460 Series Process Pumps

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460 Series Process Pumps

ANSI B73.1M Standard

Flows to: 7,400 GPM

Heads to: 985 Feet
Temperatures to: 700° F
140 Years of Pump Manufacturing

American-Marsh Pumps, one of the oldest years, American-Marsh Pumps products have
pump lines in America, are pump products provided cost effective solutions by building
steeped in heritage. Since 1873, the American- pumps to last. Durability by design is always the
Marsh line of pumps has withstood the test of most cost effective solution. From engineering
time. During the last 140 years, over 100 vari- and design to final assembly, experienced people
eties of pumps have been designed and built. control each step of the manufacturing process
From steam pumps to centrifugal pumps, with quality control inspections performed at
American-Marsh pumps have been built to each step. All pumps shafts are heat straight-
meet the ever changing requirements of society. ened. All impellers are computer balanced.
Over the last century through continuous prod- Pump testing is done in our new state of the art
uct development, more American-Marsh mod- test facility. All of these factors ensure you
els have been retired than most other pump receive consistent quality product every time.
manufacturers have ever produced. Hundreds American-Marsh Pumps has provided quality
of thousands of pumps have been made, all pump products for over 140 years. At
designed for longevity, allowing many of them American-Marsh Pumps, we know that long life
to continue servicing customers over 50 years. and superior performance are the keys to satis-
All of our pumps have three superior charac- fied customers. By understanding your needs,
teristics; Design, Performance, and Durability. we can design products that meet those needs.
Our engineering department, which includes an Our product family reflects years of customer
in-house pattern shop, designs each pump so input, product upgrades, redesign and new
that installation and maintenance is easy. Our product development, all focused on meeting
performances are engineered to meet or beat and exceeding your expectations.
the competition in each category. For 140
OSD & OSG Series
Casing: The casing is constructed of high tensile cast cess requirements of the seal industry. OSD models can
steel, ductile iron or other specified material. It is of the also be supplied in a standard Cyclindrical Bore (CB)
volute type, carefully and accurately proportioned to arrangement. The CB bores are available in a small
permit smooth flow and to convert high velocity energy bore (CBS) and large bore (CBL) both designed to
of the fluid as it leaves the impeller into pressure. meet the process requirements of the seal industry. The
Suction and discharge nozzles are flanged and are cast OSG pump has seal chambers available in two (2) dif-
integral with the volute. ferent configurations depending on the jobsite require-
OSD & OSG models have cast integral feet standard ment. OSG pumps feature the Flow Modified (FM)
and the discharge port is of the vertical centerline type. seal chamber that keeps solid matter from collecting in
The casing assembly fully meets ANSI B73.1M dimen- the seal chamber causing premature seal failure. The
sional requirements. Necessary vent and drain openings CB bores are available in a small bore (CBS) designed
can be provided upon request. OSD Low Flo models to meet the process requirements of the seal industry.
feature concentric casings that minimize shaft deflection Seal chambers have provisions for various flush plan
and pump vibration. arrangements customizing the seal chamber to meet
Impeller: The OSD impeller is of the reverse vane, the requirements of the end user. For abrasive applica-
end suction type, casted in one piece of cast steel or tions, packing with a lantern ring can also be supplied.
other specified material. Running clearances need to A wide variety of component and cartridge mechanical
only be adjusted between the back of the impeller and seals can be used with OSD & OSG standard compo-
the casing adapter. This design allows for repeatable fac- nents.
tory tolerances, all of which can be adjusted on the Power Frame: The power frame is constructed of
bench, not just in the field. All impellers are hydrauli- high tensile cast iron and provides support for the
cally and dynamically balanced prior to assembly. The inboard and outboard bearings. The outboard bearing
OSG impeller is of the semi-open, end suction type, is of the double row, angular contact type and the
casted in one piece of ductile iron or other specified inboard bearing is of the single row, deep groove type
material. Running clearances need to be adjusted for excellent axial and radial load support. On OSD
between the front of the impeller and the casing. All models, axial adjustment of the impeller employs a
models meet the stringent performance requirements of micrometer adjustment which allows the user to dial
ANSI B73.1M. American-Marsh also offers 6 Low- back factory tolerances between the impeller and the
Flow (LF) models to meet difficult low-flow/high-head seal chamber. This re-adjustment of tolerances can be
process applications. done on the bench, compensating for proper seal set-
Shaft: The shaft is of high strength steel or other ting and eliminating the need to have the casing near
specified material, ground to accurate dimensions and for final adjustment. On OSG models, axial adjustment
polished to a smooth surface. It is designed for extra of the impeller employs a micrometer adjustment which
stiffness to avoid all critical speeds in operation. OSD allows the user to dial back factory tolerances between
pumps lead the industry in low L3/D4 ratio’s minimiz- the impeller and the pump casing. Bearing isolators
ing shaft deflection at the stuffing box. All OSD & ensure that contaminents are kept out of the power
OSG models guarantee less than 0.002” shaft deflection frame. For extremely crucial applications, magnetic
at the seal face location, while in operation. As an bearing isolators with a poppet breather can be speci-
option, the shaft can be protected by a shaft sleeve of fied, hermetically sealing the power frame. The power
ample thickness to ensure long life. The shaft sleeve can frame has an oversized, integral oil sump that provides
be supplied in various materials. oil for lubrication to each bearing. A large one inch oil
level eye is provided standard on the power frame to
Seal Chamber: The OSD pump has seal chambers
visually indicate the oil level. The OSD bearings and
available in five (5) different configurations depending
shafts are so designed to last up to 61% longer than the
on the jobsite requirement. OSD pumps feature the
competition. With OSD shaft deflection indicies sur-
Flow Modified (FM) seal chamber that keeps solid mat-
passing nearly all of the competition, 43-252% greater
ter from collecting in the seal chamber causing prema-
stiffness is achieved resulting in longer Mean Time
ture seal failure. The FM bores are available in a small
Between Planned Maintenance (MTBPM).
bore (FMS), a large bore (FML) and a small bore with
cast integral gland (FMI), all designed to meet the pro-
Model OSD ANSI Pump
Power Frame
Reverse Vane
Impeller • Heavy duty ductile iron
• Single row inboard and double row
outboard bearings
• Oil lubricated with extra large oil sump
Semi-Open • Oversized oil level eye
Impeller • Double lip oil seals
• Top vent/breather
• Optional bearing isolators
Flows To: 7,400 GPM • Optional grease lubrication
Low Flow
Heads To: 985 Feet Impeller
Temps To: 700° F

