Criminology MCQs
Criminology MCQs
Criminology MCQs
“Human behavior is a
1. The origin of Classical Theory dates back to which of function of forces beyond a
Theory dates back to which of the following years? person’s control” is one of the
the following years? 1897 two principal ideas of which
1764 3. Multifactor Theory of popular criminology theory?
2. Who are the founders of criminology emerged in the Positivist Theory
Classical Theory of year of? 8. All human behaviors are
Criminology? 1930 biological oriented is the core
Cesare Beccaria and 4. Who is the founder of concept of?
Jeremy Bentham Sociological Theory? Positivist Theory
3. The origin of Positivist Emile Durkheim 9. What the phrase “manie
Theory of Criminology dates 5. Who is the founder of sans delire” means?
back to which of the following Multifactor Theory? Psychopathic personality
years? Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck 10. Who coined the phrase
1810 6. Which theory blames social manie sans delire?
4. Marxist Theory emerged in structure and disorganized Philippe Pinel
which of the following years? urban areas as the breeding Set No. 04
1848 ground for crimes? 1. Who was Philippe Pinel?
5. What is the other name of Sociological Theory One of the founders of
Marxist Theory? 7. Deficits in social, French psychiatry
Conflict Theory environmental, physical and 2. Who is known as the Father
6. Which theory states that physiological factors may of Criminology?
“People choose to commit leads to crime is the core idea Cesare Lombroso
crime after weighing the of which theory? 3. Who was Cesare Lombroso
benefits and costs of their Multifactor Theory by profession?
actions? 8. What is Criminology? Physician
Classical Theory The study of criminal behavior 4. What is Biosocial Theory
7. Some people are crime 9. What is Criminal Justice? says?
prone due to their biological Control of crimes by There is link among physical
and mental traits. This idea punishing the criminal and mental traits, the social
belongs to which theory? offenders environment, and behavior.
Positivist Theory 10. What is Deviance in 5. Who founded cartographic
8. Crime is a function of class criminology? school of criminology?
struggle is the core idea of Behavior departs from Adolphe Quetelet and
which theory? social norms Andre-Michel Guerry
Marxist Theory Set No. 03 6. Which famous sociological
9. Mental and physical 1. Is deviance/deviant act a criminologist had idea that
degeneracies are the cause of crime? crimes can be useful and
crime is the main postulate of No, not all deviant acts are healthful for society?
which famous theory? crimes Emile Durkheim
Positivist Theory 2. Which famous criminologist 7. Émile Durkheim believed
10. Which theory blames believed that crimes must that crimes paved the way for?
Capitalist system of economy provide some pleasure to the Social change
for crimes in human society? criminal? 8. Who authored “The Division
Conflict Theory Beccaria of Labor in Society”?
Set No. 02 3. To deter crime, what Emile Durkheim
1. Which theory suggests Beccaria suggested? 9. Who authored “Communist
Severe and Swift punishment Inflict pain on criminals in Manifesto”?
as a mean to stop crimes in an appropriate amount Karl Marx
society? 4. The writings and views of 10. In his writings Karl Marx
Classical Theory Beccaria formed the basis of? called the working/labor class
Classical Criminology of society?
Set No. 05 1. Conversely, the superego is 4. “Patterns in Homicide”
1. A conduct that is resented the component of the mind analyzes homicide and
by society and it by law that represents morality and? relationship between
breaches all social and moral Conscience Victim and offender
norms of the society is called? 2. Criminologically all forms of 5. What is meant by White
Crime irrational behavior including Collar Crimes?
2. Criminology can also be crime occurs when ID or Economic crime activities
defined as a social science superego overpowers? 6. Who has coined the phrase
that deals with? The mediating force of the White Collar Crimes?
Human behavior ego Edwin Sutherland
3. Among many meanings of 3. The sociological 7. Research on links between
Criminology, the most terminology “functionalism” different crimes and criminals
common and accepted is was coined by? is called?
Scientific understanding of Robert K. Merton and Crime Typology
crime and criminals Talcott Parsons 8. A behavior that is repugnant
4. Crime is basically 4. Functionalism believes that to all elements of society is
Socially constructed crime is both functional and? known as
5. Criminology is basically Dysfunctional Crime
concerned with all those 5. A crime is said to be 9. Which theory defines crime
aspects of human behavior functional when society has as a phenomenon that is
that are regarded as criminal normal characteristics and controlled by those who
because they are prohibited proper action of a? possess wealth, power and
by Social Organization position?
Criminal Law 6. Name criminologist whose Conflict Theory
6. The study of criminology crime analysis is based on 10. According to consensus
helps us in understanding and inter-actionalism criminology? view, law defines
underlining the determinants Erving Goffman Crime
crime as well as steps 7. Classical criminological Set No. 08
necessary in perspective is also known as 1. Which view believes that
Controlling crime Choice perspective moral entrepreneurs define
7. According to seventeenth 8. Psychological perspective crime?
and eighteenth century of criminology is also known Interactionist View
understanding of the as 2. Law is the tool of ruling
discipline, crime was an Biological perspective class. This statement belongs
omnipresent temptation to 9. Penology deals with the Conflict View
which all human kind was? study of correction and control 3. What is Code of
Vulnerable of Hammurabi?
