Plastilina Patentes

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US009 193859B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,193,859 B2

Cordova (45) Date of Patent: *Nov. 24, 2015
(54) PLAY MODELING DOUGH 4,259,190 A 3/1981 Fahey
4,361,508 A 11/1982 Bourland
(71) Applicant: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo, CA (US) 4,537,944 A 8, 1985 Imai.
4.575,460 A 3/1986 Alapi
4,690,829 A 9, 1987 USui
(72) Inventor: Abimael Cordova, La Mirada, CA (US) 4,877,566 A 10/1989 Cha
(73) Assignee: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo, CA (US) 2. A E. Shya
5,090,643 A 2, 1992 S
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,093,146 A 3, 1992 Rando
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,147,665 A 9, 1992 Furcsik
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 5,157,063 A 10/1992 Wetherell
5,171,766 A 12, 1992 Mari
This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- 5,258.437 A 1 1/1993 E.
claimer. 5,364,892 A 11, 1994 Miller
5,395,873 A 3, 1995 Mizoule
(21) Appl. No.: 14/157,801 5,429,834 A 7/1995 Addesso
9 5.490,876 A 2f1996 Warmerdam
(22) Filed: Jan. 17, 2014 5,498,645 A 3, 1996 Mariano
5,506,280 A 4, 1996 Miller
O O 5,559,186 A 9/1996 Fujii
(65) Prior Publication Data 5,571,546 A 1 1/1996 Kristinus
US 2014/020O281 A1 Jul. 17, 2014 5,573,981. A 1 1/1996 Sato
5,597,593 A 1/1997 Lebensfeld
5,703,160 A 12/1997 Dehennau
Related U.S. Application Data 5,972,092 A 10/1999 Cordova
5.990,205 A 11, 1999 Cord
(63) Continuation of application No. 13/309,076, filed on 6,083,127 A T/2000 SE"
Dec. 1, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,633,269. 6,134,856 A 10/2000 Khan et al.
6,159,117 A 12/2000 Chan
(60) Prsional application No. 61/418,538, filed on Dec. 6,180.255 B1 1/2001 Valentini et al.
s 6,218,461 Bl 4, 2001 Schwabe
(51) Int. Cl. (Continued)
COSL 53/00 (2006.01)
C08L 3/04 (2006.01)
CSK 3/00 (2006.01) RE EEA ''ES
CSK5/00 (2006.01) EP 2196.500 A1 6, 2010
CSK5/0 (2006.01) FR 2880944 A1 7, 2006
CSK 5/II (2006.01) GB 2040959. A 9, 1980
(52) U.S. Cl GB 2O72682 A 10, 1981
AV e. we JP 50O32238 A 3, 1975
CPC ............... C08L 53/00 (2013.01); C08K 3/0033 JP 4077352 A 3, 1992
(2013.01); C08K5/0008 (2013.01); C08K5/01 MX 2003.010235 A 6, 2005
(2013.01); C08K 5/II (2013.01); C08L 3/04 WO 9420984 A1 9, 1994
(2013.01); COSL 99/00 (2013.01) WO 99.09.095 A1 2/1999
(58) Field of Classification Search
USPC ................................ 524/47, 52, 68,448, 505 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
See application file for complete search history. Search Report and Written Opinion from Corresponding PCT Appli
(56) References Cited cation No. PCT/US2011/062867, mailed Jul. 20, 2012, 8 pages.
Primary Examiner — Vu A Nguyen
2,025,123 A 12, 1935 Rahbek (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Edell, Shapiro & Finnan,
2,578,105 A 12/1951 Taylor LLC
3,074,803 A 1/1963 McGowan, Jr.
3,179,980 A 4/1965 Ryan
3,393,890 A 7, 1968 Lemelson
3,590,749 A 7, 1971 Burns (57) ABSTRACT
3,607,794. A 9, 1971 Abbotson et al.
3,676.387 A 7, 1972 Lindlof The present invention is directed toward a play composition
3,723,132 A 3/1973 Hodge
3,741,706 A 6/1973 Conley including a polymeric binder and oil. In an embodiment, the
3,843,827 A 10, 1974 Lee binder is a hydrogenated triblock copolymer including Sty
3,886,112 A 5, 1975 Watson rene. The oil is a mineral oil. The composition may further
3,925,567 A 12, 1975 Abe include a plasticizer, a release agent, and one or more fillers.