• Chemical
• Food & Beverage
• General Industry
• Marine
• Mining & Aggregate
• Oil & Gas
• Power Generation
• Petro-Chemical
• Pharmaceutical
• Pulp & Paper
• Water & Wastewater

Power Frame Adjustment

• Micro-millimeter shaft and impeller
• Accurately set impeller clearance in
15 to 20 seconds
• Optional angular contact bearings for the
most demanding applications
• Standard cast steel or other specified
• Fully meets ANSI B73.1M standards
• Heavy wall thickness to provide for
generous corrosion allowance
• Fully cast integral feet for support when
utilizing “back-pull-out” feature
• Centerline discharge transmits residual
pipe strain to feet of casing and allows
for self venting
• Class 150 pound flat face flanges
• Optional 150# raised face, 300# flat
face and 300# raised face suction and
discharge flanges

Engineered Seal Chambers

• Five (5) seal chambers available
depending on application (FML, FMS,
• Extend mechanical seal life
• Utilize less expensive seals and flush
• Improve pump reliability
• Optional packing for abrasive
• Optional jacketed seal chambers

• Designed and sized especially for
the pump and its applications
• Investment cast or high alloy bar
stock available
• Solid, hook sleeve, friction welded
or composite shafts available
• Offset keyways to aid shaft balance
• Runout of <0.001 inches at
mechanical seal allows seal faces to
run true

