Chapter 4 This Is My World
Chapter 4 This Is My World
Chapter 4 This Is My World
1. The names of the things in the classroom = selimut Slipper = sandal Stool = bangku (tanpa
A globe= bola dunia A desk= meja An air conditioner= pendingin ruangan A bloster = bantal panjang/ Bedspeard/ bedcover= seprei sandaran)
A clock= jam A chair=kursi A window = jendela guling Alarm clock= jam
A picture= gambar A board=papan A book = buku 8. The names of the things in the bathroom
A cupboard= lemari A door=pintu A table = meja A mirror = kaca A shower = shower/pancuran A toilet= kloset
A floor=lantai A wall=dinding A sink = wastafel A scoop = gayung
2. The names of the things in our bags A bucket = ember A tub = bak mandi
Penci=pensill Book=buku Sharpener=rautan 9. The names of the things in the bathroom
Ruler=penggaris Bottle=botol A pair of scissors=gunting A ceiling = plafon A lamp A bicycle = sepeda
Glue=lem Lunch box= kotak bekal Ruber=penghapus A cabinet = lemari A shelf = rak A motorcycle=motor
3. The names of public buildings A rug = keset A car = mobil A pump = pompa
Bank= bank Hospital = rumah sakit Mosque = masjid 10. The names of the things in the yard and around the house
Post office = kantor pos School = sekolah Chruch = gereja A tree = pohon A bird cage = sangkar burung A wheel barrow = gerobak
Tax office = kantor pajak Police station = kantor polisi A bench = bangku A hoe =cangkul A spade =sekop
4. The names of the things in the living room Flower = bunga Pot = pot A watering can=penyiram
Bag = tas Bookcase = rak buku Sofa=sofa 11. The names of the animals in the garden
Picture =gambar Telephone = telepon Table= meja A cocoon = kempompong a fly = lalat Bird= burung
Book = buku A pair of curtains=tirai/gorden A cricket= jangkrik a ladybug= kumbang, kepik Bee= lebah
Lamp = lampu Carpet = karpet A worm = cacing snake = ular Butterfly = kupu-kupu
5. The names of the things in the kitchen
A sink = wastafel Wood = kayu Fireplace = perapian Vocabularies
A frying fan = penggorengan A refrigator = kulkas Cover (tudung saji) Straight – Lurus Street – Jalan Lane – Jalur
A pan = panci A cabinet =lemari (banyak pintu) Rice ladle= sendok nasi Left – Kiri Road – Jalanan Overpass – Jembatan
Right – Kanan Corner – Pojok penyebrangan
A stove = kompor Charcoal = arang Kettle = ceret
Past – Lewat Highway – Jalan raya Alley – Gang
An oven = oven Napkin = serbet Cross – Menyebrang Crossroad – Perempatan Boulevard – Jalan raya
6. The names of the things in the dinning room Between – Antara Junction – Persimpangan jalan Tunnel – Terowongan
A chair = kursi A knife = pisau A fork = garpu Behind – Di belakang T-junction – Pertigaan Shortcut – Jalan potong
A table cloth = taplak meja A bowl = mangkuk A plate = piring Up – Atas Signpost – Rambu jalan West – Barat
Down – Bawah Walkway – Gang / Jalan Northwest – Barat Laut
A rice bowl = tempat nasi A lunch box = kotak bekal A bottle = botol
Front – Depan setapak North – Utara
A mug = gelas cangkir A spoon = sendok A cup = cangkir Beside – Samping Intersection – Persimpangan Northeast – Timur Laut
A drinking bottle = botol minum A table spoon = sendok makan Near – Dekat Bridge – Jembatan East – Timur
7. The names of the things in the bedroom Opposite / Across – Seberang Freeway – Jalan bebas Southeast – Tenggara
A wardrobe = lemari pakaian A bloster case = sarung A chair = kursi Roundabout – Bundaran hambatan South – Selatan
A pillow = bantal Mattres = tikar A lamp Sidewalk – Trotoar Go along – Telusuri Southwest – Barat Daya
Zebra crossing – Zebra cross / Around the corner – Setelah
A pillow case= sarung bantal Hanger = gantungan A mirror = kaca Jalur penyebrangan pejalan belokan / Di dekat sini (idiom)
A bed = tempat tidur A blanket Comb = sisir A table= meja kaki
Singular Noun (only one thing): Plural Noun (two or more things):
There, that is + singular noun (a, an + noun) There, that are + plural noun (noun+s/es)
It is + singular noun They are + plural noun (noun+s/es)
Example: Example:
It’s a ruler They are pencils
It’s a book That are some books in my bag.
There is a door There are two pictures on the wall
There is a book on the teacher’s table There are many things in the classroom
There is a big window. there are two banks in my village.
There is a big sofa with a coffe table There are a big televison, a table lamp, & a
There is a book shelf. It has 2 drawers at telephone on the cabinet
the bottom. There are two small pictures to the left of the
Task 3
(terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris)
1. Udin sedang membantu ayahnya. Dia sedang memompa ban.
2. Aminah sedang sarapan di rumah.
3. Tina dan orang tuanya sedang berdoa bersama sebelum berdoa.
4. Doni sedang mandi di kamar mandi. Dia sedang menggunakan gayung.
5. Ratu sedang membaca buku bahasa inggris. Ia sedang duduk diatas kursi.
6. Doni dan Udin belajar bahasa inggris bersama. Doni sedang menulis di buku.
7. Tina dan orang tuanya sedang menonton televisi di ruang tamu.
8. Aminah sedang membersihkan kamarnya.