3,982,032 A 9, 1976 Koizumi
3,989,790 A 11, 1976 Bruner
4,236,715 A 12/1980 Middlebrook
4,257,613 A 3/1981 Meyer Thor Straten 20 Claims, No Drawings
US 9,193,859 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited 7,554,787 B2 6/2009 Pelrine et al.

7,563,830 B2 7/2009 Errington
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 7,700,151 B2 4/2010 Paul et al.
7,773,363 B2 8, 2010 Pelrine et al.
6,287,622 B1
6.348,534 B1
9/2001 Martinez-Serna Villagran
2/2002 Bianco
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7,553,508 B1 6/2009 Wainwright * cited by examiner
US 9, 193,859 B2
1. 2
PLAY MODELING DOUGH another embodiment, the binder is a styrenic block copolymer
with a midblock of ethylene-ethylene/propylene, namely, a
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED styrene-(ethylene-ethylene/propylene)-styrene (SEEPS)
APPLICATIONS thermoplastic copolymer having styrene content of about 30
wt % (e.g., SEPTON 4044, 4055, and 4077, available from
This application is a continuation of prior U.S. Non-Pro Kuraray Co., Ltd., Houston, Tex.). In still another embodi
visional patent application Ser. No. 13/309,076, filed Dec. 1, ment, the binder is a styrenic block copolymer with a mid
2011, which is based upon and claims priority under 35 block of ethylene/propylene, namely, a styrene-ethylene/pro
U.S.C. 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. pylene-styrene (SEPS) thermoplastic copolymer having a
61/418,538, filed Dec. 1, 2010. The disclosures of U.S. Pro 10 styrene content of about 10-15 wt % (e.g., SEPTON 2063,
visional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/418,538 and U.S. available from Kuraray Co., Ltd., Houston, Tex.).
Non-Provisional patent application Ser. No. 13/309,076 are The copolymer binder may be present in the composition
in an amount of about 2 wt % to about 60 wt %. In an
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety for all pur
poses. embodiment, the amount of copolymer binder is present in an
15 amount of about 3 wt % to about 15 wt %. By way of example,
FIELD OF THE INVENTION the copolymer binder is present in an amount of about 5 wt %
to about 11 wt % (e.g., about 6 wt %). In another embodiment,
The present invention is directed toward a play modeling the copolymer binder is present in an amount of about 35 wt
dough for children and, in particular, toward an oil-based % to about 55 wt %.
modeling dough composition including a thermoplastic The oil may be white oil such mineral oil (liquid paraffin)
copolymer binder. and, in particular, light white mineral oil (e.g., DrakeolR 9
and 10, available from Calumet Specialty Products Partners,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Indianapolis, Ind.). The oil may be present in an amount of
about 4 wt % to about 80 wt %. The oil may form the largest
Play modeling dough compositions not only amuse chil 25 component (by weight percent) of the composition. By way
dren, but also aid in the development of manual skills, dex of example, the oil is present in an amount of about 40 wt %
terity, and creativity. These dough compositions create mal to about 70 wt %. In an embodiment, the oil is present in an
leable materials that may be manipulated and shaped by the amount of about 42 wt % to about 52 wt % (e.g., about 48 wit
child. Conventional dough compositions are typically water %). In another embodiment, the oil is present in an amount of
containing formulations utilizing starch as a binder. Over 30 about 60 wt % to about 80 wt % (e.g., about 70 wt %).
time, the water in the composition evaporates, and the starch The modeling dough composition may further include a
undergoes retrogradation, causing the dough to dry out and plasticizer effective to impart additional flexibility to the
toughen. Consequently, conventional dough compositions copolymer binder. In an embodiment, the plasticizer is a citric
have a tendency to flake, crack, shrink, and crumble, in addi acid ester. By way of example, the citric acid ester is acetyltri
tion to possessing poor plasticity. 35 n-butyl citrate (e.g., Citrofol. R. BII, available from Jungbun
Thus, it is desirable to provide a play modeling dough zlauer Suisse AG, Basel Switzerland). The plasticizer may be
composition that resists drying, is easily malleable, and present in an amount of about 3 wt % to about 10 wt % (e.g.,
retains its color during use. about 4-8 wt %).
