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Venous thrombosis
Alisa S. Wolberg1,2, Frits R. Rosendaal3,4, Jeffrey I. Weitz5, Iqbal H. Jaffer5,
Giancarlo Agnelli6, Trevor Baglin7 and Nigel Mackman1,2,4,8
Abstract | Venous thromboembolism (VTE) encompasses deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary
embolism. VTE is the leading cause of lost disability-adjusted life years and the third leading cause of
cardiovascular death in the world. DVT leads to post-thrombotic syndrome, whereas pulmonary
embolism can cause chronic pulmonary hypertension, both of which reduce quality of life. Genetic and
acquired risk factors for thrombosis include non‑O blood groups, factor V Leiden mutation, oral
contraceptive use, hormone replacement therapy, advanced age, surgery, hospitalization and long-haul
travel. A combination of blood stasis, plasma hypercoagulability and endothelial dysfunction is thought
to trigger thrombosis, which starts most often in the valve pockets of large veins. Animal studies have
revealed pathogenic roles for leukocytes, platelets, tissue factor-positive microvesicles, neutrophil
extracellular traps and factors XI and XII. Diagnosis of VTE requires testing and exclusion of other
pathologies, and typically involves laboratory measures (such as D‑dimer) and diagnostic imaging. VTE is
treated with anticoagulants and occasionally with thrombolytics to prevent thrombus extension and to
reduce thrombus size. Anticoagulants are also used to reduce recurrence. New therapies with improved
safety profiles are needed to prevent and treat venous thrombosis. For an illustrated summary of this
Primer, visit: http://go.nature.com/8ZyCuY
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) manifests primarily — the so‑called post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) —
as deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), which typically occurs which reduce quality of life7. VTE is treated with anti-
in the legs, and to a lesser extent as pulmonary embo- coagulants and occasionally with thrombolytics, both of
lism. DVT in arm veins accounts for a low percentage of which are associated with a risk of bleeding. The recent
cases and primarily occurs in patients with cancer and introduction of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs; also
those with indwelling central vein catheters or ports1. known as new OACs (NOACs)), which directly inhibit
The terms ‘thrombosis’ and ‘embolism’ were coined by either factor Xa or thrombin, has provided clinicians
the German physician Rudolf Virchow, who was the first with new treatment options that have a lower bleeding
to demonstrate a mechanistic link between DVT and risk than conventional therapy.
pulmonary embolism2. However, the so‑called Virchow’s Clues to the operant pathophysiological mechanisms
Triad was attributed to Virchow only 100 years after the are revealed in the morphology of venous thrombi; in
publication of his work in 1856 (REF. 3). Virchow’s Triad contrast to platelet-rich, arterial ‘white’ thrombi, venous
describes three groups of thrombogenic factors: hyper- thrombi contain fewer platelets and are called ‘red clots’
coagulability, changes in blood flow (stasis and turbu- because they have a higher content of red blood cells and
Correspondence to lence) and endothelial dysfunction (FIG. 1). In 2014, the fibrin. Epidemiological studies indicate that both genetic
A.S.W. and N.M. International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (such as the factor V Leiden mutation) and acquired
e-mails: initiated “World Thrombosis Day” (REF. 4) on 13 October (such as surgery) risk factors contribute to VTE. In addi-
[email protected];
— the date of Virchow’s birth. tion, animal studies have revealed roles for leukocytes,
[email protected]
Department of Pathology and
VTE is a multicausal, episodic disorder and a major microvesicles and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)
Laboratory Medicine, cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It has an in VTE. In this Primer article, we provide an overview of
University of North Carolina annual incidence of 1–2 events per 1,000 person-years the current knowledge of the development and clinical
at Chapel Hill, 819 Brinkhous- and is more common in men than women; the incidence consequences of venous thrombosis and highlight new
Bullitt Building, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina
increases to 1 event per 100 person-years in individu- and emerging treatment options for this condition.
27599–7525, USA. als older than 55 years of age5. Pulmonary embolism is
fatal in ~10% of acute cases, with higher rates in patients Epidemiology
Article number: 15006
with cancer. VTE survivors have a poor prognosis, with Among the cardiovascular causes of death, VTE is
Published online an average one‑year mortality rate of 10%5,6. Up to 50% ranked the third most common in the world, after coro-
7 May 2015 of patients with DVT develop pain, oedema and ulcers nary heart disease and ischaemic stroke, with estimates
a b
Vein Thrombomodulin Tissue factor
Red blood
EPCR Endothelial cell Endothelial
expression of dysfunction
factors P-selectin
Heparan sulfate
Valve TPA hypercoagulability
Nitric oxide Leukocyte
Tissue factor-positive
CD39 Hypoxia
in valve
Anticoagulants pocket
in blood Neutrophil
Laminar Proteins NETs
flow C and S
Abnormal Platelet
flow/stasis activation
Figure 1 | Mechanisms that protect from or promote thrombogenesis. a | In healthy veins, Nature Reviews
the | Disease
endothelium Primers
blood flow and provides an antithrombotic surface to prevent clot formation, for example, through Krüppel-like factor 2
(KLF2)-mediated production of thrombomodulin. Other endothelial antithrombotic factors are tissue factor pathway
inhibitor (TFPI), heparan sulfate, tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), nitric oxide, prostacyclin and CD39. In valve pockets,
which have non-laminar blood flow and are prone to hypoxia, increased expression of thrombomodulin and the
endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) limit thrombin generation. Anticoagulants in the blood, including protein C,
protein S and antithrombin, limit thrombin generation and inhibit locally generated thrombin. b | According to Virchow’s
Triad, a combination of hypercoagulability, haemodynamic changes and endothelial dysfunction underlie thrombus
formation. Stasis induces endothelial dysfunction and expression of cell adhesion molecules such as vascular cell
adhesion protein 1 (VCAM1), P‑selectin and E‑selectin; recruitment of leukocytes to the vessel wall; and initiation of
procoagulant activity, for example, through endothelial downregulation of antithrombotic factors and upregulation
of antifibrinolytic and procoagulant factors such as plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1) and tissue factor or through
the release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and microvesicles. Ultimately, fibrin and red blood cells accumulate,
occluding the vein and causing symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis.
