Transport Statistics Great Britain tsgb-2019
Transport Statistics Great Britain tsgb-2019
Transport Statistics Great Britain tsgb-2019
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Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Contents Page
Chapter summaries
Modal Comparisons 3
Aviation 5
Energy and Environment 7
Freight 9
Maritime 11
Public Transport 13
Roads and Traffic 15
Transport Accidents and Casualties 17
Vehicles 19
Walking and Cycling 21
Transport and Disability 23
Transport Expenditure 25
Transport Statistics Users Group 27
Central and Local (Government) Information Partnership (CLIP) Transport Statistics 28
Devolved Administrations 29
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Modal Comparisons
• 808 billion passenger kilometres were travelled in Great Britain in 2018, remaining at a
similar level to the previous year, but 2% higher than 2008.
• People made an average of 986 trips across private and public transport in 2018, with
around a quarter of all trips made for leisure purposes.
• The average time taken to travel to work in 2018 was 29 minutes across all modes of travel.
• There were 71.1 million visits overseas by UK residents in 2018, with 85% of these
visits made by air.
4.8 billion journeys on local bus services
62% on 1960
*Rail includes trips by National Rail, London Underground,
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
and Glasgow Subway.
All purposes
Modal comparisons
How we commute TSGB0109
• Across Great Britain, 68% of workers typi- Usual method of travel to work, Great Britain, 2018
cally travelled to work by car, though this Car Rail Walk Bus Other
varied by region with London having a sub- 68% 10% 10% 7% 5%
Car 27
Motorcycle 27
Bicycle 21 70%
Bus/coach 38
Rail 59
Walk 15 78%
Other modes 37
All modes 29 76%
• When considering both workers and 80% 78%
non-workers, more than 80% of people 80%
entering Central London during the morning
peak used rail-based modes of transport. 75% 74%
56,041m (85%)
24,024m Air (77%)
6,085m 4,806m
8,145m Sea (8%) (13%)
4,495m Sea
4,825m 5,014m 4,042m
Channel Tunnel 3,369m Channel Tunnel
(7%) 2008 2018 (11%)
2008 2018
Further information and detailed statistical tables Responsible statistician: Nikesh Lad
[email protected], 020 7944 4847
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
In 2018, UK airports that received commercial air traffic:
• handled 292 million terminal passengers (passengers joining or leaving aircraft at an
airport), this was 3% greater than 2017.
• handled 2.63 million tonnes of freight (freight set down and picked up at an airport), this
is a similar amount of freight handled in 2017.
• experienced 2.2 million air transport movements (aircraft departures and landings), this
is a slight decrease (down around 1%) on 2017.
Air transport movements (ATMs) TSGB0202, TSGB0203
• Heathrow accounted for around 20% of all air ATMs at selected UK airports, 2018
transport movements at UK airports in 2018. ATMs On-time performance (%)
Early and up to 15 minutes late
• Additionally, the following airports handled more Heathrow 475,600 76.2
than 100,000 movements: Gatwick, Manchester,
Gatwick 279,800 69.2
Stansted, Edinburgh, Luton and Birmingham.
• Of these, on-time performance of flights (early Manchester 72.8
The most common reason for air passengers to travel was for holidays and visiting friends and
relatives, although this did vary by airport.
Purpose of travel at selected UK airports, 2018 TSGB0208
Business Holiday Visiting friends/relatives Other
The mode of transport used to travel to airports varied across UK airports. Half of passengers
at Stansted (50%) travelled by public transport in 2018 and most commonly by rail. In contrast,
Manchester saw the highest proportion (81%) of passengers who travelled using a private vehicle.
Mode of travel to selected UK airports, 2008-2018 TSGB0207
Private transport Public transport 89%
47% 49%
37% 40% 39%
33% 34%
2008 Gatwick 2018 2008 Heathrow 2018 2008 Luton 2018 2008 Manchester 2018 2008 Stansted 2018
Further information and detailed statistical tables Responsible statistician: Nikesh Lad
[email protected], 020 7944 4847
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Energy and Environment
• Transport remains the largest emitting sector of greenhouse gases in 2017, having
overtaken the energy sector in 2016. There have been large reductions in energy sector
emissions over the last decade.
• There have been large reductions in air pollutant emissions from transport, with most
pollutants seeing a reduction of at least 90% since 1990.
Energy and Environment
New car fuel efficiency TSGB0303
UK average new car fuel efficiency, miles per gallon:
2000 to 2018
• Average new car fuel efficiency has
Diesel cars generally increased over the past
60 two decades.
50 • This trend reversed in 2016 as new
Petrol cars 51
40 45 cars became less fuel efficient. This
is largely driven by an increase in
30 35
the proportion of SUVs and other
20 large vehicles amongst new car
10 registrations.
