Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Diagnosis and Management
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Diagnosis and Management
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Diagnosis and Management
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HLHS is a common, potentially lethal congenital heart defect that accounts for a
significant proportion of infant mortality from congenital heart disease in the first year after
birth. This defect has morphologic variability and accounts for 7% to 9% of all infants born
with congenital heart defects. Noonan and Nadas coined the term “hypoplastic left heart
syndrome” in 1958, but Lev described the defect nearly a decade earlier. The defect was
uniformly fatal until 25 years ago, when Norwood performed the first successful palliative
procedure. A number of earlier palliation attempts involved establishing stable systemic
blood flow and restricting pulmonary blood flow, but it was Norwood who persisted and
reported the first survival in early 1980. Surgical modifications by the recent generation of
pediatric congenital heart surgeons have resulted in excellent early survival after the
first-stage Norwood procedure. Paramount to surgical success are early diagnosis and
preoperative management strategies of the neonatologist and pediatric cardiologist. This
review emphasizes findings that create suspicion that an infant has ductus arteriosus-
dependent systemic blood flow and highlights strategies to balance systemic and pulmo-
nary blood flow until surgery is accomplished.
The anatomic features of infants who have HLHS vary, but hypoplasia of the left ventricle
is a consistent finding. The classic phenotype is left ventricular hypoplasia associated with
mitral stenosis/atresia, aortic atresia, coarctation of the aorta, and an intact ventricular
septum (Figs. 1, 2, and 3). Variations include common atrioventricular septal defect with
Figure 2. Heart specimens with degrees of left heart hypoplasia. Note the increased mass and small cavity of specimen A. In
specimen B, the right ventricle (RV) is large and apex-forming. Note the small mitral valve and left ventricular (LV) cavity size.
Neonatologists and pediatric cardiologists have wit-
nessed the cardiovascular collapse of an infant who has
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)-dependent systemic blood
flow. Recovery of end-organ function from the insult of
severe metabolic acidosis and hypoxemia is, at best, slow
and uncertain. Identifying affected infants in a newborn
nursery can be challenging because the ductus arteriosus
remains patent early after birth. Even though infants have
complete admixture of systemic and pulmonary venous
return, pulmonary blood flow relative to marginal systemic
blood flow is increased, resulting in oxygen saturation
greater than 85%. Cyanosis is difficult to recognize at this Figure 4. Anatomic heart specimen of aortic atresia demon-
level. However, certain clues can increase suspicion of the strating the course of blood flow from the main pulmonary
presence of a critical heart lesion. Hyperdynamic precordial artery (PA) through the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ret-
activity is a consistent finding that reflects right ventricular rograde into the tiny ascending aorta (double arrows),
volume and pressure overload. Decrease in amplitude of DAⴝdescending aorta, RAⴝright atrium.
peripheral pulses often is cited but is only evident after
ductal constriction in a symptomatic infant. The second
heart sound is single if aortic atresia is present. A heart the infant to the intrauterine state. Re-establishment of
murmur of tricuspid valve regurgitation or increased pul- PDA patency and securing the airway is the priority to
monary blood flow may be audible. re-establish systemic blood flow (Fig. 4). Prostaglandin
Newborn screening with pulse oximetry has been E1 (PGE1) is administered at 0.05 to 0.1 mcg/kg per
advocated. Oxygen saturations rarely are greater than minute. Because PGE1 can cause apnea initially, the
85% to 88% in affected infants, and decreased saturation neonatologist and transport physician should take pre-
is an indication for cardiology evaluation with echocar- cautions to secure the airway before transport.
