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Anomie theory is given by

• Robert Merton

‘Asymmetrical face, large ears, long arms, flattened nose, crispy hair, eye defect’ related to

• Biological theory of crime

Abolitionist de jure means…

• Abolition through laws

A convict awarded life sentence has to undergo imprisonment for at least

( C) 14 years

A scientific study of the nature, extent, causes and control of criminal behavior is called as ------


A study of the personality of the offenders in physical terms is called as ---------

C)Criminal Anthropology

Among the following who led the Italian school of positivist criminology?

C) Lombroso

Among the following which one is a victimless offence?

(A) Gambling

Among the following which country awards death penalty to offenders by firing squad?

(D) China

According to Differential Association Theory………… leads to crimes.

A) Social interactions.

According to Prof. Sutherland, ----- are the main causes for recidivism.

A) Social psychology of the offender

B) Inadequacy of reformative techniques

C) None of the above

D) Both (A) and (B)

According to Lombroso criminals are not born criminals but they are………?

C) Situational criminals

According to -------, punishment is based on the proposition, “not to avenge crime but to prevent it”.

C) Preventive theory

According to the Indian Penal Code, how many kinds of Punishments can be awarded to an offender?

(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 6

Actions that are wrong in themselves are called.

(A) Actus Reus

Broadly speaking, criminology, as a science deals with

(D) All of the above

Biological theory of crime

• Lombroso

crime against person predominated in the south & increased in summer & crime against property
predominated in the north & increased during the winter’ is related to

• Thermic theory

conflict between cultural goals & legitimate means is’ ….related to

• Strain theory • Anomie theory • Both

Crime is nothing but a label by the society….

• Howard Becker

Cohesive home produce fewer delinquencies’…

• McCords & Zola

Crime is related to..

• Law

Ceasare Lombroso is associated with

(C) Positive School

Crimes conducted over the internet or other computer network are -----

C) Cybercrimes

Criminologists refer to “hidden crimes” as

(C) Unreported crimes

‘Degree of punishment should match the unfair advantage gained by the criminal…’ is related to

• Michel Davis

Dark Web is related to ..

• Internet

Drug addiction causes -------

(B) Physical health problems

(C) Emotional disturbance

(D) All the above

Differential Association Theory of Crime was developed by

C) Edwin Sutherland

Externality & Coercion is related to …

• Social fact

‘Ego’is related to …

• Reality

Economic theory of crime …

• Fornasari

Economic Deternism is related to …

• Marx

Environment rather than personal factor is responsible for crime…

• Social disorganization theory

‘Eye for an Eye’ and ‘Tooth for a Tooth’ reflects which theory of punishment?

(B) Retribution

Embezzlement belongs to which category of crime?

A) Crime against property

Extracting Cash or kind by using ones official position is a crime under which law?

(D) Prevention of Corruption Act

First scientific study on deviant behaviour is

• Theory of ‘thermic law’ • Theory of ‘born criminal’ • Both • None

For the same crime opinion may be different following the background of the criminal…..

• Labelling theory

Failing of socialization is…

• Deviant

Following are the causes of crime.

A) Heredity
B) B) Mental disorder
C) C) Alcoholism
D) D) All the above

Following are the reformative methods of recidivism.

A) Meditation and moralization

B) B) Clinical method
C) C) Group relations method
D) D) All the above
Geographical theory of crime is related to…

• Montesquieu • Quetlet • Dexter • All

‘Have abandoned the cultural goal, but still use legitimate means’… related to

• Ritualism

Human trafficking is a form of

(B) Organised crime

Halocaust is considered as ……….?

A) Crime against Humanity

Intention of the deviant behaviour is …

• Problem solving

‘Id’ is related to

• Individual’s instinct

In India, Probation is granted under which laws? I. Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act II. Juvenile Justice
Act III. Protection of Human Rights Act IV. Probation of offender Act Find the correct combination using
the codes given below :

(A) I and II are correct

(B) III and IV are correct

(C) II and IV are correct

(D) I and IV are correct

In India, periodical data on crime, is compiled and published by

(B) National Crime Records Bureau.

In the Vishakha’s case, the Supreme Court has laid down the guidelines related to

(C) Sexual harassment of women

In Ramamurthy vs. State of Karnataka the Supreme Court of India has given direction for.
(B) Prison reforms

In D.K. Basu case the Supreme Court has laid down guidelines regarding

(D) Custodial death

Jail should be more humane & law should not distinguish between rich & poor’…

• Beccaria

‘Laws should be judged by their propensity to afford the greater happiness shared by the greatest

• Becarria

Lombroso, Ferri, Garfalo belong to

 Italy

‘Law should be to widen the happiness of the people’….