0 • Average new van fuel efficiency has
2000 2010 2018 also increased in recent years.
Further information and detailed statistical tables Responsible statistician: Jack Marks
[email protected], 020 7944 4847
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Overall, in 2018:
• Most of the freight moved domestically was by road (79%).
• Goods moved in the UK by GB-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) increased by 3%.
• Goods moved by rail have increased 3% in 2018/2019.
• Waterborne freight continues its steady decrease since 2000, decreasing 3% from 2017.
79% by road,
150 Road
13% by water,
50 Water 9% by rail.
Note: Total percentages do not add up because of rounding
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Goods lifted: the weight of goods carried, measured in tonnes.
Goods moved: the weight of goods carried, multiplied by the 0
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
distance hauled, measured in tonne kilometres.
0 11% 4%
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Road goods vehicles TSGB0434
Road goods vehicles travelling to mainland Europe: 1998 to
In 2018, 3.5 million goods vehicles travelled 2018 (thousands)
from Great Britain to Europe: Total goods
• 2.4 million were powered vehicles
• 1.1 million were unaccompanied trailers
2,500 registered
The number of foreign-registered powered powered vehicles
vehicles has risen from 0.7 million in 1998 to
2.0 million in 2018, while the number of UK- 1,500 Unaccompanied
registered goods vehicles has decreased by 1,000
36% in the same time period. In 1998, 43% of UK-registered
500 powered vehicles
powered vehicles were UK-registered, compared
to 14% in 2018. 0
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Over the last 5 years, freight moved by rail has
categories declined as a result of the reduced demand for
coal at UK power stations.
Construction Despite this, there have been long-term
increases in domestic intermodal freight (up
31% in the last decade), and construction freight
1.0 moved.
2000/01 2003/04 2006/07 2009/10 2012/13 2015/16 2018/19
2017). 60
The amount of waterborne freight moved has
been steadily decreasing since its peak 40
Responsible statisticians:
Paul McEvoy (Road Freight) Ashley Mewett (Rail)
[email protected], 020 7944 3095 [email protected], 020 7944 2419
Nayim Ahmed (Road Goods Vehicles) Ignacio Argüelles Martínez (Maritime)
[email protected], 020 7944 3095 [email protected], 020 7944 4847
Further information and detailed statistical tables
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
In 2018:
• International freight handled by the UK increased by 0.8% and domestic decreased by
1.5%, compared to 2017. In particular, unitised traffic rose 2.9% and bulk freight fell 1%.
• International short sea passengers continued to decrease, down to 19.6 million.
• The number of civilian search and rescue helicopter taskings declined by 7.5%.
• The number of seafarers increased by 8.4%, driven by a 22.6% increase in ratings.
Port Freight Traffic TSGB0501, TSGB0502
UK port traffic, by route type: 2018
compared to 2017, million tonnes. 483.3 million tonnes of freight passed
International through all UK ports, similar to 2017.
81% of all port freight was international.
Sea Passengers TSGB0507, TSGB0508, TSGB0510
19.6 million passengers travelled on International short sea passengers and Channel Tunnel
international short sea routes in 2018, passengers: 1990-2018
continue the general decrease, compared to 40,000
the increasing trend of passengers travelling 35,000
through the Channel Tunnel. France is the
foreign country with most passengers to and 30,000
International Short Sea
from the UK, with 14.3 million in 2018. 25,000 21,551
Cairnryan – Belfast remained the most popular 20,000
domestic route with 1.2 million passengers in 15,000
2018. Channel Tunnel
UK had 1.9 million cruise passengers in
2017, increasing over 80% in the last 10 years.
1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018
Further information and detailed statistical tables Responsible statistician: I. Argüelles Martínez
[email protected], 020 7944 4847
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Public Transport
• In 2018/19, people made 4.8 billion local bus passenger journeys in Great Britain, 58% of
all public transport journeys.
• There were 1.8 billion National Rail passenger journeys in Great Britain. Light rail and tram
travel also continued to grow, to the highest level (0.3 million journeys) since comparable
records began in 1983.
• On average, each person in England made 10 trips and travelled 101 kilometres by taxi or
Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) in 2018.
1986/87 1990/91 1994/95 1998/99 2002/03 2006/07 2010/11 2014/15 2018/19
PM peak
58% 21% 17% 2% (16:00-18:59)
1 PiXC is the percentage of passengers in excess of
capacity on a typical autumn weekday
Buses accounted for the highest proportion of 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018
Public Transport
Revenue and government support TSGB0602, TSGB0622, TSGB0623
Rail passenger revenue in 2018/19 increased in real terms year-on-year. Net government support
also increased over the last two years, mostly due to higher train operator subsidies and an
increase in government spending on HS2.