• Hydraulically balanced one piece investment
cast of cast steel or other alloy
• Expertly machined to customer
• Fully balanced prior to assembly
Alignment • Exclusive reverse vane design that offers
repeatable pump performance
• Four precision machined metal-to-metal fit locations • Optional front semi-open impeller
(other manufacturers offer only two)
• Precision machined metal-to-metal bearing carrier
reduces stack-ups to improve shaft concentricity
Model OSG ANSI Pump
M-Power Frame
• Unique and industry leading
micrometer impeller adjustment
• Heavy duty cast iron
• Single row inboard and double row
outboard bearings
• Oil lubricated with extra large oil sump
• Oversized oil level eye
Semi-Open • Double bearing isolators
• Top vent/breather
• Optional grease lubrication

Flows To: 7,000 GPM

Heads To: 730 Feet
Temps To: 700° F

• Chemical
• Food & Beverage
• General Industry
• Marine
• Mining & Aggregate
• Oil & Gas
• Power Generation
• Petro-Chemical
• Pharmaceutical
• Pulp & Paper
• Water & Wastewater

Power Frame Adjustment

• Micro-millimeter shaft and impeller adjustment
• Accurately set impeller clearance in 15 to 20 seconds
• Optional angular contact bearings for the most
demanding applications
• Standard ductile iron or other specified
• Fully meets ANSI B73.1M standards
• Heavy wall thickness to provide for
generous corrosion allowance
• Fully cast integral feet for support when
utilizing “back-pull-out” feature
• Centerline discharge transmits residual
pipe strain to feet of casing and allows
for self venting
• Class 150 pound flat face flanges
• Optional 150# raised face, 300# flat
face and 300# raised face suction and
discharge flanges

Engineered Seal Chambers

• Five (5) seal chambers available
depending on application (FML, FMS,
• Extend mechanical seal life
• Utilize less expensive seals and flush
• Improve pump reliability
• Optional packing for abrasive

• Designed and sized especially for
the pump and its applications
• Investment cast or high alloy bar
stock available
• Solid or hook sleeve shafts available
• Offset keyways to aid shaft balance
• Runout of <0.001 inches at
mechanical seal allows seal faces to
run true

• Hydraulically balanced, semi-open,
investment cast of ductile iron or other alloy
• Expertly machined to customer
• Fully balanced prior to assembly
• Four precision machined metal-to-metal fit locations
(other manufacturers offer only two)
• Precision machined metal-to-metal bearing carrier
reduces stack-ups to improve shaft concentricity
OSD & OSG Fluid End

Jacketed standard bore (CBS) is recommended when

cooling the seal chamber is the objective.

Exclusive reverse vane impeller with balance

holes offers important performance
enhancing maintenance reducing
advantages. Repeatable performance and Jacketed FM chamber is preferred when protection of the
seal chamber pressures allow repeatable process temperature is important.
MTBPM cycle.

Front vane, semi-open impeller is fully

interchangeable with the reverse vane
impeller. Excellent choice for stringy Only One Pump Performance
Tolerance Out Vanes
Impeller Vanes
and certain applications requiring high
To Cover
shear against the casing.

Front vane, Low-Flo, semi-open impeller

for operation at low flow with minimal
thrust loads and vibration. Radial loads Reverse Front
are reduced up to 90% and shaft vibration Vane Vane
Impeller Impeller
Adjustment Adjustment
is reduced up to 50% at low flows.

Only an American An impeller cannot

Marsh reverse vane be adjusted to two
impeller offers repeat- locations.
Centerline mounted casings
able performance Seal and bearing life
(OSO Hot Oil) are used to
after wear and are reduced due to
reduce loads caused by
thermal expansion. Jacketed impeller adjustment. increased loads after
feet with inlet/outlet ports wear and mainte-
further assure effective nance adjustment.
temperature control.

Optional Connections

Item Part Typical Size

I Casing Drain 3/4" (19 mm)-10, 1/2" (13 mm) NPT, 3/4" (19 mm) NPT
II Suction Nozzle Gage Connection 1/4" (6 mm) NPT
III Discharge Nozzle Gage Connection 1/4" (6 mm) NPT
IV Connection for Line to Seal Chamber 1/4" (6 mm) NPT
V Connection for Line to Seal Chamber 1/4" (6 mm) NPT
VI Flush Connection for Mechanical Seal 1/4" (6 mm) NPT
VII Bottom Tap in Seal Chamber 1/4" (6 mm) NPT
FML • Single internal cartridge seals.
Oversized, tapered bore with 8 • Dual internal/external cartridge seals.
specially shaped and evenly spaced • Single internal component seals with flexibly mounted seats.*
cast-in flow modifiers. • Dual internal “true” tandem cartridge seals.
Designed for seals with large gland Note: Bypass flush to internal seal normally not required. Barrier
bolt and gasket circles. fluid or external flush may apply to dual seals (Plans 52, 53, etc.)