diography. Oxygen saturation screening should be un- Balancing systemic and pulmonary blood flow to op-
dertaken in both the right arm (preductal saturation) and timize peripheral organ perfusion and function is para-
leg (postductal saturation). Electrocardiography (ECG) mount for successful transition to surgery. PGE1 can
and chest radiography are not adequate ancillary screen- decrease both pulmonary (PVR) and systemic vascular
ing methods if the neonatologist suspects a serious con- resistance (SVR); oxygen administration decreases PVR
genital heart lesion. Prenatal diagnosis avoids the early and increases SVR. Although oxygen administration
diagnostic and management problems incurred by af- while preparing the infant for surgery is potentially det-
fected infants and optimizes their outcome. rimental, administration during the resuscitation, stabi-
lization, and transport period can be beneficial. Main-
Initial Postnatal Management taining oxygen delivery to tissues can be approached by
The initial management of infants who have HLHs phys- either decreasing SVR through use of inodilators such as
iology focuses on safe transport and hemodynamic and milrinone or increasing PVR by manipulating the ambi-
respiratory stabilization. The principal goal is to return ent oxygen environment by controlled hypoxia (FiO2 of
infant who has HLHS is necessary for survival. Restrictive
interatrial communication is analogous to pulmonary
85% venous obstruction because there is no exit from the left
atrium. Pulmonary venous obstruction results in pulmo-
nary edema, decreased lung compliance, and hypoxemia.
Attempted high-risk interventional septostomy in the
catheterization laboratory can be considered. Urgent
50% surgery in this clinical setting rarely has a successful
The availability of mechanical/oxygenation support flow, and factors controlling initial formation of the left
(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) is mandatory in atrioventricular junction, have been inferred from chick
centers that perform such procedures. The most impor- model experiments. It is likely that multiple causes con-
tant factor is the availability of a multidisciplinary team tribute to HLHS.
around the clock for these complex patients. Prenatal diagnosis has had a major favorable impact
on both survival and neurologic outcome. In addition,
prenatal diagnosis affords the opportunity for counseling
HLHS Heart Transplant
The Norwood procedure is offered to most patients who with neonatology and cardiology. Finally, prenatal diag-
have HLHS. Neonatal heart transplant was pioneered by nosis has allowed attempts at in utero treatment of
Bailey and Loma Linda University for infants who have hypoplasia of the left ventricle by balloon dilatation of
HLHS. Although transplantation would be the preferred critical aortic stenosis. However, the group of infants
palliation, donor heart availability limits its use. Centers amenable to this treatment represent only a small subset
that recommended heart transplantation have reported a of those born with HLHS.
30% mortality rate among infants waiting for donor
hearts. This factor made it clear that the infants who have ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Morphology photographs are
HLHS and are good Norwood candidates should be
from the Van Mierop Collection at University of Florida.
referred for a single-ventricle surgical approach. Infants
Courtesy of Diane Spicer.
who have tiny ascending aortas or right ventricular dys-
function and severe atrioventricular valve regurgitation
should be referred for heart transplantation.
Suggested Reading
Alsoufi B, Bennetts J, Verma S, Caldarome CA. New developments
Comfort Care in the treatment of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pediatrics.
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troversial. Although neonatologists and pediatric cardi- Transplant. 1985;4:506 –509
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transplantation for treatment of hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
and potential long-term issues related to single-ventricle
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NeoReviews Quiz
5. The classic phenotype of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) includes left ventricular hypoplasia
associated with mitral stenosis/atresia, aortic atresia, coarctation of aorta, and an intact ventricular septum.
Of the following, the most accurate statement regarding HLHS is that:
A. An intact interatrial septum is critical for survival.
B. Functional status of the right ventricle determines the approach to palliation.
C. HLHS accounts for approximately 25% of all cases of congenital heart disease.
D. Left ventricular communication with coronary sinusoids worsens the prognosis.
E. The size of the descending aorta is a risk factor for surgical palliation.
6. You suspect that a 6-hour-old term newborn has HLHS. Of the following, the most consistent clinical
finding in this infant would be:
A. Decreased amplitude of peripheral pulses.
B. Ductal systolic heart murmur.
C. Hyperdynamic precordial activity.
D. Severe cyanosis.
E. Split second heart sound.
7. In the initial stabilization of a newborn who has HLHS, attention to balancing the systemic and pulmonary
blood flow is critical for successful transition to surgery. Of the following, the initial step in the
management of HLHS is the administration of:
A. Inhaled nitric oxide.
B. Mechanical hyperventilation.
C. Phosphodiesterase inhibitor milrinone.
D. Prostaglandin E1 infusion.
E. Subatmospheric oxygen.
8. Management of HLHS has evolved over the last 3 decades. Of the following, the current approach to
management of HLHS in most infants is:
A. Blalock-Taussig shunt.
B. Comfort care.
C. Glenn shunt procedure.
D. Neonatal heart transplantation.
E. Norwood palliation.