group23. This is partly because the baboon is an upright to the stenosis site and endothelial activation seem to be
animal and its coagulation system is similar to that of the major triggers of thrombosis in this model, although
humans. In this model, stasis is induced for 6 hours in a low level of vessel injury cannot be excluded28. Ferric
the iliac vein using two balloon catheters that enter the chloride and electrolytic injury have also been used to
vessel from opposite directions while the contralateral initiate thrombosis in the inferior vena cava and femoral
iliac vein serves as a control23. Notably, baboons have vein29–35. These techniques induce rapid formation of a
a valve in the affected vessel segment, and this model thrombus but do not involve blood stasis or turbulence
might thus recapitulate some of the pathological events in the initiation phase. All of these animal models have
occurring in humans during thrombus initiation and been used to elucidate the roles of different factors in
allows assessment of valve function24. Most laborato- venous thrombosis (discussed below).
ries use rat or, more commonly, mouse models in which
venous thrombi are provoked by ligature to reduce (ste- Altered blood flow
nosis) or abolish (stasis) flow in the inferior vena cava Abnormal blood flow, such as stasis and turbulence,
for 0–48 hours. Although the murine vena cava does not seems to be an important pathogenic factor for venous
contain valves, the thrombi produced in rodent models thrombosis. For example, a study of 76 patients with
upstream of the ligation site resemble venous thrombi hemiparesis caused by stroke showed that there was a
found in humans and non-human primates, with dis- higher incidence of DVT in the paralysed leg than in
tinct areas composed of platelets and red blood cells25,26. the mobile leg (53% versus 7%, respectively)36. Valve
In the stasis model almost all mice develop thrombi, but pockets of large veins are particularly prone to reduced
complete ligation reduces the delivery of blood compo- blood flow and stasis. Indeed, radiographical and post-
nents, such as platelets, leukocytes and microvesicles, mortem studies found that these pockets frequently
to the site of thrombosis. The stenosis model allows for contain thrombi37. One can speculate that this is partly
delivery of blood components, but thrombus formation caused by activation of the endothelium in the valve
is variable, with incidences in the range of 44–100% pocket due to low blood flow and hypoxia. This notion
48 hours after ligature27. Turbulent blood flow upstream is supported by a study that measured oxygen tension
factor XII-deficient mice have smaller thrombi in the contributes to thrombogenesis in animal models. In a
vena cava stenosis model, suggesting that the intrinsic rat vena cava stasis model, leukocytes express tissue
pathway contributes to venous thrombosis26. Finally, factor 43, and a deficiency of tissue factor in myeloid
the association of VTE risk in humans with impaired cells is associated with reduced thrombosis in the
fibrinolysis of plasma clots formed in vitro63–65 suggests mouse vena cava stenosis model 26. Taken together,
that fibrinolysis limits thrombogenesis. these results support the notion that leukocytes
contribute to venous thrombogenesis.
Platelets, leukocytes and microvesicles Interestingly, the cholesterol-lowering drug rosuva
Platelets. Platelets have traditionally not been thought statin reduces thrombosis in the vena cava ligation
to have a major role in venous thrombosis. However, model and inhibits neutrophil recruitment to the vein
accumulating evidence indicates that platelets contrib- walls and sites of thrombosis86. Statins have also been
ute to thrombosis in mice and humans, and might regu- shown to inhibit monocyte tissue factor expression
late effector functions of innate immune cells recruited in vitro and in vivo87. The JUPITER clinical trial found
to the thrombus66. Thrombocytosis is a risk factor for that rosuvastatin reduces the incidence of VTE by 43%
VTE in patients with cancer or other diseases67–71. In in individuals with elevated levels of C‑reactive protein88.
mice, platelet depletion reduces thrombosis incidence26, However, a meta-analysis of 22 statin trials concluded
and vWF-deficient mice have small thrombi, probably that “the findings from this meta-analysis do not sup-
owing to reduced platelet and leukocyte recruitment 25. port the previous suggestion of a large protective effect
Importantly, a meta-analysis of two clinical trials of statins on venous thromboembolic events” (REF. 89).
(WARFASA and ASPIRE) indicated that low-dose aspi-
rin reduces recurrent VTE after patients completed a Microvesicles. Levels of circulating microvesicles are
6–18 month period of anticoagulation72, and a separate increased in several pathological conditions associ-
meta-analysis in 2014 estimated a 42% risk reduction of ated with venous thrombosis90. For example, leukocyte
recurrent VTE with aspirin therapy 73. Taken together, and platelet microvesicles are increased in the murine
these data suggest that platelets contribute to venous vena cava ligation model, and injection of these micro
thrombogenesis. However, a recent review of the lit- vesicles increases thrombus weight91. However, there is
erature concluded that “while platelet inhibitory agents no convincing clinical evidence to indicate that elevated
might be considered in the prevention of VTE, there levels of total microvesicles increases the risk of VTE92.
is no obvious indication for platelet inhibition in the By contrast, elevated levels of tissue factor-positive
treatment of VTE” (REF. 74). microvesicles might trigger venous thrombosis in some
patients. For example, in patients with pancreatic cancer,
Leukocytes. Activation of the clotting system by leuko- elevated levels of tumour-derived tissue factor-positive
cytes in response to pathogens is part of host defences. microvesicles are associated with an increased risk of
The clotting system serves to immobilize patho- VTE93,94. In a mouse model, tumour-derived micro
gens and recruit immune cells to destroy invading vesicles accumulate at sites of vascular injury, and mice
pathogens. By contrast, in the absence of pathogens, with tumours have larger clots in the mesenteric vascula-
venous thrombosis has been proposed to result from ture than control mice95. Injection of exogenous tumour-
activation of coagulation by leukocytes and crosstalk derived tissue factor-positive microvesicles also enhances
between coagulation and innate immune cells — thrombosis in the mouse stenosis model96. These find-
so‑called immunot hrombosis66. Recent clinical and ings suggest that tissue factor-positive microvesicles may
animal model studies support this premise (FIG. 1). For contribute to venous thrombogenesis10.