The play modeling dough composition of the present
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 40 invention may also include a release agent. In an embodi
ment, the release agent may be a silicone compound. By way
The present invention is directed toward a play composi of example, the release agent is siloxane fluid Such as poly
tion including a polymeric binder and oil. In an embodiment, dimethylsiloxane (dimethicone) (e.g., XiameterR 200 fluid,
the binder is a hydrogenated triblock copolymer including available from Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, Mich.).
styrene and the oil is a mineral oil. The composition may 45 The release agent may be present in the dough composition in
further include a plasticizer, a release agent, and one or more an amount of about 1 wt % to about 4 wt % (e.g., about 2 wt
fillers. %).
The modeling dough composition of the present invention
DETAILED DESCRIPTION may further include one or more filler materials. The filler
50 materials include starch, modified Starch, plastic micro
The basic composition for the moldable dough of the spheres (hollow or Solid), flour, talc, calcium carbonate, cel
present invention includes a polymeric binder and oil. Spe lulose fibers, mica, clays, silicates, diatomaceous earth, and
cifically, the moldable dough may be dough-based or a combinations thereof. By way of example, dough composi
binder-based. The binder of the present invention is a ther tion may contain one or more of the following: 0 wt % to
moplastic triblock copolymer binder (A-B-A). Preferably, the 55 about 25 wt % flour; 0 wt % to about 10 wt % modified starch
polymer is a hydrogenated Styrenic copolymer possessing a (e.g., waxy starch derived from waxy maize); 0 wt % to 35 wt
polystyrene content of up to about 35 wt.% to provide desired % diatomite: 0 wt % to about 5 wt % dry expanded plastic
elongation characteristics (the percent polystyrene may be microspheres; and 0 wt % to about 10 wt.% talc.
tested before hydrogenation). The copolymer may be a linear By way of specific example, the dough composition may
copolymer. In an embodiment, the block copolymer may 60 include one or more of the following fillers: unbleached flour
possess a styrene content of about 10 wt % to about 30 wt %, in an amount of about 5 wt % to about 18 wt %: modified
depending upon the composition of the midblock. In an starch (e.g., COLFLO 67, available from National Starch,
embodiment, the binder is a styrenic block copolymer with a Bridgewater, N.J.) in an amount of about 12 wt % or more
midblock of ethylene/butylene, namely, a styrene-etylene/ (e.g., about 14 wt %); flux calcined diatomaceous earth (e.g.,
butylene-styrene (SEBS) thermoplastic copolymer having a 65 CeliteR 281, available from World Minerals, Inc., Santa Bar
styrene content of about 30 wt % (e.g., Kraton R G1650, bara, Calif.) in an amount of about 3 wt % to about 16 wt %;
available from Kraton Polymers LLC, Houston, Tex.). In plastic microspheres having a particle size of approximately
US 9, 193,859 B2
3 4
35-55 um (e.g., Expancel(R) 461 DE 40 D25, available from TABLE I
Azko Nobel, Amsterdam, Netherlands) in an amount of about Approximate
1 wt % to about 3 wt % (e.g., about 1.5 wt %); hydrophobic Ingredient Weight %
silica having a particle size of approximately 5-15 um (e.g.,
Dow Corning RVM-2270 Aerogel Fine Particles, available Light White Mineral Oil (Drakeol (R) 10)
Calcined Diatomaceous Earth
from Dow Corning, Midland, Mich.) in an amount of about 2 Modified Starch 14.24
wt % to about 6 wt % (e.g., about 4 wt %); and talc in an Flour (unbleached) 5.65
amount of about 5 wt % to about 8wt % (e.g., about 6wt %). SEBS Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650)
Acetyltributyl Citrate
The modeling dough composition of the present invention 10 Polydimethylsiloxane Fluid 2.03
may also include additives such as preservatives, whitening Methylparaben (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.2O
agents (e.g., titanium dioxide), matting agents, fragrance, Propylparaben (propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.15
Titanium Dioxide O.OS
and/or colorants. By way of example, the preservative may Fragrance O.OS
include, but is not limited to, phenoxyethanol, methylpara Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series Pigments) 1.35
ben, ethylparaben, butlyparaben, propylparaben, isobutylpa 15
raben and combinations of two or more of the above. Typical To form the modeling composition, ajacketed mixing tank
