Travel Demand Analysis: Requirements For Transit Modeling For Metropolitan Manila
Travel Demand Analysis: Requirements For Transit Modeling For Metropolitan Manila
Travel Demand Analysis: Requirements For Transit Modeling For Metropolitan Manila
Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies 2015–16 30 (2)–31 (1): 259–78
Metro Manila seems to be in a perpetual state of traffic congestion.
Whether it be users of road-based or rail-based modes of transportation,
everyone can be a witness to the dreadful days of traveling within the
metro. Former Department of Transportation and Communications1
secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya, for instance, reported in February 2014
that the Manila Metro Rail Transit System Line 3 (MRT-3) was
designed to carry 360,000 to 380,000 passengers per day, but actual
passenger ridership reached 560,000 (de Fiesta 2014). This means that
MRT-3 has been operating at 1.47 percent to 1.56 percent of its actual
capacity. Meanwhile, Waze (2016, 23), the company known for its
mobile navigation application, listed Manila as having one of the worst
traffic situations in the world based on the “driver satisfaction index,”2
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ranking 170th out of 186 of the 235 metros surveyed by the popular
app. All of these unfavorable traffic conditions have been costing the
economy PHP 2.4 billion, and this economic loss may escalate to as
high as PHP 6 billion a day by 2030 if no intervention is done (JICA
and NEDA 2014, 3–6).
Much has been said about the traffic woes copiously experienced
in Metro Manila and its environs, but in-depth scrutiny of the
transport planning carried out in the metro would reveal that there had
been plenty of transport plans that were completed, beginning in the
late 1960s. Most of these plans’ recommendations, however, were not
pursued. It is in this circumstance that this project reexamines past
transport plans. Using state-of-the-art transport modeling software, it
is the goal of the project’s proponents to revive and lay out the rail plans
upon the existing traffic and land use conditions of Metro Manila. In
this research note, the requirements to simulate the counterfactual
scenarios in relation to these past transport plans are discussed.
This research note aims to discuss the requirements for the simulation
of counterfactual traffic scenarios for metropolitan Manila. Specifically,
this research note intends to introduce the fundamental concepts on
REGIDOR AND ALOC EIDR Mass Transit Research Note 261
The traffic surveys conducted for MUCEP covered the entire Metro
Manila and its adjoining municipalities in the provinces of Bulacan,
Rizal, Cavite, and Laguna (JICA and DOTC 2015a).
The update on the highway or road network suggested that there
exists a total of 2,810 links pertaining to all roads, streets or highways
including the newly constructed roadways (JICA and DOTC 2015b,
5–5). The capacity and speed attributes for these links depend on the
location, road category and the carriageway type. Table 5 summarizes
the values of capacity and speed that have been used.
For the transit network, table 6 summarizes the parameters that
have been used. However, it must be noted that the railway lines
will be used, and the lines of Manila Light Rail Transit System (LRT-
1 and LRT-2) and MRT-3 will not be considered for the modeling.
REGIDOR AND ALOC EIDR Mass Transit Research Note 271
private modes of transport were used for modal split. Lastly, the speed-
volume functions that have been generated in road and rail links were
carried out to facilitate traffic assignment (JICA and DOTC 2015b, 5–
The following assumptions can be considered for the development of
the models:
a) Mode shift values for the most likely mode shift from
private to public transport (rail) for the UTSMMA,
MMETROPLAN and MMUTIS scenarios. Optimistic
or aggressive scenarios such as 20 percent shift from
private and road-based public transport to rail transport
can also be considered. A pessimistic scenario such as
REGIDOR AND ALOC EIDR Mass Transit Research Note 273
Figure 8. Traffic analysis zones adapted by MUCEP. Note: Map reproduced from JICA
(2015d, 1–10).
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Simulation Tools
There are many available software tools to perform transport modeling
and simulation of scenarios. Among the most popular commercial
software are Cube and Emme.
Cube is a transportation planning system software developed by
Citilabs.7 The Cube Transportation Modeling Suite provides advanced
methods and techniques for the design and development of transport
models. Moreover, it provides an application environment for quick
and easy application of the models to build, test, and evaluate
scenarios. On the other hand, Emme is a travel demand modeling
software developed by INRO. Common applications of Emme include
travel demand forecasting, transit planning, traffic planning, economic,
emissions and environmental analyses, and transportation data science.
