Potential Effect of Traffic Signalling System in Catbalogan City, Philippines

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Journal of Academic Research 02:2(2017), pp.


Potential Effect of Traffic Signalling

System in Catbalogan City, Philippines
John Rey Allequer, Jahnna Maye B. Domingo, Vienda Mae L. Papauran,
Philip Jerome P. Pelayo, *Zoren O. Tizon
Student, College of Graduate Studies, Samar State University, Philippines
*[email protected]

Abstract: The increasing volume of traffic suggests an improving economy. On the other
hand, worsening traffic may cause negative economic and environmental consequences .
One way of managing traffic is with the use of signalling system. The study examined
the potential effect of signalling system on key intersections in the City of Catbalogan,
Philippines using SYNCHRO Studio 8.0. The three scenarios tested in the study include
the current traffic condition, traffic without Rickshaw (pedicab) and a situation where
Rickshaw was replaced with motorized tricycles. Using traffic signalling systems have
improved traffic flow of Curry Avenue – Del Rosario St. and Curry Avenue – San Roque
St while San Roque-Mabini Avenue intersection showed unfavorable results. The
removal of Rickshaw improves traffic flow but replacing it all with motorized tricycle
will result in severe traffic and negative environmental consequences.

Keywords: traffic lights, pollution, travel time, traffic management, traffic simulation

1. Introduction vehicle ownership or volume of traffic is

undeniably a function of an economy, but it
Emerging cities experiences about can also cause significant economic losses if
traffic today is almost similar to post World not strategically managed. Metro Manila for
War II scenario of now first world countries example losses at least PhP 2.4 billion daily
like those in Europe. Traffic in towns is a and will increase to PhP 6 billion if traffic
problem even before the days of motorized congestion is not addressed (JICA, 2014).
vehicles (Headicar, 2015). Communities Metro Manila traffic is dubbed as one of the
derive their economic and social rationale worst in the world (Quito et al., 2016). In the
from being the center of activities, but as year 2000, industrial emissions are almost
they grow the movement, the conditions of equal to vehicular emissions (Krupnick et
streets worsen affecting everyone (ibid). As al., 2003). Bad traffic condition worsens
the country improves its socio-economic vehicle exhaust containing high levels of
situation, so is the people's capacity to buy nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon
vehicles increases. In Metro Manila, car dioxide posing health risks to people (Zhang
registration has grown an average of 5% & Batterman, 2013; Hermes, 2012).
year on year (Rubite & Tiglao, 2004). The
rise in car ownership has overcome capacity While traffic woes are in advanced
limits of existing roads, most of which were stages in many parts of the world, cities in
old roads not designed to carry a high the provinces like Catbalogan are starting to
volume of traffic. Increased number of feel it. Catbalogan City is the capital of the

Samar Province, Philippines, has a time the traffic rules are replaced with
population of 103,879 (PSA, 2016). The city another set of rules.
is the center of trade and commerce
compounded with the fact that it is a major Some solution to traffic congestion
hub along the Pan-Philippine Highway includes; adding more capacity by
(NEDA, 2011) which adds to the traffic increasing the size of highway or provision
volume in the city. The city competitiveness of mass transportation system; operating
is continuously improving; it moved from existing capacity with more efficiency;
103 out of 136 in 2015 to 46 out of 142 in encouraging travel and land use patterns that
2015 (NCC Philippines, nd.) making it the use the system in less congestion and
better-performing city in Samar Island. This producing ways – travel demand
economic achievement can only be management; non-automotive travel modes;
sustained if the worsening traffic is and land use management (DOT FHA, nd.).
addressed early on. The quality and quantity
of transport infrastructure influence the Roads in Catbalogan has no traffic
attractiveness and desirability of urban signaling system and only uses traffic
regions (Small & Verhoef, 2007). enforcers who are not technically trained to
managed traffic issues. Roads have traffic
As the city grows, traffic volume signs and other road markings like
also grows with it. Catbalogan City pedestrian lanes, but none of it is seriously
implements franchise cap on the number of taken. This scenario is worsened because
motorized tricycle and Rickshaw. It, many licensed drivers have limited
however, does not have control over the knowledge of traffic rules and laws or
purchase and regulation of other type of simply do not follow them (Malabanan,
vehicles. Like many cities, the increased 2014). With the complexity of traffic
number of vehicles resulted in problems problem management, the study only
such as parking difficulties, loss of public explored on the traffic signaling system
space, high maintenance costs, accidents, using a computer software for analysis on
and safety. Traffic congestion occurs how it affects travel time and pollution
because of too many vehicles, land use contribution.
patterns, employment patterns, income
levels, car ownership trend, infrastructure 2. Objective
investment, etc. (ECMT, 2007). In response
to the growing traffic concern, the city This study presented the traffic
implemented traffic control measures and characteristics and evaluated the
had proposed a revision of its traffic and effectiveness of traffic signal in selected
transport ordinance (LGU, 2017). The said intersection in downtown Catbalogan City,
strategies, however, lacks scientific studies specifically it;
and is limited only on traffic flow directions,
parking restriction, prohibition of local 2.1 Determined the traffic characteristics in
transportation facilities from using selected selected areas in Catbalogan City in
routes, apprehension of unregistered terms of:
vehicles from using the city roads, etc. In the
past few years, at least three traffic schemes a. Routes
were introduced on the ground, perhaps as b. Volumes
as an experiment, confusing the public every

