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area he i 1 J. STANLEY RABUN | RICHARD KELSO | EL ff Z REER ite f Wa = ae 7 a: ic ui? A ie REE . 7 Ly t ce ne Tes F BUILDING AVEO Ue) for Adaptive Reuse and Preservationa aed ee ll Cota_H 5443 BUILDING EVALUATION for Adaptive Reuse and Preservation J. STANLEY RABUN RICHARD M. KELSO WILEY JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC Scanne d with CamScannerThis hook is printed on ac-fee paper. © Copyright © 2009 by John Wiley & Sons ne Al rights reserved. Peis by an Wy Sn ne Piel sane Canad verte tana na lication may be eto, sored in a etiv 7 Ee ‘mechanical, photocopyi ning sn therwise, ‘ ited ites Copyright citar ‘Sey pried under Seton 1079108 the 1976 Fearne aero the bse or authoriaton ooh amet fhe ep ecay th opi Clean Cn, 22 Rove iD MA aor asf 78 ote or on te web a or.copyihtcors, Rees tthe Taishrtexermston shul adres oth Pemisons Department, Jon Wy &Sry, Teel Rey rt Hoolen 8070, (201) 7484011 fox (201) 748-4008, oF olin trv com/afeion. Limit of Lisblty/Dislaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and the author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the acu racy or completeness of the contents ofthis book and specifically disclaim any implied warrant ‘of merchantability or fitness fra particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your stuation, You should consult with professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be lable for any loss of profit or anyother commercial damages, in- ted to special incidental consequential, or other damages. ding but no ‘or general information about our other products and services please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993, ora (317) 572-4002, in print Wiley also publishes its books ina varety af electronic formats. Some content that appeat ‘may not be available eletronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web siteat, Design and ayout by Jolf Baker Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Kelso, Richard, 1937- ‘Building evaluation fr adaptive reuse and preservation / Richard Kelso) Stanley Rabun. poem, Includes bibliographical references ISBN 978-0-470-10879-6 cloth) 1, Historic builings~-Remodeling for other use. 2. Architeture--Histoy. 3. Buildings~Repait and reconstruction. 4. Architecture--Conservation and restoration, 1. Rabun, J Stanley. I Tile. ‘TH3411.K427 2009 721.028'8—de22 2008018989 Printed in the Unite States of America 987654321 Scanned with CamScannerSustainability chapter 6 Susans is a popular topic of discussion and a buzzword for building owners and designers. Is it only for new construction? Does it have: any application to adap- {Ne Feuse? Is not leaving an existing building asi is the most sustainable course of ac- tion? What responsiblity toward sustainability does a decision maker have? This chapter addresses these and other questions onthe subject. What Is Sustainability? Climate Change Since the 1980s the public has become increasingly aware of changes inthe climate and theevidence that our planet is rapidly becoming warmer. In the geologic timescale, the earth appears to naturally and periodically cool and warm. These cycles ae influenced by solar activity orbital variations, volcanic activity, and other variables. The current warming trend is much faster than in past natural warming cycles, however. The United Nations (UN) has been studying the situation and its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a series of reports that conclude that itis very likely that gases resulting from anthropogenic (human) activities are a major factor in the warming process. Our planet has an envelope of gases surrounding its surface. Some of these gases transmit incoming shortwave solar radiation (ultraviolet and visible light) but not longer-wave infrared radiation reflected from the earth’s surface or originating on carth, These gases include water vapor, methane nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. By admitting more incoming radiant heat and reducing escaping heat, these gases act as a blanket to warm the planet. The net result is that earth is about 43 degrees Celsius (C) warmer than if it had no atmosphere Carbon dioxide occurs naturally and is necessary for plant respiration. Itis also one of the products of combustion of hydrocarbon fuels such as wood, coal,and ol. fwe burned only the wood we harvest and no fossil fuels, the earth would be able to absorb the carbon dioxide generated. However, fossil fuels are our major energy source, and their carbon has been locked up for millions of years. The earth cannot absorb the additional car- bon dioxide released from these fossil fuels, and the resulting buildup appears to be a Iajor factor in global warming, Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have risen from about 280 parts per million (ppm) in 1900 to about 380 ppm in 2000. The predicted effects ofthis warming are dire. Rising sea levels and increasingly se- vere storms, floods, and droughts are forecast. Loss of cropland and population dis- Placement is possible. It is essential that humans reduce the amount of carbon emissions over the next few decades. Scanned with CamScanner172. Chapter 6—Sustainability FIGURE 6.1 Candler Library at Emory Uni- versity in Atlanta, Georgia, ‘earned a Silver LEED Rating for a renovation project. Growing Population The population of the world has more than doubled from about 3 