HANDOUT Paneldiscussion HowareteachersusingAItools 0
HANDOUT Paneldiscussion HowareteachersusingAItools 0
HANDOUT Paneldiscussion HowareteachersusingAItools 0
Panel discussion handout
In this activity I will show how learners’ descriptive writing can be improved by using the AI tool,
Microsoft Bing Image Creator (https://www.bing.com/images/create ), through converting tiny
details in writing into images. This lesson can be done with primary-aged learners at level A1
and above. In this case, we had worked on vocabulary to describe rooms. Learners all need
access to a device.
Procedures of the activity ‘The power of words’:
Steps Description Time
2 During activity: Teacher illustrates how the students put the prompts in 3-5
the chat box. Teacher tells students they must try to mins
Engage and mentor
use accurate colours, adjectives and verbs to get
similar image to the original one.
3 Post-activity Students display their images. The best image looks 2 mins
like the original one.
Follow up
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Idea 2: AI in a flipped classroom model
by Nurohman
Integrating a flipped classroom model with AI-driven tools can foster Gen Z students’ learning
motivation, engagement, performance and can facilitate personalized learning. The first step is a
planning stage for teachers. In this stage teachers need to identify and choose the most suitable
AI-driven tools for their learning objectives. Then, they will create a detailed plan for pre-class
work, including which engaging activities to use. Here they should also prepare a post-class
review. Here are the next three steps to incorporate AI-driven tools into a flipped classroom model.
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Idea 3: Hire AI tools
by Pilar Capaul
Practical Activity
It is well-known that AI tools have shortcomings, but so do we! Let’s harness the power of AI by
working on an activity to learn how to make the most of them. The following five steps are a
lesson that was done with teenage intermediate level learners.
1. Come up with a set of interview questions to hire someone to occupy job positions.
2. Pick an AI tool and ask it those questions. Each AI tool will give different answers.
a) Chat GPT https://chatgpt.com/
b) Gemini AI https://gemini.google.com/
c) Copilot https://copilot.microsoft.com/
3. Analyse the answers they get and think about who they would give each post to.
4. Put their new “employees” to the test by asking them to do tasks people who have the
profession they were hired for do, e.g. if students decided to hire Chat GPT as their
GP, they could come up with a set of symptoms and share them with the platform to
analyse the way it would cure its patients.
(Fun fact: When my students did this, they started describing different AI bots the same way
they describe people, e.g. “Bing sounds like a hippy friend who wants to travel the world and
grow as a person”. You’ll see why when you watch the recording!).
5. Finish with a discussion where students reflect on the usefulness and reliability of AI.
Are they always to be trusted?
Beware of loaded questions, i.e. those that include some kind of assumption the responder is
likely to be triggered by. This is why this activity can be used not only to learn more about the
effectiveness of AI, but also how to use it.
- Before students begin working on the task, analyse the questions they are planning to
use. What hidden assumptions are students including in their questions?
A recording of Eman, Nurohman and Pilar’s webinar can be watched here:
www.britishcouncil.org www.teachingenglish.org.uk