Design and Simulation of A Servo-Drive Motor Using ANSYS Electromagnetics
Design and Simulation of A Servo-Drive Motor Using ANSYS Electromagnetics
Design and Simulation of A Servo-Drive Motor Using ANSYS Electromagnetics
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Figure 2. Views of the investigated servomotor: (а) – appearance of the EMG-10APA22 servomotor; (b) – servomotor
with the endshield removed (experimental photo); (c) – view of the servomotor coils (photo of the experimental sample)
Lighting Engineering & Power Engineering (ISSN 2079-424Х / eISSN 2415-3923) 114
phase voltage
Uf ;
number of pole pairs
60 f
p ;
rated electromagnetic torque
M n 9.55 ;
rated phase current
Figure 4. Load characteristics of EMG-10APA22: 1 – con-
tinuous working area; 2 – repeatedly working area Pn
If ,
3 U f PF
Table 3. Servomotor EMG-10APA22 measured dimensions
Name Symbol Value where PF is the power factor; is the efficiency;
Stator and Rotor core length,
L 50 pole pitch
Stator external diameter, mm 122 D
Da ;
Stator inner diameter, mm D 74 2 p
Rotor external diameter, mm Dr 72
pole length (rotor package)
Rotor inner diameter (for the Ds 36
shaft), mm L ,
Number of stator coils Wc 12
Number of permanent where is the relative ratio of length and pole pitch;
Nr 8 air gap magnetic flux
Magnet thickness, mm hm 7 B D L
Inductor pole shoe height, mm h p1 3 ;
115 Vladyslav Pliuhin, Oleksandr Aksonov, Yevgen Tsegelnyk et al.
N cw c 1 d el ins ;
pole thickness
0.5 ( Da D)
bp N cw c ,
Figure 27. ANSYS Simplorer: simulated servomotor with a stable power supply
In future works, more complex circuits for simu- tude 127 V, frequency 133 Hz), considering the rated
lating transient processes in a servo motor, taking load connection during the acceleration phase. In
into account power from a frequency converter, us- future work, it is planned to perform a detailed simu-
ing a speed sensor and variable loads, will be shown. lation of a servomotor using an embedded servomo-
Fig. 27 shows a simulation model, which shows a tor object from RMxprt and using power from a fre-
three-phase power supply 3PHAS, a servo motor quency converter together with implementing speed
object from RMxprt RMx1, an amperemeter AM1, a feedback.
tachometer VM_ROT1, a rotor inertia source
MASS_ROT1, a step load generator STEP1, and a DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
torque sensor F_ROT1.
In the settings of the three-phase power supply No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
and the element characterizing the inertia value, the author(s).
data from the project were passed. The rated load in
the STEP1 block was applied at the time 0.1 s. The
simulated characteristics are shown in Fig. 28 and REFERENCES
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тами моделювання в ANSYS Simplorer отримано характеристики перехідних режимів серводвигуна при живлен-
ні від стабільного трифазного джерела. Показано перспективи подальших досліджень, пов’язаних з удоскона-
ленням імітаційної моделі в ANSYS Simplorer.
Ключові слова: сервоприводний двигун, вбудовані магніти, ANSYS Simplorer, Twin Builder, параметри двигуна.