billion people in 1960 to about 6.6 billion in the past 47 years according to the US. Census Bureau (2008). Most of this growth has taken place in the developing countries, especially India, China, and Southeast Asia. This growth is expected to continue but ata dimin ishing rate. The world population will reach about 9.5 billion by 2050. Europe’s popu- lation peaked in the 1990s and is now declining, and the United States population growth is slowing. A larger population means more demand for resources and energy. Diminishing Resources Natural resources such as mineral, fossil fuels, and water are limited, and ultimately the growing population will exert pressure on the supply. Oil is currently increasing in price as developing countries embrace the automobile culture. The price of many building materials is also increasing at the current time as demand increases. Some materials such as steel, copper, and aluminum already are extensively recycled; but many other materials that could be recycled are not being reused under current prac- S— Scanned with CamScanneroe Buildings and Sustainability 173 he long-range view, earth’s resources, are finit - " ite and it wi tie. resources as possible. Consery ; ill be prudent to use as : ation in place is bet ir ae etter than recycling or reusi fe hit dt se of bangs aca ene Library pictured in Figure 6.1 receiv Ratngaftera major ren, rem is described below. Definitions of Sustainability Many definitions of sustainability have been proposed. A generally accepted one i esting 0dsys needs without compromising the abil Ct thee needs: The American Society of Heating, Engineers (ASHRAE) has drafted an Energy Position Document in which it desribee austainblity a8“ means to provide a safe heathy comfortable indoor emvironmene wailesimultaneousy limiting the impact on the Earths natural resources” \whilethe use of energy and natural resourcesisa critical aspect of sustainability, the concept i broader than this. Protection ofthe natural environment, 'y of future generations to meet Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning lean and ean water are important components, Buildings and Sustainability guilding Energy Use Energy is used to build a building, keep it comfortable and useful during is life, and to demolish it after it is no longer useful The amount of energy consumed during this lifetime varies greatly from building to building. However, extending a building's use- fllfeisalmost always more sustainable than demolition and reconstruction, Respon- sible consideration of this subject should be part of every decision whether to adaptively reuse of to demolish and rebuild. In February 2007, the 2010 Imperative webcast by Architecture 2030, the environ- mental advocacy group, stated that inthe United States we renovate 1.75 billion square feet of buildings each year, so we will renovate a total of 150 billion square feet by 2030. ‘The 2030 Challenge presented during this webcast includes developing the ability to design new buildings for zero-net-energy use by the year 2030, For the renovated buildings, the goal is to reduce their energy use by 50 percent. ‘The US. Department of Energy (DOE) through its Energy Information Agency EIA) publishes the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) of existing stock. The 2003 survey showed an overall average Energy Use Index (EUI) of 91,000 Btu/ft?/yr for the United States. The American Institute of Architects, ASHRAE, US. Green Building Council (USGBC), and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) have agreed that this will be the starting point for their efforts, in parallel with the 2030 Challenge, to reduce the EUI for new buildings to 36,000 Btu/f'/yr and the EUI for existing buildings to 50 percent of their previous use by 2010 ‘nd to net zero by 2030. Scanned with CamScanner174 Chapter 6—Sustainability During Construction a Energy is necessary to produce building materials, bring them to the site, ang them intoa finished building. The amount ofthis energy is dependent onthe ggg of materials. A number of investigators have examined the embodied energy go var. ous building materials. During Operation ‘The energy to construct a building is overshadowed by the energy to operat i. 1, energy is that necesary for lighting, heating, cooling, and internal operations sec elevators, water heating, and equipment operation. Iti greatly affected by the therm efficiency ofthe building enclosure and the efficacy ofthe lighting, as wells ther scientiousness of the operators. During Demolition ‘Too often buildings ae simply knocked down with bulldozers or cranes and wrecking balls. n addition to actual demolition, energy is consumed in transporting the materi, alsand debris to a landfill or other disposal point. The energy required is small in com, parison with that needed to build and operate the building, but even the demolition energy can be avoided ifthe building is reused. Materials for Buildings Natural Resources ‘As noted above, valuable and finite natural resources may be consumed in the con. struction of a new building, While some materials have recycled content, itis rarely if ever 100 percent. Adaptive reuse can avoid most of the need for new materials, cer- tainly more than demolition and rebuilding. Use of recycled materials is preferable to new materials. A natural resource that is becoming an issue in many parts of the world is water. Buildings use water