FMS Same seal and flush plan recommendations as for FML.

Same chamber design as FML, but Single seals with all types of seat mounting configurations can be
accommodates seals with small gland installed.
bolt and gasket circles. FMS design is provided for the convenience of customers with seal
standards that include small glands. This design is American-
Marsh’s secondary recommendation to the FML.*

FMI • Single internal, flexibly mounted seals. Uses sleeve for seal
Same chamber design as FMS, but setting and fast installation.
includes a cast-in integral gland. • “Sanitary-type” applications. Less prone to bacteria build up.
Note: Bypass flush is normally not required.

CBL • Dual internal component seals. Isolates the seal chamber from
Oversized, cylindrical step bore the process. Allows less expensive seal materials.
design for seals with large gland Recommended in tough slurry applications.
bolt and gasket circles. Note: Use External Flush Plan 54. Others (i.e., Plans 52, 53) not
recommended without close tolerance pumping mechanism.
• Single internal component or cartridge seals when applied with
a throat bushing. Usually selected to increase stuffing box
pressure above the vapor pressure to avoid cavitation, etc.
Note: Applied with Plan 11, etc.

CBS • Dual internal component seals. Isolates the seal chamber from
Cylindrical bore design for the process. Allows less expensive seal materials. Recommended
packing arrangements and in tough slurry applications. Allows for thermal convection type
conventional seals with small flush plans; however pumping ring devices are recommended.
gland bolt and gasket circles. Note: Use External Flush Plan 52, 53, 54
• Single internal component or cartridge seals when applied with a
throat bushing. Usually selected to increase stuffing box
pressure above the vapor pressure to avoid cavitation, etc.
• Usually preferred over the CBL when jacketing is selected for
increased effectiveness in cooling or heating.
Note: Applied with Plan 11, etc.

All seal selections perform best when the faces are located directly within the flush plan, particularly if solids, liquors, or slurries are present.
Component seals with clamped seat gland designs locate the seal faces reasonably well. Flexibly mounted seat glands should include the vent and
drain option to better locate the seal faces. The FML is always the first choice chamber for maximum self-flush path benefits.

Performance Life Cycle Comparison:

AMP Reverse Vane Impeller With Balance Holes
Effects of Wear
Thrust loads decrease as seal chamber gap widens
Chamber pressure increases as gap widens
Effects of Impeller Adjustment To Seal Chamber
Original pressures and loads re-established after
Repeatable MTBPM cycle life

Front Vane Open Style Impeller With Pump

Out Vanes
Effects of Wear
Thrust loads increase as seal chamber gap widens
Chamber pressure increases as gap widens
Effects of Impeller Adjustment To Seal Chamber
Chamber pressure and bearing loads increase after
each adjustment
Non-repeatable MTBPM cycle life
OSD Power Frame
Larger Oil Sump

Standard OSD Power Frame Features

• Double row, angular contact
outboard/single row, deep groove
inboard bearings for excellent axial and
radial load support
• Double lip oil seals
• Top mounted vent and oil filler
• Trico oiler Optional Bearing Housing Cooler
• Large one inch diameter reflective
sight glass
• Micro-millimeter impeller adjustment
• Optional oil slinger
• Optional bearing isolators
• Optional magnetic drain plug
• Optional shielded and grease
lubricated bearings

Shaft Details
1 Radiused “sled-runner” keyways improve strength
at this stress point.
2 Offset keyways aid shaft balance.
3 Alloy identification on every shaft and sleeve
ensures that the right parts go in every time.
4 Large radii fillets add strength.
5 Accurate machining under bearings ensures perfect
bearing fits without vibration or hot running.
6 Run-out of <0.001 in (0.03 mm) at mechanical
seal allows seal faces to run true.
7 Critical surfaces ground to a surface finish of 16u
in (0.4 micron) ensure the secondary sealing ability
of mechanical seals.
8 Steel power ends handle higher horsepower loads
than stainless.
9 Minimally radiused edges ensure full contact with
impeller for reduced run-out.
OSG Power Frame
Oversized Oil Sump