Revenue and government support, 2004/05 to 2018/19 (at 2018/19 prices)
Buses in England National Rail in Great Britain
Billion (£) Billion (£)
12 12
Passenger revenue
10 10
8 8
6 6
0 0
2004/05 2006/07 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13 2014/15 2016/17 2018/19 2004/05 2006/07 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13 2014/15 2016/17 2018/19
by taxi or PHV at least once a month. 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2018 2019
Responsible statisticians:
Pat Kilbey (Buses, light rail, taxis and PHVs) Nicholas Peluffo (Rail)
[email protected], 020 7944 3077 [email protected], 020 7944 2419
Further information and detailed statistical tables
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Roads and Traffic
Overall, 2018 has been a stable year for conditions and traffic on the road network:
• Road length and road traffic remained at similar levels to the previous year.
• Average delay on the Strategic Road Network and local ‘A’ road network increased slightly
to 9.4 and 47.3 seconds per vehicle per mile, respectively.
• Road condition on local roads was similar to recent years.
In 2018, 66% of the motor vehicle miles travelled ‘A’ Roads 12% 45%
Unclassified managed roads has remained stable in
Improving Condition
Roads and Traffic
Congestion on the Strategic Road Network* TSGB0716a
Average delay compared to free flow (seconds per
In 2018, average delay on the Strategic vehicle per mile): England 2018
Road Network* was estimated to be 9.4 11
2015 Apr 2015 Dec 2016 Dec 2017 Dec 2018 Dec
*The Strategic Road Network (SRN) is made up of the motorways and major trunk roads in England that are managed by Highways England
Year ending
This is an increase of 0.4 seconds per vehicle
per mile (0.8% increase) on the previous year.
Average speed on local ‘A’ roads was
24.9 mph, down 1.3% on the previous year.
2015 Apr 2015 Dec 2016 Dec 2017 Dec 2018 Dec
Responsible statisticians:
Anna Heyworth (Road traffic) Helen Sleight (Road congestion)
[email protected], 020 7944 3095 [email protected], 020 7944 3095
Sarah Lasher (Road length and condition) Jeremy Grove (Vehicle speed compliance)
[email protected], 020 7944 3095 [email protected], 020 7944 3095
Further information and detailed statistical tables
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Transport Accidents and Casualties
• There were 1,784 reported road deaths in 2018, similar to the level seen since 2012, which
followed a period of substantial reduction in fatalities from 2006 to 2010.
• Rail is one of the safest modes of transport in Great Britain. There were no passenger
fatalities as a result of a train accident in 2018-19.
Road TSGB0801
Reported road casualties by severity and motor traffic:
In 2018:
Great Britain, 1950 to 2018 1,784 reported fatalities
250 1,000
25,511 reported seriously injured *
Motor traffic
99 2% 6% 29.7
*Percentage change for other road users has been suppressed,
given the underlying numbers for ‘other’ vehicles are smaller than
other road user types. Disaggregated other road user fatalities per
billion passenger miles is available through the 2018 annual report.
Other* 98 - 5%
Transport Accidents and Casualties
Rail Safety and Accidents TSGB0805–0807
• Rail remains one of the safest modes of Fatalities on the national rail network: GB, 2001/02 to
transport. 2018/19
• Since 2001/02, Non-suicide fatalities
Passenger km
have fallen 51%. This is despite passenger
kilometres increasing by 73% over this 160
Responsible Statisticians:
Alex Ma (Road Safety) Nicholas Peluffo (Rail Safety)
[email protected], 020 7944 6595 [email protected], 020 7944 2419
Further information and detailed statistical tables
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
• Total vehicle stock increases steadily each year.
• Whilst cars make up the majority of the vehicle stock, light goods vehicle growth has been
strongest for a number of years.
• More than three quarters of the households in England have access to at least one car or
van, and the proportion of households with access to more than one has been increasing.
MOT Tests TSGB0908
In 2017/18, 30.6 million MOT tests were 30.6 million 74%
conducted. MOT tests Pass rate
Further information and detailed statistical tables Responsible statistician: Stephen Reynolds
[email protected], 020 7944 3077
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Walking and Cycling
• People have walked more often and further distances over the last three years, following a
period of decline.
• Nearly all (97%) local authorities had at least 60% of their adult population walking at least
once per week.
• The average number of miles cycled has generally increased over time, but the number of
cycling trips has remained flat over the same period.
Walking and Cycling
Proportion of adults walking at least once a week by
Walking frequency Local Authority: England 2017/18 TSGB1112
Nearly all local authorities had at least 60%
of their adult population walking at least
once a week in 2017/18.
Cycling frequency
Proportion of adults cycling at least once a week by
Local Authority: England, 2017/18 Nearly all local authorities had less than
20% of their adult population cycling at least
once a week in 2017/18. Only 15 authorities
had more than 20%.