for several purposes and not all of them require clean potable water. Figure 5.13 in the previous chapter shows a system for storing and using rainwater to flush toilets and irrigate landscaping, This system is encouraged by LEED points as described in this chapter. Embodied Energy ‘Where new materials must be used, those with the lowest embodied energy should be selected. Embodied energy is difficult to quantify, but several organizations and indi vidual authors have published lists. Hammond and Jones (2006) have produced a de- tailed database of embodied energy and carbon emissions using United Kingdom ‘materials that is downloadable from the Internet. The Athena Sustainable Materials In- stitute offers free downloadable software to calculate the sustainability of North Amet- ican materials and common assemblies. Renewable Materials Products made from rapidly growing plants such as bamboo are very sustainable and their use is recommended. Bamboo can be made into flooring, ceilings, and furniture. _ Scanned with CamScannerBuildings and Sustainability some question about the energy and fuel consumption needed to transport Fetarioo thst simported rom Southeast Asi, Other apidly renewable materials tr je ctton and w00 insulation, cork, wheat and strawboard, and linoleum. Wood mel and particularly those harvested from forests managed sustainably accord- Poe ores Sewardship Couns principles ae espns chi Local Materials : considerable portion ofthe embodied energy fr many construetion materials isthe spergy wed to cansport the materials fom the source tothe project site. Often a more soxtanable focal material is overlooked in favor of customary material or material domehose considered more desirable. A return to more regional architecture would pepo focson Focal materials reused Materials among the most sustainable choices in building materials isto reuse materials and as- semble svaged from the builing being adaptively reused or other buildings. This “eds anil volume and air and water pollution from material that are reused in- tied of discarded. It also minimizes embodied energy and environmental elects. sed material from other buildings can be selected to match the time horizon and style ofa building that isto be adapted to a new use, Figure 6.2 shows steel joists sal- tog for euse after demolition ofa building, Postconsumer Recycled Materials ipnosher very sustainable practice isto choose materials that contain some postcon- omer rected content, Stcl san example that ha 25 to 90 percent recycled content. Concrete made with fly ash from coal-burning power plants is another, FIGURE 6.2 Steel joists have been re- moved from a building for reuse on another project. Reuse is a very sustainable process. 75 Scanned with CamScanner176 Chapter 6—Sustainability TABLE 6.1 Breakdown of construction and demolition debris. One goal of sustainable design and construction is to con- serve and reuse building materials rather than to demolish and discard them. Source: Sandler 2003, 51 Demolition of Buildings Toxic Materials Some construction materials removed from buildings have toxic propertcs, Asbesty and lead are well-known examples that are regulated by laws, Other materials may ys have toxic effects that are not regulated. Materials that are reused or recycled donot, into landfills and thus do not pollute groundwater. Landfill Volume In some communities construction debris composes a significant fraction of the waste taken to lands, The practice of throwing away packaging materials, cratesand bone, scrap lumber, broken concrete, and so on should be examined for the possibilty of other alternatives such as recycling. In addition to reduced resource use, the eduction in landfill volume can save costs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) es timated in 2003 that construction debris totals about 135.5 million tons per year inthe United States, OF this amount, they estimate that 0.2 million tons is waste from non idential new building construction, 9.8 million tons is debris from nonresidenti] building renovation, and 29.8 million tons is from nonresidential building demolition, Table 6.1 shows the breakdown of the waste materials. Measuring Sustainability In the late 1980s it began to be apparent that some method of measuring the sustain- ability of buildings was needed. The first systems of measurement were developed in Europe. Groups in the United States and Canada began work on similar systems in the early 1990s. BREAKDOWN OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS OVERALL http:/ Concrete and mixed rubble 40-50% Wood 20-30% Drywall 5-15% Asphalt roofing 1-10% Metals 1-5% Bricks 1-5% Plastics 1-5% Scanned with CamScannerLEED® soi the USGAC plished ts ist Leadership in Energy and Environmental De- te Apatng sem, Since that mete have reise the orginal tem and published sa one ating tens wth still mor inthe works, The ating system applicable to use is the USGBC’s LEED New Construction and Major Renovation. The adaptive 1 LEED NC Version 22s the edition current at this writing, This system awards points insic categories « Sustainable Sites «Water Eficieney “ pnergy and Atmosphere « yateras and Resources « ndor Environmental Quality ‘Innovation in D syachieving 26 ou of the possible 69 pointsa building an become Certified. Ad- onl points cam higher ratings. The LEED NC 2.2 Reference Gide in Figure 6.3
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