example, there is compelling evidence to indicate that
leukocytes contribute to venous thrombosis, particu- Red blood cells
larly in animal models26,75. In patients with cancer, pre- Venous thrombi are called red clots because of their
cancer and pre-chemotherapy, leukoc ytosis is a risk prominent red blood cell content. Traditionally, red
factor for VTE76,77. It has been proposed that neutro blood cells have been thought to be only passively
phils contribute to venous thrombosis by releasing trapped components of the thrombus. However, grow-
NETs, which are extracellular networks consisting of ing evidence suggests that they actively contribute to
DNA, histones and antimicrobial proteins. NETs have coagulation. For example, red blood cell transfusion
been shown to capture platelets and red blood cells alleviates bleeding in anaemic patients97 and is associ-
in vitro 78. Notably, DNA was detected in thrombi in ated with thrombosis in patients with cancer and in
the baboon model78 and in venous thrombi harvested hospitalized patients98–100. The mechanisms by which red
from humans 79,80. DNA and RNA can also activate blood cells contribute to venous thrombosis are poorly
factor XII, which might partly explain the attenuated understood. Red blood cells aggregate in the low shear
thrombosis observed in factor XII-deficient mice26,81. of the venous circulation and increase blood viscosity,
Importantly, neutropenic mice and mice with an which might promote blood stasis101,102. In addition, red
inability to form NETs produce fewer and/or smaller blood cells and microvesicles derived from them can
venous thrombi 26,82. Neutrophils can also enhance have exposed phosphatidylserine — a procoagulant
thrombosis by releasing proteases, such as elastase, phospholipid — and in vitro studies show that both the
that cleave and inactivate the anticoagulant tissue fac- cells and the microvesicles can support thrombin gen-
tor pathway inhibitor 83–85. Leukocyte tissue factor also eration and activate the contact pathway 103–107. Red blood
cells can also activate platelets via release of ADP, stabi- Finally, PAI1-deficient mice have smaller thrombi but
lize clots by decreasing clot permeability 108,109 and delay increased fibrosis, suggesting an interesting relationship
fibrinolysis110. The relative impact of these functions on between thrombosis and fibrosis119,120. These findings
thrombogenesis in vivo has not yet been determined. are particularly relevant in the context of the long-term
Aleman et al.111 reported that red blood cell retention sequelae associated with DVT (PTS) and pulmonary
in venous thrombi requires transglutaminase activity embolism (chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyper
of factor XIII. Notably, they found that factor XIII- tension). These pathologies are associated with per-
deficient mice have small venous thrombi because the sistent venous obstruction, increased pressure within
thrombi contain significantly fewer red blood cells than vessels and inflammation, which result in valvular
those from wild-type mice. This effect is recapitulated damage and increased vessel wall permeability and stiff-
in human whole-blood clots formed in the presence of ness (scarring). As rapid lysis and resolution of venous
factor XIII inhibitors111. These findings suggest that fac- thrombi have been proposed to reduce PTS and chronic
tor XIIIa contributes to red blood cell retention in clots thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, efforts to
and, therefore, venous thrombus size. better understand the relationship between thrombosis
and fibrosis are essential.
Resolution of venous thrombi
In addition to their prothrombotic activity, leukocytes Diagnosis, screening and prevention
also seem to be crucial for venous thrombus resolution. Prevention and screening
In a rat model of stasis-induced thrombosis, neutro Hospitalization is a major risk factor for VTE, and at
penia is associated with larger thrombi and increased least half of the outpatients with newly diagnosed VTE
fibrosis, as well as decreased levels of urokinase plas- have a history of hospitalization in the past 3 months.
minogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase 9 Many of these patients received no or inadequate
(MMP9)112. These observations suggest that neutrophil- thromboprophylaxis during their hospital stay. In
derived urokinase plasminogen activator and MMPs fact, because of inadequate thromboprophylaxis, pul-
are involved in resolving thrombi113–115. Monocytes and monary embolism is considered the principal cause of
macrophages are also recruited to venous thrombi, preventable death in hospitalized patients121. To reduce
with high numbers of macrophages present 6–8 days this burden, the risk of VTE should be assessed in all
after thrombus initiation75,116. Monocyte recruitment is patients on admission to hospital, and appropriate
mediated by cysteine–cysteine chemokines and mono- thromboprophylaxis should be prescribed.
cyte chemotactic protein 1 (REFS 117,118). Among other There are several options for thromboprophylaxis122.
activities, monocytes and macrophages contribute to Parenteral anticoagulants — such as heparin, low-
MMP expression in thrombi117,118. In both stasis and molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux
stenosis murine thrombosis models, deletion of the (a synthetic pentasaccharide, which contains the
gene encoding cysteine–cysteine chemokine recep- antithrombin binding site of heparin) (FIG. 2) — are
tor 2 is associated with reduced monocyte recruitment administered subcutaneously in prophylactic doses.
to venous thrombi, reduced MMP2 and MMP9 activ- Oral anticoagulants, such as vitamin K antagonists
ity in thrombi and impaired thrombus resolution117,118. (for example, warfarin) or DOACs (FIG. 2), are used
for extended prophylaxis after major orthopaedic sur-
gery 123. These approaches are effective at reducing VTE
incidence but are associated with a risk of bleeding.
* * Mechanical methods, such as pneumatic compression
devices with or without elastic stockings, are used in
patients whose risk for bleeding precludes the admin-
istration of anticoagulants, even in prophylactic doses
(for example, patients with intracerebral haemorrhage
or those with very low platelet counts).
Thrombophilia testing to screen for increased VTE
risks includes evaluation for hereditary disorders, such
as the factor V Leiden or prothrombin gene mutations;
deficiency of antithrombin, protein C or protein S; and
acquired disorders, such as antiphospholipid syndrome.
Although the factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene var-
iants place women at higher risk of VTE when they are
prescribed oral contraceptives or hormone replacement
therapy, the absolute risk remains low and screening
Nature of
Figure 3 | Clinical presentation Reviews | Disease Primers
asymptomatic women for these defects is not cost-
thrombosis. These images show patients with extensive effective124. Similarly, thrombophilia screening should
deep-vein thrombosis that included the proximal veins of not be performed in patients with provoked VTE because
the legs. Note the pronounced swelling in the calves and these patients are at low risk of recurrent thrombosis
thighs (indicated by asterisks). Images courtesy of S. Moll, when anticoagulation therapy is stopped125. In those
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. with unprovoked VTE, thrombophilia testing should be
Suspected deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism is often asymptomatic127. Symptomatic patients fre-
quently complain of chest pain, particularly when tak-
ing a deep breath, and shortness of breath, particularly
Pretest likelihood with exertion, and they may present with rapid breath-
ing and a rapid heart rate. A bloody cough can occur if
Low Moderate or high the embolism completely obstructs a segmental artery
in the lung, causing distal pulmonary infarction.