Standard OSG Power Frame Features

• Double row, angular contact
outboard/single row, deep groove
inboard bearings for excellent axial and
radial load support Optional Bearing Housing Cooler
• Labyrinth bearing isolators at outboard
and inboard locations
• Top mounted vent and oil fill port
• Optional Trico oiler
• Large one inch diameter reflective
sight glass
• Micro-millimeter impeller adjustment ST-M 0.875 (22.225 mm) 1.375 (34.925 mm)
0.874 (22.200 mm) 1.374 (34.900 mm)
• Optional oil slinger
• Optional magnetic drain plug
• Optional shielded and grease
lubricated bearings
3-11/16 (90.5) 4-1/8 (105) 5-7/8 (149.2 mm)

Shaft Details 1.1250 (28.575 mm) 1.750 (44.45 mm)

MT-M 1.1245 (28.562 mm) 1.749 (44.425 mm)
1 Radiused “sled-runner” keyways improve strength (38.1 mm)
at this stress point.
2 Offset keyways aid shaft balance.
3 Alloy identification on every shaft and sleeve
ensures that the right parts go in every time.
4 Large radii fillets add strength. 5-1/16 (128.6) 6-3/4 (171 mm) 7-7/8 (200.0 mm)
5 Accurate machining under bearings ensures perfect
bearing fits without vibration or hot running. 1.875 (47.625 mm) 2.125 (53.975 mm)
LT-M 1.874 (47.600 mm) 2.124 (53.950 mm) 1-7/8
6 Run-out of <0.001 in (0.03 mm) at mechanical (47.6 mm)
seal allows seal faces to run true.
7 Critical surfaces ground to a surface finish of 16u
in (0.4 micron) ensure the secondary sealing ability
of mechanical seals.
8 Steel power ends handle higher horsepower loads
5-1/2 (139.7) 6-7/8 (164 mm) 7-7/8 (200.0 mm)
than stainless.
9 Minimally radiused edges ensure full contact with
impeller for reduced run-out. 2.500 (63.500 mm)
XLT-M 2.499 (63.475 mm)

8-7/8 (224.1) 9-1/4 (235 mm) 9 (228.6 mm)

Technical Construction
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Shaft Diameter at impeller 0.75 (19) 1 (25) 1.5 (38)
Diameter in Stuffing Box/Seal
(Less Sleeve) 1.125 (29) 1.5 (38) 2.125 (54)
(With Sleeve) 1.375 (35) 1.875 (48) 2.625 (67)
Diameter Between Bearings 1.625 (41) 2.438 (62) 3.25 (83)
Diameter at Coupling 0.875 (22) 1.125 (29) 2.375 (60)
Overhang 5.969 (152) 7.688 (195) 10.25 (260)
Maximum Shaft Deflection 0.002 (0.05)
Shaft Deflection Index (L3/D4)
(Less Sleeve) 59 37 23
(With Sleeve) 133 90 53
O.D. thru Stuffing Box/Seal
Sleeve 1.375 (35) 1.875 (48) 2.625 (67)
Radial 6207 6310 6314
Bearings Thrust 5306 5310 5314
Bearing Span 3.594 (91) 6.875 (175) 10.5 (267)
CBL/FML Seal Bore 2.875 (73) 3.625 (92) 4.625 (117)
CBS Stuffing Bore 2.125 (54) 2.625 (67) 3.625 (92)
Power Limits HP (kW) per 100 RPM 1.1 (0.82) 4.3 (3.2) 18.6 (13.9)
Maximum Liquid Temperature - 350° F (177° C)
Temperature Oil/Grease Lubrication w/out Cooling
Maximum Liquid Temperature - 700° F (370° C)
Oil Lubrication w/High Temp. Option
Casing Corrosion Allowance 0.125 (3)