colorants include FD&C Powder Series colorants (available is charged with mineral oil. The acetyltributyl citrate and the
from Sensient Technologies Corporation, Milwaukee, Wis.) SEBS binder are slowly added to the tank. The resulting
and DayGloR T-Series colorants (available from DayGlo mixture is then heated to approximately 120°C., being stirred
Color Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio). Pigments such as yel constantly until the binder dissolves. The heat is disengaged
low iron oxide, black iron oxide, brown iron oxide, and red and the mixture cooled to approximately 100°C. In a separate
iron oxide may also be utilized as the colorant. The formula mixer, the diatomaceous earth, modified Starch, pigments,
tion may further include luminescent pigments such as stron and preservatives are combined, and then mixed for approxi
tium oxide aluminate phosphorescent pigments (e.g., Lumi 25
mately five minutes until completely dispersed. While mix
nova R G-300, available from United Mineral & Chemical ing, the release agent (polydimethylsiloxane) and fragrance
Corp., Lyndhurst, N.J.), as well as thermochromic pigments are added. Once added, the previously prepared binder mix
(e.g., thermochromic ink, available from Pilot Ink Co., Ltd. ture is added to the diatomaceous earth mixture. The com
Aichi, Japan). Typical matting agents include silica gels (e.g., bined mixture is then mixed until the resulting composition is
synthetic amorphous silica gel Such as Syloid R, available 30
from WR Grace, Augusta, Ga.). Typical fragrances include The resulting dough possesses a specific gravity of
scented or masking oils. Each of these additives is typically approximately 10 (e.g., 9.5-10.5, measured at 24°C.), a den
present in amounts less than about 5 wt %. sity of about 10 (e.g., 9.5-10.5, measured at 24°C.), and a
durometer (Shore A) value of 45-75. The penetrometer mea
By way of specific example, the composition may include Surement (5 Seconds at 24°C.) of the dough is approximately
one or more of the following additives: about 0.05 wt %-about 100 (e.g., 80-120). The dough is thermally conductive,
1.5 wt % titanium dioxide; about 0.2 wt % methyl-4-hydroxy becoming rigid at cold temperatures (temperatures of 15° C.
benzoate (e.g., Nipagin RM from Clariant International Ltd, or less), soft at warm temperatures (temperatures of 40°C. or
Frankfurt, Germany); about 0.15 wt % propyl-4-hydroxyben more).
Zoate (e.g., Nipasol R. M. available from Clariant Interna 40
Lightweight Nondrying Modeling Dough Composition
tional Ltd, Frankfurt, Germany); 2-pheoxyethanol (e.g., Phe Lightweight, nondrying modeling dough was formed
noxetol(R), available from Clariant International Ltd, using the following formulation (Table II):
Frankfurt, Germany) present in an amount of about 0.4 wt %;
about 0.15 wt % ethyl-4-hydroxybenzoate (e.g., Nipasin A, TABLE II
available from Clariant International Ltd, Frankfurt, Ger 45 Ingredient Approximate Weight%
many); masking agent/fragrance (e.g., Vanilla) present in an
amount of about 0.05 wt % to about 0.10 wt %; and amor Mineral Oil (Drakeol (R) 10) 67.79
phous silica gel matting agent having a particle size of about SEBS Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 10.25
Acetyltributyl Citrate 8.36
3 um (e.g., Syloid R. 244, available from WR Grace, Augusta, Amorphous Silica Gel 4...SO
Ga.) present in an amount of about 1 wt %-2 wt %. 50 Calcined Diatomaceous Earth
Polydimethylsiloxane Fluid
Thus, the base comonents of the modeling dough (i.e., oil Dry Expanded Plastic Microspheres 1...SO
and triblock copolymer binder) are provided in amounts Phenoxetol (2-phenoxyethanol)
Methylparaben (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate)
effective to form dough that is moldable, extrudable, and Propylparaben (propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.15
highly resistant to drying. The dough composition further 55 Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) 1.25
demonstrates improved plasticity, dry strength, and resis
tance to dry shrinkage compared to conventional (water con To form the modeling composition, ajacketed mixing tank
taining) dough compositions. is charged with the mineral oil. The acetyltributyl citrate and
Specific formulations of the modeling dough composition the SEBS binder are added slowly. The resulting mixture is
are provided in the following examples. 60 heated to approximately 120° C. under constant stirring until