Diagnostic pathway. First, the pretest likelihood of
DVT or pulmonary embolism should be determined
Normal Abnormal using validated clinical prediction rules, which take into
account components of the clinical assessment, the pres-
ence or absence of risk factors for VTE and whether an
Compression ultrasonography or computed
tomography pulmonary angiography
alternative diagnosis explains the symptoms and signs128.
Patients with a moderate or high pretest likelihood pro-
ceed directly to testing for DVT or pulmonary embolism,
Positive Negative whereas those with a low pretest likelihood should be fur-
ther screened by D‑dimer assay (see below). A negative
No thrombosis Thrombosis No thrombosis D‑dimer result precludes additional testing (FIG. 4).
or embolism or embolism or embolism D‑dimer is a fibrin degradation product generated by
plasmin-mediated proteolysis and is an indirect marker
Figure 4 | Management algorithm for suspected venous Nature Reviews | DiseaseBefore
thromboembolism. Primers
of activation of the coagulation system. D‑dimer can be
diagnostic tests are conducted in patients with suspected deep-vein thrombosis or measured quantitatively in plasma, and point‑of‑care
pulmonary embolism, the pretest likelihood is assessed on the basis of the patient’s risk
whole-blood tests also are available for rapid assess-
profile, clinical presentation and potential alternative diagnoses. Patients with a
moderate or high pretest likelihood directly proceed to diagnostic testing, which ment. Contemporary D‑dimer tests have up to 98%
includes compression ultrasonography or CT pulmonary angiography, whereas patients sensitivity for the diagnosis of VTE, but their specifici-
with a low pretest likelihood are further screened for the presence of D‑dimer — a fibrin ties are relatively low 129 because D‑dimer levels can be
degradation product and thus a marker of thrombosis. However, D‑dimer can also be elevated with advanced age, infection, chronic inflam-
elevated as a result of other conditions, and diagnostic testing is therefore still needed in mation, cancer and other conditions. Consequently, a
patients with a positive D‑dimer test. positive D‑dimer test does not establish a VTE diagno-
sis. Furthermore, because inpatients are more likely to
have a positive D‑dimer test than outpatients, its utility is
restricted to the few patients in whom the results of such limited in hospitalized patients. The major benefit of the
testing would influence decisions regarding the dura- D‑dimer assay is its high negative predictive value. This
tion of treatment. This could include patients who wish means that a normal D‑dimer test makes a VTE diagno-
to stop anticoagulant therapy but who might change sis unlikely in patients with a low pretest likelihood128,
their mind if antithrombin, protein C or protein S defi- thereby eliminating the need for further diagnostic test-
ciencies were detected. Although patients with VTE ing (FIG. 4). D‑dimer levels increase with age, but the use
might have occult cancer, apart from age-appropriate of higher, age-specific cut-offs for normal D‑dimer levels
testing, there is no justification for extensive screening can reduce the need for further testing in the elderly 130,131.
for malignancy after a thrombotic event. As the clinical features of VTE are nonspecific, objec-
tive testing is required for patients with a low pretest likeli-
Diagnosis hood for VTE and an elevated D‑dimer level and for those
Symptoms and signs. The calf is the most common site with a moderate or high pretest likelihood. Compression
of DVT, although ~20% of calf thrombi extend into the ultrasonography is used for the diagnosis of DVT, whereas
more proximal veins of the leg — those behind the knee CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) or ventilation–
and in the thigh (popliteal and femoral veins, respec- perfusion (V/Q) lung scanning is used for the diagnosis
tively)125. Thrombi in the more proximal veins are more of pulmonary embolism128,132.
likely to break off and cause pulmonary embolism than Compression ultrasonography is a simple non
those in calf veins. Embolism can also arise from upper- invasive test that has replaced contrast venography as
extremity DVT involving the axillary or subclavian the preferred test for diagnosis of DVT. A positive test
veins, but this is a less common source126. shows non-compressible veins (FIG. 5a). The sensitiv-
The symptoms and signs of DVT include swelling in ity and specificity of compression ultrasonography for
the affected limb accompanied by swelling and tenderness proximal DVT are greater than 95% in patients with
along the course of the deep veins (FIG. 3). There can be symptoms suggestive of DVT128. For detection of an
dilatation of the superficial veins of the leg, the skin may isolated calf DVT, the sensitivity and specificity of com-
be red or dusky blue, and the affected limb may be warm pression ultrasonography are lower (~70–75%)133. The
to touch. In some cases, DVT can be asymptomatic, and most frequently used test for the diagnosis of pulmo-
pulmonary embolism might be the first manifestation. nary embolism is CTPA with a multidetector scanner
At least 40% of patients presenting with proximal (FIG. 5b). CTPA is widely available and results are obtained
DVT will have pulmonary embolism; however, this rapidly. Furthermore, it not only identifies emboli but
can also detect other pathologies to provide an alterna- In the perfusion phase, technetium-labelled albumin
tive diagnosis. CTPA can be used as a stand-alone test macroaggregates are injected intravenously, and blood
because of its high sensitivity and specificity (greater flow to the lungs is assessed once the aggregates lodge
than 85% and 90%, respectively)134. Thus, evidence of in the pulmonary microcirculation. Patients are scanned
a thrombus in segmental or larger pulmonary arteries with a gamma counter; areas of lung affected by pulmo-
on CTPA establishes a diagnosis of pulmonary embo- nary embolism exhibit normal air delivery but do not
lism, whereas a negative CTPA excludes it 128. The sig- light up on the perfusion scan because blood flow to that
nificance of subsegmental thrombi is uncertain; in this region is blocked (FIG. 5c). A positive diagnosis is estab-
case, if compression ultrasonography of both legs is lished if there are segmental or larger perfusion defects
negative, a DVT can be excluded and treatment might that ventilate normally, whereas embolism is excluded
not be needed. CTPA can be combined with CT veno by a normal V/Q pattern128,129. A limitation of this tech-
graphy so that the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and nique is that ~65% of scans exhibit matched or smaller
DVT can be established with a single test and with only mismatched defects, which are sometimes due to other
one injection of contrast dye. Although combined test- pathologies, and fall within the non-high-probability
ing modestly improves sensitivity, it increases radiation category of VTE. These patients require additional test-
exposure and has little effect on the overall detection ing because emboli can be found in up to 40% of this
rate128. Consequently, compression ultrasonography is cohort 128,129. Additional investigation might include
the preferred technique for DVT diagnosis128. bilateral compression ultrasonography to exclude DVT.