Allequer et al. (2017) 2


2.2 Determined the effectiveness of traffic 3.2 Research Environment

control in unsignalized and proposed
signalized intersection in terms of: The intersections subjected to
analysis are the following; Curry Avenue –
a. Delay Del Rosario St., Curry Avenue – San Roque
b. Number of stops St. and San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue.
c. Travel time Traffic characteristics along these routes
d. Fuel consumption intersecting the three junctions were also
e. Pollutant emission (Co, Nox, analysed. Each of the intersections had a
VOC) traffic performance and geometric design
(different widths of legs) which are different
3. Methodology from each of the other. Several aspects
regarding traffic route direction, intersection
The study explores the potential design, and road environment were
impact of providing traffic signalling system considered such as the speed, traffic
to selected intersections of Catbalogan City, volumes at the minor road and the major
Philippines. road, geometric design of the intersections.

3.1 Research Design The three intersections were selected

as these were the busiest and most congested
The study utilizes experimental intersection during peak hours.
research design considering three scenarios
in three intersections. Variables were 3.3 Research Instrumentation
manipulated to analyse impact. Effects of
the proposed provision of traffic signalling Aside from the software
system were performed using the (SYNCHRO and SimTraffic), the
SYNCHRO Studio version 8 and researchers also collected traffic data from
SimTraffic. the CCTV footages of the City of
Catbalogan. An actual survey and traffic
observation were also performed. Measuring
tools were used to determine intersection
geometric feature. Satellite images from
Google Map were also used. Secondary data
from Land Transportation Office (LTO) and
records from LGU Catbalogan on the
registered Rickshaw and motorized vehicles
were also used.

3.4 Research Procedures

3.4.1 Traffic Volume Determination

Traffic data were collected in a

typical day (not a holiday or no special
Figure 1. The three intersection under occasion and normal weather). The selected
investigation intersections were recorded four days in a

Allequer et al. (2017) 3


week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and necessary for the analyses including the
Sunday) during peak hour at three hours future traffic plans of the city.
durations (one hour for each; A.M, Noon
and P.M) for each intersection in a day. The 3.4.3 Modelling
City CCTV footages along the three
intersections were used to complement Traffic simulation was performed
actual observation. The video capture using Synchro Studio 8.0 and SimTraffic by
contains information such as the traffic Trafficware. The simulation program
volume for each road and direction of the allowed the researchers to import an image
vehicle, etc. The footages have one hour as a background. The image background
video for every peak hour at each site started served as a template or map so that it can
at 7:00 to 8:00 AM (morning peak hour), replicate the intersection in Synchro Studio
followed at 12:00 NN to 1:00 PM peak hour, 8.0 (see Figure 19). After inputting the
then lastly, 5:00 to 6:00 PM peak hour. intersection characteristics, they defined
simulation parameters such as lane setting,
The period of the volume volumes setting, timing setting and phasing
determination was divided into 15-minute setting. The latest volume counts on each
intervals distributed over the time of data road in all directions were collected from
counting. The footages were replayed to CCTV Footages. First, the network was built
retrieve the required data information for the by creating lanes and giving the available
study. number of lanes in each direction. Make
route choices input volumes define signal
control and assign them to the intersection.
After the simulation parameters were
established, SimTraffic was initiated to
perform the simulation for the different
scenarios for both signalized and un-
signalized intersections. Three scenarios
(with and without signalling system) were
observed to determine the effectiveness of
traffic control for each intersection. The
scenarios were:

a) Performance of unsignalized and

signalized intersections through the level
Figure 2. Sample CCTV Video (shown is a photo of service.
grab) Capture along Del Rosario St. – Curry b) Performance of unsignalized and
Avenue Intersection signalized intersections through Measure
of Effectiveness (MOE). (Tricycle
volume excluded )
3.4.2. Road Intersection Characteristics c) Performance of unsignalized and
signalized intersections through Measure
Geometric characteristics of the of Effectiveness (MOE). (With tricycle
intersection are key information needed in replaced by motorized tricycle)
the computer simulation. Traffic flow d) Performance of unsignalized intersection
direction, lane width, and road length were considering:

Allequer et al. (2017) 4


4. Results and Discussion

d.1 With tricycle replaced by motorized
tricycle 4.1 Traffic Characteristics

d.2 Tricycle volume excluded The traffic characteristics used in the

software analysis were only traffic volume
When the simulation was and the traffic route. The later consists of
completed, the software created reports geometric features and traffic directions and
outlining measures of effectiveness of the the traffic volume. The city has constantly
intersection like the level of service. Also, been replacing their traffic scheme one after
the simulation report estimated the number the other. The forgoing characteristics are
of liters of fuel consumed as well as true to September 2016 conditions.
emissions released into the atmosphere.
4.1.1 Routes Characteristics

Figure 3.Traffic Flow in Selected Portion of Downtown Catbalogan City

Allequer et al. (2017) 5


Table 1. Geometric Features for the Selected Intersections

Approach name Lane Form One way or

Intersection name Direction No. of
In each Road group width (m) Two way
From Catb.1 1 EB 14 2 Two way
Del Rosario St. - From SMCC 2 NB 8.3 2 Two way
Curry Avenue From Pier 1 3 WB 14 2 Two way
From Ubanon 4 SB 8.3 2 Two way
From Imelda Park 1 EB 14 2 Two way
Curry Avenue – From SC 2 NB 6.6 2 Two way
San Roque St. From Pier 1 3 WB 14 2 Two way
From SSU 4 SB 6.6 2 Two way
From Patag 1 EB 11.4 2 Two way
San Roque St. – From SC 2 NB 6.6 2 One way
Mabini Avenue From Church 3 WB 11.4 2 Two way
From SSU 4 SB 6.6 2 One way

Del Rosario Street is a two-lane also a two-lane roadway having a length of

roadway having a length of 0.982 km and a 0.622 m and a form width of 11.4 m. For
form width of 11.7 m. It is part of Maharlika this study, its eastern section will be called
highway or considered as a major road in the Road to Church and its western section will
City. For this study at its intersection with be called Road to Patag.
Curry Avenue, the northbound will be called
Road to SMCC and the southbound will be
called Road to Ubanon. Curry Avenue is
also a major road and a part of Maharlika
highway which has two-lane divided
highway section. The length of the road is
0.576 m with a form width of 14 m. For this
study, the eastbound will be called Road to
Pier 1 and the westbound will be called
Road to Catbalogan 1 but in its intersection,
with San Roque Street its westbound will be
called Road to Imelda Park. San Roque
Street is a two-lane divided highway section.
The length of the road is 0.504m with a form
width of 6.6 m. For this study in the
intersection with Curry Avenue, the
northbound will be called Road to SC and
the southbound will be called Road to SSU.
In the northern part of this street, the
intersection is with Mabini Avenue which Figure 4.Current Route of Vehicles in Del
Rosario St. – Curry Avenue Intersection

