HG Career Development PLAN
HG Career Development PLAN
HG Career Development PLAN
2020 -2021)
HG Career Development Domain Harvested Activities / Worksheets from Career Guidance Teacher’s Manual for Grade 11
Standard Competency Module No. Objectives Activity / Page No. Activity Skills and Processes to Week No.
and Title Output Master / Time
Quarter 3
1. Understand 1. Identify factors M1 - Road 1. explain the 1. Main Activity: Self Motivation, Week 5-7
the related to life and to the Right different factors Ang Sikreto sa Critical Thinking, 30mins.
importance profession Choice affecting the Buhay ni Selena Decision –Making
of 2. Explain the choices in life - page 2 Knowing and
Appendix 1 Activity Sheet understanding the
knowledge, significance of and profession;
Activity Sheet 1.1 1.1 -page 83 factors how one makes
skills and knowledge and 2. appreciate the page 82-83 (Appendix 1) choices.
positive skills needed in factors in 2. Gabay na
attitude life and choosing a Tanong - 30mins.
helpful to profession profession; -page 83
daily living 3. identify the 3. Lecturette - Activity Sheet
and their knowledge and Factors 1.4- page 8 30mins.
relation to skills needed in Affecting Career
life and the different and
profession professions and Life Options -
life choices; pages 3-7
4. Evaluation:
the Right Choice -
page 8
M2: 4. assess the 5. Main Activity: Activity Sheet 20mins.
Releasing knowledge and Exploring 2.1 - page 14
the Power skills needed in Possibilities – Activity Sheet 30mins.
Within the preferred pages 10-12 2.2 pages 14-15
6. Lecturette - 20mins.
profession; and
pages 11-13
value the 7. Reflection: 20mins.
GRADE 11 CAREER GUIDANCE LEARNING ACTIVITY PLAN (3rd – 4th Quarter, S.Y. 2020 -2021)
Quarter 3
2. Analyze the 1. Gather M-3: 1. determine the 1. Motivation - Decision Making, Week 5
relationship of information about Reaffirming different sources Processing Processing Critical Thinking, 10mins.
one’s skills and life, profession the Chosen of information Questions Questions Planning and
experiences in and vocation Track relevant to - pages 18 - pages 18 Organizing-
2.Lecturette: Understanding and 30
choosing a 2. Understand the curriculum exits;
Sources of Processing learning the different
profession, importance of 2. evaluate the
Information – Question agencies which may
vocation and guidance from different sources pages 22-29 -page 29 help for gathering
future plans parents or of information Processing information in
guardians and relevant to their Question Activity Sheet choosing a profession, 20
significant adults preferred -page 29 3.3 page 29-31 vocation and future
in choosing a curriculum exit; 2. Application: plans.
profession, and Activity 3.3:
vocation and 3. match the Dress Up Total:
future plans knowledge and Mini Me pages 60mins
3. Relate the skills to the job 29-31
choice of market demands
profession, and possible
vocation and curriculum exits.
future plans to
one’s skills,
competencies, and
the roles of
and significant
GRADE 11 CAREER GUIDANCE LEARNING ACTIVITY PLAN (3rd – 4th Quarter, S.Y. 2020 -2021)
4. Strengthen the
connection among
knowledge, skills
and roles of
parents or
guardians and
significant adults
in choosing a
vocation and
future plans
3. Apply the 1. Describe the M-5: Rising 1. identify the 1. Lecturette - Decision Making, Week 6-7
ability to chosen field to the qualifications, page 43-46 Self Motivation, 30mins.
choose their 2. Decide for Reality of abilities, and Appendix 15: Job Interpersonal
own field based life and my Dreams skills necessary Qualification - Skills and
on the different profession in the pages 104-105 Appendix 16 Learning the soft
2. Application: SASI - page 106 and hard skills 15mins.
factors toward 3. Reflect on the preferred
Tasks 1&2 - pages required for the
achieving goals decisions made profession, and 46-48 Reflection-page 10mins.
chosen career or
in life for life and vocation; and 3. Reflection - page 49 profession.
profession 2. share insights 49
and experiences
on the process of
choosing the
profession or
GRADE 11 CAREER GUIDANCE LEARNING ACTIVITY PLAN (3rd – 4th Quarter, S.Y. 2020 -2021)
4. Evaluation- page
Quarter 4
4. Implement 1. Determine M7: 1. discuss their 1. Main Activity: Activity Sheet Critical Thinking, Week 5 - 7
steps toward aspects that need Beginning present situation Worksheet 7.1 7.1 Planning & 30mins.
the realization to be valued in the Journey in relation to SWOT Analysis- SWOT Analysis Organizing
of chosen planning life and Where I am their status in page 60 -page 60 Understanding the
Guide Questions- significance of
profession and profession life and
page 61 Guide strategic planning 40mins.
vocation based 2. State steps to profession;
2. Lecturette - Questions on realizing one’s 20mins.
on fulfill the goal in pages 61-63 -page 61 vocation,
international life 3. Application: profession and the
standards 3. Outline plans Worksheet 7.2 My Worksheet 7.2 future.
for the chosen Ladder to Success - -page 67
profession, page 67
GRADE 11 CAREER GUIDANCE LEARNING ACTIVITY PLAN (2nd – 4th Quarter, S.Y. 2020 -2021)
vocation and the M8: I Plan 1. determine the 1. Main Activity - Interpersonal & 15 mins.
future to Succeed! steps in Individual Activity Intrapersonal
4. Show achieving goals; - page 71 Skills,
adherence to 2. develop plans 2. Lecturette: Guide Self Motivation, 30mins.
steps based on the for the chosen Achieving Life Questions Planning and
outlined plan profession or
Goals - pages 72- -page 75 Organizing,
75 Leadership Skills 15mins.
vocation; Guide Questions Application Envisioning future
3. implement 3. Application - -pages 75-77 15mins.
self to be a
strategies based page 75-79 successful
on the plans; and 4. Reflection: My Reflection individual in the
4. show Timeline page 79 -page 79 chosen field. 15 mins
commitment in 5. Evaluation -
achieving life page 80 Evaluation Total:
goals. -page 80 180
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Head Teacher I
Noted by:
Principal I
GRADE 12 CAREER GUIDANCE LEARNING ACTIVITY PLAN (3rd – 4th Quarter, S.Y. 2020 -2021)
HG Career Development Domain Harvested Activities / Worksheets from Career Guidance Teacher’s Manual for Grade 11 and 12
Standard Competency Module No. Objectives Activity / Page No. Activity Skills and Week No. /
and Title Output Processes to Time
Master Allotment
Quarter 3
1. Understand 1. Identify factors Module 1: 1. determine Self-awareness Week 5
the related to life and Entering the preferred life and 1. Lecturette Decision Making
importance of profession Exits career based on Four Curriculum Exits Skills in relation 30 mins.
knowledge, 2. Explain the chosen curriculum (pp. 2 – 5) to one’s career
skills and significance of exit; and Critical Thinking
positive knowledge and 2. appreciate the 2. Evaluation Appendix 7: Skills 20 mins.
attitude skills needed in chosen life, career, My Plan to Exit Activity Sheet No.
helpful to life and profession and curriculum exit (pp. 5 – 6) 3 (p. 21)
daily living based on one’s
and their interests and
relation to life personality type. 3. Reflection Appendix 6: 10 mins.
and My Meaningful Exit Journal Reflection
profession from Senior High No. 1 (p. 20)
School (p. 5)
achievement to life
and career success
My Career Portfolio Total: 180
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Head Teacher I
Noted by:
Principal I