• Bentham

Morality of the state-’the greatest happiness of the greatest number’

• Bentham

Major concern in determining the crime is ‘social audience’ related to..

• Labelling theory

National Crime Records Bureau of India was founded in the year

A) 1986 B) 1982 C) 1950 D) 1996

Open air jails are setup under what philosophy?

(C) Reformation of prisoners

One who engages himself in the acts of terrorism is a ------

B) Terrorist

Open prisons are -------

A) Minimum security prisons
B) B) Open camps
C) C) Prison without bars
D) D) All the above.

Paternalistic principle of punishment is related to…

• Herbert Morris

Psychogenic theory

• Crime in the personality of the offender

Probation and parole

(A) Are essentially the same

(B) Use different supervision technique but are administered by the same office

C) Are sentences handed over by courts

(D) Are distinctly different forms of community correction administered by different authorities

Prison Statistics in India is published by

(A) National Crime Records Bureau. (D) National Institute of Social Defence.

Probation is

(C) Suspended sentencing

Production, distribution and role of illicit drugs is called

(A) Drug trafficking (

Rejects both cultural goals & legitimate means’….is related to

• Substance use disorder • Alcoholism • Both

Retreatism is…

• Rejection of both cultural goals & legitimate means

Rebellion is….

• Rejection of entire system

Risk society is related to..

• Ulrich Beckh

Rule of Criminal Responsibility was framed by -----

A) M’Naghten

Rarest of rare crime principle was established in the case of ---

A) Bachan Singh V. State of Punjab

B) D.K.Basu V. State of West Bengal

C) Mithu V. State of Punjab

D) Vishakha V. State of Rajasthan

‘Super-Ego’ ..

• Individual’s conscience

‘Spirit of Law’ is written by..

• Montesquieu

Suicide as a social fact is studied by…

• Durkheim

Social disorganization theory is primarily related to …

• Urban studies

Suicide under tight regulation is called…

• Fatalistic suicide

Symbolic interactionism is given by..

• Erving Goffman
Suicide in high group involvement is..

• Altruistic suicide

Social contract thinkers..

• Hobbes • Bentham • Both

Stigimatization is related to ..

• Erving Goffman

The concept of ‘conscious mind’ & ‘unconscious mind’ is given by…

• Sigmund Freud

The spirit of parole or pre-mature release is ________. (i) Reformation and Rehabilitation (ii) Saving for
public exchequer (iii) Utilization of family and community resources (iv) Concession to the wrong-doer
Find the correct combination using the codes given below:

(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(B) (i) & (iii) are correct.

(C) (i), (ii) & (iv) are correct.

(D) (i) and (ii) are correct.

The killing of a family member, due to the belief of the perpetrator that the victim has brought bad
name to the family or community is called

(D) Honour killing

The following services should be available in women prisons

(A) Gynaecological consultations

(B) Counselling services

(C) Care for children

(D) All of above

The guilty act or deed in Latin is termed as –

D) Actus Reus

The origins of criminology can be traced to

(A) Ancient times

The headquarters of National Crime records bureau is located in …………

D) New Delhi

The word “Terrorism” comes from the Latin word -------- which means fear.

A) Tersere

The Father of Victimology, generally refers to

(D) Mendelsohn

The term “Criminology” is derived from the combination of two Latin words ------- ---

B)Crimen and logia

The person who commits a crime is known as ………..

r B) Criminal

The process whereby newly admitted prisoners come to accept prison lifestyles and sometimes criminal
values is called _______.

(D) Prisonization

The term “Probation” is derived from the Latin word ------ which means to test or to prove.

B) To test or to prove

The popularity of open prison system has been a sharp decline in recent years because of ---

A) No significant addition to the existing open jails

B) Taming places of miscreants

C) Extensive use of probation

D) All the above

Theory of Pain and Pleasure was propounded by -------

D) Bentham

Utilitarian philosophy is based on …

• Hedonistic principle
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act was passed in ----

A) 2019

Under which law in India, probation to offenders cannot be granted?

(C) N.D.P.S. Act

Upto what age of boys and girls is the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000, applicable?

(C) Upto 18 years

What type of crime is committed by a physician or a doctor who prescribes unnecessarily diagnostic

(C) White Collar Crime

What is ‘phishing’?

(B) Cyber Crime

What does Green Criminology deal with?

(C) Environmental crimes

Who defined crime as the intentional Act in violation of the criminal law committed without any defense
or excuse and penalized by the state

A) Paul Tappan

Who coined the term Criminology?

A) Raffaele Garofalo

Who is competent to commute death penalty to life imprisonment?