8. The Enlightenment writers Criminal behavior Written laws of the ancient
in their writings emphasized 10. Victimology is the study of world
on reason and experience nature and cause of 4. How old are Code of
rather than? Victimization Hammurabi?
Theological form of Set No. 07 3000 years old
reasoning 1. In curbing those actions that 5. Who had drawn up Code of
9. One of the distinctive most people considered as Hammurabi?
features of Enlightenment immoral, criminologists help in King Hammurabi
thinking about crime is? determining the proper role of 6. Who was King Hammurabi?
Scientific style of reasoning Law Sixth King of Babylon (1792-
10. Psychoanalysis 2. “Patterns in Homicide” is the 1750 BCE)
criminology is the basis of? landmark analysis of 7. When the present system of
Sigmund Freud analysis of Marvin Wolfgang English Law came into
crime 3. “Patterns in Homicide” was existence?
Set No. 06 published in During the reign of King
1958 Henry II (1154-1189)
8. Common crimes such as 1. Which perspective 11. The mechanical model
murder, burglary, arson and holds that justice is achieved of justice is also referred to
rape are dealt by a set of law when procedures in the as
Constitution, the Bill of assembly-line justice.
known as
Rights, and U.S. legal codes 12. Which model of
Common Law are properly followed? distributive justice focuses on
9. Common Crimes are also Procedural justice. harmony of society and
referred as 2. Which theory of justice individual needs?
Mala in se would promote the use of The participatory model.
10. What are Statutory Crimes sentencing circles to achieve 13. The focal point of
in English law system? justice? mechanical criminal justice is
Restorative justice. organization to provide
Those defined by Parliament
3. What is the goal of social order.
Set No. 09 restorative justice? 14. Which model of
1. Statutory crimes are also To restore the offender, distributive justice would
known as victim, and society. advocate for a social program
Mala Prohibitum 4. Postmodern justice for at- risk teens?
2. What Battery means in argues that: The compassionate model.
Criminology? Different people create 15. Which philosophy of
their own understandings justice does the police
Unlawful touching of
of what is real. strategy of lever pulling
another person with 5. Exacting justice on illustrate?
intention of causing harm person, outside the criminal The participatory model.
3. What is meant by Actus justice system, is described Set No. 11
Reus? as 1. According to Lawrence
Guilty Act vigilante justice. Kohlberg, most people never
4. Mens rea in Criminology 6. Which of the following achieve the justice stage of
statements would best moral reasoning. True.
describe utilitarian theory of 2. The type of criminal
Criminal intent justice? justice system we prefer is
5. Those crimes that include Justice is the greatest good based on our understandings
the violation of state laws for the most people. of what justice is (or what
without criminal intentions are 7. According to Aristotle’s justice is not). True.
known as Nicomachean Ethics, justice 3. Individual justice theory
Strict Liabilities Crimes is achieved when is mainly concerned with
the punishment is in group equality. False.
6. Criminal Laws are static.
proportion to the crime. 4. Restorative justice
This statement is True or 8. Rawls believed that the places its primary emphasis
False? False only starting point to develop on the punishment of
7. The three perspectives that fair public policy would be individual offenders. False.
criminologists keep in mind from the 5. The libertarian
while defining a crime, original position. ideological perspective
includes 9. According to Rawls, emphasizes the need for an
which of the following would active government to promote
Consensus View, Conflict
be an injustice? justice. False.
View and Interactionist View a. Denying indigent 6. The abolition of
8. The criminal law is a set of defendants the right to an apartheid in South Africa is a
rules that specify the attorney good example of transitional
behaviors society has b. The lack of resources to justice. True.
Outlawed provide a quality education to 7. That what people
all persons believe is real, becomes real
9. Most crimes have two
c. Both A and B to them, is one tenet of
elements, that are Actus Reus d. Neither A nor B postmodernist justice. True.
and 10. Which model of 8. The central idea of
Mens Rea distributive justice John Rawls’s theory of justice
10. Criminal Law is constantly emphasizes societal needs is guaranteeing
in the process of over that of individual needs? proportionality between crime
Reforms The authoritarian model. and punishment. False.
Set No. 10
9. It is possible to
measure utilitarian justice in a
mathematical function. True.
10. What produces the
greatest good for the greatest
number is a principle of
commutative justice. False.
11. People may engage in
vigilante justice when they
have little confidence in the
established criminal justice
system. True.
12. Rawls considers the
veil of ignorance critical for
deciding which policies are
just. True.
13. Rawls advocates that
all persons should have equal
access to the same basic
rights and that society must
provide equality of
opportunity to all persons.
14. The mechanical model
of criminal justice focuses on
compliance with law. False.
15. Individual offender
rehabilitation is the central
idea of the participatory
model of justice. False.
16. Community policing is
a good example of the
participatory model of justice.