Allequer et al. (2017) 6


Much of the study area is commonly College (SC) and Pier 1. Since the
used by commuters, with residential and intersection is busy, the tricycles and
commercial land uses. Table 1 shows the motorized tricycles coming from Samar
existing lane geometry of the study State University are not allowed to enter the
intersections, this include number of lanes, route to Pier 1. All vehicles, on the other
and lane widths in the selected intersections. hand, can enter and exit in any direction.
Significant number of heavy and light
Del Rosario Street - Curry Avenue trucks, PUJ vehicles, UV vehicles enters the
Intersection is a four-arm intersection. It route to SC leading them to another highway
corresponds to the vehicles entering access outside the city.
directions to Pier 1, Barangay Ubanon, Saint
Mary's College of Catbalogan (SMCC) and
Catbaloagan1 / Imelda Park. The heavy as
well as light trucks, PUJ vehicles and UV
vehicles coming from Pier 1 enters into the
route going to Catbalogan 1or to SMCC. In
this intersection, tricycles and motorized
tricycles can only enter and exit from Pier 1
and Ubanon. All vehicles on the other hand
can enter and exit in all lanes of the

Figure 6.Current Route of Vehicles in Mabini

Avenue – San Roque Intersection

San Roque Street – Mabini

Intersection is a four-arm intersection. It lets
the vehicles enter the directions to the
Church/SMCC, Barangay Patag, SC and
SSU. The San Roque Street is a one way
road while the Mabini Avenue is a two-way
Figure 5.Current Route of Vehicles in Curry traffic. This intersection is frequently having
Avenue – San Roque Intersection congestion. The adjacent academic
institution to the intersection added volume
of road users. The thriving business
Curry Avenue – San Roque Street activities in the area especially along San
Intersection is a four-arm intersection. It lets Roque Street including vehicle parking
the vehicles enter the directions to Samar along side of the roads add to the congestion
State University, Imelda Park, Samar in the area.

Allequer et al. (2017) 7


Figures 3 to 6 showed the current route The roads shown (going left and up)
direction of vehicles implemented by the in the picture is a portion of the national
City of Catbalogan. These routes were highway and is serving all types of vehicles
implemented to improve the traffic flow. In like busses, trucks, and others. The city
the past, vehicles including motorized passenger terminal for PUVs, the port exit
tricycles (3 seaters and 6 seaters) as well as and one of the city's public market is found
Rickshaws can freely move without in the vicinity of the port area (going left in
restriction. Such movement of public the picture).
transportation system is shorter but travel
time is longer due to traffic congestion. In
the current routes, vehicles need to turn
around two (2) to three (3) blocks to get into
a destination, in the past, it only need one
corner. Time of travel and distance of travel
is also associated to fuel consumption.

4.1.2 Traffic Volume Characteristics

Figures 8 to 10 showed the traffic

counts of the three selected intersections in
Catbalogan City. The peak hour count traffic
Figure 8. Del Rosario St. – Curry Avenue
volumes in each road were used in the
Intersection Average Peak Hour Volume
simulation. Figure 7 shows a typical
scenario along Curry Avenue – San Roque
St. and Figure 8 is the volume of traffic from
the various station in the same intersection.
Going NE (see Figure 7), is the portion of
Del Rosario St going to the Church/SMCC,
SW is towards Ubanon, Left is the Curry
Avenue going to Pier 1 and going Right is to
Catbalogan 1.

Figure 9. Traffic Flow along Del Rosario St. –

Curry Avenue Intersection

Figure 7. Del Rosario St. – Curry Avenue

Intersection, 12:00-1:00 PM .

Allequer et al. (2017) 8


morning, noontime and late afternoon.

Rickshaws and 3 seaters motorized tricycle
are restricted in using the road to Pier 1, but
it appears some violates this ordinance.

