Cerere Prelungire Erasmus

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UNIVERSITATEA DE ARHITECTURA SI URBANISM "ION MINCU" - BUCURESTI LUNIVERSITE DARCHITECTURE. ET URBANISME “ION NINCU’ ION MINCU” UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM Strada Academie 1820, Telefon: +40-21-2077159; o0-21-3077112 Fax: ¥40.21-3123054, O10D14 BUCURESTI, ROMANIA CERERE PENTRU PRELUNGIREA PERIOADE! ERASMUS - AN ACADEMIC 2019/2020 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE ERASMUS PERIOD - ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020 ‘Subsemnatul/a, _ Voinea Bogdan-Nicolae —, adresdemail_ — boghi_ [email protected] The undersigned email address selectat/a pentru a efectua o mobilitate Erasmus de 4 luni, incepand cu data de 23.09.2019 , selected for an Erasmus mobility of ‘months, starting with la Universitatea Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, at the University solicit Hrequest prelungirea perioadei stipulate in contractual financiar, cu 153 zile, pana la datade 4.072020 to extend my period of study abroad with days, until Noua perioada a mobilitatii de studii va fi de la 23.09.2019 pana la 4.07.2020. the new period of the study mobility will be from until Totodata, declar ca am luat la cunostin{a faptul c& acordarea unui grant suplimentar pentru aceasta perioada depinde atat de disponibilitatea fondurilor cat si de regulamentul Erasmus al UAUIM. | hereby declare that | am aware of the fact that an additional grant depends on the availabilty of the founds and the UAUIM regulation regarding the Erasmus + Programme, as well Prezenta face parte parte integranta din “Contractul Financiar Erasmus”. This request is an integral part of the individual Erasmus Contract. Data: 9.12.2019 Student's signature Date Acord universitate de origine: Acord universitate gazda: Acceptance of the sending institution Acceptance of the receiving institution Responsible person's signature and stamp Responsible person’s signature and stamp Date: Date:

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