Course Study Guide: Occupational Health
Course Study Guide: Occupational Health
Course Study Guide: Occupational Health
Year 3, semester 5
Occupational Health
4. recognize some prevention methods in occupational health
a. mini lecture
b. group presentation
c. video
d. quiz
e. synchronous/a synchronous
a. Assessment
Assessment is to be as follows:
2. Levy & Wegman, Occupational Health, Recognizing and
Preventing Work Related Disease. Third Edition. Little Broan
and Company, Boston / NewYork/Toronto/London,2006
3. Joseph La Dou, Occupational & Environmental Medicine,
Third Edition, Lange, USA,2004
4. Rosenstock, Textbook of Clinical Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Second Edition, Saunders, 2005,
5. Depkes RI: Pedoman Pengendalian Nosokomial di Rumah
6. Bennet, Brachman ed., Hospital Infections, Little Brown,1992
7. WHO, Practical guidelines for infection control in health care
facilities, 2003
8. Danggur Kondarus, Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja, Litbang
Danggur & Partners, 2006,
13.Related website
The major goals are: learning and understanding the occupational
health concepts
standard precaution
13 Regulation and Control in occupational health ASR3
and safety.
14 Applying Occupational health and safety in ASR4
several occupational environment and aspect
Team teaching:
ASR = Dr. Ardini Saptaningsih Raksanagara, dr., MPH
IA = Irvan Afriandi, dr., Grad. Dipl. OEH., MPH., DrPH
SYI = Dr. Sri Yusnita Irda sari, dr., MSc
FRR = Fedri Ruluwedrata Rinawan, dr., MScPH., PhD
Date/mo/year, time:
Topic 10:00-10:50,
on Zoom/GoogleMeet
Overview of Occupational Health and ASR1
I Workplace Hazards (TCL) 17/9/2020
Physical and Chemical Hazards at the SYI1
II Workplace (SCL) 24/9/2020
Biological and Psychosocial Hazards at SYI2
III the Workplace (SCL) 24/9/2020
Ergonomics & Accident (SCL) ASR2
IV 1/10/2020
Occupational disease: Dermatology SYI3
XI 19/11/2020
Health care facilities-based infections and SYI4
XII standard precautions (SCL) 26/11/2020
Regulation and Control in occupational ASR3
XIII health and safety (SCL) 2/12/2020
Applying Occupational health and safety ASR4
XIV in several occupational environment and 9/12/2020
aspect (TCL)
The student will be able:
1 Overview of Occupational Health, to understand and describe Mini Levy & Wegman, Occupational Health,
Occupational Occupational Medicine, Occupational health Lecture Recognizing and Preventing Work
health Course Occupational Hygiene problems (C2) TCL Related Disease. Third Edition. Little
and Workplace Worker to recognize workplace Synchronou Broan and Company, Boston /
Hazards Employment hazards (C2) s NewYork/Toronto/London,2006.
Workplace Environment Chapter :1
Video 1 Rosenstock, Textbook of Clinical
Asynchrono Occupational and Environmental
us Medicine, Second Edition, Saunders,
2005. Chapter : 1,2, 11
Suma’mur, Higene Perusahaan dan
Kesehatan Kerja, CV Haji Masagung,
Jakarta, 1994 Hal.4
2 Physical and Noise to identify physical hazards Discussion Suma’mur, Higene Perusahaan dan
chemical Temperature in the workplace SCL Kesehatan Kerja, CV Haji Masagung,
Hazards Illumination environment (C2) Jakarta, 1994 Hal. 57-101and 103-160
Vibration to recognize chemical Synchronou
Radiation hazards in the workplace s Joseph LaDou J, ed. Occupational and
Toxicology environment (C2) Environmental Medicine, 2nd edition.
Pneumoconiosis Stamford: Appleton & Lange, 2004.
Inorganic Chemicals Chapter : 11 and 13
Organic Chemicals
Levy & Wegman, Occupational Health,
Recognizing and Preventing Work
Related Disease. Third Edition. Little
Broan and Company, Boston /
Chapter :16
Harrington, Occupational Heath ,
Pocket Consultant, Blackwell Scientific
Publications,1987. 91-114, 131-180
Rosenstock, Textbook of Clinical
Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, Second Edition, Saunders,
2005. Chapter : 19
3 Biological and Microbe to recognize biological Discussion Suma’mur, Higene Perusahaan dan
Psychological Parasites hazards in the workplace SCL Kesehatan Kerja, CV Haji Masagung,
Hazards Reactions to animal environment (C2) Jakarta, 1994. page 165-167 and 207-211
Agents to underline psychological Video 2
Mental Health at Work hazards in the workplace Synchronou Levy & Wegman, Occupational Health,
Work Relationship environment (C2) s Recognizing and Preventing Work
Personality Related Disease. Third Edition. Little
Quiz Broan and Company, Boston /
(asynchrono NewYork/Toronto/London,2006.
us) Chapter : 18, page 355-379 and 381-415,
Harrington, Occupational Heath ,
Pocket Consultant, Blackwell Scientific
Publications,1987. page 216-222 and
Rosenstock, Textbook of Clinical
Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, Second Edition, Saunders,
2005. Chapter : 28
4 Ergonomic & Ergonomic to recognize accident in the Discussion o Levy & Wegman, Occupational
Accident Workplace Hazards Control workplace environment SCL Health, Recognizing and Preventing
(C2) Work Related Disease. Third Edition.
Protection of The Worker to understand ergonomic Synchronou Little Broan and Company, Boston /
term (C3) s NewYork/Toronto/London,2006.
Chapter : 11, 22
o Joseph LaDou J, ed. Occupational
and Environmental Medicine, 2nd
edition. Stamford: Appleton &
Lange, 2004.Chapter : 12
o Rosenstock, Textbook of Clinical
Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, Second Edition, Saunders,
2005. Chapter : 31
Dermatology s
12 Health care Health and Safety Hazards in to illustrate safety hazards Discussion Depkes RI: Pedoman Pengendalian
facilities-based the Health Care Facilities in the health care facilities Nosokomial di Rumah Sakit,2001
infections and - Definition (C3) SCL
standard - Source to define the nosocomial Synchronou Bennet,Brachman ed., Hospital
precautions - Transmission infections (C2) s Infections,Little Brown,1992
- Precaution in infection control to describe the source of
practices Nosocomial infections (C2) WHO, Practical guidelines for infection
- Care of health care workers control in health care facilities, 2003
to describe the transmission
of Nosocomial
to describe the standards
precaution in infection
control practices (C2)
to deescribe the additional
precaution in infection
control practices (C2)
To explain that health care
workers are at risk of
acquiring infection through
occupational exposure (C2)
13 Regulation and 1. Legislative Control To show some regulation Discussion Danggur Kondarus, Keselamatan
Control in 2. Management Control for controlling SCL Kesehatan Kerja, Litbang Danggur &
Occupational 3. Engineering Control Occupational health and Synchronou Partners, 2006, page 141-146
health and 4. Medical Control safety (C2) s
To understand the
management control in
Occupational health and
safety (C2)
To understand the
controlling through health
aspect in Occupational
health and safety (C2)