V/Q scanning is preferred over CTPA for patients Patients with extensive DVT or pulmonary embo-
with renal impairment and for those with a history of lism might require advanced medical therapies, such
allergy to angiographic contrast dyes129. This two-part as pharmacomechanical thrombolysis to degrade and
test consists of ventilation and perfusion phases. In the remove thrombi in the proximal deep veins of the leg, or
ventilation phase, patients inhale aerosolized radioactive systemic or catheter-directed thrombolysis for massive
xenon or technetium to assess air delivery to the lungs. pulmonary embolism. Extensive DVT involving the iliac
or more-proximal veins can block outflow of blood from
the leg, resulting in marked swelling and pain. In severe
a b cases, the swelling can compress the arteries supplying
blood to the limb, resulting in blanching of the skin and,
in rare cases, progression to gangrene.
Patients with massive pulmonary embolism present
Artery with hypotension, rapid heart rates and low oxygen satu-
Clot ration on room air. Extensive blockage of blood flow into
the lungs places a strain on the right ventricle of the heart,
which might be visible in an electrocardiogram by a new-
onset right bundle branch block or the classic S1Q3T3 pat-
PA tern (FIG. 5d). The right ventricle can dilate as it attempts
PA to squeeze blood into the blocked pulmonary arteries,
and the pulmonary artery pressure often increases. Right
ventricular dilatation in such patients can be detected
on the CTPA or by transthoracic echocardiography. The
echocardiogram might also reveal diminished pumping of
blood from the right ventricle and increased pulmonary
c d artery pressure. Stretching of the right ventricle can result
in increased plasma levels of brain natriuretic peptide or
V its precursor, amino‑terminal pro-brain natriuretic pep-
tide, and right ventricular injury as a result of the strain
II might increase plasma levels of troponin135. Although the
positive predictive value of elevated levels of brain natri
uretic peptide, pro-brain natriuretic peptide and troponin
Q is low, patients with evidence of right ventricular dysfunc-
tion and increased levels of these biomarkers have a worse
prognosis than those without these findings135.
intravenous UFH, which is dose-adjusted to achieve a is needed to ensure that the INR remains in the thera-
therapeutic aPTT, or with weight-adjusted subcutane- peutic range of 2.0 to 3.0. Warfarin dosing algorithms
ous LMWH or fondaparinux treatment. LMWH and that incorporate pharmacogenetic and clinical variables
fondaparinux can be given subcutaneously in fixed have been developed. Trials comparing warfarin dosing
doses without monitoring and are therefore preferred using these algorithms versus usual practice without
over UFH. However, LMWH and fondaparinux are these algorithms have shown more rapid achievement
cleared by the kidneys and can accumulate in patients of a therapeutic INR but have yet to demonstrate
with impaired renal function. Consequently, these improved outcomes, such as reduced rates of recurrent
patients are treated with UFH, which is mainly cleared thrombosis or less bleeding 147,148. This might change with
via extrarenal routes. UFH is also used for patients with refinements in the dosing algorithms but, in the interim,
extensive VTE who might require systemic, pharmaco- improving the infrastructure for anticoagulation man-
mechanical or catheter-directed thrombolysis because agement is crucial because there is abundant evidence
the dose can be lowered easily to reduce the risk of that warfarin management in dedicated anticoagulation
bleeding. In addition, the short half-life of intravenous clinics surpasses that in the community 149.
UFH and the capacity to rapidly reverse the antico-
agulant effects of UFH with protamine sulfate can be Direct oral anticoagulants. DOACs directly inhibit
advantageous in this setting if there is bleeding. the enzymatic activity of either factor Xa or thrombin
(FIG. 2). DOACs have been compared with conventional
Vitamin K antagonists. Vitamin K antagonists, such as therapy in patients with acute VTE treatment in six
warfarin, inhibit the vitamin K‑dependent synthesis of Phase III clinical trials (TABLE 1). All of the trials used
coagulation factors, including prothrombin and fac- recurrent fatal or non-fatal VTE as the same primary
tors VII, IX and X (FIG. 2). They have been the ‘gold stand- efficacy end point. The main safety outcome was either
ard’ for oral anticoagulation for more than 50 years. The major bleeding or a combined outcome of major and
effective dose of warfarin differs from person to person clinically relevant non-major bleeding.
and can vary over time within an individual patient. This The RE‑COVER trial compared dabigatran with
variability reflects common polymorphisms that influ- warfarin in 2,539 patients with VTE137. VTE recur-
ence the metabolism and pharmacodynamics of warfa- rence rates were similar with dabigatran and warfarin
rin, variations in dietary vitamin K intake and multiple (TABLE 1). Fewer episodes of any bleeding occurred with
drug–drug interactions146. Thus, frequent monitoring dabigatran, although major bleeding rates were similar.
