Text of MC-1
Text of MC-1
Text of MC-1
For the first thing, Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin is our expression to all praise and thanks to our GOD,
the master of the judgment The Creator of the creator, and because of ALLAH we can attend and gather
in this beautiful morning. May ALLAH always bless us and our agenda can run well.
For the second thing, our shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad
shalallahu 'alayhi wasalam, is the best character in this world and he has brought us from the darkness to
the brightness namely Islam. May ALLAH always bless him, his family and his followers, radhiAllahu
ta'ala anhum.
Now, standing in front of you all, I am Mistress/Master of ceremony, I am going to read the agenda in
this meeting.
The second agenda is reading of Holy Qur'an, followed by English and Indonesia translation
And being continued by announcement from our chief of meeting and our supervisor
Before stepping to the next agenda, Let's open our meeting today by reading " Basmallah " together
, in order that our meeting can run well from beginning to ending …
Thank you very much, and now, the second agenda is reading “Holy Qur'an ". It will be read by Ms.
/Mr ......................................from ... class while Indonesia translation by Mr/Ms............. from ...
class and English translation by Ms/ Mr. ..................... From class. The time is yours.
Thank you very much, may we all get Syafaat in this life and here after. Amin.
Ok, brothers and sisters, for the following agenda is giving speech by some speakers.
For the first speaker, let’s welcome to Mr. / Ms………………….. From ….. Class by the title
Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us. And now let's continue to the next speaker.
For the second speaker , Let’s welcome to Mr./Ms…………………… from …… class by the title
………………………………………….. , Time is yours.
Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us. And now let's continue to the other
For the third speaker , Let’s welcome to Mr. /Ms …………………………. from ….. class by the title
" ……………………………….." , Time is yours. Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us.
And now let's continue to the other speaker.
For the fourth speaker , Let’s welcome to Mr./ Ms. ……………………… from …… class by the title
"……………………………………………." Time is yours.
For the fifth speaker, Let’s welcome to Mr. /Ms. …………………………. From ……. class by the title "
…………………………………………….." , Time is yours..
For the sixth speaker , Let’s welcome to Mr. /Ms. ……………………….. from …. class by the
Thank you very much for your conclution. After listening some speakers let's welcome to
Mr./Ms…………… ….. from …….. class as conclusion maker. Time is yours
For the seventh speaker , Let’s welcome to Mr./ Ms. ……………………. from …... class by the title "
……………………………………………………". Time is yours.
Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us. And now let's continue to the other
For the eighth speaker , Let’s welcome to Mr . / Ms . ………………………… from ….. class by the title
"……………………………………………………….." Time is yours.
For the ninth speaker, Let’s welcome to Mr./Ms…………………….. from ……. class by the title
"………………………………………………………" Time is yours.
For the tenth speaker, Let’s welcome to Mr./Ms. ………………………… from … class by the title "
…………………………………………………….". Time is yours.
Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us.
For the eleventh speaker, Let’s welcome to Mr./Ms. ………………………… from … class by the title
" …………………………………………………….". Time is yours.
Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us . Before continueing to the following
speaker to members of RESTING TEAM, please leave this room to prepare your performance now! And now
let's continue to the other speaker.
For the tweleveth speaker, Let’s welcome to Mr./Ms.………………………from … class by the title "
…………………………………………………….". Time is yours.
Thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us After listening some speakers let's welcome to
Mr/ Ms………………… from ….. class as conclusion maker. Time is yours.Thank you very much for your
conclution. happy audiences for the next agenda that is resting program by ………….. class , for the
resting team, the floor is yours. Thank you very much for resting team that you have entertined us, for
the next agenda is corrections from some correctors
The first correction is Grammatical correction let’s welcome to Mr/Ms…………..... …From. …class. Time is
Thank you for your correction, may we not repeat those mistakes. And for the second corrector is
pronunciation. Let’s welcome to Mr. / Ms. ………………………. from ….. class. Time is yours
The next agenda is announcement from the committee of Smart Meeting. Let's welcome to
Ms./Mr……………………………..from…… class. Time is yours
Thanks very much. And the second announcement from our supervisor to Mom/ Mr. …..................time
is yours
Dear brothers and sisters , Now coming to the last agenda , that is " Closing " But, before closing this
program , I am as MC , Absolutely, I have many mistakes. So, please forgive me. Let's close the program
by reading” Hamdalah” together.
Thank you for your joining this meeting. May God bless us forever. The last I say