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Design and Simulation of A Servo-Drive Motor Using ANSYS Electromagnetics

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Design and Simulation of a Servo-Drive Motor Using ANSYS Electromagnetics

Article in Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering · December 2021

DOI: 10.33042/2079-424X.2021.60.3.04


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6 authors, including:

Vladyslav Pliuhin Yevgen Tsegelnyk

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


Plankovskyy Sergiy Volodymyr Kombarov

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


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Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering
2021, Vol. 60, No. 3, 112–123

Design and Simulation of a Servo-Drive Motor Using

ANSYS Electromagnetics
Vladyslav Pliuhin , Oleksandr Aksonov , Yevgen Tsegelnyk , Sergiy Plankovskyy ,
Volodymyr Kombarov , and Lidiia Piddubna

O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Article History Abstract

Received: The paper is devoted to determining the output parameters of a servomotor, which belongs to
07 November 2021 synchronous machines with permanent magnets, in order to further determine the characteris-
Accepted: tics of transient modes in the software package ANSYS Electromagnetics. RMxprt, part of
27 December 2021 ANSYS Electromagnetics, allows to determine the parameters of windings, losses, motor per-
formance, but requires filling out a form with a complete set of geometric dimensions and
Published online:
winding data. Of course, such data are not available in the motor data sheet, so the first task
30 December 2021
solved in the paper is to determine all the necessary and sufficient parameters to perform the
calculation in RMxprt. The results of the calculations were compared with the measurements
on the experimental servomotor EMG-10APA22. This paper shows how to export a servomo-
Servo-drive Motor;
tor object from RMxprt to the Simplorer workspace, which is also part of the ANSYS Electro-
Incorporated Magnets;
magnetics. According to the simulation results in ANSYS Simplorer, the characteristics of the
ANSYS Simplorer;
transient modes of the servomotor powered by a stable three-phase source are obtained. Pro-
Twin Builder;
spects for further research related to the improvement of the simulation model in ANSYS
Motor Parameters
Simplorer are presented.

verter that provides a suitable, controlled three-

INTRODUCTION phase current. The servomotors can be adapted to
high dynamics or high loads, depending on the
A servomotor is a motor that allows to control the application. Typical applications are food pro-
precise position of the motor shaft as well as the cessing, construction, automotive, packaging and
speed and/or acceleration. For this, appropriate woodworking [4]. In this regard, the analysis of the
sensors and automatic control methods are used. parameters and characteristics of the servo motor
Servomotors used to be auxiliary drives that were for subsequent optimization in specific areas of use
designed for machine tool applications [1–3]. seems relevant [6–8].
Servomotors can be divided into synchronous The aim of this paper is to analyze the character-
and asynchronous [4]. But it is always a drive oper- istics of the servo motor used by the authors in the
ating under conditions of electronic control of posi- mechanism for moving the axes of a gantry CNC
tion, speed or torque – or a combination of these machine in the drive of longitudinal displacements.
parameters. This places very high demands on dy- The obtained data will allow to optimize the ma-
namics, control ranges and/or movement accuracy. chine control system, having previously tested it on
Servomotors are usually used in combination with a simulation model. In turn, this will avoid costs
automation and control systems, for example in both when performing tests and selecting associated
packaging machines [5]. mechanical components, as well as when setting up
Synchronous servomotors are drives in which a control system.
the rotor is synchronously driven by a rotating field The portal-type machine, on the basis of which
in the stator using permanent magnets attached to it. the experimental complex is created, in the factory
The synchronous motor rotates synchronously with configuration of the supplier is equipped with a rail-
the applied frequency of the rotating field. This gear transmission on the axes of longitudinal
version of the drive is powered by a frequency con- movement X, Y (Fig. 1).

Corresponding author: [email protected] (Oleksandr Aksonov)

© 2021 The Author(s). Published by O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Use permitted under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Cite as: Pliuhin, V., Aksonov, O., Tsegelnyk, Y., Plankovskyy, S., Kombarov, V., & Piddubna, L. (2021). Design and simu-
lation of a servo-drive motor using ANSYS Electromagnetics. Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering, 60(3), 112–123.
113 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.