the binder is dissolved. The heat is disengaged and the mix
EXAMPLES ture cooled to approximately 100°C. In a separate mixer, the
diatomaceous earth, the silica gel, microspheres, colorant
Regular Weight Nondrying Modeling Dough Composition pigments, and preservatives are combined and then mixed for
65 approximately five minutes until completely dispersed. Dur
A regular weight, non-drying modeling dough was formed ing mixing, polydimethylsiloxane is added. Once added, the
using the following formulation (Table I): previously prepared binder mixture is added to the diatoma
US 9, 193,859 B2
5 6
ceous earth mixture. The combined mixture is mixed until the pletely dispersed. During mixing, the polydimethylsiloxane
resulting dough is homogenous. and fragrance are added. Once added, the previously prepared
Photochromic Nondrying, Modeling Dough Composition binder mixture is added to the diatomaceous earth mixture.
A photochromic, nondrying modeling dough composition The combined mixture is mixed until a homogenous dough
was formed utilizing the following formulation (Table III): 5 forms.


Approximate Approximate
Ingredient Weight% 10 Ingredient Weight %
Mineral Oil 45.17 Mineral Oil 44.35
Calcined Diatomaceous Earth 13.60 Flour (unbleached) 18
Modified Starch 12.70 Calcined Diatomaceous Earth 17.25
Photochromic Powder 1O.OO SEBS Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 6.50
SEBS Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) S.80 Talc 6.35
Flour (unbleached) S.10 15 Thermochromic Ink 3.00
Acetyltributyl Citrate 4.23 Acetyltributyl Citrate 3.SO
Polydimethylsiloxane 18O Polydimethylsiloxane 1
Methylparaben (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.20 Colorant 1.60
Ethylparaben (ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.15 Methylparaben (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.2O
Titanium Dioxide O.15 Propylparaben (propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.15
Fragrance O.OS Titanium Dioxide O.2O-OSO
Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series Pigments) 1.OS Fragrance O.10

To form the modeling composition, a jacketed mixing tank Luminescent, Nondrying Modeling Dough Composition
is charged with the mineral oil. The acetyltributyl citrate and A luminescent, nondrying modeling dough composition
the SEBS binder are added slowly. The resulting mixture is was formed utilizing the following formulation (Table VI):
heated to approximately 120° C. under constant stirring until
the binder is dissolved. The heat is disengaged and the mix TABLE VI
ture cooled to approximately 100°C. In a separate mixer, the Ingredient Approximate Weight%
diatomaceous earth, flour, modified starch, colorants, photo 30
chromic pigments, titanium dioxide, and preservatives are Mineral Oil (Drakeol (R) 10) 70.35
combined and then mixed for approximately five minutes SEBS Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 9.96
Acetyltributyl Citrate 8.65
until completely dispersed. During mixing, fragrance and Strontium Oxide Aluminate Pigment 6.30
polydimethylsiloxane are added. Once added, the previously Trimethylated silica gel 4.20
prepared binder mixture is added to the diatomaceous earth Methylparaben (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.2O
35 Propylparaben (propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.15
mixture. The combined mixture is mixed until a homogenous Fragrance O.OS
dough forms. Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) O.14
Thermochromic Nondrying, Modeling Dough Composi
A thermochromic, nondrying modeling dough composi 40
To form the modeling composition, ajacketed mixing tank
tion was formed utilizing the following formulation (Tables is charged with the mineral oil. The acetyltributyl citrate and
IV and V): the SEBS binder are added slowly. The resulting mixture is
heated to approximately 120° C. under constant stirring until
TABLE IV the binder is dissolved. The heat is disengaged and the mix
ture cooled to approximately 100°C. In a separate mixer, the
Approximate luminescent pigment, silica gel, colorant, and preservatives
Ingredient Weight% are combined and then mixed for approximately five minutes
Mineral Oil 48 until completely dispersed. During mixing, fragrance is
Calcined Diatomaceous Earth 14 added. Once added, the previously prepared binder mixture is
Modified Starch 14
added to the pigment mixture. The combined mixture is
SEBS Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 6 mixed until the resulting dough is homogenous.