Figure 10. Curry Avenue-San Roque Intersection

7:00-8:00 AM

Figure 12. Traffic Flow along Curry Avenue – San

Figure 11. Curry Avenue – San Roque St. Roque St. Intersection
Intersection Average Peak Hour Volume

Shown in Figure 10 is a photo grab

from CCTV footage about 7:00 in the
morning. Traffic going to the right in the
picture is a portion of San Roque St. Far
right ahead is towards SSU and HEI with
more than 6,000 enrolled students (SSU,
2016). Also found along this street is the
Justice Building, one of the main entrances
of Catbalogan I Central School with a little
less than 3000 students, Eastern Visayas
Regional Science High School with 195
students and one of the gates of Samar
National School serving more than 5000
students (DepED, 2015). This section of the Figure 13. San Roque St.-Mabini Avenue
road is likely serving up to about 15,000 Intersection, 5:00-6:00 PM
students, employees and other road users on
a daily basis and at least three times a day,

Allequer et al. (2017) 9


The San Roque-Mabini Avenue

intersection has received the highest number
of traffic observed. A total of about 15,990
vehicles passed this intersection in the late
afternoon. The bulk of the vehicles come
from the Patag District area, one of the
densest residential areas in Catbalogan. This
was the heaviest traffic volume recorded by
the researchers on all observations made.

Figure 15. Traffic Flow along San Roque St.-

Mabini Avenue Intersection Average Peak Hour

The route from Patag to the

intersection and towards the San
Figure 14. San Roque St.-Mabini Avenue Bartholomew Church also receives vehicles
Intersection Average Peak Hour Volume entering Catbalogan City from the south.

Figure 15. Average Traffic Volume

Allequer et al. (2017) 10


Figure 17. Unsignalized (left) and Signalized (right) Simulation at Del Rosario St. - Curry Avenue

Figure 18. Unsignalized (left) and Signalized (right) Simulation at Curry Avenue – San Roque St.

Figure 19. Unsignalized (left) and Signalized (right) Simulation at San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue

Adding to the traffic volume are from the CCTV footages of the City. From
elementary to graduate students of the the SE side is a one-way traffic, moving to
Samar College (SC) is found along this the left (towards the Church, SMCC), the
intersection and the Saint Mary’s of NE side is towards the Patag District and
Catbalogan (SMCC) is located near the NW side is towards the SC gate.
church. Shown in Figure 11 is a photo grab

Allequer et al. (2017) 11


Shown in Figure 16 is a September Monday's, students and employees/workers

2016 average traffic characteristics along the return to Catbalogan from a weekend break.
three intersections observed. Monday's
registers peak volume of traffic but a 4.2 Signalized and Un-signalized Traffic
considerable peak, the highest observed Flow Simulations
along San Roque St. and Mabini Avenue for
Friday's with about 6,589 vehicles. This is The collected traffic volume and
probably because, on Fridays, temporary geometry data were used in developing
residents (students and employees/workers) Synchro models of the three study sites
of Catbalogan return to their respective were.
residences outside of Catbalogan. On

Table 2. Peak Hour Average Control Delay and Level of Service for a 15 Minutes Period

Intersections Un-signalized Intersection Signalized Intersection

AM Noon PM AM Noon PM
Del Rosario St. – Curry Avenue 10 9 11 8 7 8
Curry Avenue-San Roque St 11 11 11 8 7 7
San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue 11 11 17 9 9 12
LOS Criteria: A-Free Flow B-Reasonably Free Flow C-Stable Flow D-Approaching unstable Flow
E-Unstable Flow F-Forced or Breakdown Flow

Table 3. Average Peak Hour Volume Performance of MOEs without Rickshaw (pedicab)

Un-signalized Intersection Signalized Intersection

Total Number Hours Total Number Hours
Hours of Stops Travel Delay of Stops Travel
Delayed Time Time
Del Rosario St. – Curry Avenue 2,895 6,372 2,919 2,240 10,445 2,264
Curry Avenue-San Roque St 3,181 6,581 3,206 2,943 13,266 2,960
San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue 2,342 6,325 2,468 2,787 12,993 2,823

Table 4. Average Peak Hour Volume Performance of MOEs where Rickshaw Volume was replaced
with Motorized Tricycle

Un-signalized Intersection Signalized Intersection

Total Number Hours Total Number Hours
Hours of Stops Travel Delay of Stops Travel
Delayed Time Time
Del Rosario St. – Curry Avenue 5,427 8,406 5,460 4,298 18,825 4,331
Curry Avenue-San Roque St 6,964 9,460 6,999 5,628 24,242 5,651
San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue 6,492 9,719 6,548 6,887 29,676 6,942