These results were confirmed in RE‑COVER II138 as well compromised (hypotension) at presentation 132 .
as in a pooled analysis of both RE‑COVER trials138. Thrombolytic therapy can be given systemically
The EINSTEIN-DVT140 and EINSTEIN-PE141 trials or by catheter infusion directly into the thrombus.
compared all oral rivaroxaban (15 mg twice daily for Thrombolytic therapy (using tissue-type plasminogen
3 weeks, followed by 20 mg once daily) with conven- activators) converts endogenous plasminogen to plas-
tional therapy (enoxaparin followed by warfarin). In the min, which then degrades fibrin in clots; alteplase is
EINSTEIN-DVT study, which enrolled 3,449 patients the most commonly used thrombolytic drug. Surgical
with proximal DVT and no clinical evidence of embo- thrombectomy and thrombus maceration and extrac-
lism, rivaroxaban was non-inferior to conventional tion procedures are less often performed. In patients
therapy in preventing recurrent symptomatic VTE140 without hypotension, the benefits of thrombolysis
(TABLE 1). Rivaroxaban and conventional therapy had are offset by more frequent bleeding, including intra
similar bleeding rates. Using the same study design, the cranial bleeding 151. It is unknown whether the benefit-
EINSTEIN‑PE study enrolled 4,832 patients with pulmo- to‑risk balance of thrombolysis will be improved
nary embolism with or without associated DVT. For the using catheter-based technologies with or without
primary efficacy outcome, rivaroxaban was non-inferior adjunctive ultrasound treatment. Local catheter-
to conventional therapy 141 (TABLE 1). The rates of major or directed and/or pharmacomechanical thrombolysis is
clinically relevant non-major bleeding in the two treat- occasionally used for the treatment of extensive DVT
ment groups were similar; however, the rate of major based on the hypothesis that opening the occluded veins
bleeding alone was lower with rivaroxaban than that preserves valve function and reduces the risk of PTS152.
with conventional therapy (1.1% and 2.2%, respectively).
The AMPLIFY trial compared an all oral regimen of Long-term treatment. The optimal duration of anticoag-
apixaban (10 mg twice daily for 7 days, followed by 5 mg ulation after a first VTE episode is still debated. At least
once daily) with conventional therapy in 5,395 patients 3 months of treatment are recommended for patients
with acute VTE142. For the primary efficacy outcome, with provoked VTE136. Longer treatment should be
apixaban was non-inferior to conventional therapy restricted to patients whose provoking factor has not yet
(TABLE 1), but the rate of major bleeding was significantly been resolved. Similarly, at least 3 months of treatment
lower with apixaban (P < 0.001 for superiority). The com- is recommended for patients with unprovoked VTE.
bined rate of major and clinically relevant non-major The decision to extend treatment is based on the risks
bleeding was also lower with apixaban than with conven- of recurrent VTE and bleeding and on patient prefer-
tional therapy (4.3% and 9.7%, respectively; P < 0.001). ences136. For patients with a first unprovoked proximal
The Hokusai-VTE study compared edoxaban with DVT or pulmonary embolism and a low risk of bleed-
warfarin in 8,240 patients with acute VTE (includ- ing, indefinite anticoagulation should be considered. For
ing 3,319 with pulmonary embolism)139. All patients most patients with a second unprovoked DVT or pulmo-
received heparin for at least 5 days and were then ran- nary embolism, lifelong treatment is recommended. In
domly assigned to edoxaban or warfarin treatment. Both patients with cancer and VTE, anticoagulation should be
groups received the study drug for 3–12 months, and all continued until the cancer is cured or enters remission.
patients were followed for 12 months. For the primary Rivaroxaban, apixaban, dabigatran and low-dose
efficacy outcome, edoxaban was non-inferior to warfa- aspirin have been compared with placebo for extended
rin (TABLE 1), but major or clinically relevant non-major VTE treatment81–83,140,142,153. All were superior to placebo
bleeding was less frequent with edoxaban (P = 0.004 for for prevention of recurrent VTE with favourable safety
superiority). Notably, the rate of recurrent VTE was lower profiles in terms of major bleeding. Anticoagulants are
with edoxaban than with warfarin in 938 patients with superior to aspirin; rivaroxaban, apixaban and dabigatran
acute pulmonary embolism who had increased levels of reduced the risk of recurrence by at least 80%, whereas
N‑terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (at or above aspirin showed only a 32% risk reduction83. Extended
500 pg ml–1) at presentation (3.3% and 6.2%, respectively). treatment with dabigatran was also shown to be non-
In summary, DOACs are non-inferior to conven- inferior to warfarin for prevention of recurrent VTE,
tional therapy in preventing recurrent VTE. Moreover, and dabigatran produced less bleeding 153. Whether the
DOACs are associated with less major bleeding, practicality of DOACs and their favourable safety profiles
although a recent meta-analysis suggested the DOACs will increase the uptake of extended anticoagulation in
might cause more gastrointestinal bleeding 150. More patients with unprovoked VTE remains to be determined.
research is needed because most patients enrolled in
these trials had normal renal function, and there were Vena cava filters. Vena cava filters are used to prevent
few patients of very high or low body weight and rela- emboli from the deep veins of the leg from reaching the
tively few elderly patients — all for whom fixed dosing lungs. Vena cava filters should only be considered in
might not be optimal. In addition, patients with cancer patients with acute, extensive DVT with or without asso-
and VTE were underrepresented in these trials. ciated pulmonary embolism who have contraindications
to anticoagulation, such as serious bleeding, and in those
Other treatment options with recurrent VTE despite optimal anticoagulation136.
Thrombolytic treatment. Thrombolytic treatment is Retrievable filters are also used to prevent pulmonary
indicated for patients with massive pulmonary embo- embolism in high-risk situations whereby anticoagula-
lism — that is, for patients who are haemodynamically tion is temporarily contraindicated (prior to major cancer
as the baboon? Current pulmonary embolism models NETs have increased microvascular thrombosis170. Taken
involve intravenous injection of tissue factor or plate- together, these studies suggest that reducing neutro
let activators, or removal of an artificial plug to trigger phil release of NETs or treatment with DNase I might
embolization168, but these models do not recapitulate be novel approaches to reducing the incidence of DVT.
mechanisms that trigger spontaneous embolization in Notably, however, a recent review on the role of NETs in
humans. Continued development of models that show venous thrombosis in patients with cancer concluded
embolism from existing DVT, as well as spontaneous that “the current enthusiasm about NETs in cancer is not
pulmonary embolism, are crucial for understanding the yet supported by clinical data” (REF. 171).
pathophysiological mechanisms of VTE.
