Iprotech (Individual Protection Technology App)
Iprotech (Individual Protection Technology App)
Iprotech (Individual Protection Technology App)
A Final Paper
ACN College
In Partial Fulfilment
The developer was born and raised in Monkayo, Davao De Oro on April 28, 1999.
He finished both his elementary and secondary education at Ulip Elementary School
and Ulip National High School, respectively. The developer is currently studying at
English Language. The developer is happy to share this piece to individuals who
engaged in online social community whose daily protection is at risk due to the
spiking number of cyber criminals that sheep clothing in someone's picture or name.
The developer is not capable of doing some things without the warm presence of
Almighty God. So he thank Him for the knowledge and wisdom He bestowed upon
The developer would like to extend his heart felt gratitude to the following persons
who contributed for the success of this project. This piece will not made possible if
not because of the persons who helped, supported, and gave guidance and advices
The developer would like to extend his deep gratitude to his Computer Mediated
Communication instructor, sir Benjie Good Lpt., thank you for teaching and guiding
him right from the start. Without you, this project will surely be meaningless for he do
project. The developer is so grateful to have a friend, who never turned his back to
The developer is also blessed for his co-developer, his classmates AB English 3,
thank you for sharing your knowledge towards him despite of being busy in these
Most of all the developer would like to extend his love for his Family, thank you for
the warmest support you have given for it really helped and strengthened him to face
enormous hardships in developing his project. The developer is also grateful for his
poster family who are also giving him the expenses and moral support.
Thank you for being part of this journey. The developer really owe you a lot. Surely,
he will forever be thankful and bring your kindness wherever he destined to.
The Developer
The rise of criminal activity online demands a need of any action to counterattack the
imminent destruction brought about by them. In the Philippines, dummy and fake
accounts are pacing dynamically in greater heights. The reason why the developer
iProTECH is developed to maintain the peace and order in all social media
online harassment by immediately reporting all the suspicious individuals that may
Terms and Conditions manifested that this app shall be use in legal purposes only.
Moreover, the Privacy and Policy encourage every app user to not share their
Apart from that, after signing up in this application the users are now able to access
all the features offered. This application is vital to those individuals who valued their
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………...iv
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 1-2
ILLUSTRATION…………………………………………………….. 10-17
REFERENCES…………………………………………………….. 18-19
In this time and age every individual's vulnerability to cybercrime are spiking to a
widest range and extent. Internet use has been a key to spread news instantly in a
world wide scale but it also became a threat to humanity. Why so? Cybercrime
became rampant even the government owned websites are not exempted as it also
became the subject of the cyber criminals. Many lives are at risk because of the
widespread of fake news, cyber bullying, cyber libel, and the like. CNN Philippines
on October 2020 has reported in an article that online scams and libel cases are the
two major crimes that are mostly committed by the Filipinos online. The implication of
social and political issues on this type of crime is very evident. According to the
acknowledged the five most cybercrimes during this time of pandemic, namely,
online scams, libel, identify theft, anti-video and photo voyeurism, unauthorized
The entire planet is now experiencing the global crisis since socialization and
massive gathering are temporarily put on hold, online criminals are exploiting the
opportunity that due to the limited movement of the people they put them in a trap
that made them susceptible to online scams. Online selling has become essential
today as it happens to be the easiest way to sell the essential products. The latter
also said that online selling or shopping is the most copious form of a scam where
criminals are pretending to be as online sellers, but the items people are ordering are
failed to be delivered once money is sent. However, libel is also a form of crime
associated with giving erroneous information about a certain individual. These most
likely happen when someone know you and had an extreme jealousy. Due to this, an
envious person is trying to exert all the effort just to drag you by trying to undermine
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. has become a fortress
to this criminals. The data showed that in the Philippines as per statista.com- a legit
website which is 13 years old already in providing reliable insights and facts across
170 industries as well as more than 150 countries, there are about 72.5 million
Facebook users in the Philippines and that comprised 66% of the 2019 total
population. Imagine the humungous population that is at risk every day from cyber
criminals. There should be an urgency for each and every social media users to
heed in raising awareness about the risk of using the social media platforms. Being
cognizant will help not to put cybercrime to nil but to curb the crimes and injustices in
social media.
To develop a mobile application that can be used in tracing fake and dummy
accounts in all social media platforms. This will be a helping tool to locate the trolls
that is rampantly doing abominable criminal activities. This also aim to curb cyber
criminals from invading cyber security of the state and its people.
Several research has been conducted just to find ways to mitigate the
prevalence of criminal activity in the online world. Many researchers are also
paper, the researcher will develop an android application that aims to suppress cyber
Doshi et al. (2017) developed an android system that utilizes open source
flowchart. The system works in text and voice modes and in the illustration they
explained how each modes work. For the text based Chabot, the system started with
The details in accomplishing the text based Chabot is explained by the following
1.) The user input was read and the send button was clicked.
2.) The user input was sent to the program O hosted server utilizing the
HttpUrlConnection. In this manner they were dealing with the internet so that they
call the technique in the AsyncTask of the android system. In the background, it was
reply through the OnPostExecute method in the running AsyncTask and sent to
4.) After the extraction, it was important for them to display to the user and attached
Ntfter extracting the bot‟s response, we need to display it to the user. So, append the
5.) Then they repeated the procedure for the subsequent user input.
