Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB
Good Morning/afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is Phita MS. It is a wonderful and
precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this beautiful day on wednesday, 23th
of November2012 in our event: “The Second Meeting Of MGMP English Pandeglang”.
First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy, and
mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles. Praise and salutation
upon our prophet Muhammad saw the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person
who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era.
In this beautiful moment, I would like to say welcome to Mrs.Vivi Nurmarini,M.Pd, as the
Leader of MGMP English Pandeglang of and All the caretaker of MGMP, All coordinators of
MGMP and of course all of my beloved friends here.
On this special event we have several agendas, So allow me to read several sequences of our
1. Well, to take advantage of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting "Basmalah"
2. Step on to the following agenda …………………………………..(Time is yours)
Thanks to ………………………………..
3. The third agenda is ……………………………………………..
4. The next Agenda is …………………………………………….
Thank you very much to ……………………..
5. Let’s keep on to the next agenda, that is …………………………...
The first Speeches will be delivered by ………………………,(Please, Time is yours)
The second Speeches will be delivered by ………, (Please, Time is yours)
Thank you very much to ………….,………………for the speech, may it useful
especially for her/ him, generally for all of us.
6. Now, let’s continue to the main Agenda, that is ……………………………..
Thank you very much to ……………………………………………………
7. The last agenda as the final agenda is closing and prayer. To close the program, Let’s
recite Hamdalah together.
Finally, from the deepest of my heart I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this event.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and to participated in our program to be a good
English teacher….
Thank you.