DLL Oral Com q2 Week9 Review Week
DLL Oral Com q2 Week9 Review Week
DLL Oral Com q2 Week9 Review Week
Day /
Session 2 REVIEW I. Daily Routine
1. Prayer Face to face
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management / Reminders on the following:
- minimum health protocols
- proper hygiene
- discipline.
4. Checking of Attendance
What difficulties did I encounter that my This week is just for completion of This week is just for completion This week is just for completion of This week is just for This week is just for
principal or supervisor can help me requirements and review for the of requirements and review for requirements and review for the completion of requirements completion of requirements
solve? Second Quarter Exam, so I the Second Quarter Exam, so I Second Quarter Exam, so I and review for the Second and review for the Second
believe that there are no believe that there are no believe that there are no Quarter Exam, so I believe Quarter Exam, so I believe
challenges encountered. challenges encountered. challenges encountered. that there are no challenges that there are no challenges
encountered. encountered.
What innovation or localized materials This week is just for completing This week is just for completing This week is just for completing This week is just for This week is just for
did I use/discover that I wish to share requirements and reviewing for the requirements and reviewing for requirements and reviewing for the completing requirements completing requirements and
with other teachers? Second Quarter Exam, so only the the Second Quarter Exam, so Second Quarter Exam, so only the and reviewing for the reviewing for the Second
usual activities were done. only the usual activities were usual activities were done. Second Quarter Exam, so Quarter Exam, so only the
done. only the usual activities were usual activities were done.