Grade 6 - Chapter 5 Summary

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Agriculture is the growing of crops and the keeping of animals.

Importance of agriculture
 Provides employment
 Provides food
 Provides drugs

Agricultural activities
 Weeding
 Rearing animals
 Feeding animals
 Ploughing
 Harvesting
 Pruning trees
 Watering crops and trees
 Spraying chemicals to crops
 Planting crops

harvesting is the removing crops from the garden when they are ready
to be used.

Types of harvesting:
1. Hand harvesting and
2. machine harvesting

Ways of harvesting crops:

 Picking leaves, fruits, flower
 Cutting stems
 Lifting or uprooting the underground parts
 Stripping

Cereal crops:
 Maize
 Sorghum
 Wheat
 Rice

Cereal pests:
 Caterpillars
 Black ants
 Fleas
 Houseflies

Vegetable crops
 Cabbage
 Carrots
 banana
 pineapple
 tomato
 corn

Vegetable pests
 Aphids
 Nematodes
 Mites

Ways of Controlling pests

 Crop rotation
 Weeding
 Raising the fertility of the soil
 Spraying crops

herbicides are chemicals used for controlling weeds.

Types of soil
 Sandy soil
 Loam soil
 Clay soil

Fertile soil is a soil which contain all the major nutrients needed for
plant growth.

Importance of land preparation
Land preparation is important to ensure that the field is ready for
planting, to destroy weeds and promote growth by increasing soil
aeration and water infiltration.

Tools used in land preparation

 A tractor
 A hoe
 A machete
 A drill
 Ox plows
 Wheelbarrow
 A shovel

Why farmers use manure?

Farmers use raw manure on their fields because It improves soil
fertility, reduces soil erosion and leaching.

Advantages of Manure
 Improves soil fertility.
 Cost-effective
 Reduces soil erosion and leaching.

Why is it important to prepare the soil before sowing the

It is important to prepare the soil for sowing seeds because loosening
of soil allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. Also, loose soil
has more air.

Row planting
Row planting is the growing of crops in straight line.

Advantage of row planting

 Good for crop production
 Easier to weed
 Plants look healthier

What are weeds?

Weeds are unwanted plants.

Disadvantage of weeds
 Weeds lower the production of the crops.
 Weeds compete with crops for water, nutrients, space and

Name three weeds that grow locally in farms?

 Curly dock
 Common mallow
 Bindweed
 Goose grass

Methods of weed control

1. Physical weed control
2. Biological weed control
3. Chemical weed control
4. Cultural weed control

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