Thermochromic Colorant 6
Flour (unbleached) 5 Additional exemplary of formulations of the nondrying
Acetyltributyl Citrate 4 dough composition in accordance with embodiments of the
Polydimethylsiloxane 2 present invention are provided below, with reference to
Methylparaben (methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.20 Tables VII-XI.
Ethylparaben (ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate) O.15 55
Titanium Dioxide O.OS
Fragrance O.OS TABLE VII
Ingredient Approximate Weight%
To form the modeling composition, a jacketed mixing tank is Mineral Oil 46-48
charged with the mineral oil. The acetyltributyl citrate and the 60
Flour (unbleached) 15-17
SEBS binder are added slowly. The resulting mixture is Calcined Diatomaceous Earth 14-19
heated to approximately 120° C. under constant stirring until Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 6-7
the binder is dissolved. The heat is disengaged and the mix Acetyltributyl Citrate 5
Talc 3-7
ture cooled to approximately 100°C. In a separate mixer, the Polydimethylsiloxane 2
diatomaceous earth, flour, modified Starch, thermochromic 65 Methylparaben O.2O
pigments, titanium dioxide, and preservatives are combined Propylparaben O.15
and then mixed for approximately five minutes until com
US 9, 193,859 B2
7 8
TABLE VII-continued resistance to dry shrinkage when compared to modeling
dough compositions lacking the triblock polymer and oil
Ingredient Approximate Weight% formulation.
Titanium Dioxide <0.40 While the present invention has been described in detail
Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) <2 and with reference to specific embodiments thereof, it will be
apparent to one skilled in the art that various changes and
modifications can be made therein without departing from the
spirit and scope thereof. For example, the fillers may possess
any size and shape Suitable for its intended purpose. Thus, it
Ingredient Approximate Weight% 10 is intended that the present invention covers the modifications
Mineral Oil 73.50
and variations of this invention provided they come within the
Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 10.40
Scope of the appended claims and their equivalents. The ref
Acetyltributyl Citrate 7.8O erence to weight percents includes the weight percent of the
Polydimethylsiloxane 3.20 component in the completed dough, unless noted otherwise.
Dry Expanded Plastic Microspheres 2.20 15 Although the disclosed inventions are illustrated and
Methylparaben O.20
Propylparaben O.15 described herein as embodied in one or more specific
Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) 2.50 examples, it is nevertheless not intended to be limited to the
details shown, since various modifications and structural
changes may be made therein without departing from the
Scope of the inventions. In addition, various features from one
TABLE IX of the embodiments may be incorporated into another of the
Ingredient Approximate Weight% embodiments. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the inven
tion be construed broadly and in a manner consistent with the
Mineral Oil
Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650)
Scope of the disclosure.
Acetyltributyl Citrate 7.40
25 Having described preferred embodiments, it is believed
Polydimethylsiloxane 3 that other modifications, variations and changes will be Sug
Flour (Unbleached) 6 gested to those skilled in the art in view of the teachings set
Dry Expanded Plastic Microspheres 1...SO forth herein. It is therefore to be understood that all such
Methylparaben O.20
Propylparaben O.15 variations, modifications and changes are believed to fall
Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) 2.50 30 within the scope of the present invention as defined by the
appended claims. Although specific terms are employed
herein, they are used in a generic and descriptive sense only
and not for purposes of limitation.
TABLE X What is claimed is:
Ingredient Approximate weight% 35 1. A moldable dough composition resistant to drying, the
composition including:
Mineral Oil 46-47 a binder comprising an A-B-A triblock copolymer;
Flour (Unbleached) 15 at least one filler material selected from the group consist
Flux Calcined Diatomaceous Earth 14.50
Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 6.50 ing of starch, modified starch, flour, diatomaceous earth,
Modified Starch 7 40 and mixtures thereof, and
Acetyltributyl Citrate 5 an oil.