Most animal studies have analysed the effect of sin- Clinical needs
gle risk factors on thrombosis. These studies typically Development of new, safer drugs. Full acceptance of the
induce thrombosis using mild‑to‑severe vessel injury in currently available DOACs into clinical practice has been
young animals with otherwise healthy vessels and a nor- slowed by two potential limitations. First, although there
mal coagulation profile. However, clinical observations is no need for routine laboratory monitoring of these
indicate that a combination of two or more risk factors drugs, reliable laboratory tests for measuring levels of
is generally required to trigger DVT in humans, such these agents are not widely available. Second, in contrast
as a hypercoagulable state, advanced age, major surgery, to traditional anticoagulants (such as heparin and vita-
immobilization or cancer. Future studies should ana- min K antagonists), the lack of specific reversal agents
lyse the effect of combinations of risk factors on venous for DOACs increases the risk of bleeding complications
thrombosis. Modelling complex diseases associated with in emergency situations. For example, the anticoagulant
thrombosis, such as cancer, might identify new factors activity of UFH can be reversed by administration of
that contribute to its pathogenesis and that could be used protamine sulfate. Specific DOAC reversal agents are
as therapeutic targets. under development; this includes a modified version of
The contribution of blood cells to thrombogenesis factor Xa that can be used to reverse the anticoagulant
remains unclear. Studies have shown a role for leuko- effects of anti-factor Xa agents and an antibody to the
cytes. However, these cells might enhance thrombosis via thrombin inhibitor dabigatran172,173, but these have not
multiple mechanisms, such as by expressing tissue factor, yet been approved for clinical use.
by increasing inflammation and by releasing NETs. By Substantial efforts are also underway to develop new
contrast, they might promote thrombus resolution by anticoagulants that carry little or no risk of bleeding
releasing fibrinolytic enzymes and MMPs. Dissecting — the ‘holy grail’ of anticoagulation174. Data emerg-
the relative importance of these different mechanisms ing from basic science investigations and epidemio-
may guide us to new therapeutic strategies for the pre- logical observations suggest that coagulation proteins
vention and treatment of DVT. In particular, NETs have other than those currently targeted might be viable
become a hot topic in thrombosis research. Recent stud- targets for future anticoagulants, including factors
ies have shown that patients with DVT have elevated IXa, XIa, XIIa (FIG. 2) and XIIIa111,175–186. For example,
DNA levels in the plasma, and that citrullinated histone a recent study examined the effect of reducing fac-
H3, a marker of NETs, can be detected in human venous tor XI expression using an antisense oligonucleotide
thrombi79,169. Interestingly, one study has reported that (FXI-ASO) in patients undergoing total knee replace-
patients with impaired DNase I‑mediated degradation of ment 186. Two dose levels of FXI-ASO were compared
with the LMWH enoxaparin. The low dose of FXI-ASO
Box 2 | Research and clinical priorities (200 mg) reduced factor XI expression to ~33% and
was non-inferior to enoxaparin with respect to symp-
Research priorities tomatic and asymptomatic VTE incidence (27% versus
• Animal models that reflect human pathogenesis 30%) with similar rates of bleeding (3% versus 8%).
• Standardized mouse models However, the higher dose of FXI-ASO (300 mg), which
• Pulmonary embolism models reduced factor XI levels to ~17%, produced a striking
• Models that include combinations of risk factors and diseases associated with reduction in VTE (4%) without increasing bleeding
thrombosis (3%). These exciting results indicate that factor XI con-
• Contribution of blood cells (for example, leukocytes) to thrombosis tributes to VTE development in patients undergoing
• Role of neutrophil extracellular traps in thrombosis
knee surgery and show that reducing factor XI expres-
sion can reduce VTE risk without increasing bleed-
Clinical needs ing. Inhibiting factor XIa activity would be expected
• Laboratory tests for measuring effect of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) to produce similar results. Furthermore, factor XIIa
• Reversal agents for DOACs inhibitors, including the tick anticoagulant proteins
• Safer anticoagulants with reduced risk of bleeding infestin‑4 and Ixodes ricinus contact phase inhibitor,
• Novel molecular targets for anticoagulation strategies reduce thrombosis in animal models180,183,184. The factor
• Improved means for rapid removal of thrombus XIIa inhibitory antibody 3F7 effectively reduces fibrin
• Improved imaging and diagnosis deposition in a rabbit model of extracorporeal mem-
• Identification of sensitive and specific biomarkers brane oxygenation185. Notably, because factor XII con-
tributes to thrombosis but has no role in haemostasis,
• Increased awareness of venous thromboembolism symptoms and management
its inhibition is not expected to increase bleeding.
Proteins outside the coagulation cascade might healthy individuals and might be a biomarker of VTE
also be viable targets for reducing thrombogenesis. risk in certain types of cancers. For example, levels of tis-
The Wakefield group has studied the effects of inhib- sue factor-positive microvesicles in the plasma increase
iting the P‑selectin–PSGL1 complex on DVT in the before VTE develops in patients with pancreatic cancer
baboon model187. These studies show that P‑selectin but not in other types of cancer 93,94. The reasons for this
inhibitors and PSGL1 inhibitors reduce thrombosis and apparent specificity are unclear but might reflect the fact
inflammation as effectively as enoxaparin. It would be that pancreatic cancer is often detected at a later stage
interesting to determine whether these inhibitors can than other cancers. Nevertheless, these studies provide a
prevent VTE in humans. proof of principle that tissue factor-positive microvesicles
might be a useful biomarker for predicting thrombosis
Treatment improvements. As discussed above, rapid in a subset of patients and could be combined with other
removal of thrombus and restoration of flow might biomarkers and risk assessment scoring methods.
preserve valvular function and reduce morbidity fol-
lowing DVT; this concept is also called the open-vein VTE awareness
hypothesis152. Randomized clinical trials to evaluate the The rate of VTE is increasing as the number of peo-
efficacy and safety of pharmacomechanical catheter- ple over the age of 50 increases. A recent study ana-
directed thrombolysis in patients with DVT are lysed rates of VTE in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA,
ongoing and will determine whether catheter-directed between 1985 and 2009 (REF. 193). The study concluded
thrombolysis reduces the risk or severity of PTS. One that “despite advances in identification, prophylaxis,
such study is the ATTRACT study 188 (ClinicalTrials. and treatment between 1985 and 2009, the annual rate
gov identifier: NCT00790335), which is expected to of venous thromboembolism has increased and remains
determine the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of high” (REF. 193). There is a need to increase public aware-
pharmacomechanical catheter-directed thrombolysis ness of the symptoms of DVT and pulmonary embolism
for preventing PTS. and to encourage at‑risk and affected individuals to seek
medical attention. In 2006, the US Surgeon General held
Improvements in imaging technology. The algorithms a workshop on VTE, resulting in the Surgeon General’s
used to diagnose VTE and distinguish newly formed 2008 call to action to prevent DVT and pulmonary
thrombus from residual thrombus are complex and can embolism121. This call was designed to “increase public
lack robust positive predictive value. Improvements in awareness, support the development of evidence-based
imaging technologies that increase safety, sensitivity and practice, and carry out research that can address the
specificity might enable better diagnosis of distal DVT gaps in our knowledge” (REF. 121). In the United States,
and subsegmental pulmonary embolism. March is now designated as “DVT awareness month”.
