Viscosity Measurement
Viscosity Measurement
Viscosity Measurement
Viscosity- An Introduction & Importance
The viscosity and consistency of the paint determine its capacity to level
itself on the surface and not excessively flow, sag or run off during
application. Therefore it is of great importance to study different
rheological behavior to keep a balance in the formulation of paint with its
desired performance properties.
τ (shear stress) = (F/A) = µ .(dv/dy)
µ (viscosity) = τ /(dv/dy)
And (dv/dy)is the velocity gradient.
τ describes the shearing which the liquid experiences and is thus called
the shearing stress
µ : Dynamic Viscosity of the fluid.
ρ : Density of the fluid.
v : Kinematic Viscosity.
V: Velocity (Cm/Sec)
Ρ: Density of coating material
G: Gravitational constant
T2: Film thickness (Cm)
√: Viscosity
The distance a wet film will sag in given length of time is:
On doubling the film thickness change in volume of sagged will increase
by eight times and given by the following equation:
Leveling is the ability of a brush out paint to flow out and obliterate the
furrows left by the brush bristles.
Viscosity Units:
To express the viscosity of liquid materials following units are used
1. Poise (Centipoises)
2. Seconds
3. Stokes (Centistokes)
4. Krebs Unit (KU)
5. Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS)
1. Newtonian Fluids
2. Non-Newtonian Fluids
a. Plastic fluids
b. Pseudoplastic fluids
c. Dilatant fluids
d. Thixotropic fluids
e. Rheopectic Fluids
Newtonian Fluids
Fluids for which the shearing stress is linearly related to the rate of
shearing are designed as Newtonian Fluids. A Newtonian fluid is
represented graphically in the figure below.
The linear variation of shearing stress with rate of shearing strain
Psuedoplastic Fluids
This type of fluid will display a decreasing viscosity with an
increasing shear rate, as shown in the figure below. Probably the most
common of the non-Newtonian fluids, pseudo-plastics include paints,
emulsions, and dispersions of many types. This type of flow behavior is
sometimes called shear-thinning.
Dilatant Fluids
This type of fluid will display a increasing viscosity with an
increasing shear rate; see the figure below. Although rarer than
pseudoplasticity, dilatancy is frequently observed in fluids containing high
levels of deflocculated solids, such as clay slurries, candy compounds,
corn starch in water, and sand/water mixtures. Dilatancy is also referred
to as shear-thickening flow behavior.
Plastic Fluids
These type of fluids will behave as a solid under static conditions. A
certain amount of force must be applied to the fluid before any flow is
induced; this force is called the yield value. Tomato ketchup is a good
example of a plastic fluid; its yield value will often make it refuse to pour
from the bottle until the bottle is shaken or struck. After impact, the
ketchup flows out of the bottle. Once the yield value is exceeded and flow
begins, plastic fluids may display Newtonian, pseudoplastic, or dilatant
flow characteristics.
Thixotropic Fluids
As shown in the figure below, a thixotropic fluid undergoes a decrease in
viscosity with time, while it is subjected to constant shearing.
Rheopectic Fluids
Rheopectic behaviour is essentially the opposite of thixotropic
behaviour, in that the fluid's viscosity increases with time as it is sheared
at a constant rate, as shown in the figure.
A viscometer (also called viscosimeter) is an instrument used to
measure the viscosity of a fluid. For liquids with viscosities which vary
with flow conditions, an instrument called a rheometer is used.
Viscometers only measure the viscosity under a single flow condition.
Types of Viscometers:
“U-tube” Viscometers (Ostwald or Ubbelohde type)
Rotational Viscometers
Rotational viscometers use the idea that the force required to turn
an object in a fluid, can indicate the viscosity of that fluid. The viscometer
determines the required force for rotating a disk or bob in a fluid at
known speed.
The first type uses a stepper motor to drive the main shaft. A spring
& pivot assembly rotates on the shaft. The spindle or rotor hangs from this
assembly. As the spindle rotates the spring is deflected by the viscosity of
the sample under test.
The second type uses a precision servo motor to drive the shaft. The
Spindle or rotor is attached directly to the shaft. High speed
microprocessors measure the speed from a digital encoder and calculate
the current required to drive the rotor at the test speed. The current
required is proportional to the viscosity of the sample under test.
Stormer Viscometer
This viscometer employs a paddle that measures the viscosity of a fluid
based on the resistance to flow while stirring.
Other parameters also affect the accuracy and these are listed below.
2) Size of sample.
The achievable accuracy for a cone and plate viscometer across its scale
is ± 2% of the full-scale range. e.g. 0-10P the accuracy should be
within ± 0.2P.
In practice, the accuracy between the 10% and 90% of the scale is
normally ± 0.1P for a 10P scale.
Efflux Viscometers
They usually consist of a metal cup with parallel sides and with an
accurately machined orifice at the center of the base.The time for the cup
to empty through the orifice is noted and the results expressed in
But these viscometers are unsuited to paints which possess any
degree of thixotropy.
Knowing the terminal velocity, the size and density of the sphere,
and the density of the liquid, Stokes' law can be used to calculate the
viscosity of the fluid. The technique is used industrially to check the
viscosity of fluids used in processes. It includes many different oils, and
polymeric liquid solutions.
Stokes' law
F : frictional force,
r : radius of the spherical object,
η : fluid viscosity, and
v : particle's velocity.
If the particles are falling in the viscous fluid by their own weight,
then a terminal velocity, also known as the settling velocity, is reached
when this frictional force combined with the buoyant force exactly
balances the gravitational force. The resulting settling velocity (or
terminal velocity) is given by:
Bubble viscometer
Bubble viscometers are used to quickly determine kinematic
viscosity of known liquids such as resins and varnishes. The time required
for an air bubble to rise is directly proportional to the viscosity of the
liquid, so the faster the bubble rises, the lower the viscosity.
Bubble Tubes
A bubble rising in a fluid.
Saybolt Viscometers
They are used to express the fluid’s viscosity, in Saybolt universal
seconds or Saybolt furol seconds. The glass capillary viscometers,
shown in the figure are examples of the second type of viscometer used.
A Rheometer is a laboratory device used to measure the way in which a
liquid, suspension or slurry flows in response to applied forces.
Viscometers that can measure fluids with high viscosity or molten
polymers are usually called rheometers or plastometers.