Polydimethylsiloxane 2
Methylparaben O.20 2. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the at least
Propylparaben O.15 one filler material comprises at least one of starch, modified
Titanium Dioxide Kowet O.SO starch, and flour.
Fragrance O.45 45 3. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the block
Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) 2.50 copolymer binder is a styrenic block copolymer.
4. The dough composition of claim 3, wherein the block
copolymer binder possesses a styrene content of about 35%
TABLE XI or less.
50 5. The dough composition of claim 4, wherein the block
Ingredient Approximate Weight% copolymer binder is selected from the group consisting of a
Copolymer Binder (Kraton (R) 1650) 48 styrene-(ethylene/butylene)-styrene copolymer, a styrene
Flux Calcined Diatomaceous Earth 30 (ethylene-ethylene/propylene)-styrene copolymer, and a sty
Modified Starch rene-(ethylene/propylene)-styrene copolymer.
Mineral Oil
Acetyltributyl Citrate
55 6. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the block
Colorant (DayGlo (RT Series) copolymer binder is a styrene-(ethylene-ethylene/propy
Titanium Dioxide Kowet lene)-styrene thermoplastic copolymer having styrene con
Antifoam (Dow (R) FG-10) tent of about 30 wt %.
7. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the block
60 copolymer binder is a styrene-(ethylene/propylene)-styrene
The dough formulations provided in Tables VI-XI were thermoplastic copolymer having a styrene content of about
formed utilizing a process similar to that described for the 10-15 wt %
formulation of Table I. 8. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the binder is
The above described formulations provide a water-free present in the composition in an amount of about 2 wt % to
dough composition that was moldable, extrudable, and highly 65 about 60 wt %.
resistant to drying. The dough composition of the present 9. A modable dough composition resistant to drying, the
invention demonstrates improved plasticity, dry strength, and composition including:
US 9, 193,859 B2
9 10
a binding comprising an A-B-A triblock copolymer, an oil, wherein the oil is present in an amount of about 42
wherein the binder is present in the composition in an wt % to about 52 wt %.
amount of about 3 wt % to about 15 wt %: 17. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the oil is a
at least one filler material selected from the group consist white mineral oil.
ing of starch, modified starch, plastic microspheres, 5 18. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein:
flour, diatomaceous earth, and mixtures thereof; and the block copolymer binder is selected from the group
an oil. consisting of a styrene-(ethylene/butylene)-styrene
10. The dough composition of claim 9, wherein the binder copolymer, a styrene-(ethylene-ethylene/propylene)-
is present in the composition in an amount of about 3 wt % to styrene copolymer, and a styrene-(ethylene/propylene)-
about 10 wt %. 10 styrene copolymer,
11. The dough composition of claim 9, wherein the binder the styrene content of the block copolymer binder is up to
is present in the composition in an amount of about 6 wt %. about 35%;
12. The dough composition of claim 1 further comprising the binder is present in the composition in an amount of
a plasticizer. about 3 wt % to about 15 wt %; and
13. The dough composition of claim 9, further comprising 15 the oil comprises mineral oil present in the composition in
a plasticizer, wherein the plasticizer comprises a citric acid an amount of about 40 wt % to about 70 wt %:
eSter. and the dough composition further comprises a plasticizer
14. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the oil is present in an amount of about 3 wt % to about 10 wt %.
present in an amount of about 4 wt % to about 80 wt %. 19. The dough composition of claim 18, wherein:
15. The dough composition of claim 1, wherein the oil is the block copolymer binder possesses a styrene content of
present in an amount of about 40 wt % to about 80 wt %. about 10 wt.% to about 30 wt %, based on the weight of
16. A dough composition resistant to drying, the composi the polymer; and
tion comprising: the plasticizer comprises a citric acid ester.
a binder comprising an A-B-A triblock copolymer; 20. The dough composition of claim 16, wherein the binder
at least one filler material selected from the group consist 25 is present in the composition in an amount of about 2 wt % to
about 60 wt %.
ing of starch, modified starch, plastic microspheres,
flour, diatomaceous earth, and mixtures thereof; and

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