Eu-Type Nation: Exam Certi

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lssued by Liftinstituut B.V,
identification number Notified Body 0400,
commissioned by Decree no. 2016-0000038870

Certificate no. NL18-400-1002-295-01 Revision no.:

Description of the product Brake as Ascending Car Overspeed protection (ACOP) to
prevent uncontrolled upward movement of the car and as
Unintended Car Movement Protection (UCMP) means
Trademark, type Shenyang Bluelight Drive Technology Co.,Ltd.,
Name and address of the Shenyang Bluelight Drive Technology Co.,Ltd.
manufacturer No.37 Shiji Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang City, 110179
P.R. China.
Name and address of the Shenyang Bluelight Drive Technology Co.,Ltd.
certificate holder No.37 Shiji Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang City, 110179
P.R. China.
Certificate issued on the Lifts Directive 201 4l33lEU
following requirements
Certificate based on the Parts of: EN 81-20:2014, EN 81-5Q.2014,
following standard EN 81-1:1998+43:2009
Test laboratory SISE, No.1032, Honggang Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen,
518029, P.R. China

Date and number of the 201 7 AF 0 1 44, 28-02-20 17

laboratory report 2017 AF4186, 0l -1 2-2017
Date of EU-type examination May - August 2018
Additional document with this Report belonging to the EU-type examination certificate
certificate no. : NL1 8-400-1 002-295-01
Additional remarks Min Nom Torque 2x2044 Nm
Max air gap 0,30-0,55 mm
Max response timetro 45 ms 110VDC
Max response timetgo 300 ms 11OVDC
Max tripping speed 366 rpm / 3,83 m/s
Furthermore, see chapter 2 and 5 of the report belonging to this
EU- type examination certificate.
Conclusion The safety component meets the requirements of the Lifts
Directive 2O14l33lEU taking into account any additional remarks
mentioned above

Date 02-08-2018 ing. P.J. Peeters Certification decision by
Valid until 02-08-2023 Manager

Liftinstituut B.V. . Buikslotermeerplein 381 P.O. Box 36Q27 1020 MA Amsterdam Netherlands
' Registered at the KvK under number 34157363'
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Report Eu-type examination

Report belonging to EU{ype NL18-400-1002-295-01
examination certificate no.
Date of issue of original certificate August 02,2018
Concerns Safety component
No. and date of revision
Requirements Lifts Directiv e 20 1 4 133/EU
Standards: EN81 -20:2014, EN81 -50.2014
EN 81-1:1998+43:2009
Project no P1 80238

1. General specifications
Name and address manufacturer Shenyang Bluelight Drive Technology
No.37 Shiji Road, Hunnan New District,
Shenyang City, 110179
P.R. China.
Description of safety component Brake as Ascending Car Overspeed
protection (ACOP) to prevent uncontrolled
upward movement of the car and as
Unintended Car Movement Protection
(UCMP) means
Type BLB

Laboratory SISE, No.1032, Honggang Road, Luohu

District, Shenzhen, 518029, P.R. China
Data of examination May - August 2018
Examination performed by W.Visser

2. Description safety component

The Shenyang Bluelight Drive 8L8,2x2044 Nm is a brake that consist of two
independent electro-mechanical block brakes, which fulfils the requirements for lift
brakes according to clause of EN81 -20'.2014 and is mounted to a Shenyang
Bluelight Drive WYT-T gearless machine.
The brake has two sets of two coils in the housing allowing separate electrical
opening of the two brake halves.
The brake parts act on the traction sheave (e.9. on the brake drum that is bolted to
the traction sheave directly by bolts), connected to the drive shaft by key and keyway.
ln that case the connections are proven to have built in redundancy. The brakes are
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Registered by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce ff,34757363. General terms of suppty of Liftinstjtuut B.V. are registered at the Duth Chamber of Commerce, under number 34157363.

also used as holding brakes during normal operation of the líft. The brake material is
glued to the brake shoes and the shoes are bolted to the base.

The Ascending Car Overspeed Protection shall be actuated by a governor overspeed
contact or an equivalent EU-type tested device which was no part of this

The brake can be used as braking element for Unintended Car Movement
Protections according Art. 5.6.7 of EN 81-20.2014.
The brake torque for each type is pre-determined in the factory by application of a
fixed amount of guided compression springs. The torque is indicated on a label
attached to the brake. This setting is sufficient until the air gap between magnetic
core and brake lining exceeds 0,65 mm. Each brake part is separately provided with
a monitoring contact. The controller of the lift in which these brakes are used, must
check the signals from each brake contact according to Art. of EN 81-
20:2014.1f a failure is detected, the lift must be put out of service permanently.
The brake delay times tro and/or tso as indicated in this report shall be used to check
by means of calculation that the stopping distance of the car fulfils the requirements.
tro nìêârìS the time from activation until the moment that 10% of the nominal brake
torque has been reached (Tro) and tgo ffieâfls the time from activation until the
moment that 90% of the nominal brake torque (Tso) has been reached.
A value of brake delay time between tro and tgo can be interpolated if needed.
The defined and calculated nominal torque per brake is the minimum guaranteed
torque under the conditions which the manufacturer prescribes during the lifetime of
the brake.