Both of these software tools can analyze data in the geographic
information system format, such that the links and nodes to be
digitized can be referenced according to a certain projection system.
Geocoding of socioeconomic data would be easier with the help of the
advanced feature of these software tools. MMUTIS did not use any of
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The project will pursue the modeling and simulation of proposed
railway transit lines since the late 1960s to see if these could have
improved current traffic conditions (i.e., alleviate traffic congestion) if
they were implemented as planned. These what-if scenarios would be
implemented using current available tools and data including state-of-
the-art transport modeling software such as Cube and Emme, and an
updated database (i.e., based on MUCEP) for Metro Manila.
In the proposal stage, it was stated that this project will employ
analysis involving the co-benefits approach in assessing the impact of
transport systems to air quality, fuel consumption, safety, traffic
congestion, noise, and others. The co-benefits approach makes use of
these other elements that are often easier to be understood and
appreciated. Further, the assessment of transport and traffic conditions
as related to rail transport development will employ conventional level
of service concepts and criteria to determine the necessity and timeliness
of railways in alleviating transport and traffic congestion in Metro
Manila. The outcomes of simulated scenarios will be inputs toward the
evaluation in the context of transport co-benefits and environmentally
sustainable transport.
This work was funded by the University of the Philippines System
Emerging Inter-Disciplinary Research Program (OVPAA EIDR-06-
1. This is now the Department of Transportation by virtue of Republic Act 10844
(Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015)
signed on 23 May 2016. A new government agency, the Department of Information
and Communications Technology, was created, splitting the Department of
Transportation and Communications into two departments.
2. Waze (2016) defined driver satisfaction index as a traffic index that measures six
quantitative and qualitative attributes, namely, traffic rating, road safety rating,
driver services rating, quality rating, socioeconomic rating, and wazey rating.
REGIDOR AND ALOC EIDR Mass Transit Research Note 277
3. Origin refers to the starting point while destination refers to the ending point.
The origin-destination matrix is the table that tallies the number of trips starting
from a given zone and ending to a given zone.
4. Divisions of the area being studied. This is used as the geographic unit in travel
demand forecasting.
5. It is defined as the beginning or ending of a trip; thus, a trip has two trip ends.
6. See Travel Demand Forecasting: Parameters and Techniques (National Academies
2012, 25–26) for the complete list of tests.
7. Citilabs website,
Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. and Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 1997. “Model
Validation and Reasonableness Checking Manual.” Prepared for Travel Model
Improvement Program, Federal Highway Administration. http://
de Fiesta, Ria. 2014. “Abaya: MRT-3 Operating at Overcapacity.”,
27 February.
DPWTC and FFA (Department of Public Works, Transportation, and Communications
and Freeman Fox and Associates). 1977. MMETROPLAN Metro Manila Transport,
Land Use and Development Planning Project: Final Report. 3 vols. Quezon City:
FHWA and UMTA (Federal Highway Administration and Urban Mass Transportation
Administration). 1977. An Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting: A
Self Instructional Text. User-oriented materials for UTPS.
Fricker, Jon D., and Robert K. Whitford. 2004. Fundamentals of Transportation
Engineering: A Multimodal Systems Approach. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). 1999. “Metro Manila Urban
Transportation Integration Study: Final Report.” JICA. http://
———. 2011. “The Research on Practical Approach for Urban Transport Planning:
Final Report.” JICA.
JICA and DOTC (Japan International Cooperation Agency and Department of
Transportation and Communications). 2015a. “The Project for Capacity
Development on Transportation Planning and Database Management in the
Republic of the Philippines: MMUTIS Update and Enhancement Project (MUCEP);
Manual Vol. 1, Traffic Surveys.” JICA and DOTC.
———. 2015b. “The Project for Capacity Development on Transportation Planning and
Database Management in the Republic of the Philippines: MMUTIS Update and
Enhancement Project (MUCEP); Manual Vol. 2, Travel Demand Forecasting.”
———. 2015c. “The Project for Capacity Development on Transportation Planning and
Database Management in the Republic of the Philippines: MMUTIS Update and
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JOSE REGIN F. REGIDOR, a professor at the Institute of Civil Engineering, University of the
Philippines and research fellow at the National Center for Transportation Studies, is the
project leader for “The Mass Transit System in Metro Manila: From Tranvia to MRT, 1879–
2014” Project 3. Send correspondence to the author at [email protected].