patriotic fervour that made is the Chinese company Wa Ha Ha’s Future
Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus start the Cola. Be it these two or China Mobile, Gree
Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. He gave loans Electronics, Haier or Lenovo, behind all
to poor women, who were the most neglected these success stories is a story of patriotism
Discover The Diamond In You / 104 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 105

and urge to make the Chinese flag fly high!

On the contrary, while India has amongst
the maximum billionaires in the Forbes top
hundred billionaires list, unfortunately India
doesn’t have a single brand in the top hundred
list of global brands. There is no other P that
is worth sacrificing more for in life, business,
sports or politics than patriotism.
It is this urge to bring glory to India that
made Dronacharya Award winner, Jagdish
Singh, Boxing coach of Olympic medalist
Vijendra Singh, start the Bhiwani boxing
club with his provident fund money and a 4
lac rupee loan from the Gramin Bank. Single-
handedly, he brought glory to India. Three of
his students qualified for the quarter finals at
the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
The world’s greatest ever revolutionary,
Che Guevara, was an Argentinian who
fought for the Cuban revolution, left his
ministerial post in Cuba to go and fight for
This ain’t a diamond!! Congo, and Bolivia – where he finally met
Discover The Diamond In You / 106 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 107

his end. For him, the world where there was

any exploitation was his home. He lost most
of the wars he fought. But he was a sparkling
diamond like no other. The great Frenchman
Satre called him not only an intellectual, but
also the most complete human being of our
age. Che said, “Failure does not necessarily
mean that the cause you were fighting for was
not worth it.” A graffiti scrawl in Spanish on
the wall of the public telephone office in the DIAMOND!
little town of Vallegrande in Bolivia where NOW DAZZLE!
Che was executed, reads: “Che – alive, as
they never wanted you to be!”
If you want to find that dazzling and clear
diamond in you, never forget to love your
country and the people of the world on the
whole, especially the underprivileged and the
exploited. Life becomes worth living when
patriotism is what drives your passions. And
the discovery of the diamond in you becomes
Discover The Diamond In You / 108 Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri / 109

In trying times,
I hope you now know the powerful principles
never stop trying! of discovering the diamond in you. You are
a diamond! And now, all you have to do is
After all, the never miss out on any of these 9 points in
exactly the same sequence. Of course, that’s
word ‘diamond’ not to say that the last Ps are not as important
as the initial ones – in fact, I mentioned in
originates from the previous chapter that patriotism is worth
sacrificing the most for! But having said that,
the Greek word it is true that even without patriotism, you
can be successful; it’s just that your success
‘adamas’, meaning won’t be as glorious. And lastly, never forget
that more than the final outcome – as I wrote
unconquerable! in the chapter on principles – success is about
the passionate effort that you put in trying
to do what you believe in. The results will
always follow, especially when you have put
into practice all these 9ps. Now go ahead.
Practice them. And dazzle in life!



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The Year 1963; a dream; a proposal to pt Jawaharlal Nehru, the then

Prime Minister of India, to set up an institute under the name of
“Institute for Planning and Administration of National Economy”;
A study tour of Europe and A man; the roots of an institute with a
difference; an institute oriented towards the promotion of corporate
growth, based on innovation and entrepreneurship in harmony with
national economic planning objectives, aiming at a sustainable
and ethically acceptable growth rate. This was conceptualised by
an eminent professor of IIM Bangalore, Dr MK Chaudhuri. He
travelled extensively across Europe to study similar institutions and
The Indian Institute of Planning and Management was formally
registered in the year 1973.


what happened since the year 1973...

what makes IIPM the most unique institute in the country...

what makes the maximum number of students join IIPM every

year and remain crazy about it...

which paper Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri is teaching in the current


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