Shaft Diameter at impeller 0.75 (19) 1 (25) 1.25 (32) 1.5 (38)
Diameter in Stuffing Box/Seal
(Less Sleeve) 1.375 (35 1.75 (45) 2.125 (54) 2.5 (64)
(With Sleeve) 1.125 (29) 1.5 (38) 1.875 (48) 2 (51)
Diameter Between Bearings 1.5 (38) 2.125 (54) 2.5 (64) 3.125 (79)
Diameter at Coupling 0.875 (22) 1.125 (29) 1.875 (48) 2.375 (60)
Overhang 6.125 (156) 8.375 (213) 8.375 (213) 9.969 (253)
Maximum Shaft Deflection 0.002 (0.05)
Shaft Deflection Index (L3/D4)
(Less Sleeve) 143 116 48 62
(With Sleeve) 64 63 29 25
Sleeve O.D. thru Stuffing Box/Seal 1.375 (35) 1.75 (45) 2.125 (54) 2.5 (64)
Bearings Radial 6207 6309 6311 6313
Thrust 3306 3309 7310 3313
Bearing Span 4.125 (105) 6.75 (171) 6.875 (164) 9.25 (235)
CBL/FML Seal Bore 2.875 (73) 3.5 (89) 3.875 (98) 4.75 (120)
CBS Stuffing Bore 2 (51) 2.5 (64) 2.875 (73) 3.375 (86)
Power Limits HP (kW) per 100 RPM 1.1 (0.82) 3.4 (2.6) 5.6 (4.2) 14 (10.5)
Temperature Maximum Liquid Temperature - Oil/Grease Lubrication without Cooling 350° F (177° C)
Maximum Liquid Temperature - Oil Lubrication with High Temp. Option 700° F (370° C)
Casing Corrosion Allowance 0.125 (3)
Mechanical Seals
820 Series Component
Seal De-Rating (Standard Materials)
Lubricity of Gasoline, Kerosene, Oil or Better x 1.00
Fluid Aqueous, Water, etc. x 0.75
Below 79°C/175°F x 1.00
Fluid Above 79°C to 121°C/175°F to 250°F x 0.90
Temperature Above 121°C to 177°C/250°F to 350°F x 0.80
Above 177°C/350°F x 0.65
Seal Size 1800 RPM 3600 RPM
0.250 to 1.500 x 1.00 x 0.50
Seal Size and
2.125 to 2.500 x 0.92 x 0.46
2.625 to 3.000 x 0.80 x 0.40
3.125 to 3.500 x 0.60 x 0.30
3.625 to 4.000 x 0.51 x 0.25

850B Series Balanced Single Cartridge

Seal De-Rating (Standard Materials)

Gasoline, Kerosene, Oil or Better x 1.00
Lubricity of
Aqueous, Water, etc. x 0.75
Light Hydrocarbons x 0.60
Below 79°C/175°F x 1.00
Fluid Above 79°C to 121°C/175°F to 250°F x 0.90
Temperature Above 121°C to 177°C/250°F to 350°F x 0.80
Above 177°C/350°F x 0.65
Seal Size Seal Size 1800 RPM 3600 RPM
and 1.000 to 2.000 x 1.00 x 1.00
Rotational 2.125 to 2.875 x 0.85 x 0.85
Speed 3.000 to 4.000 x 0.61 x 0.61

860B Series Balanced Double Cartridge

Seal De-Rating (Standard Materials)

Gasoline, Kerosene, Oil or Better x 1.00
Lubricity of
Aqueous, Water, etc. x 0.75
Light Hydrocarbons x 0.60
Below 79°C/175°F x 1.00
Fluid Above 79°C to 121°C/175°F to 250°F x 0.90
Temperature Above 121°C to 177°C/250°F to 350°F x 0.80
Above 177°C/350°F x 0.65
Seal Size Seal Size 1800 RPM 3600 RPM
and 1.000 to 2.000 x 1.00 x 1.00
Rotational 2.125 to 2.875 x 0.85 x 0.85
Speed 3.000 to 4.000 x 0.61 x 0.61
OSD Modular Interchangeability