Table 1. Rated data of the servomotor EMG-10APA22

Name Symbol Value
Rated power, kW Pn 1000
7 Line voltage, V Un 220
4 6
Phase current, А If 6
3 5
Rated speed, rpm n 2000
2 Frequency, Hz f 133
Rated torque, Nm Mn 4,78
Number of phases m 3
Winding connection – star
Winding resistance, Оhm Z 0,8
Electric Time Constant, ms Ts 11.57
Inertia, N/s2 J 0.004014
Figure 1. The main elements of the longitudinal drive to
move the axis of the portal-type machine The main parameters, geometric dimensions and
winding data of the experimental servomotor are
The rack-and-gear 2 is fixed on the frame 1, and given in Table 3.
the drive gear 5 is driven by a servo motor 6
through a gear-belt gearbox 4. The gearbox is PRELIMINARY CALCULATION OF
mounted on the movable support of the portal-type MAIN DIMENSIONS
3 by means of a rotary axis 7 and the gap in the in-
stalled gearbox provides reduction of turns with a The data obtained as a result of disassembling
gear ratio R = 72/22 = 3.27. the servomotor, as well as the information available
Servomotor EMG-10APA22, which is the aim of on the dimensional drawings, is not enough for the
calculations, is shown in Fig. 2 [9]. verification calculation in ANSYS, where a complete
The AC EMG-10 servomotor [9] comes standard set of geometric and winding data is required [10–
with a 2500 pulses per revolution. Incremental en- 18]. Therefore, preliminary design of the machine
coder, runs at a maximum speed of 3000 RPM, pro- must be completed, including the determination of
vides peak values up to 300% of the rated torque power factor and efficiency targets.
and current values, and has a rated torque of According to the principle of operation, the ser-
4.78 Nm with a 1.0 kW power rating. These enclosed vomotor belongs to permanent magnet synchronous
and self-cooled motors also provide longer motor motors, therefore, the design methodology of such
life and higher reliability. The EMG-10 AC servomo- machines will be applied to its calculation [11, 14–16,
tors enable industrial motion control applications 19]. The calculation is not performed completely,
with medium inertia to attain a great combination of but only until the point, when the parameters neces-
speed and positioning functionality. sary for starting the design in ANSYS are obtained
The passport (rated) data of the servomotor are [19]. Thus, it is possible to end with the determina-
given in Table 1. Outline drawings of the machine tion of the basic geometric dimensions and winding
are shown on Fig. 2 (legend corresponds to the di- data and not perform the calculation of the magnet-
mensions in millimeters given in Table 2). ic circuit, active and inductive resistances of the
Fig. 4 shows the rated characteristics of the ser- windings, operating and starting characteristics [20–
vomotor operating mode. 27]:

Figure 2. Views of the investigated servomotor: (а) – appearance of the EMG-10APA22 servomotor; (b) – servomotor
with the endshield removed (experimental photo); (c) – view of the servomotor coils (photo of the experimental sample)
Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering (ISSN 2079-424Х / eISSN 2415-3923) 114

Figure 3. Servomotor EMG-10APA22 outline drawings

Table 2. Servomotor EMG-10APA22 dimensions

Flange Slide Key
215 160 84 135 118 79 55 4 12 130 145 110 9 22 40 5 8 7 4

 phase voltage
Uf  ;
 number of pole pairs
60  f
p ;
 rated electromagnetic torque
M n  9.55 ;
 rated phase current
Figure 4. Load characteristics of EMG-10APA22: 1 – con-
tinuous working area; 2 – repeatedly working area Pn
If  ,
3 U f  PF  
Table 3. Servomotor EMG-10APA22 measured dimensions
Name Symbol Value where PF is the power factor;  is the efficiency;
Stator and Rotor core length,
L 50  pole pitch
Stator external diameter, mm 122  D
Da  ;
Stator inner diameter, mm D 74 2 p
Rotor external diameter, mm Dr 72
 pole length (rotor package)
Rotor inner diameter (for the Ds 36
shaft), mm L     ,
Number of stator coils Wc 12
Number of permanent where  is the relative ratio of length and pole pitch;
Nr 8  air gap magnetic flux
Magnet thickness, mm hm 7 B  D  L
Inductor pole shoe height, mm h p1 3   ;
115 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.

 phase EMF (preliminary) Table 4. Servomotor parameters in addition to the rated

E f  ke U f ,
Name Value
Phase voltage, V 127
where ke is the magnetic field form factor;
Number of poles 8
 number of turns per phase Poles pitch, mm 29
Air gap flux density, Т 0.75
W1  ; Air gap magnetic flux, Wb 0.000694
4.44  f  Number of slots per pole and phase 1
Number of parallel branches 1
 number of turns in a coil Phase EMF, V 123
Number of turns in a coil 75
W1  a
Wc  , Number of elementary conductors 2
pq Conductor section, mm2 0.636
Conductor diameter, mm 0.9
where a is the number of parallel branches; q is the
Double-sided conductor insulation
number of slots per pole and phase. 0.065
thickness, mm
 cross-section of the winding wire Pole height, mm 21
Pole thickness, mm 13
If Insulation thickness along the pole
qef  , 5
J Cu height, mm
Total thickness of the pole window, mm 6
where J Cu is the winding current density; Air gap between coils, mm 7
 elementary conductor cross-section Power factor 0.61
Efficiency 0.72
qef Field shape factor 0.97
qel  , Ratio between stator diameter
nel 1.7
and pole pitch
where nel is the number of parallel conductors;
 pole height: A detailed calculation was performed by the au-
thors in a Python program [28, 29]. This approach of
( Da  D) preliminary determination of parameters was given
hp   h p1 ;
2 the author’s name “Python Hot Start”.
 number of conductors by pole height:
h p  hins IN ANSYS RMXPRT
Nc  ,
d el  ins
ANSYS RMxprt it is needed to select the IPM Syn-
where hins is the insulation thickness at pole height; chronous Motor (Incorporated Permanent Magnets)
ins is the double-sided insulation thickness of project type that matches the servomotor being test-
ed (Fig. 5).
winding wire;
In this case, the total thickness of the pole win-
dow will be:

W 
N cw   c  1   d el  ins  ;
 Nc 
 pole thickness
0.5    ( Da  D)
bp   N cw   c ,

where  c is the air gap between coils.

The calculation results of the servomotor, per-
formed according to the presented formulas, are
summarized in Table 4.
The received data is now enough to continue the
calculation of the parameters and characteristics of
the servomotor in RMxprt. In the presented paper,
only key formulas are given.
Figure 5. ANSYS RMxprt: project type selection
Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering (ISSN 2079-424Х / eISSN 2415-3923) 116

Next, in the tree of the project manager, it is need

sequentially fill in the tables of motor parameters
and select the required materials (Fig. 6). Let’s con-
sider each of the steps of entering parameters [19].

Figure 9. ANSYS RMxprt: stator core parameters

Figure 6. ANSYS RMxprt: machine characteristics tree

Machine. This section (Fig. 7) selects the stator

type and rotor configuration. For the problem under
consideration, a salient-pole stator with an internal
rotor with built-in permanent magnets was chosen.

Figure 10. ANSYS RMxprt: sketch of poles

Figure 7. ANSYS RMxprt: global machine properties

Stator. Only the number of poles is specified on

the stator properties tab (Fig. 8).

Figure 11. ANSYS RMxprt: inductor pole parameters

Figure 8. ANSYS RMxprt: stator properties

Stator Core. For the stator, the previously calcu-

lated geometric dimensions (Fig. 9), the steel filling
factor are indicated, the steel material is selected
from the program database (it is possible to create
user material by setting the magnetization curve)
and the pole type is selected (Fig. 10).
Stator Core Pole. In this section, the dimensions of
the pole are set. The pole suggested by the program
(Fig. 10) does not correspond to the real pole of the
tested servomotor, however, by specifying the di-
mensions of the pole, shoe and the length of the arcs,
an acceptable match can be achieved (Fig. 11, 12). Figure 12. ANSYS RMxprt: sketch of a stator with poles
117 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.

Stator Field. The coil parameters window (Fig. 13)

shows the pole insulation, power supply efficiency
and field current.

Figure 16. ANSYS RMxprt: rotor core parameters

Figure 13. ANSYS RMxprt: excitation system characteristics

Stator Field Winding. For the coil winding, its type

is selected (the program includes coils with rectan-
gular conductors wound flat and on an edge), the
number of conductors, their dimensions, as well as
the material of the winding wire (Fig. 14).

Figure 17. ANSYS RMxprt: selection of the permanent

magnets type

Figure 14. ANSYS RMxprt: winding parameters of induc-


Rotor. For the rotor, as before for the stator, the

number of poles is indicated (Fig. 15).
Figure 18. ANSYS RMxprt: permanent magnets

Figure 15. ANSYS RMxprt: rotor properties

Rotor Core. In the parameters of the rotor core,

the outer diameter was given in the form of a for-
mula (Fig. 16), relating its value to the air gap and
the inner diameter of the stator. The rotor length,
core material and pole type are also indicated.
Among the types of poles available in the program,
the one corresponding to the prototype was chosen
(Fig. 17).
Rotor Core Pole. In this tab one can set the dimen-
sions and select the material of the permanent mag-
nets. (Fig. 18).
After the performed operations, a complete sketch
of the servo motor becomes available (Fig. 19). Figure 19. ANSYS RMxprt: servo motor sketch
Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering (ISSN 2079-424Х / eISSN 2415-3923) 118

Shaft. For the shaft, the presence of a magnetic ma-

terial is selected in the properties, ventilation and
friction losses in the bearings are set at the nominal
speed (Fig. 20).

Figure 20. ANSYS RMxprt: shaft parameters

Analysis. The analysis tab initially does not con-

tain attached properties, in order to create them, after
clicking the right mouse button, the context menu Figure 22. ANSYS RMxprt: Servomotor calculation report
item “Add Solution Setup” is selected. (data under load)
Analysis Setup. This group of properties is final
and consists of two tabs. The first (Fig. 21a) selects the
operating mode and nominal motor data, and the
second (Fig. 21b) selects the operating frequency and
power factor.

