Grammar in Tables Active Voice

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Active Voice

Present Past Future Future-in-the-Past

V1 V2 ed (shall), will + V1 (should), would + V1

Факт, загальна характеристика

V(e)s (he, she, it) II column

to be = am, is, are a.v. = (should), would
to have = have, has a.v. = did a.v. = (shall),
a.v. = do, does will Вживається у

t.i. = usually, t.i. = yesterday, last підрядних додаткових

sometimes, every…, …, … ago, in 2011 t.i. = tomorrow, реченнях, якщо
often, seldom, next, soon, in 3 дієслово головного
always, never days речення в минулому
e.g. My friend promised
we would meet

am, is, are + Ving Was,were + Ving (shall), will + be (should), would + be +
+ Ving Ving
Процес, тривалість

a.v. = am, is, are a.v. = was, were

a.v. = (shall), a.v. = (should), would

t.i. = now, at this t.i. = at 5 o’clock will

moment, at present, yesterday, while,
still, Look! from 5 to 6 t.i. = at 5
yesterday, whole, o’clock
!!! State verbs when mother came tomorrow, while,
(know, want, like) from 5 to 6
tomorrow, whole
have, has + V3 had + V3 (shall) will + (should), would + have
Завершеність, результат

ed III have + V3 + V3
column a.v. = had
a.v. = have, has a.v. = = (shall), a.v. = (should), would
t.i. = by, інша

t.i. = ever, never, минула дія
just, already, yet, t.i. = by, інша
this…, today, for, майбутня дія
since,so far, lately,

have, has + been + had + been + Ving (shall), will (should), would + have
Тривалість з минулого

Ving +have + been + + been + Ving

Perfect Continuous

a.v. = had Ving

a.v. = have, has a.v. = (should), would
t.i. = since, for, a.v. = (shall),
t.i. = since, for, Since when? How will
Since when? How long?
long? t.i. = since, for,
Since when?
How long?

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