104PMDC 2555
104PMDC 2555
104PMDC 2555
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3 authors:
Peng Li
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Abstract — Interior permanent synchronous motor (IPMSM) slots, as shown in Fig. 3, are investigated during the optimal
is a desirable solution for electrical vehicle (EV) traction design, by examining the cogging torque.
applications due to its high power density and high efficiency. In In Fig. 3, h represents the distance between the two
this paper, an IPMSM with V-shaped magnets on the rotor is
magnets of a neighboring pair of poles. By adjusting the value
investigated. The shape of slots which contain the magnets is
optimized in order to reduce the cogging torque and to maximize of h from 1mm to 9.88mm, the cogging torque associated with
the output torque per ampere. The torque and its ripple are also the two slot types is listed in Tables II and III. It can be seen
analyzed. Both theoretical analysis and finite element analysis that, with the same value of h, the slot type-2 configuration
(FEA) are made to verify the optimization. which is shown in Fig. 3(b) exhibits much less cogging torque,
Keywords — Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, and hence it is applied in the design hereafter.
optimal design, V-shaped slot, torque ripple
Rated power 20kW
Electrical vehicles (EV) have gained more and more
Rated speed 2000r/min
research and development interests [1][2], whilst permanent Winding connection Y connection
magnet (PM) machines have been widely used in EV traction Rated voltage per phase 85V
systems due to their high power density and efficiency [3]. For Stator core outer diameter 148mm
Number of stator slots 48
example, Toyota has put forwards the warmly welcome Prius
Length of motor core 88mm
EV with PM motors [4][5]. Moreover, research on EV-applied Air gap length 0.7mm
PM machines has been globally reported [6]. Number of poles 8
In this paper, an interior permanent magnet synchronous
motor (IPMSM) with V-shaped magnets on the rotor, which is
proposed for EV applications, is investigated. Mainly, the
shape of slots which contains the magnets is optimized in
order to reduce the cogging torque and to maximize the output
torque per ampere. Furthermore, the average value and ripple
of the electromagnetic torque are analyzed so as to reveal the
influence of the design parameters.
3 0.1382 1.72
50 400.0Hz 5 0.1297 1.51
40 7 0.1581 2.25
666.7Hz 9 0.0838 0.63
11 0.0768 0.53
20 933.3Hz 1 1.0164 91.65
10 3 0.1143 1.16
0 5 0.1566 2.18
7 0.1642 2.39
IV. ANALYSIS OF TORQUE VALUE AND TORQUE RIPPLE The electromagnetic torque of the IPMSM can be written
The IPMSM phasor diagram under the d-q reference frame as:
is shown in Fig. 5. Ψf is the PM-excited flux linkage vector; E
is the vector of back EMF due to Ψf ; I represents the phase Te=1.5p*(Ψf *iq +(Ld-Lq)*id*iq) (1)
current; α is the internal power factor angle which is between
the vectors E and I. For the surface-mounted permanent
magnet (SPM) motor, the α is often set as 0, for the purpose of where p is the number of pole pairs; Ψf is the PM-excited flux
maximizing the torque per ampere. However, for the designed linkage; Ld and Lq are the d-axis and q-axis inductances,
IPMSM which needs high power density, α should be larger respectively; id and iq are the d-axis and q-axis currents,
than 0 as shown in Fig. 5, which means that I leads E. This respectively.
will utilize the reluctance torque, and enhance the torque per Ideally, Ld, Lq and Ψf are constant. At steady state, if the
ampere as well as the motor torque density. α should be motor is fed with 3-phase symmetric armature currents, id and
dynamically tuned according to the motor load or current. iq are also constant. Thus, the electromagnetic torque should
In FEA, the IPMSM is excited with the rated current (IN) be stable, with no torque ripple. However, it is not the case in
and the two times rated current (2*IN), respectively, to find out most practical IPMSMs. For the IPMSM designed in this
the optimal value of α for the maximum torque with different paper, the motor is fed with the rated current and twice rated
h values. The results are shown in Table V. current, respectively. The peak-to-peak value of the torque
Moreover, the maximum torque with the optimal α is ripple with different h is shown in Fig. 7. Clearly, the torque
shown in Fig.6. While increasing the value of h, the reluctance ripple becomes much severer under over-load condition, and it
on the q-axis declines, but the reluctance on the d-axis remains is much bigger than the cogging torque. Moreover the value of
almost constant, thus, the saliency becomes more significant. h also affects the torque ripple.
In result, the proportion of the reluctance torque increases in The torque ripple is caused by the following factors: (i)
the whole torque. Especially, when the h value is above 5mm, The armature winding self- and mutual- inductances do not
the curve is much steeper, which means that the motor torque vary sinusoidally with the rotor position. Clearly, the air gap
increases more rapidly with the rise of h. Therefore, from the permeance changes with the rotor position, however, it is not
point of view of increasing the electromagnetic torque, the easy to make the distribution of air gap permeance a sine-
distance between magnets (h) should be enlarged properly so wave. Therefore, the inductances contain not only the 0-order
that the reluctance torque the IPMSM can be utilized. It is also and 2nd-order components, but also higher-order components.
observed from Fig. 6 that when the armature current is double This makes the Ld and Lq actually unconstant. Then, from (1),
the rated value, the electromagnetic torque is not simply 2 it can be concluded that the electromagnetic torque varies. (ii)
times higher, due to the effect of magnetic saturation. Magnetic saturation causes distortion to both the winding
inductances and the PM-excited flux linkage. In other words,
TABLE V the flux linkage Ψf in (1) is not a constant either. When the
OPTIMAL α TO MAXIMIZE TORQUE WITH DIFFERENT h motor is fed with the two times rated current, the magnetic
h (mm) 1 2 3 4 5
saturation becomes much severer, hence, the torque ripple
α with IN 20° 20° 20° 20° 30°
α with 2*IN
becomes more significant accordingly. However, for the EV-
30° 30° 40° 40° 40°
h (mm) 6 7 8 9 9.88 used IPMSM, high torque density is always an important
α with IN 30° 30° 30° 30° 30° design target, therefore, magnetic saturation is unavoidable.
α with 2*IN 40° 40° 40° 40° 40° Hence, appropriate control strategy is desirable to reduce the
q-axis torque ripple.
Nevertheless, it is always preferable to optimize the motor
I parameters. Regarding the distance (h) between the magnets of
α neighboring pole pairs, it can be seen from Fig. 6 and Fig. 7
Ψf d-axis
that around 9mm is a good solution for the studied IPMSM.
Fig. 5. Phasor diagram of IPMSM
350 120
300 100
Torque ripple (Nm)
250 80
Torque (Nm)
200 2*IN
2*IN 60
150 IN
0 0
Distance between neighboring magnets (mm) Distance between neighboring magnets (mm)
Fig. 6. Maximum torque with different distance (h) between magnets Fig. 7. Torque ripple with different distance (h) between magnets
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