Brake Goil Gonnections

A brake connection box is mounted on top of the machine. lt has a 11OVDC input
from a rectifier inside the lift control panel. Main contactors are on the DC side.

Manufacturer Shenvanq Blueliqht Drive Technoloqv
Type BLB
Number of friction surfaces 2
Number of brake sprinqs 2x20
Brake drum diameter lmml 610
Air gap between brake drum and brake shoe
Min-Max allowed trippinq speed 55 - 366 rpm / 0,58 - 3,83 m/s
Nominaltorque 2x2044 Nm
Excitinq / holdinq voltaqe IVDCI 110 I 110
t-10 (maximum value measured) 45 msec
t-90 (maximum value measured) 300 msec

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Shenyang Bluelight Drive Technology WYT-T
Q=Nominal capacitv ranoe lkol 450 - 2500
P=Car mass ranqe lkol 610 - 5375
Svstem mass ranoe lkol 1400 - 12000
Max. rated motor torque [Nml 1635
Ropinq factor 2'.1
Traction sheave diameter Imml 400
Max. allowed rpm traction sheave /speed lift 286 rpm / 3,00 m/s
Max. allowed trippinq rpm/speed ACOP 366 rpm / 3,83 m/s
Bolted connection traction sheave -brake

3. Examinations and tests

The examination covered a check whether compliance with the Lifts Directive
20141331EU is met, based on the harmonized product standards EN81-20:2014 and
EN81 -50.2014. The examination included:
Examination of the technical file (See annex 2):
Check of performed calculations according to EN81-20 and EN81-50.
Examination of the representative model in order to establish conformity with
the technicalfile.
lnspections and tests to check compliance with the essential requirements of
the EN 81-50 Art. 5.7 and 5.8 at Shenzhen lnstitute of Special Equipment,
lnspection and Research, Guangdong station Of Elevator Quality Supervision
and Test (SISE). All results are described in the following SISE Test Reports.

ACOP 2017 4F0144

UCMP 2017 A.F4186

Liftinstituut verified and accepts the tests and the results by this ISO 17025
accredited laboratory.
Tests to verify the required monitoring according to Art. of EN 81-20.
The machine was placed on a test stand with a coupling to an intermediate
shaft with a torque meter. (See annex 1c). On the other side of this
intermediate shaft is an electric driving motor with overrated power to the
shaft. The torque is stored as a function of time with a digital oscilloscope.
The torque meter was calibrated in advance by an ISO 17025 accredited
The test stand is provided with additional flywheels that can be coupled to the
setup but the inertia of the test stand on its own was found to be more than the
maximum inertia for the application range defined for the ACOP for these
traction machines.
The electromotor is run with high torque at the highest speed anticipated
before deceleration occurs (tripping rpm's of the brake). These maximum
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No part of this work may be reproduced in any form by print, photo-print, microfilm or any other means without written perm¡ssion from Liftinstituut B.V. ,-"..r=j4-.-- ,r
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I nL - fOzl XE Amsterdam NL - 1020 MA Amsterdam Fax +31 20 - 435 06 26 | NL 810399441 801
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tripping rpm's are calculated based on the maximum tripping speed of the
applied overspeed governor, which overspeed tripping contact activates the
brake as ACOP. After constant speed is reached, the brake holding voltage is
cut and the brake set is applied until the machine has come to a full stop, while
the electromotor continues giving the unbalance torque calculated from the
maximum allowed unbalance for the applicable machine. This test is done ',l0
times in clockwise direction and 10 times in counter clock wise direction with
the complete brake.
The results of the torque measurement has been recorded and studied. From
these results the dynamic torque and the reaction times tro and tgo have been
established. Also the functioning of the monitoring contacts has been tested.
lmmediately after each test the temperature of the brake housing and brake
discs was checked.
The test has been performed with brake contactors on the DC side. DC values
for each brake are mentioned in chapter 2 of this report. The power to the
brake shall always be interrupted on DC side to ensure the specified delay

4. Results
4.1 . Calculations
Calculations of the maximum torque of the machine/system and brake torque were
checked and found in order.
Brake clutch surface pressure calculations and brake spring calculations were
checked and found in order.
The strength calculations of connecting bolts between the brake disc and traction
sheave were checked and found in order.