Reale (2019) had stated in his journal that using canary tokens software would
distributes tokens that contains a randomly generated unique identifier that can be
either placed in HTTP URLs or in hostnames. If HTTP URL was requested, or the
hostname was resolved, it would notify the owner that the token has been triggered.
Cybercrime is any crime either traditional or new that has been conducted through
United Kingdom, for example, there were around 3.8Million reported occurrences of
cybercrimes of the 12 months to June 2016. The survey tallied the several
components of crimes such as burglary, theft, violent crimes, and the like but not
including fraud came in a figure of 6.5 million. This therefore, amounting the number
of cybercrimes to more than half of the tallied crimes. In the 2018 ONS report, it was
noted the similar trend as with cybercrimes and fraud accounted for most half of
crimes. Studies from the United States also further attested the amount of
cybercrime and identity theft. According to the 2018 Fraud Study, it was found that
$16.8 billion was stolen from 16.7 million US consumer in a year before.
Locson (2012) did a research study subjecting selected high school students in the
Philippines. Out of the 395 respondents, 334 of them had experienced cyber
bullying. Majority of the victims are females composed of 64.07%. It was found that
first year students had the most number of victims and fourth year students having
the least. Also, in this study they found out that all year levels are considering social
et al. (2018) in their study subjecting senior high school in the University of the
students in Twitter. The outcome of the study indicated that most of the students felt
driving awareness campaign that diminish fear and unpleasant emotion to all of the
senior high school students. As well as these outcomes indicated that more students
became cognizant that cyberbullying can be alleviated in many ways, and can be
feelings did not have any differences in term of age, gender, and internet usage
Sittichai and Smith (2018) surveyed a total amount 1,049 respondents. These are
the students with the age bracket between 12 and 18 years old coming from 3
traditional and cyber bullying over the past few months. In this research they found
out the different coping mechanism of the victims. For the older students they tend to
report it to the police and keep the record of bullying. For girls, they tend to tell and
report it more for both traditional and Cyberbullying victimization aside from that, the
result also suggest that girls are also tend to ignore or block the negative messages.
Wiguna et al. (2018) conducted a study in Indonesia that aimed to elaborate and
identify the implication between cyberbullying experience and high behavior results
according on gender differences among adolescents. This study was joined by the
senior high school in the capital Jakarta. There were a total of 2,917 respondents
who partake to answer the questionnaire. In both genders of adolescents were found
that cyberbullying caused negative impact. Boys are seen to have a higher tendency
Furthermore, the study signified that the adolescents who were victims and
Yusuf et al. (2018) illustrated in their article links between the three factors of
The were 375 students who served as the respondents with the ages between 9 and
16 years old from 8 schools in Selangor. The findings of this study suggested that
the high scores of parental detachment and alienation could anticipate children’s
communication and trust could not affect the likelihood of children becoming
cyberbullies or cyber victims. However, as they grow older, they look for parental
help for approval, advice, and emotional support. Wan et al. (2018) in their research,
collected, the findings suggested that the majority of the respondents had tried
flaming and stalking types of cyberbullying. That experience they had caused
emotional, social, and psychological anxiety. The action taken upon undergoing
cyberbullying as well as emotional reaction that they underwent do differ across the
Kwan and Skoric (2013) conducted a research worked that examined cyberbullying
students were subjected to this survey with aged 13–17 from two high schools in
Singapore. They found out in their study that 59.4% of the partakers that use
cyberbullying at least one. Males were more engaging that females in cyberbullying
as their victims, and there were very strong positive relevance between school
bullying and Facebook bullying. It was also found in their findings that involvement in
risky online behaviors was positively relevant to bullying. However, in another study
conducted by Ang et al. (2014) about self-reporting survey on cyber bullying between
United States and Singapore to investigate the different relations between reactive
aggression and proactive, and cyberbullying in this two cultures. There were 425
adolescent’s samples from middle schools of the United States and 332 adolescents
from secondary schools in Singapore. The result of their study signify that proactive
aggression and reactive were both related with cyber bullying in the two cultures.
Works for iOS and Android
Works for Phone and PC
Easy to manage
Step 3 Read the Terms
and Conditions
Sign Up
Step 6 Introduction
Step 7 Follow the
What to do?
Proceed to next
Step 9 Follow the
Step 11 Withdraw Option
Read your Report Guidelines
before continuing.
Update yourNext
Settings if needed.
Manage History if someone’s use it.
Ang, R. P., Huan, V. S., & Florell, D. (2014). Understanding the relationship between
proactive and reactive aggression, and cyberbullying across United States and
High School Students In Philippines, 2011. In 2012 AAP National Conference and
Doshi, S. V., Pawar, S. B., Shelar, A. G., & Kulkarni, S. S. (2017). Artificial
Nurse, J. R. (2018). Cybercrime and you: How criminals attack and the human
Sittichai, R., & Smith, P. K. (2018). Bullying and cyberbullying in Thailand: coping
Perspective. 18(1).
Wiguna, T., Ismail, R. I., Sekartini, R., Rahardjo, N. S. W., Kaligis, F., Prabowo, A.
L., & Hendarmo, R. (2018). The gender discrepancy in high-risk behaviour outcomes