Professional Persona Narrative Bcom 314
Professional Persona Narrative Bcom 314
Professional Persona Narrative Bcom 314
With that being said, My OLCE respondents were Moving forward, I aim to set specific core values for
asked to list my core values as well as their first words myself before being part of any team-work
when they think about me based on their interaction experiences. By doing this, my teammates will notice
with me. Their responses to my core values were not how I truly care about my core values which will
very different from my self-assessment answers. This control and change their interactions as well as
is because of how I truly care about my core values, behaviors with me to the better and contributing to a
as I was able to prove my core values to my better team environment.
respondents without purposely showing my core
values. In conclusion, this narrative helped me better
understand my professional persona brand,
Common Core Value Themes especially when it comes to how other people
Below, is a word cloud that shows common responses perceive me. Through utilizing my self-assessment
for my core values from my respondents in addition and the OLCE survey results, I was able to notice some
to my core values from my self-assessment. randomness for my PeopleStyle results. However, my
Culture Map and Core Values results from my self-
assessment were consistent with my OLCE results. In
addition to this, I discussed how surprising my
PeopleStyle results were. Lastly, I discussed my
biggest takeaway from this narrative and how
important it is to show my core values to my team for
a positive team environment. For any questions,
please email me at [email protected]