In 2014, the International Society of Thrombosis and
Biomarkers and VTE prediction. Can biomarkers be Haemostasis established a worldwide effort to increase
used to identify patients at risk of VTE? D‑dimer assays VTE awareness4. Non-profit organizations such as Clot
are routinely used for the diagnosis of VTE and to assess Connect 194 have also been created to educate the public
the risk of recurrent VTE; however, D‑dimer tests have about VTE risks, symptoms and treatment. However,
poor predictive values. Furthermore, D‑dimer tests can- more efforts are needed on this front.
not be used to identify patients with incident VTE128. There is also a need to educate medical profession-
Addition of other biomarkers might enhance the predic- als regarding the management of VTE. For example,
tive value of a risk assessment score for VTE. For exam- thromboprophylaxis is still greatly underused. A recent
ple, elevated levels of soluble P‑selectin have been found study described the main reasons for the lack of adher-
in patients with recurrent VTE compared with con- ence to guidelines; these include a lack of VTE awareness
trols189. Notably, high plasma levels of soluble P‑selectin or assessment of VTE risk factors; difficulties in defin-
are predictive of VTE in patients with cancer 190. Indeed, ing risk factors and thromboprophylaxis indications; and
addition of information on both D‑dimer and soluble guidelines that result in inaccurate and unclear indica-
P‑selectin strengthen the Khorana score for predicting tions for thromboprohylaxis195. These issues might be
VTE in patients with cancer190. Other biomarkers might partly remedied through the use of educational pro-
further refine risk assessment scoring models. grammes, which have been shown to increase use of
Circulating microvesicles might be another use- thromboprophylaxis (from 29% to 52%196).
ful biomarker to identify both cancer and non-cancer
patients at increased risk of VTE. However, owing to Conclusions
the high levels of microvesicles in the plasma of healthy Morbidity and mortality from VTE have a considerable
individuals, which are mostly derived from platelets, effect on the global burden of disease. Awareness of and
it seems unlikely that levels of total microvesicles will reduction in modifiable risks is the first step towards
be useful for predicting or diagnosing VTE. Indeed, reducing incidence. Continued clinical, epidemiological
whereas one retrospective study concluded that “high and laboratory investigations are essential for delineating
levels of circulating microparticles are a possible inde- new, effective approaches for decreasing incidence and,
pendent risk factor for VTE” in patients191, another study therefore, long-term sequelae. Integration of these inter-
found no association192. By contrast, tissue factor-positive disciplinary methods is expected to have a substantial
microvesicles are generally not detectable in the blood of impact on the future of VTE and global health.
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158. Kahn, S. R. et al. Prospective evaluation of health- pathway factor XI by antisense oligonucleotides: a novel Mechanisms/pathophysiology (N.M. and A.S.W.); Diagnosis,
related quality of life in patients with deep venous antithrombotic strategy with lowered bleeding risk. screening and prevention (I.H.J. and J.I.W.); Management
thrombosis. Arch. Intern. Med. 165, 1173–1178 Blood 116, 4684–4692 (2010). (G.A.); Quality of life (T.B.); Outlook (N.M. and A.S.W.); and
(2005). 180. Muller, F., Gailani, D. & Renne, T. Factor XI and XII as overview of the Primer (N.M.).
This study confirms the causal association between antithrombotic targets. Curr. Opin. Hematol. 18,
PTS and reduced quality of life. 349–355 (2011). Competing interests
159. Klok, F. A. et al. The post‑PE syndrome: a new concept 181. Povsic, T. J. et al. Use of the REG1 anticoagulation G.A. has received personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim,
for chronic complications of pulmonary embolism. system in patients with acute coronary syndromes Bayer Healthcare, Daiichi Sankyo, Sanofi, Pfizer and
Blood Rev. 28, 221–226 (2014). undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: results Bristol–Myers Squibb; all are outside the scope of the sub-
This comprehensive review introduces the concept from the phase II RADAR-PCI study. EuroIntervention. mitted work. T.B. has received honoraria for participating in
of post-pulmonary embolism syndrome as a 10, 431–438 (2014). scientific advisory boards for Boehringer Ingelheim and
common outcome, analogous to PTS after DVT. 182. Vavalle, J. P. et al. The effect of the REG2 Daiichi Sankyo, and has received an unconditional travel
160. Kahn, S. R. et al. Compression stockings to prevent anticoagulation system on thrombin generation grant from Boehringer Ingelheim. N.M. served as consult-
post-thrombotic syndrome: a randomised placebo- kinetics: a pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic ant to Merck and Bayer. F.R.R. is listed on several patents
controlled trial. Lancet 383, 880–888 (2014). first‑in‑human study. J. Thromb. Thrombolysis 38, for prothrombotic gene variants. J.I.W. served as a consult-
This placebo-controlled trial shows that early 275–284 (2014). ant to and received honoraria from Boehringer Ingelheim,
application of compression stockings after acute 183. Hagedorn, I. et al. Factor XIIa inhibitor recombinant Bristol–Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Daiichi
DVT fails to prevent PTS. human albumin infestin‑4 abolishes occlusive arterial Sankyo, ISIS Pharmaceuticals and Portola. A.S.W. served
161. Kahn, S. R. et al. Graduated compression stockings to thrombus formation without affecting bleeding. as a consultant to Merck. I.H.J. has no competing financial
treat acute leg pain associated with proximal DVT. Circulation 121, 1510–1517 (2010). interests to report.