(D) President of India

Who was the Chairperson of the ‘Committee on Women Prisoners 1986-87”?

(B) Justice Krishna Iyer

Who is considered as the father of Criminology?

C) Lombroso

Who mostly commits ‘White Collar Crimes’?

B) Persons of high status

Who among the following applied positivist approach in analyzing crimes?

C) Lombroso

Who has propounded the Theory of Delinquent Subculture?

C) Cohen

Who put forward Psycho-Analytical Theory of Crime?

A) Sigmund Freud

Which one of the following is correct?

A) Prevention of Hijacking Act, 2018

B) Anti-Hijacking Act, 2016

C) Anti-Hijacking Act, 2019

D) All the above

Which of the following is a victimless crime?

(A) (D) Prostitution

Which of the following is within the Scope of criminology?

(D) All the above

Which of the following are the legal initiatives against female foeticide in India

A) The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1991

B) The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

Which committee examined the after care programmes in prison?

(B) Gore Committee

Which of the following are causes of female foeticide ?

A) Obsession for son

B) B) Advancement in technology
C) C) Illiteracy and poverty
D) D) All of the above

Which of the following are objectives of parole technique ----

A) To enable the inmate to maintain continuity with his family life and deal with family life and
deal with family matters.

B)To save the inmate from the evil effects of continuous prison life

C) To enable the inmate to retain self-confidence and active interest in life

D) All the above.

Which among the following is related to laws on obscenity and indecency?

(B) Cyber-pornography

Which of the following is a form of Cyber Crime?

B) Hacking

Which of the following are the types of terrorism?

A) Cyber Terrorism
B) B) Narco Terrorism
C) C) Nuclear Terrorism
D) D) All of the above

Which of the following are the prison problems in India?

A) Overcrowding and delay in trial

B) Torture and ill-treatment

C) Neglect of health and hygiene

D) All the above

Which of the following are the drug related crimes

A) Use related crime

B) B) Economic related crime
C) C) System related crime
D) D) All the above

Which one of the following cases is not related with prison problems in India?

C) Keshavananda Bharti V. State of Kerla

Which of the following are the main objectives of open prisons?

A) To reduce overcrowding in jails

B) To examine the suitability of releasing offenders from prisons

C) To reward good behavior and to provide dependable permanent labour for public works

D) All the above

Which of the following is an economic offence?

(D) Food adulteration

Which of the following are the impacts/effects of terrorism?

A) Loss of property and lives

B) Effect on tourism

C) Destabilization of existing government

D) All the above

Which among the following Committees was constituted exclusively for examining the issues connected
to women prisoners in India?

(C) Justice V.R. Krishna Iyyer Committee

Which of the following is a victimless crime?

(B) Gambling

Which of the following is/are the causes of crime in India?

A) heredity

b) bio-physical factors

C) Mental illness

D) All the above

Which school of criminology propounded the Theory of Free will?

A) Classical school

. Which authority grants prisoners admission to open-air jail?

(C) Jail authorities

Which among the following is not a cyber crime?

B) Phishing

Which theory emphazises on the physiology of the criminals?

A) Theory of evolutionary atavism

Which country among the following does not award death penalty to offenders?

(B) United Kingdom

Who rejected the ‘physical anomaly’ & focused on ‘psychic anomaly’?

• Garfalo

Who coined the term ‘Born Criminal’?

• Ferri

Which one is non-deviant behaviour?

• Conformity

----------- concerns with the various aspects of punishment and penal policies.


-------------is the act of publishing of defamatory material against another person with the help of
computers or internet.

A) Cyber Defamation

. ------- is to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence.

B) Hijacking

------ is the unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate the government, civilian
population for the furtherance of social or political objectives.

B) Terrorism

---------- is a process by which the State inflicts some pain to the persons or property of a person who is
found guilty of crime.

C) Punishment
--------- means the commission of crime by habitual offenders.

B) Recidivism

……… the use of punishment to prevent the offender from repeating his offence …..’

• Deterrent theory

‘…thou art to be hanged not for having stolen a horse, but in order that other horses may not be

• Deterrent theory

…..punishment is not on act of wrath or revenge but is an act of calculation, disciplined by

consideration of the social good and the offenders needs’.

• Bentham

‘….denotes system of norms & values that support delinquent behaviour’

• Delinquent subculture

Match the pairs - List – II: List – I List – II (a) Justice A.N. Mulla (i) National Police Commission (b)
Mr.DharmVira (ii) Committee on Criminal Justice Reforms (c) Justice Krishna Iyer (iii) All India Committee
on Prison Reforms (d) Justice V.S. Malimath (iv) Committee on Women Prisoners Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)

(D) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

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