Grid Drawing
Grid Drawing
Grid Drawing
Lorin Easton
Objective: Given the specific instructions and materials, students will demonstrate the process of
enlarging a picture by creating a grid on a smaller picture and drawing it larger and to scale on a larger
paper that shows understanding of creating shapes and value to create a whole picture to the best of their
personal ability.
AP: To create a 12x18 drawing from a 4x6 picture that the student selects using a grid to enlarge.
AH: To discuss the history of grid drawing using the artists Albrecht Durer, Leonardo da Vinci, and Chuck
AA: To answer the question, “How accurate does my drawing look compare to the original picture?”
NYS Standards: 1, 2
Anticipatory Set: With students around a table, show examples of grid drawings and discuss famous
artists who used grid drawings to create their own art. Go through step-by-step with students to show
process of grid drawing with the appropriate materials.
Check Understanding: Visually check each students work and ask class questions that relate to each
process of the project.
Guided Practice: As class starts out, guide them in drawing the grid and drawing the important lines from
the original picture.
Closure: Group critiques throughout the project will ensure that each student gets as much feedback to
improve work as possible. At end of each class session, students will fill out: “Write a question on today‘s
lesson”, “What is still going around in your head?”, “Light bulb and Questions”, or “Ticket to Leave”
Independent Practice: All work is created in class. Students will work on their own project
independently while also helping each other out with any problems that they may have.
Vocabulary Words: Grid, Albrecht Durer, Leonardo da Vinci, Chuck Close, & handouts for grid drawing.