Technology For Teaching and Learning in The Elementary Grades
Technology For Teaching and Learning in The Elementary Grades
Technology For Teaching and Learning in The Elementary Grades
Instagram is a free online tool and app that allows users to capture and share photos and videos
with friends and family. Since Instagram is one of the most popular social media channels for teens today
and there are more than 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram, some of your students are likely
among these users. We know that students use social platforms, like Instagram, even during classes.
Rather than worry about whether students are being distracted by Instagram in class, you can tap into
this powerful resource and meet students where they are. Instagram is not just for personal use, it can
also be used as an educational tool in your classroom. For instance, you can ask your students to capture
photos or videos of their class work, homework, assignments, school activities, post those in their own
account, or a class account, and have discussions about the posts.
Instagram is an online photo sharing and social networking service. It enables users to take
pictures and apply digital filters to them and then share them on social networking sites.
Instagram was launched in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mark Krieger. The service has
been immensely popular with people active on social networking. At present, Instagram has over 90
million users worldwide. Instagram supports all Apple products like iPhone, iPad, iPod and all camera
phones having the Android operating system.
Go to
1. Click “Sign Up” and register for an account
2. Return to Instagram and login
3. Setup your profile page
1. Click on the plus icon in the top left corner
2. Take a photo
3. Before share it, tag your friends or add your location or add hashtags
4. Share it in your story in your profile
4. Research hashtags (#) to find people to follow
1. Use the Search Engine in the bottom (e.g., type “#edtech”)
2. Click on “Follow” (now you can get any notification that edtech shares)
3. Double click on one of the posts to like it or make a comment on one of the posts the
person who you just followed has shared
4. Follow 9-10 individuals who you find interesting (it might be either your friends or those
who are not your friends or animals pictures like #cats or food pictures)
5. Try to broaden your network on Instagram by following as many individuals as possible
Here is an example of how Instagram might fit within the SAMR model:
Substitution: Students take photos of their homework assignment (rather than write it down).
Augmentation: Students can use hashtags to curate collections of photos.
Modification: Students leave comments on photos or videos and tag classmates in their
comments. After making comments on posts or having discussions under posts, they can also
analyze the archive of the discussions.
Redefinition:Students can create videos demonstrating their knowledge about a topic and share
these videos with a broad audience via Instagram to receive feedback.
NOTE: Far too often, technology is used as a direct substitute for other low-tech tools (e.g., pencil and
paper). While substitution has some benefits (e.g., students develop their technology skills and
knowledge), we encourage you to think about how you might use Instagram to modify or redefine
As per Instagram's usage Terms & Conditions, children up to 13 years of age are not allowed to
own an Instagram account. However, these students can still view the uploaded pictures. Instagram allows
the followers of a user to view photographs and these can also be geotagged. By “geotag” we mean that
the person uploading the pictures can also share the location where the picture was taken with his friends
and followers. There also exists an option to keep such information private.
Here are some of the ways in which the use of a tool like Instagram can benefit the educational
Learning Activities
Literature: Your students can take a photo of the cover of a book they have read and share it with book
lovers on Instagram and make comments on the book. In this way you as a teacher help them build a
Science: Students can capture photos or videos about phases of germination (or another scientific
process) and engage in a critical examination of the differences in the photos/phases.
Language: Students can create visual flash cards, using photos from Instagram, to improve their
Arts: Students can create a digital photo gallery of their art projects to share with parents, teachers, and
a broader community. Students can also use and critically examine the filters on Instagram to improve
their photography skills and knowledge.
History: Students can take and explore photos of historic buildings in the city they live in to more closely
examine history.
Music: Students who know how to play an instrument can teach others how to play it step by step
through short videos.
Other: Instead of having a physical file of portfolio, you can encourage your students to create a digital
portfolio, or e-portfolio, on Instagram.