Giacometti Sculpture Handout
Giacometti Sculpture Handout
Giacometti Sculpture Handout
1. First read the article on Alberto Giacometti and fill out the Artist’s
Profile on Giacometti using the information gained from the
2. Next, sketch out some ideas for your own Giacometti inspired
figure in the space provided on the back of this sheet. (no fewer
than 3 sketches)
3. Remember, you may add props to your figure as long as your
figure is elongated like Giacometti’s figures.
4. Then, you will okay your final sketch with Mrs. Denison.
5. You will get two wire hangers, one for the head, shoulders, and
arms, one for the body and legs.
6. You will then cut out a torso, hands and feet with scraps of
7. Put these together with small strips of masking tape.
8. You will then use papier-mâché to add texture to the armatures.
9. Once the papier-mâché has dried, we will glue the sculptures to the Vocabulary Terms:
base, and paint the sculptures black.
10. Last, we will rub a metallic paint onto the sculptures to give it a
“finished” look.
Additive sculpture
Textured Surface
Exaggerated Proportion
Sketch ideas for your sculpture in the space below. At least 3 sketches needed. You may add simple props to add character.
Put your two best sketches in the space below: Ms. Denison’s sketches inspired by Alberto Giacometti:
Student Name:
Alberto Giacometti Sculpture
Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you feel Needs
that you completed that criterion for the assignment.
Excellent Good Average
Criteria 1 – Planning, use of thumbnail sketches,
10 9–8 7 6 or less
uniqueness of idea.
Criteria 2 – Elongated Form.—Linear elongation of the
10 9–8 7 6 or less
Criteria 3 – Sculpture assemblage – Additive papier-
10 9–8 7 6 or less
mâché and painted finish.
Criteria 4 – Effort: took time to develop idea &
10 9–8 7 6 or less
complete project? (Didn’t rush.) Good use of class time?
Criteria 5 – Craftsmanship – Neat, clean & complete?
10 9–8 7 6 or less
Skillful use of the art tools & media?
Total: 50 x 2 Grade:
(100 possible points)