4.2. Measurements
The tests on the test bench showed that the measured torque of the brake was
significantly higher than the calculated torque by the manufacturer and that the brake
is capable of absorbing sufficient kinetic energy.

After the final examination the product and the technical file were found in
accordance with the requirements.

5. Conditions
On the EU-type examination certificate the following conditions apply:
The application of this certificate is limited to the brake mentioned in chapter 2
used as brake set for lift applications. Each brake set consists of two independent
electro-mechanical block brakes and fulfil the requirements for lift brakes
according article of EN 81-20.2014.
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.l LIFT¡NSTITUUT Pfl rìflrlTs
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Lifts to be built according EN 81-20 shallfulfil Art. allowing that it is

possible to test each brake set independently from outside of the well.
This brake set can be used as braking element for an Ascending Car Overspeed
Protection and as braking element for an Unintended Car Movement Protection
according EN 81 -20.2014.
For Ascending Car Overspeed Protection the tripping speed of governor contact
shall be according Art. 5.6.6 of EN 81-20:2014.
Any controller shall take the lift out of service when a fault in the correct lifting
and dropping of the brake parts occurs.
The Shenyang Bluelight Drive document "The Block Braking System, lnstruction
manual" must be provided with every brake/machine, in order to make the correct
installation and maintenance.
The installer of the lift needs to define the final complete UCMP solution taking
into account the key-parameters of the WYT-T machine with BLB, 2x2044 Nm as
UCMP stopping means.
An additional calculation shall be done to check whether the deceleration and
stopping distance of the car is within the limits as required by EN 81-20:2014.
ln case of no releveling and no pre-door opening condition, there is no need of
any additional safety devices for unintended car movement protection, but only
where this brake is mounted on a gearless machine. The controller of the lift
must check the signal from the brake monitoring contacts. lf a failure is detected,
the lift must be put out of service. lts release or the reset of the lift shall require
the intervention of a competent person.
The air-gap around the disc brake shall be covered by a rubber band, to prevent
dirt from entering.
The brake must be interrupted at the DC side of the brake connection to ensure
the specified delay times tro and tgo.
The components are according the descriptions of chapter 2 in this report.

6. Conclusions
Based upon the results of the EU-type examination and the Test reports of SISE,
Liftinstituut B.V. issues an EUtype examination certificate.

The EU-type examination certificate is only valid for products which are in conformity
with the same specifications as the type certified product. The certificate is issued
based on the requirements that are valid at the date of issue. ln case of changes of
the product specifications, changes in the requirements or changes in the state of the
art the certificate holder shall request Liftinstituut B.V. to reconsider the validity of the

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Every safety component that is placed on the market in complete conformity with the
examined type must be provided with a CE marking according to article 18 of the Lifts
directive 20141331EU under consideration that conformity with eventually other
applicable Directives is proven.

Also every safety component must be accompanied by an EU declaration of

conformity according to annex ll of the Directive in which the name, address and
Notified Body identification number of Líftinstituut B.V. must be included as well as
the number of the EU-type examination certificate.

An EU type-certified safety component shall be random checked e.g. according to

annex lX of the Lifts directive 2014133/EU before these safety components may be
CE-marked and may be placed on the market. For further information see regulation
2.0. 1' Regulations for product certification' on www.

Prepared by Ce decision by:

Product Specialist Certification
Liftinstituut B.V.

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Annex 1a : Outline drawing of BLB, 2x2044 Nm brake
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Annex 1b: Test stand with BLB brake and WYT-T traction machine

Annex 2 Documents of the Technical File which were subject of the


title document number date

Drawings WYT-TA3 23-08-2017
Drawinqs WYT-TE3 23-08-2017
Drawings WYT-U3 14-07-2017
Drawings WYT-V4 23-08-2017
Brake Calculations Ver.1 17-05-2018
Main axis calculation Ver.1 25-08-2017
lnstruction Manual Version A1 03-2017
ACOP test reports 2017A.F0144 28-02-2017
UCMP test reports 2017AF4186 01-12-2017

Annex 3. Reviewed deviations from the standards

EN xx-x par Requirement Accepted desiqn


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I Buikslotermeerpl.ein 381 l P.O. Box 36027 I TeL.+31 20 - 435 06 06 | VAT number:
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Rev Date Summary of revision
02-08-2018 Original

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