Allequer et al. (2017) 12


4.2.1 Effectiveness of Signalling System to Table 3 shows a scenario where

Traffic Flow Rickshaw is not allowed to traverse
downtown Catbalogan City, and some
The Curry Avenue – San Roque St. motorized tricycle is maintained. Table 4, on
operates at Level of Service (LOS) B in all the other hand, is a scenario where
peak period due to the consistency of Rickshaw was replaced with a motorized
vehicles entering in the area and the same tricycle.
also in Del Rosario St. – Curry Avenue
intersection but it differs only in noon which Simulation has shown that when a
experienced a free flow movement. On the signalling system is used, improvements
other hand, San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue were observed. The total delay and total
intersection experienced at LOS B during travel time for both Del Rosario St. – Curry
the AM and MN peak periods, and operate Avenue and Curry Avenue – San Roque St.
acceptably with LOS C as the highest delay intersections was reduced even if there was
in PM periods. Based on the analysis, it an increased number of stops. However San
produced a 147 average vehicle enters Roque St. – Mabini Avenue intersection
during PM periods which is highest in the showed the increase in the delays and travel
other study area. time of vehicles.

Signalized intersection analysis was If Rickshaw is excluded in these

performed for the study under conditions for routes, the delay and travel time were
the AM, NN and PM peak hour level of decreased by 23% for Del Rosario St. -
service. According to the LOS comparison Curry Avenue intersection and 8% in the
results, each intersection will experience a Curry Avenue – San Roque St. intersection.
significant improvement after conversion to San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue intersection
a signalized intersection. It showed an showed an increase of 14% travel time.
improvement in performance of all periods There was an increase of 64% to 105%
from LOS B to LOS A and LOS C to LOS B number of stops due to the signaling system,
in each intersection. At this condition, a but these resulted in better travel time for
traffic control signal may be effective. vehicles passing the Del-Rosario-Curry
Avenue and the Curry Ave-San Roque
4.2.2 Effects on Time of Travel intersections.

Catbalogan City mixed traffic makes The same effect was observed when
the analysis complicated. Rickshaw speed is the Rickshaws are replaced with the
dependent on the driver and speed cannot be motorized tricycle. The travel time has
controlled in the same manner as motorized improved up to 20% for Del Rosario St. -
vehicles are. In many cities around the Curry Avenue intersection and 19% in the
Philippines, Rickshaw are removed from Curry Avenue – San Roque St. intersection.
downtown roads to improve traffic. The Meanwhile, San Roque St. – Mabini Avenue
same however may not be environmentally intersection showed a less satisfying result
beneficial specially when replaced with because it increased by 6% with the number
motorized counterpart. The effects of of stoppage of vehicles increased between
removing Rickshaw are positive in terms of 124 to 205%.
traffic flow. On the other hand, replacing it
all with a motorcycle is a different story.

Allequer et al. (2017) 13


Table 5. Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emission without Rickshaw (pedicab)

Un-signalized Intersection Signalized Intersection

Liter of Pollutant Emission (kg) Liter of Pollutant Emission
Intersections Fuel Fuel (kg)
Consumed CO NOx VOC Consumed CO NOx VOC
Del Rosario St. – Curry Ave. 8,108 150.8 29.1 34.8 6,307 117.3 22.6 27.0
Curry Avenue-San Roque St. 8,905 165.6 32.0 38.2 8,346 155.2 30.0 35.8
San Roque St. – Mabini Ave. 6,858 127.6 24.6 29.4 7,865 146.3 28.2 33.7

Table 6. Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emission without Rickshaw (pedicab)

where Rickshaw Volume was replaced with Motorized Tricycle

Un-signalized Intersection Signalized Intersection

Liter of Pollutant Emission (kg) Liter of Pollutant Emission
Intersections Fuel Fuel (kg)
Consumed CO NOx VOC Consumed CO NOx VOC
Del Rosario St. – Curry Ave. 15,154 281.9 54.4 65.0 12,065 224.4 43.3 51.8
Curry Avenue-San Roque St. 19,421 361.2 69.7 83.3 15,983 297.3 57.4 68.6
San Roque St. – Mabini Ave. 18,173 338.0 65.2 78.0 19,336 359.7 69.4 82.9