Power Adapter Stuffing Impeller Casing Size Power Adapter Stuffing Impeller Casing Size
End Box/Seal End Box/Seal
Chamber Chamber

Group 1 Group 2
2x3 - 8
1x11/2 - 6

3x4 - 8
11/2 x3 - 6

1x2LF - 10
2x3 - 6

1x11/2 LF - 8 1x2 - 10

1x11/2 - 8 11/2 x3 - 10

11/2 x3 - 8 2x3 - 10A

3x4 - 10

3x4 - 10H
Group 3

6x8 - 14A 4x6 - 10

4x6 - 10H
8x10 - 14

11/2 x3LF - 13
4x6 - 16

11/2 x3 - 13
6x8 - 16A

2x3 - 13

8x10 - 16
3x4 - 13

8x10 - 16H
3x4 - 13HH

4x6 - 13A

460 Series OSD Power Frame Groups

OSG Modular Interchangeability
Power Adapter Stuffing Impeller Casing Size Power Adapter Stuffing Impeller Casing Size
End Box/Seal End Box/Seal
Chamber Chamber
MT - M
ST - M Max BHP - 122 HP (91 kW)
Max BHP - 40 HP (30kW) 1x11/2 - 6 3x4 - 7
LT - M
Max BHP - 200 HP (149 kW)

11/2 x3 - 6 2x3 - 8

2x3 - 6 3x4 - 8

1x11/2 LF - 8
3x4 - 8G

1x11/2 - 8
1x2LF - 10

11/2 x3 - 8
1x2 - 10

MT - M
11/2 x3 - 10
Max BHP - 250 HP (187 kW)
2x3 - 10
6x8 - 13

3x4 - 10
8x10 - 13

LT - M 3x4 - 10H
6x8 - 15

4x6 - 10G
8x10 - 15

4x6 - 10H
8x10 - 15G
11/2 x3LF - 13

11/2 x3 - 13

2x3 - 13

3x4 - 13

4x6 - 13

460 Series OSG M-FRAME Groups

American-Marsh Pumps provides the user dependability and durability. by
designing pumps with upgraded, heavier-duty components. Durability by
design is always the most cost effective solution.
The casing fully meets ANSI B73.1M dimensional standards and is BEARINGS
designed for back pull-out making service easy. The casing is also provided OSD ANSI pumps feature oversized, oil
with additional thickness for corrosion allowance. Surfaces are machined to lubricated bearings designed for long life
accurate tolerances in our machining centers. Centerline discharge allows for and minimal maintenance. The inboard
self-venting casings and cast integral feet provide additional support. bearing is of the single row type and the
outboard bearing is of the double row
type. The power frame utilizes two dou-
ble lip oil seals to minimize the entrance
of contaminents into the oil. MTBPM is
IMPELLER RING drastically increased by using larger bear-
The impeller is investment casted ings and larger shafts allowing for a small-
out of customer specified material er shaft deflection index all which extends
and is of the exclusive reverse vane seal life.
design. All impellers are dynami-
cally and hydraulically balanced to
meet ANSI B73.1M performance
standards. Optional semi-open
impellers can be supplied upon


OSD ANSI pumps feature five (5) seal chambers designed Shafts are available in a wide variety of materials
to meet extreme services found in today’s applications. FML, and are sized for minimal shaft deflection. Solid,
FMS, FMI, CBL & CBS seal chambers offer the enduser a composite and hook sleeve configurations are
pump and an engineered seal chamber designed to meet spe- available upon request.
cific fluid and temperature requirements.



To 32+" Discharge To 42+" Bowl To 8" Discharge To 12" Discharge To 12" Discharge
30,000+ GPM, 550' 85,000+ GPM, 2500+' 2500+ GPM, 2100' 6400 GPM, 200' 9800 GPM, 985'

American-Marsh Pumps Distribution/Service Centers:


185 Progress Road Nebraska: 113 South Lincoln Avenue, Hastings, NE 68901 (800)408-7167
Collierville, TN 38017 California: 3269 East North Building D, Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 288-7167
PH: (800)888-7167 Florida: 2805 Badger Road, Lakeland, FL 33811 (800) 444-7167
FX: (901)860-2323

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