Tugas B.inggris Bellina

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Chapter IV

1. The names of the things in classroom.

1 . a globe = Bola Dunia
2 . a clock = Jam Dinding
3 . a picture = Foto
4 . a book = Buku
5 . a table = Meja
6 . a window = Jendela
7 . a door = Pintu
8 . a cupboard = Lemari
9 . a air condition = AC/Pendingin Ruangan
10. a white board = Papan Tulis

2. The names of things in the living room.

1. a sofa = Sofa
2. a lamp = Lampu
3. a carpet = Karpet
4. a table = Meja
5. a television = Televisi
6. a picture = Gambar
7. a pair of curtains = Sepasang tirai
8. a bookcase = Rak buku

3. The things in the kitchen.

1. a sink = Wastafel
2. a stove = Kompor
3. a frying pan = Wajan
4. an oven = Oven
5. a refrigerator = Lemari es
6. a storage cabinet = Lemari penyimpanan
7. a pan = Panci
4. The names of the things of the dining room.
1. a chair = Kursi
2. a knife = Pisau
3. a bowl = Mangkok
4. a bottle = Botol
5. a spoon = Sendok
6. a table cloth = Taplak meja
7. a rice bowl = Mangkok nasi
8. a mug = Cangkir
9. a fork = Garpu
10. a plate = Piring

5. The names of the things in the bedroom.

1. a wardrobe = Lemari
2. a lamp = Lampu
3. a mirror = Cermin
4. a table = Meja
5. a pillow = Bantal
6. a pillow case = Sarung bantal
7. a bolster case = Sarung guling
8. a bed = Tempat tidur
9. a bolster = Guling
10. a blanket = Selimut
11. a chair = Kursi

6. The names of the things in the bathroom.

1. a mirror = Cermin 7. a toilet = Toilet
2. a sink = Wastafel
3. a bucket = Ember
4. a shower = Shower
5. a scoop = Gayung
6. a tub = Bak mandi
7. The nams of the things in the garage.
1. a ceiling = Plafon
2. a lamp = Lampu
3. a shelf = Rak
4. a storage cabinet = Lemari penyimpanan
5. a car = Mobil
6. a rug = Karpet
7. a bicycle = Sepeda
8. a pump = Pompa
9. a motorcycle = Motor

8. The names of the things in the yard and around the house.
1. a tree = Pohon
2. a bench = Bangku
3. a bird cage = Kandang burung
4. a wheelbarrow = Gerobak dorong
5. a some flowers = Beberapa bunga
6. a hoe = Cangkul
7. a watering can = Penyiram
8. a spade = Sekop
9. a some pots = Beberapa pot

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