There was an observed increase in Table 5 shows the environmental

the number of delays, number of stops and effects on a scenario where Rickshaw was
hours of travel when a Rickshaw-less traffic removed from the traffic equation. Table 6 is
compared to a total motorized tricycle a scenario where Rickshaw was converted to
scenario. The total number of hours delayed a motorized tricycle. This scenario will
increased between 91 to 147%, the number naturally increase the pollutants as a result
of the stoppage by 80 to 128% and total of more vehicles burning fuel. If the time of
hours of travel time will increase by about travel is improved, the volume of fuel
90 to 146%. Rickshaws are slow thus burned is reduced, and emission of pollutant
affecting all vehicles caught in between is lowered.
them but replacing it all with motorized
tricycle is not a good idea. Based on travel time and number of
stoppage, the amount of Carbon Monoxide
4.2.2 Effects on Cost of Travel and (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), and Volatile
Pollutants Organic Compounds (VOC) were estimated.
About 22% of the pollutant was reduced
Fuel consumption is closely related because of the signaling system in the Del
to traveling distance, delay and number of Rosario and Curry Avenue intersection.
stoppage at each intersection. For a vehicle Reduction of 6% of pollutants was also
trip of a given length, the number of stops, observed at San Roque and Curry Avenue
acceleration and deceleration cycles, and while San Roque St – Mabini Avenue
speed changes can affect Carbon Monoxide intersection resulted to increase in the
(CO), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), and number of pollutants by about 15%.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Amount of pollutant emitted in a scenario
Emissions. (Koa, 2011 et al.). where all Rickshaw were replaced with

Allequer et al. (2017) 14


motorized tricycle showed similar behavior, 6. Bibliography

but percent reduction along the There was a
significant reduction of these Curry Avenue- Department of Education, DepEd (2015).
San Roque St. was higher at 17%. Public Schools Enrolment SY 2015-
Naturally, if Rickshaw (which does http://www.deped.gov.ph/datasets
not use fuel to run) is replaced with a Accessed June 3, 2017.
motorized tricycle, air pollutant will increase.
CO, NOx, and VOCs will increase between 91 European Conference of Ministers of
to 146%. Transport, ECMT (2007), Managing
urban traffic congestion- summary
5. Conclusion and Recommendation document. Transport Research
Centre, European Conference of
Catbalogan growing traffic will Ministers of Transport.
require the installation of signaling system
to manage it. The effect of the use of Headicar, P. (2012). Traffic and Towns: The
signaling system is not the same in the three Next 50 Years. ITC Occasional
intersections evaluated. This suggests that Paper Number Six. Independent
signaling system must be suited to the traffic Transport Commission
condition of the intersection.
Hermes, J. (2012). How Traffic Jams Affect
Replacement of Rickshaws with Air Quality. Environmental Leader.
motorized tricycles will have increase
negative environmental impact due to higher Japan International Cooperation Agency,
CO, NOx and VOC emission. JICA. (2014). JICA Transport Study
Lists Strategies for Congestion-Free
The use of traffic signaling system is Metro Manila by 2030.
recommended for the Del Rosario and Curry
Avenue and Curry Avenue-San Roque St. Koa Corporation (2011), “Traffic Signal
intersection but not for San Roque St. Management and Synchronization
Mabini Avenue intersection. Project City of Salt Lake City” Salt
Lake City, Utah.
An expanded data set for simulation
will improve the findings of the study. Krupnick, A., Morgenstern, R., Fischer, C.,
Consideration of various traffic schemes like Rolfe, K., Logarta, J., and Rufo, B.
changing of traffic flow direction maybe (2003). Air Pollution Control Policy
considered in the simulations to have varied Options for Metro Manila. Resources
options to select. for the Future

Traffic design must undergo Local Government of Catbalogan, (2017).

thorough analysis before implementation. Revised Traffic and Transportation
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