(a) Figure 23. ANSYS RMxprt: permanent magnet solver



The ANSYS Simplorer software package allows to

simulate the transient characteristics of electrical
machines not only on the basis of mathematical mod-
(b) els set by differential equations or built-in machine
Figure 21. ANSYS RMxprt: solver properties: (a) solver models, but also in coupling with previous projects in
properties (part 1); (b) solver properties (part 2) RMxprt or ANSYS Maxwell 2D/3D [19]. That ap-
proach in ANSYS called Twin Builder. To solve this
The results of the analysis are shown below and problem, a Twin Builder component was inserted
show satisfactory convergence with the servo motor into the Simplorer worksheet for coupling simulation
nameplate data. In particular, the main key parame- analysis of the servomotor dynamic modes based on
ters coincided (torque and phase current), and the a machine object from the RMxprt project.
rest are within acceptable limits in terms of the re- In this paper, the first phase of the problem is
quirements for electric machines in general (magnetic solved – to link the RMxprt project with the Sim-
flux density, current density, losses, efficiency). plorer power supply and obtain the output character-
Fig. 22–26 shows the servomotor characteristics istics.
obtained in RMxprt.
119 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.

Figure 24. Efficiency vs Torque Angle

Figure 25. Output Torque vs Torque Angle

Figure 26. Winding Currents under Load

Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering (ISSN 2079-424Х / eISSN 2415-3923) 120

Figure 27. ANSYS Simplorer: simulated servomotor with a stable power supply

Figure 28. Rotational Speed vs Time

Figure 29. Phase Current vs Time

121 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.

In future works, more complex circuits for simu- tude 127 V, frequency 133 Hz), considering the rated
lating transient processes in a servo motor, taking load connection during the acceleration phase. In
into account power from a frequency converter, us- future work, it is planned to perform a detailed simu-
ing a speed sensor and variable loads, will be shown. lation of a servomotor using an embedded servomo-
Fig. 27 shows a simulation model, which shows a tor object from RMxprt and using power from a fre-
three-phase power supply 3PHAS, a servo motor quency converter together with implementing speed
object from RMxprt RMx1, an amperemeter AM1, a feedback.
tachometer VM_ROT1, a rotor inertia source
MASS_ROT1, a step load generator STEP1, and a DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
torque sensor F_ROT1.
In the settings of the three-phase power supply No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
and the element characterizing the inertia value, the author(s).
data from the project were passed. The rated load in
the STEP1 block was applied at the time 0.1 s. The
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Проектування та моделювання сервоприводного двигуна за допомогою

використання ANSYS Electromagnetics
Владислав Плюгін, Олександр Аксьонов, Євген Цегельник, Сергій Планковський,
Володимир Комбаров, Лідія Піддубна
Анотація. Стаття присвячена визначенню вихідних параметрів серводвигуна, який відноситься до синхронних
машин з постійними магнітами, з метою подальшого визначення характеристик динамічних режимів в програ-
мному пакеті ANSYS Electromagnetics. Програма RMxprt, яка входить до ANSYS Electromagnetics, дозволяє визна-
чити параметри обмоток, втрати, робочі характеристики двигуна, але вимагає заповнення формуляру з повним
набором геометричних розмірів та обмоткових даних. Звичайно, такі дані відсутні у паспорті двигуна, тому пе-
рша задача, яка вирішена у статті – це визначення всіх необхідних і достатніх параметрів для виконання розра-
хунку в RMxprt. Результати розрахунків були порівняні із вимірюваннями за допомогою експериментального
зразку серводвигуна моделі EMG-10APA22. У статті показано, як виконати експорт об’єкту серводвигуна з
RMxprt у робочій простір програми Simplorer, яка також входить до пакету ANSYS Electromagnetics. За результа-
123 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.

тами моделювання в ANSYS Simplorer отримано характеристики перехідних режимів серводвигуна при живлен-
ні від стабільного трифазного джерела. Показано перспективи подальших досліджень, пов’язаних з удоскона-
ленням імітаційної моделі в ANSYS Simplorer.

Ключові слова: сервоприводний двигун, вбудовані магніти, ANSYS Simplorer, Twin Builder, параметри двигуна.


Vladyslav Pliuhin D.Sc., Professor

[email protected] Department of Urban Power Supply Systems and Power Consumption
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Oleksandr Aksonov Postgraduate student

[email protected] Department of Urban Power Supply Systems and Power Consumption
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Yevgen Tsegelnyk Ph.D., Associate Professor

[email protected] Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Sergiy Plankovskyy D.Sc., Professor

[email protected] Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Volodymyr Kombarov Ph.D., Associate Professor

[email protected] Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Lidiia Piddubna Ph.D., Associate Professor

[email protected] Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine

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