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Transport and Disability
• In 2018, the average number of trips per year made by adults was lower for disabled peo-
ple than for non-disabled people.
• Disabled people were more likely to be a passenger in a car for their trips than non-disa-
bled people. They were also less likely to be a car driver.
• There were 2.29 million Disabled Parking Badges (Blue Badges) held in March 2019, and
930,000 disabled concessionary bus passes.
• 99% of local buses were disability accessible in March 2018.
Travel by people with disabilities In 2018: TSGB1201
Trips per person per year by disability: England, 2018
Has disability or illness expected to
last more than 12 months
The average number of trips made by adults
was lower for disabled people than for non-
1,200 1,132
disabled people.
1,000 900
568 trips per adult per year were made by
people with a disability expected to last more
than 12 months and that affected their ability to
carry out day-to-day tasks a lot.
1,055 trips per adult were made by people
A lot A little Not at all No disability
lasting more
without a long-term disability.
Does disability or illness affect than 12 mths 16+
carrying out day-to-day tasks?
Speech 660
594 trips per adult per year were made by
Vision 666
people with a social or behavioural impairment.
Memory 678
Stamina/breathing/fatigue 787
Other 930
Transport and Disability
Disabled parking badges (Blue Badges) TSGB1204
In 2019: Blue badges held (millions): England, annually since 1997
Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019
Transport Expenditure
• In real terms, public sector expenditure on transport is at the highest level since the time
series began, with recent spend on HS2 driving year-on-year increases.
• Meanwhile, weekly household expenditure on transport has fallen slightly, though it
continues to make up the largest category of household spend, exceeding housing, fuel and
power, and recreation and culture.
• Despite the fall in weekly household expenditure, the price of transport to the consumer
continues to grow faster than the overall cost of goods and services.
previous year.
• Public spend on transport is primarily capital
spend (almost two thirds), reflecting the
large proportion of infrastructure investment. Public sector transport expenditure by type: 2018/19
• However, current (resource) expenditure Capital 3% compared
saw a large increase in the latest year, £20.9bn to 2017/18.
driven by increased Central Government
support to rail services. Current 16% compared
£11.6bn to 2017/18.
Transport Expenditure
Average UK household expenditure on transport TSGB1306
Household transport expenditure: UK, nominal prices
• In 2017/18, spend on transport made up
14% of all weekly household expenditure, £13 £13 16% Air and other travel
making it the largest category of spend. £6
£7 8% Transport fares
• The cost of passenger transport by road
(which includes buses, coaches and taxis)
Index: 1997=100
has increased most, by 131% since 1997.
All items CPI • Increases in motoring costs over the
last two decades have been particularly
driven by increases in the cost of fuel and
50 maintenance, whilst the cost of purchasing a
vehicle has fallen slightly.
1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018
1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018
Further information and detailed statistical tables Responsible statistician: Nicholas Peluffo
[email protected], 020 7944 2419
Transport Statistics Users Group
The Transport Statistics Users Group (TSUG) is a UK body which aims to:
• Provide a forum for the exchange of views and information between users
and providers.
On this site you will find details of past and future TSUG seminars, publications and how to become a
Join our mailing list to stay up to date with TSUG events and topics of interest.
The group holds regular seminars on topical subjects connected with the provision and/or use of
transport statistics.
• Traffic calming
• Active travel
• Aviation emissions
• Freight statistics
We also publish a monthly review looking and developments in statistics and discussing
selected releases.
Corporate membership of the Group is £50, personal membership £22.50, and student membership
£10. For further details please visit, email [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
CLIP Transport Statistics
Central and Local (Government) Information Partnership (CLIP)
CLIP Transport Statistics (CLIP-TS) is a sub-group of the Central and Local (Government)
Information Partnership (CLIP), the main forum for discussion between central and local
government on statistical matters.
• To act as a forum for consultation between DfT and local authorities on any transport statistics
of interest to either side that are not dealt with by other groups; and on any gaps in the
department's coverage.
• To act as a point of contact between local authorities and DfT on statistical matters of
common concern, including the statistics needed for the monitoring of Local Transport Plans,
Local Indicators, Regional and Local Statistics and other relevant matters.
• To review on-going data collections on the Single Data List on a rolling basis, to identify data
returns or elements of data returns that are no longer appropriate.
Dissemination of agendas, minutes and papers presented to the group will be through three
• Published on the LGA Knowledge Hub by DfT within two weeks of the end of the meeting.
These can be accessed here:
• By DfT internally to the statistical community in the department and interested officials in
policy and other analytical professions
Scottish Government - Transport Scotland
Transport Publications
Scottish Transport Statistics
Transport and Travel in Scotland
Reported Road Casualties Scotland
Key Reported Road Casualties Scotland
Available from: