Men S Fitness Body Challenge
Men S Fitness Body Challenge
Men S Fitness Body Challenge
Get your
body in
Look lean and
the best sportsmen
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By Pete Muir
Dennis Publishing
© Copyright Dennis Publishing Ltd. Licensed by Felden 2009
With thanks to
The health and fitness information presented in this book is an educational resource and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice.
Consult your doctor or healthcare professional before performing any of the exercises described in this book or any other exercise
programme, particularly if you are pregnant, or if you are elderly or have chronic or recurring medical conditions.
Do not attempt any of the exercises while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Discontinue any exercise that causes you pain or severe discomfort and consult a medical expert.
Neither the author of the information nor the producer nor distributors of such information make any warranty of any kind in
regard to the content of the information presented in this book.
Body Challenge
WEEK 1 24
WEEK 2 38
WEEK 3 52
WEEK 4 66
WEEK 5 80
WEEK 6 94
WEEK 7 108
WEEK 8 122
WEEK 9 136
WEEK 10 150
WEEK 11 164
WEEK 12 178
Men’s Fitness Body Challenge 5
ots of people would love to change their body
shape. Not quite so many people know how
to go about it properly. But that doesn’t mean
that an ideal body is beyond most people’s reach.
In 12 weeks you can transform your body by
stripping away fat and building new muscle
to make yourself look leaner, firmer and more
athletic. The best way to achieve this is through a
combination of weight training, cardio and sensible
eating – which is exactly what the Men’s Fitness
Body Challenge provides, with every exercise
and every meal designed for you every day.
What’s more, this plan is suitable for everyone.
The workouts are manageable for beginners,
but will still help experienced gym-goers to
see great results. And if you are short on time,
each session shouldn’t take more than 45
minutes, so you can fit it into your busy day.
Start now and get the body you’ve always
wanted, in less time than you thought possible.
Men’s Fitness
Body Challenge
Lose fat from all over your body
How it works
The 12-week Body Challenge plan explained
Gym lingo
A quick guide to some of the terms you’ll find in this book
This stands for ‘rating of perceived
exertion’ and it’s used as a way
of indicating the amount of effort
you should use during the cardio
training sessions: The higher the
RPE, the harder you need to run,
cycle, swim etc. For every cardio
workout the RPE level is indicated
as a number from 1-10 as follows:
Biceps Rhomboids
Abdominals Latissimus
(abs) dorsi (lats)
Quadriceps Hamstrings
(quads) (hams)
Hip flexors
Pre-workout stretches
Do this routine before every workout to prepare your body
and prevent injury
A proper warm-up is vital before
doing any weight training. If
time is short, don’t be tempted
to skip the warm-up and go
straight to your workout, because
cold muscles can get easily
damaged. A few minutes saved
on a warm-up can mean days lost
while recovering from injury.
Your warm-up should start with
some light cardiovascular
exercise, such as running, rowing
or cycling. This will make your
heart beat faster, pumping oxygen
and nutrients to your muscles, and
elevating your body’s core
temperature. Warm muscles are
more elastic than cold ones,
which allows you to work them
through a greater range of motion
with less injury.
After the cardio you then need
to target your muscles directly
with dynamic stretches. These
differ from static stretches in that
you are moving as you stretch out
the muscle (see examples
opposite). The trick is to start very
gently and then slowly increase
the range of motion you use with
each repetition. This prepares
your muscles and joints for the
work to come.
Finally, before you begin any
lifting exercise, perform the
movements with minimal weight
to teach your muscles how to
respond when you do the
exercise with full weights.
Post-workout stretches
Ease your tired muscles after every workout
tatic stretches are where you hold motion, leading to better muscle gains. muscles can pull your spine, shoulders
a muscle under tension while Stretching also helps reduce injuries and hips out of alignment, leading to
relaxing it in order to lengthen because your muscles and tendons are a stooped look and lower-back pain.
the muscle after it has contracted as less likely to tear when they are relaxed. Your muscles need to be fully warmed
a result of weight training. Performing Stretching improves blood flow up before performing static stretches, so
static stretches after a workout provides to your muscles, helping to flush out never do them at the beginning of a
several benefits. First, it will help with toxins, meaning you’ll be ready for your workout. Also, to avoid injury, don’t pull
flexibility, so you’ll be able to work next workout earlier. And stretching too hard when you stretch, and don’t
your muscles across a greater range of can also aid posture, because tense ‘bounce’ the muscle under tension.
Lift your shoulders
high off the floor.
Press your shoulder
towards the floor.
Be progressive
Aim to increase the resistance you
use for an exercise by around 10
per cent every three to four weeks.
This will ensure that your muscles
get the stimulation they need to
Stay hydrated
Most gyms provide water, but take a
bottle with you so you can sip from it
every few minutes to keep your water
levels topped up. If you wait until you’re
thirsty before drinking, you’ll probably
already be dehydrated and your
performance will suffer as a result.
Watch your calories will release energy slowly, ensuring you always have
Put simply, if you eat fewer calories each day enough stored glycogen in your muscles for a workout.
than you burn off through activity you will lose weight. Protein-rich foods include lean meat, fish, eggs,
If you eat more, you’ll gain weight. Of course, whether dairy produce and soya. Lower-quality protein can
you gain that weight as fat or muscle will depend on also be found in nuts, seeds and beans. Aim to eat
the kind of foods you eat and the training you do. a wide variety of protein foods to get the full range
For the Body Challenge programme you’ll of muscle-building amino acids, but be wary of
eat between 2,500 and 3,000 calories a day. The taking in too much saturated fat, such as can be
average man needs around 2,500 calories a day found in poor cuts of red meat and dairy items.
just to sustain himself, so the extra will go towards Fats are not all bad. The ones to avoid are saturates
fuelling your workouts and building new muscle. and trans fats, which means skipping cakes, biscuits
and margarine and cutting back on red meats and
cheese. The fats you need are monounsaturates and
Get the balance right polyunsaturates, found in olive oil, nuts, seeds and
Nearly all your calories come from a combination of oily fish. These include omega 3 and omega 6 fatty
carbohydrates, protein and fats. Carbohydrates provide the acids, which have been proven to aid strength and
muscle glycogen that fuels your workouts and should make aerobic training and protect the body from injuries.
up about 50-60 per cent of your total calorie intake.
Protein is required to grow new tissue in your body
and is therefore of particular interest to anyone building Eat at the right times
muscle. The optimum intake of protein for muscle- When you’re training hard you want to eat about an
gainers is between 1.5g and 2g of protein per kilo of hour or two before your workouts, and again immediately
bodyweight, but it doesn’t hurt to take in a bit more to afterwards. Your snacks should include both carbs and
ensure that you are hitting your daily protein targets. protein to help restore glycogen levels in your muscles and
Fat is a nutrient that many people try to avoid altogether, repair muscle tissue. A perfect post-workout snack might
but it will help you absorb vitamins, improve athletic be a bagel with cream cheese, or a tuna and pasta salad.
performance and protect joints and tendons against injury. For the rest of the day, eat small meals at regular
However fat is a very energy-dense nutrient, containing intervals of two or three hours, with the aim of having some
nine calories per gram compared to four calories for carbs protein with every meal. This way you keep your glycogen
and protein, so you only need about 50-60g of fat a day. levels topped up and prevent your body from breaking
down the proteins that you need for muscle rebuilding.
On your plate
Great meals to feed your muscles and torch your fat
T Breakfast
he Body Challenge comes
with meal plans for every day
of the 12-week programme.
However, it’s not always easy to stick
to these plans, especially if you have
a busy lifestyle. You might not be
Strawberry smoothie
able to find all the ingredients; you
might not have time to prepare all WHAT YOU’LL NEED Milk supplies B vitamins, which helps
the meals; it might be that you simply 20 strawberries turn food into energy and protein for
don’t like some of the foods on offer. 50g oats building and maintaining muscle.
Not a problem. If you can’t stick to 350ml milk The vitamin C and flavonoids from
the meal plans exactly, then you can 1tbsp flaxseed oil the strawberries will protect cells
adapt them to suit your needs. Just try and tissue from free radicals.
to eat a similar number of calories TO MAKE
each day, and aim to eat the same kind Mix all the ingredients together.
of foods you see on the meal plan (no Blend and serve chilled.
swapping a salad for a burger and
fries, now). By following the basic WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE IT
rules of nutrition, as laid out on p18- Flaxseed oil has a large amount
19, you should still be able to see of healthy fat, which reduces
great results at the end of 12 weeks. inflammation and builds bone mass
To help you along, we’ve created a Oats contain fibre and slow-release
range of healthy and tasty breakfasts, carbs that’ll give you long-lasting energy.
lunches, dinners and snacks that
you can use to create your own meal
plans. Each of them will provide
the nutrients and vitamins you
need to burn fat and build muscle
during the 12-week programme.
As well as being particularly tasty, pecans are WITH OATS AND BLUEBERRIES Loaded with antioxidants, berries will keep
high in protein and antioxidants and are loaded Yoghurt and oats are a good source of protein and your immune system strong. They are also
with oleic acid, a type of good fat that supports calcium both of which are needed packed with vitamin C, which helps our
the muscle-building hormone testosterone. for fuelling muscles, while the body to absorb iron from plant foods.
blueberries are packed with
PEANUT BUTTER ON OATCAKES antioxidants, which will help EDAMAME BEANS
The oakcakes’ roughage will fill you up, while you fight off the damaging Also known as soyabeans, they are
peanut butter contains protein, iron and magnesium, free radicals that are produced one of the few vegetable sources of all
which are all needed to build muscle. during exercise. eight essential amino acids (the protein
Mix the oats with the milk and heat in a saucepan until
hot. Chop up the banana and stir into the bowl along with
a handful of muesli and a sprinkle of cinnamon to taste.
molecules that the body can’t make itself) and are provide a generous helping of muscle-building CHOCOLATE MILK
a near complete protein. They are also rich in iron, protein and selenium, a powerful antioxidant that According to researchers at Indiana University,
which is essential for transporting oxygen to muscles. will help fight off free-radical drinking chocolate milk after a workout will boost
damage and aid recovery. muscle growth and speed recovery. This is down to
BANANAS its high quality combination of protein and carbs.
Bananas are an ideal post-exercise snack. They DRIED APRICOTS
contain natural sugars for sustained energy and They contain immunity-boosting HUMMUS AND CARROTS
plenty of fibre. They’re also rich in vitamin B6, which betacarotene, calcium Hummus contains iron to keep energy
regulates blood sugar levels, and are a good source for proper nerve and levels up and vitamin E needed
of potassium, which helps prevent muscle fatigue. muscle function, for muscle stamina. Combine
and potassium, with raw carrots, which
SUNFLOWER SEEDS which supports provide a handy dose of
Seeds contain vitamin E and zinc, which can have muscle contraction potassium to regulate
a positive effect on your testosterone levels. They also and glycogen storage. the body’s fluid levels.
1 white bagel, halved 1 small onion, chopped Watercress is full of calcium and
3tbsp low-fat mayonnaise 1 red pepper, chopped magnesium. It’s also virtually calorie-free
mixed with 1tbsp Dijon mustard 1tbsp olive oil so you can eat plenty without needing to
1 hard-boiled egg, sliced 200g can of mixed beans loosen your belt.
1 tomato, chopped ½ lemon The folate in the onions works with
1tbsp watercress 1tsp chopped parsley the vitamin C from the peppers, helping
Black pepper Handful of watercress you digest and use the protein from the
Handful of iceberg lettuce beans and cheese.
TO MAKE 1tbsp grated cheese Beans are bursting with protein and
Spread the mustard mayonnaise Black pepper fall low on the GI index, which means
on each side of the bagel. Layer the their carbohydrates are broken down
rest of the ingredients and finish TO MAKE to glucose and absorbed more slowly.
with a seasoning of black pepper. Heat the olive oil in a small pan and This makes them a slow-release,
fry the onion and pepper on a medium long-lasting energy supply.
WHY YOU SHOULD heat for three minutes. Drain and rinse Parsley is full of fatigue-fighting iron
HAVE IT the mixed beans, add to the pan and – needed for the production of
Eggs contain all eight of the cook for another minute, stirring. Remove haemoglobin, which carries oxygen from
essential amino acids that your the pan from the heat and add the juice the lungs to the muscles.
hard-working muscles need to build and repair themselves. of half a lemon and parsley. Stir and
Weight for weight, watercress has more energy-promoting iron leave to cool.
than spinach and more bone-building calcium than milk. Place the watercress and
The vitamin C in tomatoes makes a hefty contribution to your iceberg lettuce in a separate
amino acid metabolism, which helps the body form new muscle. container and toss together.
Mustard ups blood flow to muscles, while mayonnaise contains vitamin Place the bean mixture on
E, a powerful antioxidant that neutralises cancer-causing free radicals. top of this and finish off with a
Bagels are a high-GI carbohydrate, meaning its glucose enters your pinch of black pepper and
bloodstream fast and drives the protein from the egg into your muscles. grated cheese.
WHAT YOU’LL NEED The baguette will provide you with a your body. The mineral boron, which is also
1 wholemeal baguette good source of fibre and slow-release carbs, found in the fruit, will build strong bones.
1tbsp honey keeping your gut healthy and satisfied. Cheese works with the carbs from the
½ green apple Honey is a natural energy food that bread to speed up glycogen replenishment,
2 slices cooked ham boosts your immune system. as well as supplying protein to promote
Grated low-fat cheddar The water from the apple will help to rehydrate muscle growth and restoration.
Cut a wholemeal baguette in half and
spread evenly with honey. Cut half a green
apple into thin slices. Layer the cooked ham
in the baguette with the green apple strips
and top with a layer of grated low-fat cheddar.
he first week is
all about getting
your muscles used
to training. Before you Breakfast Snack
can start lifting heavy Scramble 2 egg yolks 1 bowl of granola with 110g
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200g roast lamb, 100g steamed 4 wholemeal oat crackers Grill 115g salmon with 15g butter and a 1 slice of wholemeal 2,995
broccoli, 75g steamed green with pâté. 1 peach. slice of lemon on top. Serve with 1 mashed toast spread with calories
beans and 75g parsnips sweet potato and salad (100g lettuce, peanut butter. 226g protein
roasted in 2tbsp avocado oil. 1 sliced radish and a handful of water 390g carbs
cress drizzled with balsamic vinegar).
59g fat
150g chicken with 100g mixed Smoothie: blend 1 mango, 200g grilled steak 30g almonds. 2,957
salad leaves and 25g cubed 1 passion fruit, 300ml served with 150g calories
feta cheese. Sprinkle with whole milk and 30g oats. steamed broccoli and 227g protein
a handful of mixed seeds 150g steamed cauliflower. 402g carbs
and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle vegetables with 20g
49g fat
grated cheese and a few sesame seeds.
6 fish fingers served on 1 orange. 2 bananas. Place a 250g mackerel fillet in a foil parcel. 125g low-fat yoghurt. 2,520
wholemeal pitta bread. Cover in garlic cloves, the juice of 1 lemon calories
and a little basil. Cook at 200˚C/Gas Mark 6 169g protein
for 20 minutes. Serve with a medium jacket 390g carbs
potato and 30g of low-fat coleslaw.
57g fat
Dice and grill 1 carrot, 4 wholemeal oat crackers 115g grilled mackerel placed on 75g 30g walnuts. 2,965
1 red pepper and 1 red with 100g thin smoked salmon brown rice. Pour over a sauce made with calories
onion. Mix with 75g and 25g grated cheese. tinned tomatoes and 1 chopped leek. 210g protein
couscous, 1tbsp coconut 412g carbs
oil and 30g cashew nuts.
53g fat
1 medium baked potato with Protein shake made with Home-made pizza: top an 8in pizza 1 apple and 2,505
100g tuna in brine and a 500ml semi-skimmed milk. base with 200g passata and ½tsp dried 25g almonds. calories
handful of mixed salad leaves. oregano, 65g low-fat cheddar cheese, 156g protein
100g turkey, cooked, 25g salami 30g 375g carbs
chillies, and a splash of Tabasco sauce.
53g fat
Tuna salad sandwich: ½ tin 220g low-fat cottage Glazed pork chop: cook a 115g lean centre- ½ tin sliced 2,857
tuna, 110g diced celery, 2tbsp cheese and 1tbsp peanut cut pork chop until meat is white. Mix 1tsp of peaches. calories
mayonnaise, 1tbsp lemon butter on an English muffin. mustard, 2tbsp sugar, ½tsp of cinnamon and 202g protein
juice, 2 leaves iceberg lettuce 250ml orange juice. ½tsp of basil and place on the chop. Return 345g carbs
and a few slices cucumber on the chop to the oven until top is brown. Serve
74g fat
2 slices wholemeal bread. with 50g rice and 4 steamed baby carrots.
For your first workout, remember to keep the weights
light and your movements slow and controlled.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
squat 2 12-15 312 30 secs
Standing cable
Russian twist 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each side
20-30 secs
Side plank 1 each side n/a n/a n/a
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, lower back, upper back, chest, shoulders (see p14)
With your core braced hold a pair of light Keeping your upper arms horizontal,
dumb-bells by your sides, palms facing back. rotate them until your hands point up.
Lift your arms out to the sides until your elbows Press the weights directly overhead then
are at 90° and the weights hang straight down. reverse the movement back to the start.
Dumb-bell squat
Target: quads, glutes, hamstrings
Stand with your
feet shoulder width
apart, holding
the dumb-bells
by your sides.
Brace your core and
maintain a natural arch
in your back throughout
the movement.
Keep your knees
in line with your feet
and lower until your
thighs are parallel
to the ground.
Push back up
through your heels.
Stand side-on
to a cable machine
set at chest height,
core braced.
With your arms
straight and head
facing forward, twist
your torso away
from the cable.
Return to the start
position with a slow
and controlled motion.
Side plank
Target: core, obliques
Focus on maintaining perfect form for all your movements.
At this stage you are still teaching your body how to
train, so don’t over-stress it with heavy weights.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cable squat to
overhead raise 2 12-15 312 30 secs
Close-grip pull
down to triceps
press down
2 12-15 312 30 secs
Gym ball
jackknife 2 10 212 30 secs n/a
Gym ball
hip raise 2 10 313 30 secs n/a
and leg curl
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes lower back, abs, lats, triceps, shoulders (see p14)
Grip a short bar with your palms Press the bar down without moving
facing away from you. your elbows or upper arms.
Keeping your body upright, retract your shoulder Reverse the motion in a controlled manner.
blades and pull your elbows into your sides.
Target: core
Position yourself
with your feet
together and elbows
directly beneath your
shoulders so that
your body is straight
from head to heels.
Keep your head
looking down and
hold that position for
30-60 seconds without
letting your hips sag.
You may be feeling a bit stiff after the previous
workouts, so start slowly and build up gently
to ease your muscles back into action.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Internal/external 12-15
cable extensions 1 each arm, 311 30 secs
both directions
Gym ball
twist crunch 2 10-12 312 30 secs n/a
Foot raise
and hold 1 30-60 n/a n/a n/a
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on shoulders, biceps, chest, abs, hams, glutes lower back (see p14)
Stand side-on to a cable set and your upper arm by your side, rotate body, elbow bent at 90° and your
at waist height, grip the handle it to bring your hand across your body. upper arm is in line with your body.
with your near-side hand. Grip the handle with the other hand Keeping your upper arm and elbow
While keeping your elbow bent at 90° so that your forearm is across your in position, rotate your arm outwards.
Inverted row
Target: mid-traps, lats, rhomboids
Incline press-up
Target: lower pecs, front deltoids, triceps
n week two you’ll
continue to train your
stabiliser muscles
and core, teaching your Breakfast Snack
body to work as a single 2 boiled eggs with 150g muesli with 150ml whole
unit and getting used 2 slices wholemeal toast. milk. Add 4 sliced strawberries
to the movements of 250ml pineapple juice. and a handful of
weight training, without (see p40) mixed seeds.
risking injury by doing
too much heavy lifting.
You’ll also focus on 150g muesli soaked in 50ml Smoothie: blend 250g natural
unilateral exercises apple juice. Add 30g of dried yoghurt, 75g raspberries,
– moves that work Run, swim or cycle at fruit and 30g of mixed nuts. 75g blueberries, 100ml
either side of your body RPE level 5 for 20 minutes, apple juice, 1tbsp honey,
maintaining a steady pace 1tbsp cold-pressed flax
independently – so that
your stronger side doesn’t seed oil, 4-6 ice cubes.
take all the strain. By 100g muesli with 1 chopped 115g tuna mixed with
training like this, you let mango and 250g natural 1 chopped tomato and
your naturally weaker WORKOUT B yoghurt. 1 banana. 1 chopped onion on
side ‘catch up’ and ensure (see p44) 125g spinach and
that your future muscle 75g wholemeal pasta.
gains are balanced.
As you did in week 3 Shredded Wheat with Protein shake made with
one, concentrate on 300ml skimmed milk 500ml semi-skimmed milk.
getting the moves right and 2tsp raisins. 250ml
and controlling the
REST DAY apple and mango juice.
resistance for all the
stated reps without
compromising good 4 Weetabix with 250ml 1 apple. 150g low-fat yoghurt
form. And, as in the skimmed milk, 25g mixed with 25g hazelnuts.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200g grilled chicken cooked in 1 slice of wholemeal Vegetarian lasagne using egg pasta sheets, 1 diced 1 slice of wholemeal 3,048
sesame oil with 100g cabbage, toast spread with peanut courgette, 1 chopped aubergine and 1 tin chopped toast spread with calories
1 sliced carrot, 30g radishes butter. 3 dried figs. tomatoes. Layer the vegetables with the pasta sheets. peanut butter. 226g protein
and ginger to flavour. Mix 120ml whole milk, 50g melted butter and 2tbsp 410g carbs
wholemeal flour to make a thick sauce and add this to
56g fat
the top layer. Top with a small amount of grated cheese.
2 large wholemeal crackers 2 wholemeal pitta breads. 200g grilled rump beef steak with braised 30g walnuts. 3,012
with cream cheese and Celery and carrot sticks mangetout, baby carrots, baby sweet corn. calories
1 sliced tomato. with hummus. Add lime juice and chopped parsley for flavour. 235g protein
1 grilled pear sprinkled with cinnamon. 401g carbs
52g fat
1 wholemeal pitta filled 1 orange. 2 bananas. Grill 2 bean burgers and bake a medium- 125g low-fat yoghurt. 2,530
with 85g cottage cheese sized sweet potato. Grate 85g carrots and calories
and 50g mixed 85g courgettes over the bean burgers 145g protein
salad leaves. and sprinkle with Parmesan to taste. 379g carbs
61g fat
Turkey omelette, made Potein shake made with Turkey noodles: grill 1 turkey breast. Chop 1 chopped apple. 2,598
with 3 egg whites, 2 egg 500ml semi-skimmed milk. and mix with 100g cooked noodles. Add calories
yolks and 50g turkey. soy sauce and lemon juice to taste. 189g protein
422g carbs
52g fat
2 slices of chicken and ½ wholemeal bagel topped Spaghetti bolognese with 100g lean minced 12 almonds. 2,827
50g low fat coleslaw with with 1tbsp raisins, 1tsp peanut beef, 100g kidney beans, small tin of chopped calories
rocket in 2 seeded rolls. butter and 200g cottage tomatoes, 2tbsp tomato purée, diced carrot, 168g protein
cheese. 250ml orange juice. 1 crushed garlic clove, ½ chopped red onion, 427g carbs
1tbsp olive oil, dried oregano, fresh basil.
52g fat
Serve with 50g wholemeal spaghetti.
Fill a bread roll with 100g roast Smoothie: blend 500ml Teriyaki chicken: mix 75g prepared teriyaki Glass of milk. 2,791
beef, 220g lettuce, 15g low-fat skimmed chocolate milk with sauce, 75ml orange juice, 1tsp corn starch calories,
cheddar, 1 tomato and 2tbsp 2 bananas, 2tsp whey and tsp ginger. Stir-fry 115g chicken in ½tbsp 177g protein,
mustard. 250ml orange juice. protein powder and ice cubes. olive oil, then remove from pan. Stir-fry 350g 372g carbs,
broccoli, then add the chicken and sauce and stir.
75g fat
Add 225g water chestnuts. Serve with 50g rice.
When you perform unilateral (one-sided)
exercises, start with your weaker side. You’ll
have more energy to target weaker muscles,
helping to balance out your strength gains.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
One-leg gym
ball curl 2 10 311 30 secs n/a
each side
cable row 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each arm
One-arm cable
cross crunch 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes shoulders, biceps, abs, upper back (see p14)
Rest your head and shoulders on to heels and your arms by your sides.
the mat, place one heel on the ball Curl the ball in towards your backside using
and hold the other slightly raised. your heel, keep your hips raised, pause at the
Keep your body straight from shoulders top of the movement and return under control.
Some of the moves in this workout are quite
complex, so aim to keep your core muscles
tight to ensure good posture thoughout.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cable lateral
lunge 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each side
Unilateral wall
press-up 2 12-15 311 30 secs n/a
each arm
Unilateral lat
pull down 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each arm
step-up 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each leg
One-arm one-
leg plank 2 8-10 222 30 secs n/a
each side
raise 2 14-16 311 30 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on adductors, quads, glutes chest, triceps, lats, lower back (see p14)
Stand side-on
to a low cable with
your torso upright.
Step sideways towards
the cable, lowering onto
your leading leg while
keeping your knee in
line with your foot.
Stay facing forward,
keeping your torso upright
and push back up to
your starting position.
Dumb-bell step up
Target: quads, glutes
Using a bench no higher
than knee height, keep your
back upright and hold the
dumb-bells by your side.
Place one foot on the
bench and drive yourself
up using the leading leg.
Step down with the
trailing leg and repeat for all
reps before swapping legs.
Front/lateral raise
Target: front and middle deltoids
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart, body
upright and core braced.
Using light dumb-bells
hold one by your side
and the other in front
of you, palms facing in.
Keeping your arms
straight lift to the side and
the front simultaneously
without swinging your
body for momentum.
Stop lifting at shoulder
height and hold for a
moment before lowering
slowly and alternating sides.
This is the last workout of the preliminary stage,
so keep concentrating on getting the form right
and making every move stable and controlled.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Gym ball
dumb-bell press 2 12-15 311 30 secs
cable raise 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each arm
Lower body
Russian twist 2 10 202 30 secs n/a
Split squat to
one-arm row 2 12-15 311 30 secs
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on hams, glutes, chest, lower back (see p14)
Support your head and shoulders on Hold the dumb-bells at chest height
the gym ball with your knees bent at 90°. with your palms facing forward, press
Brace your core to keep your body in them up, then slowly lower to the start.
a straight line from shoulder to knees.
Lie on your back with your arms Don’t let your legs touch the floor,
out to the sides for balance and raise your legs back to the start
your legs straight up in the air. and repeat to the other side.
Lower your legs to one side,
keeping your legs straight and
your shoulders flat to the floor.
n the third week
you’ll focus on muscle
endurance. By doing
large numbers of reps with Breakfast Snack
relatively light weights 120g oats, 75g bran, Raisin, cranberry and
you will not only burn a 3 strawberries, 1 sliced almond snack bar.
lot of calories from fat, banana and ½ scoop of whey
but you will set up new (see p54) protein mixed with water.
capillary networks in your
muscles, providing them
with energy that can be French toast: 2 whole Raisin, cranberry and
used for muscle growth 20-minute running eggs, 3 slices wholemeal almond snack bar.
in later weeks when intervals bread, 110ml milk and
4 minutes warm-up – level 2
you’ll be lifting heavier 1 minute fast – level 8 ½tsp cinnamon. Serve with
weights for fewer reps. 2 minutes slow – level 4 6tbsp cottage cheese and
4 minutes warm down – level 2 small tin sliced peaches.
You’ll also do an interval
cardio session. This is 2 slices of wholemeal Whey protein shake made with
when you combine short toast. 125g low-fat yoghurt 500ml semi-skimmed milk.
fast periods of exertion WORKOUT B with 30g honey.
with slower recovery (see p58)
periods. For example, you
might sprint for one minute
followed by running 2 bananas, 30g honey Smoothie: blend 500ml
slowly for two minutes, and 50g peanut butter on skimmed milk, 2 bananas
then repeat the pattern 2 slices wholemeal toast. and 2 scoops whey protein.
several times. This kind of
training has been proven
to be effective at burning
fat stores and increasing Omelette made with 250g live yoghurt with
cardiovascular fitness. 4 egg whites and 100g dried pineapple.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Turkey omelette: 4 large eggs, 2 slices wholemeal toast Bake 2 potatoes and fill with 1tsp of 1 slice wholemeal 2,850
2 small onions, 85g cooked with 25g peanut butter margarine and salt and pepper. Pan-fry toast with 25g peanut calories
turkey, handful of kidney and 1 chopped banana. 115g of lean sirloin steak for 5-10 minutes butter. Glass of milk. 160g protein
beans, 1 chopped green and sauté 30g mushrooms in 1tsp olive 362g carbs
pepper, handful of chopped oil. Serve the mushrooms on the steak.
78g fat
mushrooms and black pepper.
500g mixed 150g mixed fruit salad Salsa chicken and pasta: cook 1 chicken Cereal bar. 2,550
sushi pack. (kiwi fruit, raspberries, breast, 85g wholemeal pasta, 125g broccoli calories
apples and grapes). and 125g carrots. Chop and mix with 191g protein
30g salsa and a dash of Tabasco. 350g carbs
54g fat
Fill 2 bagels with cottage Raisin, cranberry and Grill a 200g salmon fillet for 6-8 minutes each side Pot of low-fat yoghurt 2,790
cheese. 50g pineapple. almond snack bar. and serve with 85g brown rice and 125g spinach. topped with 1tsp of calories
mixed seeds. 158g protein
393g carbs
66g fat
Fill 2 wholemeal sub rolls with Whey protein shake made with Grill a chicken breast for 15 minutes. Place a clove Glass of skimmed milk. 2,624
50g chicken and salad leaves. 500ml semi-skimmed milk. of crushed garlic and ½ chopped onion in a pan and calories
1 small smoothie. cook for 5 minutes until browned. Add the chicken 159g protein
and 200g tinned tomatoes, with chilli powder or 393g carbs
sliced green chillies to taste. Cover and cook for a
41g fat
further 5-10 minutes. Serve with 75g brown rice
2 granary bagels with goat’s 125g strawberries and Stir-fry 150g duck with 1 chopped 1 kiwi fruit and 1 plum. 2,942
cheese, sun-blanched tomatoes 2-3 dried prunes with onion, 1 chopped courgette and calories
and 1 handful of flax seeds. 250g natural yoghurt. 50g mushrooms. Serve with 75g quinoa. 228g protein
395g carbs
50g fat
½ wholemeal bagel topped 250g low-fat yoghurt 2 chicken fajitas made with a chopped 12 almonds. 2,839
with 1tbsp raisins, 1tsp peanut with 75g grilled chicken breast, calories
butter and 200g cottage pineapple. 15g sliced mushrooms, 165g protein
cheese. 250ml orange juice. ½ sliced onion, 1 red pepper 472g carbs
and 30g low-fat cheese.
55g fat
You’re working on muscle endurance in this phase
of the plan, so you’ll do three sets of most exercises
while keeping the rep rate high. Pick a weight that
allows you to complete all your reps before failure.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Squat to curl
to press 3 15-20 311 45 secs
Triceps press
down 3 15-20 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, back, abs, triceps (see p14)
Start in a squat position with a natural arch in Drive the weights directly overhead, twisting
your back, and your knees in line with your feet. your hands so your palms face outwards.
Drive up through your heels and curl the dumb-bells Reverse the movement to the
up to your shoulder keeping your elbows by your sides. start in a controlled manner.
Target: upper abdominals
Lie with your feet flat on the floor, with the mat, contract your abs to lift
knees bent at 90° and your head your shoulders off the mat, curling
off the mat. your chest towards your knees.
Touch your fingers to your temples Pause at the top of the
to avoid pulling on your neck. move, squeeze your abs and
Keeping your lower back in contact lower slowly to the start.
Rest your head and shoulders towards your backside with your
on the floor and your heels on top heels, keeping your body straight.
of the ball, your body should be Pause at the top of the
straight from shoulders to heels. movement and return slowly
Raise your hips and drag the ball to the start.
Keep the weights light but the work rate
high as you continue to develop your
muscle endurance with this workout.
Warm up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Incline dumb-
bell curl 3 15-20 311 45 secs
Dumb-bell gym
ball squat 3 15-20 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, biceps, chest, abs (see p14)
Upright row
Target: upper traps, deltoids
Stand upright with your
shoulders back, gripping the
bar in front of your thighs.
Brace your core and draw
the weight up, raising your
elbows high to the sides.
Pause for a moment at
the top of the movement
before slowly lowering.
Support your head and shoulders your elbows, slowly lower the
on the ball with a dumb-bell in weight behind your head.
both hands over your chest. Pull the weight back to
Your feet should be flat on the the start using your chest
ground, your core engaged and your muscles. Avoid arching your
body straight from head to knees. back to aid the movement.
Keeping a slight bend in
Target: abdominals
Start with your fingers by your as you crunch your left elbow to your
temples, crunch up to bring your right knee and extend your left leg.
right elbow to your left knee while Perform this movement in a
extending your right leg. quick but controlled manner, being
Twist your torso to the other side careful not to strain your neck.
Concentrate on keeping your core engaged throughout
each set to ensure you maintain a good posture.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
squat press 3 16-20 311 45 secs
cable row 3 15-20 311 45 secs
bench press 3 15-20 311 45 secs
lateral lunge 3 8-10 211 45 secs
and touch each side
Seated reverse
crunch 3 10-15 311 45 secs n/a
Supine gym
ball calf raise 3 15-20 211 45 secs n/a
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, adductors, chest, triceps, abs, calves (see p14)
n week four you’ll
stick with relatively
high reps and low
weights while you Breakfast Snack
establish the base upon Porridge made with 45g oats, 1 mashed banana on
which your muscle 300ml skimmed milk, 1tsp 1 slice wholemeal toast.
training will be built. honey and 25g whey protein.
However, you’re going (see p68)
to get an introduction
to some of the classic
compound moves that Smoothie: blend 25g whey 90g sardines on 2 slices
will become the staples 20-minute running protein, 100g strawberries wholemeal toast.
of your future workouts. intervals and ½ banana with 300ml
4 minutes warm-up – level 2
Compound exercises 1 minute fast – level 8 skimmed milk and 1tsp
are ones that use several 2 minutes slow – level 4 flaxseed oil. Serve chilled.
4 minutes warm down – level 2
muscle groups at once,
releasing waves of natural Porridge made with 45g oats, 1 apple with 2tbsp peanut
growth hormone, so they 300ml skimmed milk, 1tsp butter. Glass of skimmed milk.
stimulate the most muscle WORKOUT B honey and 25g whey protein.
growth. For example, a (see p72)
squat uses muscles in
your quads, hamstrings,
glutes, core and back. Blend 1 mango, 80g 90g sardines on 2 slices
By using light weights blueberries, 2tbsp natural wholemeal toast.
you can focus on getting yoghurt, 1tbsp oats and
the form spot on. But this
REST DAY 25g whey protein with 100ml
won’t make for an easy apple juice and 100ml water.
workout – you’ll still be
doing 15 to 20 reps per set, 4 scrambled egg whites on Mixed
and three sets per exercise. 2 slices of wholemeal toast. nuts,
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Medium-sized jacket 140g grilled chicken, 200g chicken and vegetable stir-fry Smoothie: blend 2,869
potato with baked beans with beetroot. with red and green peppers, sesame 25g whey protein, calories
and cottage cheese. oil and seeds. 70g brown rice. 80g raspberries, 208g protein
80g blueberries and 351g carbs
50g blackberries, with
63g fat
200-300ml water.
Medium-sized jacket potato Smoothie: blend 25g whey 200g salmon with 175g new potatoes, 120g low-fat yoghurt 2,876
with tuna, baked protein, 80g raspberries, 70g carrots, courgettes and broccoli. with strawberries. calories
beans and 80g blueberries and 259g protein
grated cheese. 50g blackberries with 241g carbs
200-300ml water.
77g fat
Medium-sized jacket 140g grilled chicken 120g tuna steak with stir-fried broccoli, Smoothie: blend 2,910
potato with baked beans with beetroot. green beans and spinach with sesame 25g whey protein, calories
and cottage cheese. oil and seeds. 70g brown rice. 80g raspberries, 212g protein
80g blueberries and 361g carbs
50g blackberries
63g fat
with 250ml water.
Turkey and cheese Blend 25g whey protein, 140g lemon sole with stir-fried broccoli, Smoothie: blend 2,887
bagel. 1 orange. 3 almonds, 3 brazil nuts, green beans, red peppers and spinach with 25g whey protein, calories
80g blueberries, 2 dates, 50g sesame oil and seeds. 70g brown rice. 50g blueberries, 199g protein
natural yoghurt and ½ banana 50g blackberries, 345g carbs
with 250ml skimmed milk. ½ banana with 300ml
70g fat
skimmed milk.
Turkey, cheese and 1 tin of tuna with beetroot 120g fillet steak with mashed potato Smoothie: blend 2,950
mustard bagel. 1 apple. and cottage cheese. and spinach. Fruit sorbet. 25g whey protein, calories
80g raspberries, 208g protein
80g blueberries and 359g carbs
50g blackberries
68g fat
with 250ml water
Large jacket potato with baked Smoothie: blend 25g 150g roast beef with 100g cottage 3,012
beans, tuna and grated cheese. whey protein, 100g 100g new potatoes, cheese. 1 apple. calories
strawberries and½banana and mixed 208g protein
with 300ml skimmed milk vegetables. 367g carbs
and 1tsp flaxseed oil.
73g fat
This workout includes some of the classic compound
moves you need to learn to add muscle mass. However,
at this stage keep the weights light so you can practise
the form and continue to build muscle endurance.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
crunch 2 15 311 45 secs n/a
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, chest, triceps, traps, abs (see p14)
Bent-over row
Target: traps, lats, rhomboids
Start with your core
braced, your back straight
and your shoulder
blades retracted.
With your knees slightly
bent, lean forward from the
hips, rather than the waist.
Grip the bar just wider
than shoulder width apart,
letting it hang straight
down around knee level.
Pull the bar up into
your sternum, squeezing
your shoulder blades
together at the top of
the move, then lower the
bar slowly to the start.
Target: upper traps
Stand upright with your
shoulders back, grip the bar
just outside your thighs.
Without letting your
elbows bend, raise your
shoulders straight up and
hold for 1-2 seconds.
Wrap your body around the Pause for a moment at the top of
gym ball, jamming your feet the exercise before lowering slowly.
against a wall for support.
Lift your back until your
body forms a straight line. Be
careful not to over-extend.
You’re continuing with the muscle endurance phase
in this week. High reps means you’ll need to keep the
weight manageable. If you find your form wavering
towards the end of a set, go lighter for the next set.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
pull-ups 3 10 5-- 45 secs n/a
Lying triceps
extension 3 15-20 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on hams, glutes, chest, triceps, lats, shoulders, abs (see p14)
Shoulder press
Target: deltoids
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart,
your body upright,
core braced and head
looking straight ahead.
Grip the bar just
wider than shoulder
width apart and hold it
on your upper chest.
Press the bar directly
overhead without tilting
your hips forward, slowly
lower it to the start.
Lie on a bench with your lower the bar slowly behind your
core braced, knees bent at 90° head while keeping your upper
and feet flat on the ground. arms angled slightly back.
Hold the EZ-bar over your head, Reverse the motion to press
not your chest, with an overhand the bar back up, squeezing your
grip, wrists turned in slightly. triceps at the top of the move.
Without arching your back
Target: core
Position yourself with
your feet together and
elbows directly beneath
your shoulders so that
your body is straight
from head to heels.
Keeping your head
looking down, hold that
position for 60 seconds
without letting your hips sag.
This is the final endurance workout, so focus
on getting to the end of each set with the
last rep being as good as the first.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
deadlift 3 15-20 311 45 secs
reverse flye 3 15-20 311 45 secs
each arm
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, glutes, hams, biceps, back, abs (see p14)
Split squat
Target: quads, glutes, hamstrings
Start in a split stance
with both feet facing
forward, back upright
and core braced.
Rest the bar on the back
of your shoulders and keep
your elbows back to retract
your shoulder blades.
Sink down until your
back knee almost touches
the floor and your front
knee bends to 90°.
Romanian deadlift
Target: hamstrings
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart,
your head up, looking
forward, shoulders back
and core braced.
Grip the bar just outside
your hips and initiate
the move by leaning
forward from the hips
rather than the waist.
Allow a slight bend
in your knees, keep your
back straight and push
your hips back as the bar
travels down your shins.
Lower the bar until you
feel a good stretch in your
hamstrings then reverse
the movement to the start.
p to this point you’ve
been working on
building stability
and improving endurance. Breakfast Snack
Now it’s time to start 4 scrambled egg whites Mixed nuts, raisins and
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Medium-sized jacket potato Smoothie: blend 25g whey Steak and lentil casserole (with 300g steak mince, 120g low-fat yoghurt 2,945
with tuna, baked beans protein, 80g raspberries, 150g red lentils, garlic, 1 chopped onion, vegetable with strawberries. calories
and grated cheese. 80g blueberries and stock, 2 carrots, 100g mushrooms, 60g aubergine). 210g protein
50g blackberries with 367g carbs
200-300ml water.
69g fat
Medium-sized jacket potato Smoothie: blend 25g whey 150g roast chicken with 100g new 100g cottage 2,987
with baked beans, tuna protein, 100g strawberries and potatoes, and mixed vegetables. cheese. 1 apple. calories
and grated cheese. ½ banana with 300ml skimmed 211g protein
milk and 1tsp flaxseed oil. 361g carbs
73g fat
Turkey and cheese salad Smoothie: blend 25g whey 200g chicken and vegetable stir fry Smoothie: blend 2,847
sandwich on wholemeal protein, 80g raspberries, with red and green peppers, sesame 25g whey protein, calories
bread. 1 pear. 80g blueberries and 50g oil and seeds. 70g brown rice. 50g blueberries, 207g protein
blackberries with water. 50g blackberries 345g carbs
and ½ banana with
65g fat
300ml skimmed milk.
Turkey salad sandwich on Mixed nuts, raisins and 90g wholemeal pasta and 200g grilled chicken Smoothie: blend 2,835
wholemeal bread. 1 apple. dried cranberries with with jar of tomato sauce and chopped onion. 25g protein, calories
cottage cheese. 50g blueberries, 211g protein
50g blackberries 362g carbs
and ½ banana with
62g fat
300ml skimmed milk.
Medium-sized jacket Smoothie: blend 25g whey 150g roast pork with 100g new Smoothie: blend, 2,995
potato with baked beans protein, 80g raspberries, potatoes and mixed vegetables. 25g whey protein, calories
and cottage cheese. 80g blueberries and 50g 100g strawberries 211g protein
blackberries with water. and ½ banana with 364g carbs
1tsp flaxseed oil and
71g fat
300ml skimmed milk.
Chicken, bacon and avocado Smoothie: blend 25g 120g tuna steak with stir-fried broccoli, 100g cottage cheese 2,910
baguette. 1 kiwi. whey protein, ½ banana green beans and spinach with sesame and pineapple. calories
with 300ml skimmed milk oil and seeds. 70g brown rice. 197g protein
and 1tsp flaxseed oil. 364g carbs
67g fat
This workout targets your chest, shoulders and triceps. The
first exercise warms up your muscles, followed by heavy
compound moves to add mass, and the workout ends with
isolation moves to take your target muscles to exhaustion.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Incline bench
press 4 8-10 311 60 secs
Feet up
bench dip 3 10-12 211 45 secs n/a
Seated dumb-bell
shoulder press 4 8-10 311 60 secs
Lying triceps
extension 3 10-12 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static
stretches (20 seconds each). Focus on chest, triceps, shoulders (see p14)
Lie on a bench with your lower the bar slowly behind your
core braced, knees bent at 90° head while keeping your upper
and feet flat on the ground. arms angled slightly back.
Hold the EZ-bar over your head, Reverse the motion to press
not your chest, with an overhand the bar back up, squeezing your
grip, wrists turned in slightly. triceps at the top of the move.
Without arching your back
Cable crossover
Target: pecs
Stand in a split stance,
between dual cables set
above shoulder height.
Keep your back upright
and your core braced,
maintaining the same
torso position throughout.
Keep a slight bend in
your elbows and bring
your hands together
in front of your chest.
Squeeze your pecs then
slowly reverse the move.
This workout targets your legs and glutes. The first exercise
warms up your muscles, then you’ll move on to the heavy
compound moves to add mass, and finish off with moves
to target the smaller muscles that often get ignored.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
deadlift 4 8-10 311 60 secs
Gym ball
hip raise 3 10-12 311 45 secs n/a
calf raise 3 10-12 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, glutes, hams, hip flexors, adductors, calves (see p14)
Target quads, glutes, hamstrings
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart, your
toes turned out slightly
and your core braced.
Rest the bar on the
back of your shoulders,
not your neck, gripping it
close to your shoulders.
Maintain a natural arch in
your back and look forward
throughout the movement.
Lower until your thighs
are parallel to the floor,
keeping your knees in line
with your feet, then push
back up through your heels.
Romanian deadlift
Target: hamstrings
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart
and your head up.
Keep looking forward,
with your shoulders
back and core braced.
Grip the bar just outside
your hips and initiate
the move by leaning
forward from the hips
rather than the waist.
Allow a slight bend
in your knees, keep your
back straight and push
your hips back as the bar
travels down your shins.
Lower the bar until you
feel a good stretch in your
hamstrings then reverse
the movement to the start.
In this workout you’ll focus on your back and biceps,
which are often called on to work together when pulling
objects towards you. The first exercise will get the muscles
fired up before the heavy compound moves that follow.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Split squat to
one-arm row 2 10-12 311 30 secs
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static
stretches (20 seconds each). Focus on lats, traps, lower back, biceps (see p14)
Cable row
Target: mid traps, lats, rhomboids
Sit with a slight bend
in your knees, your
back straight, shoulder
blades retracted and
head looking forward.
Take a neutral grip on
the handle and ensure that
there is tension in the cable.
Keeping upper-body
movement to a minimum,
pull the handle into your
sternum and squeeze your
shoulder blades together.
Return in a slow and
controlled manner.
Dumb-bell curl
Target: biceps
Stand tall with your
shoulders back and
your core muscles
braced for support.
Keep your elbows tucked
into your sides and grip
the dumb-bells with your
palms facing forwards.
Curl the weights up
without rocking back
and forth for momentum,
then lower slowly.
Reverse curl
Target: biceps
Stand tall with your
shoulders back and
your core muscles
braced for support.
Grip the bar with
an overhand grip, in
front of your thighs.
Keeping your elbows
in, curl the bar up
without rocking back
and forth for momentum,
then lower slowly.
n week six you’ll use
the power of ‘post-
exhaustion’ to stimulate
muscle growth. This Breakfast Snack
classic weight-training 2 slices French toast made 120g low-fat yoghurt with
technique requires you with 1 egg, 110ml milk, ½tsp blueberries, honey and
to target a particular cinnamon and ½tsp nutmeg. oats. 1 protein bar.
muscle group with a big, (see p96)
compound move to stress
the maximum number of
muscle fibres and flood Porridge, made with 45g oats, 1 mashed banana with
the body with growth Running hill intervals 300ml skimmed milk, 1tsp 2tbsp peanut butter on
hormones. Then you’ll Run up a steep hill or long set honey and 25g whey protein. 2 slices wholemeal toast.
of steps for 1 minute. Jog down
zero in on your target again slowly. Repeat 6 times.
muscle with a single- Afterwards run at level 3 for
5 minutes to warm down
joint or isolation move
to take those muscle 2 slices French toast made 120g low-fat yoghurt with
fibres to exhaustion. with 1 egg, 110ml milk, ½tsp blueberries, honey and
In Workout A you’ll WORKOUT B cinnamon and ½tsp nutmeg. oats. 1 protein bar.
target your chest, back (see p100)
and quads; Workout
B is shoulders, biceps
and hamstrings; while Porridge made with 45g oats, 1 mashed banana with
Workout C hits your 300ml skimmed milk, 1tsp of 2tbsp peanut butter on 2
triceps, traps and glutes. honey and 25g whey protein. slices wholemeal toast.
CARDIO SESSION with 300ml skimmed milk, 1tsp wholemeal toast. Glass
Recovery of honey and 25g whey protein. of skimmed milk.
Run, swim or cycle at
level 5 for 30 minutes,
maintaining a steady pace
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Turkey, cheese and 1 tin of tuna with beetroot. 120g fillet steak with mashed potato Smoothie: blend 2,950
mustard bagel. 1 apple. 125g low-fat yoghurt. and spinach. Fruit sorbet. 25g whey protein, calories
80g raspberries, 210g protein
80g blueberries and 359g carbs
50g blackberries with
68g fat
200-300ml water.
Turkey and cranberry wholemeal Smoothie: blend 25g whey 150g lean minced 100g cottage cheese 2,837
sandwich. Punnet of berries. protein, 100g strawberries and beef chilli with red and pineapple. calories
½ banana with 300ml skimmed kidney beans. 208g protein
milk and 1tsp flaxseed oil. 70g brown rice. 372g carbs
67g fat
Turkey, cheese and mustard 1 tin of tuna with 120g fillet steak with mashed potato Smoothie: blend 2,985
bagel. 1 low-fat yoghurt. beetroot. 1 pear. and spinach. Slice of cheesecake. 25g whey protein, calories
80g raspberries, 209g protein
80g blueberries and 369g carbs
50g blackberries with
74g fat
200-300ml water.
Mixed nuts, raisins and 150g lean minced beef spaghetti bolognese Smoothie: blend 2,895
dried cranberries with with chopped onions, peppers and 25g protein, calories
cottage cheese. mushrooms. 70g wholemeal spaghetti. 50g blueberries, 204g protein
50g blackberries 363g carbs
Turkey salad sandwich on ½ banana with
65g fat
wholemeal bread. 1 orange. 300ml skimmed milk.
Large jacket potato with tuna, Smoothie: blend 25g whey Omelette with ham, feta cheese, 120g low-fat yoghurt 2,982
baked beans and grated cheese. protein, 80g raspberries, olives, tomato and onion. with strawberries. calories
80g blueberries and 184g protein
50g blackberries with 327g carbs
200-300ml water.
67g fat
Large jacket potato with baked 140g grilled chicken 200g chicken and vegetable stir-fry with Smoothie: blend 2,903
beans and cottage cheese. with beetroot. red and green peppers, cashew nuts, 25g whey protein, calories
sesame oil and seeds. 70g brown rice. 80g raspberries, 198g protein
80g blueberries and 365g carbs
50g blackberries with
69g fat
200-300ml water.
This workout is for your chest, back and quads using
post-exhaustion techniques. For each muscle group
you’ll do a heavy compound exercise that requires
a lot of muscle fibres and floods your body with
growth hormones, then you’ll take the muscle to
exhaustion with a move that targets it specifically.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cable reverse
flye 3 10-12 311 45 secs
front squat 4 8-10 311 60 secs
One-leg Smith
squat 3 6 311 45 secs
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on chest, triceps, traps, biceps, quads, glutes, lower back (see p14)
Dumb-bell flye
Target: pecs
Lie on a bench with
your feet flat on the floor.
Hold the dumb-bells
directly over your chest
with your palms facing
each other, keeping a
slight bend in your elbows.
Without arching your
back, lower the dumb-bells
in an arc out to the sides
as far as is comfortable.
Use your pectoral
muscles to reverse the
movement back to the start.
This session will work your shoulders, hamstrings and
biceps. Once again you’ll start with mass-building
compound exercises and follow them with isolation
moves to stimulate the maximum muscle growth.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
deadlift 4 8-10 311 60 secs
One-leg gym
ball leg curl 3 8 311 45 secs n/a
each leg
EZ-bar biceps
curl 3 10-12 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on hams, glutes, shoulders, biceps, lats (see p14)
Rest your head and shoulders on Curl the ball in towards your
the mat, place one heel on the ball backside using your heel, keep your
and hold the other slightly raised. hips raised, pause at the top of the
Keep your body straight movement and return under control.
from shoulders to heels and
your arms by your sides.
Lateral raise
Target: middle deltoid
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart, body
upright and core braced.
Use light dumb-bells,
with your palms facing in.
Keeping your arms
straight, lift the weights out
to the sides but don’t swing
your body for momentum.
Stop lifting at
shoulder height and
hold for a moment
before lowering slowly.
Target your triceps, traps and glutes. These large muscle
groups will stimulate a surge in growth hormones that will
have a muscle-building effect on all parts of your body.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
One-leg gym
ball hip raise 3 8 311 45 secs n/a
each leg
Prone shoulder
press 3 10-12 311 45 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on hams, glutes, traps, triceps, lower back, hip flexors (see p14)
Start with your body flat on the your hips until your body is
floor and your arms by your sides. straight from shoulders to heels.
Rest your heels on top of the Control any wobble from the
ball, then raise one foot slightly. ball and lower slowly to the start.
Brace your core then raise
Lie face down on a bench set in line with your body, similar to
at 30-45°. a shoulder press but prone.
Position your upper arms straight Press the weights straight
out from your body with your elbows out ahead of you. Return
bent at 90° and your forearms in a controlled manner.
ou’re now ready to
give your muscles
a bit of a shock.
Drop sets are when you Breakfast Snack
do one regular set of an 75g oats cooked in 50g beef jerky. 1 apple.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 chicken sandwiches: 1 chicken 30g sunflower seeds. 1 sliced skinless chicken breast stir-fried 1 banana. 30g 3,013
breast, 2 handfuls of salad leaves, 1 large apple. with ginger, 1 sliced courgette, 1 sliced carrot, sunflower seeds. calories,
handful of fresh coriander, ½ sliced sugar snap peas and soy sauce. Serve 156g protein,
avocado, 2 sliced tomatoes, 1 sliced with 75g quinoa. 388g carbs,
hard-boiled egg and 5 slices of
99g fat
cucumber on wholemeal bread.
1 tin of vegetable soup and 1 banana. 50g mixed nuts. 225g sirloin steak, 2 sweet potatoes, 200ml vanilla 2,961
1 wholemeal baguette. mixed vegetables and corn on the cob. ice cream. calories,
141g protein,
409g carbs,
135g fat
300g mixed seafood salad 35g cheddar cheese, Stir-fry 4 cauliflower florets, 4 broccoli florets 200g yoghurt 2,840
(tuna, prawns, salmon, 1 apple, 2 pineapple rings. and 100g green beans with sesame oil, with a handful of calories
anchovies) and 150g rice. soy sauce and chopped ginger. Serve with mixed berries. 305g protein
75g quinoa and 1 grilled turkey breast. 171g carbs
104g fat
Baked potato with 1 small ½ carton of fresh 1 grilled tuna steak, 150g natural yoghurt 2,941
tin of salmon, ½ avocado, soup. ½ banana. 75g basmati rice with ½ banana calories
baby spinach, watercress and stir-fried and 1tsp honey. 164g protein
and balsamic vinegar. mangetout, baby 371g carbs
corn and carrots.
95g fat
Sardines and salad in 50g dried fruit and nuts. Breaded plaice and 125g oven-roasted chips with Protein shake 2,900
2 wholemeal pitta breads. mushy peas. with 200ml semi- calories,
skimmed milk. 161g protein,
272g carbs,
156g fat
1 tin of mixed beans with 50g mixed nuts. 1 apple. 1 pear. 2 chicken breasts with jerk sauce, 3tsp peanut butter. 2,800
25g goat’s cheese and 150g rice and peas. 1 banana. calories,
seasoning. 1 slice of wholemeal 310g protein,
bread with butter. 1 banana. 163g carbs,
101g fat
For your first workout of week seven, you’ll focus on the
muscles of your back, biceps and core. Look out for the
drop sets on the cable row, where you’ll do one set of
10-12 reps and then immediately drop the weight by around
20 per cent and then do as many more reps as you can to
failure. Then drop the weight again and repeat the process
four or five times until your muscles are fully exhausted.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Wide grip
pull-up 2 5-10 311 60 secs n/a
Snatch grip
deadlift 3 8-10 311 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on glutes, abs, traps, lats, biceps, abs, lower back (see p14)
Target: lower back
Target your chest, triceps and core in this workout.
Your drop-set session will be with the dumb-bell
bench press, so keep a selection of weights near
your bench so that you don’t have to keep making
trips to the weight rack to change the dumb-bells.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Dumb-bell 1 10-12
(+ as many more 311 60 secs
bench press drop set as possible)
Gym ball
oblique crunch 2 10 311 60 secs n/a
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static
stretches (20 seconds each). Focus on chest, triceps, abs, lower back (see p14)
Grip the dumb-bells with straight body, rolling onto the sides of your feet
wrists, directly below your shoulders. while keeping your body straight.
Position your feet shoulder width Raise the dumb-bell overhead
apart, don’t let your hips sag. with a straight arm, return to the start
Keep your body in a straight line and and repeat on the other side.
your elbows tucked into your sides.
Push up powerfully and twist your
Cable pullover
Target: pecs, lats
Support your head and shoulders on Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, slowly
a bench and grasp a rope attachment lower the weight behind your head. Ensure
with a hammer grip, over your chest. there is tension on the cable throughout
Your feet should be flat on the Pull the weight back to the start
ground, your core engaged and your using your chest muscles, avoid arching
body straight from head to knees. your back to aid the movement.
Lie on the bench with your knees Maintain a natural arch in your back. There
bent at 90°, your feet flat on the should just be enough room to slip a few
floor and your core braced. fingers between your lower back and the bench.
Hold the dumb-bells at chest level Lower the weights slowly.
then press them straight up.
Cable kickback
Target: triceps
Rest one knee and one hand on a bench, set just below shoulder height, ensuring
with your hand directly beneath your shoulder. there is tension on the cable.
Keep your body horizontal with your Press the weight straight back, moving
upper arm in line with your body, look only at your elbow, squeeze your tricep at
down so your neck is in line too. the top of the move and lower slowly.
Grasp a rope attachment to a cable,
Kneel on all fours and keep looking foot to fingertip, don’t let your hips rotate.
down throughout the movement. Hold this position for a count of two, return
Bring one elbow to meet the opposite to the start and repeat on the other side.
knee beneath your stomach before
stretching out your arm and leg.
Your body should form a straight line from
Your final workout of the week targets your legs,
shoulders and core. Using a Smith machine for the
squat drop set allows you to change the resistance
quickly and means you can perform the move safely
even when your quads are fully exhausted.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, glutes, hams, shoulders, abs, lower back (see p14)
Push press
Target: deltoids
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart,
your body upright,
core braced and head
looking straight ahead.
Grip the bar just
wider than shoulder
width apart and hold it
on your upper chest.
Bend your knees slightly
then drive up with your
legs and arms at the same
time. Press the bar directly
overhead without tilting
your hips forward. Slowly
lower it to the start.
Arnold press
Target: deltoids
Sit on a bench with
your lower back and
shoulders pressed against
the pad, keep your feet
flat on the floor.
Hold the dumb-bells
at shoulder height, palms
facing in and elbows to
the front.
As you press the weights
directly overhead rotate your
palms so that they finish
facing forward.
Reverse the motion back
to the start.
his week you’ll try
out a new way to
stimulate growth in
your muscles: ‘negatives’. Breakfast Snack
When you lift a weight Smoothie: blend 25g whey 100g hummus with
your muscle contracts protein, 200ml milk, 1tbsp carrot and celery sticks.
under tension – known rolled oats, ½ banana and Handful of dried fruit.
as the concentric phase (see p124) 1tsp honey.
of a lift. By contrast, the
eccentric phase is where
the muscle lengthens 2 slices of thin-cut raw, fresh 200g yoghurt
under tension as you CARDIO SESSION salmon, 3 scrambled eggs and with 100g
200 metre sprints
lower the weight, and 4 minutes warm-up – level 3 1 slice of wholemeal toast. mixed
this is what you’ll be Run 200 metres – level 10 x6 berries.
Walk slowly back to start
focussing on this week. 4 minutes warm down – level 3
For each ‘negative’
exercise pick a weight Porridge, made with 80g 50g mixed nuts and banana.
that you would struggle oats, 200ml milk and 200ml
to lift without help and WORKOUT B water, topped with 28g
then focus on lowering (see p128) pumpkin seeds and 30g
the weight slowly and apricots. 200ml apple juice.
under control. If you
have a training partner Porridge, made with 80g 1 banana.
ask him to help you re-set oats, 200ml milk and 200ml
the weight at the start water, topped with 28g
of each rep. If not use
REST DAY pumpkin seeds and 30g
whatever safe method apricots. 200ml orange juice.
you can to lift the weight
before doing a slow, Porridge, made with 80g oats, Protein shake with 200ml
controlled negative rep. 200ml milk and 200ml water, semi-skimmed milk. 2 pears.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jacket potato with chilli (300g 1tbsp peanut butter. Seafood salad: 1 tin of tuna in brine, 120g 2 chicken wings 2,890
beef, ½ tin red kidney beans, 1 pear. 1 kiwi. cod fillet, 120g prawns, mixed leaf salad, and calories,
1 tin tomatoes and spices). a sprinkle of grated cheese. 1 banana. 280g protein,
200g carbs,
108g fat
3-egg omelette with chicken Protein shake with 200ml Salmon fillet, 250g steamed vegetables 200ml milk. 3,067
and cheese. 50g mixed salad. semi-skimmed milk. (kale, peas and carrots) and calories,
100g boiled new potatoes. 152g protein,
258g carbs,
110g fat
3-egg omelette with chicken 50g mixed nuts. Salmon fillet with pak Protein shake 3,036
and cheese. 50g mixed salad. choi, 250g steamed with 200ml semi- calories,
vegetables (kale, peas and skimmed milk. 154g protein,
carrots) and 100g rice noodles. 245g carbs,
111g fat
2 wholemeal bagels Peanut butter sandwich 2 turkey fajitas with mixed vegetables and salsa. 75g natural yoghurt 2,950
with smoked salmon on wholemeal bread. with 25g mixed nuts. calories,
and cream cheese. 163g protein,
331g carbs,
90g fat
Jacket potato with butter, 125g full-fat cottage 120g lightly fried tuna steak with Protein shake: blend 2,910
1 diced turkey breast, sun- cheese. 1 apple. 1 kiwi. stir-fried mixed veg (4 varieties). 33g casein protein, calories,
dried tomato and rocket. 150ml milk, 100ml 282g protein,
yoghurt, 1tsp honey and 191g carbs,
a pinch of cinnamon.
113g fat
Grilled chicken with couscous, 250ml shop-bought Roast beef with new and roast potatoes, carrots, 200ml vanilla 2,989
peppers, courgettes, carrots, smoothie and broccoli, cauliflower, peas and parsnips. ice cream. calories,
onions, pine nuts and apricots. cereal bar. 149g protein,
297g carbs,
117g fat
In this workout you’ll focus on your back, biceps and core.
For the negative exercises use a weight that you would
struggle to lift, but which you can control on the eccentric
(lowering) portion of the move. Aim to take a full five
seconds to lower the weight on the negative exercises.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
weighted pull-up 3 8 5-- 60 secs
Medicine ball
leg drop 3 10-12 213 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, lower back, upper back, chest, shoulders (see p14)
Lie on your back with your head Lower as slowly as you can,
and shoulders on the floor and your stopping before you touch the
arms flat on the floor for balance. floor, return to the start.
Grip a medicine ball between
your feet with your legs up in the air.
Your mid-week workout puts the emphasis on your
legs and abs. When you do the negative one-leg Smith
squats, use two legs to lift the weight but only one to
lower it under control. With the negative cable crunch,
use your whole bodyweight to drag the cable down,
then only use your abs to control it back up again.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Negative one-
3 5 5-- 60 secs
leg Smith squat each leg
Negative cable
crunch 3 8 5-- 60 secs
Gym ball
3 8 101 60 secs
Russian twist each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, glutes, hams, traps, abs, lower back (see p14)
Target: quads, glutes, hamstrings
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart, your
toes turned out slightly
and your core braced.
Rest the bar on the
back of your shoulders,
not your neck, gripping it
close to your shoulders.
Maintain a natural arch in
your back, keep your elbows
retracted and look forward
throughout the movement.
Lower until your thighs
are parallel to the floor,
keeping your knees in line
with your feet, then push
back up through your heels.
Target: abdominals
Start with your fingers by right knee and extend your left leg.
your temples, crunch up to bring Perform this movement in a
your right elbow to your left knee quick but controlled manner, being
while extending your right leg. careful not to strain your neck.
Twist your torso to the other side
as you crunch your left elbow to your
Rest your head and shoulders on a chest, twist your torso over to one side
gym ball with your feet flat and your body until your arms are parallel to the floor.
in a straight line. Twist to the other side, looking in
Hold a dumb-bell straight above your the direction of the dumb-bell.
The focus will be on your chest and triceps for this
workout. For the negative gym ball press-up you can
drop to your knees to reset the start position, then aim
to take five seconds to lower your body to the ball while
minimising the wobble.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Incline bench
press 3 10-12 311 60 secs
Negative gym
ball press-up 3 6 5-- 60 secs n/a
Split squat to
one-arm row 2 10-12 311 60 secs
each side
Shoulder press
with rotation 3 6 311 60 secs
each side
Seated EZ-bar
overhead triceps
3 10-12 311 60 secs
unilateral wall 2 6 5-- 60 secs n/a
press-up each arm
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static
stretches (20 seconds each). Focus on chest, triceps, shoulders (see p14)
ou’re into the final
four weeks of the
Body Challenge plan,
and now is the time to Breakfast Snack
raise the intensity a bit. For Porridge, made with 80g 1 slice of
on 2 slices of wholemeal
toast. 200ml orange juice.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 jacket potato with 200g tuna 20g sunflower seeds and 500g lasagne and a Choppped banana. 3,117
and ½ tin of sweetcorn. 20g pumpkin seeds. green salad with calories,
watercress. 132g protein,
190g carbs,
117g fat
Spanish omelette using Protein shake made with 2 Cajun chicken breasts with wholemeal 50g mixed nuts. 2,975
4 eggs, potatoes, peppers 200ml semi-skimmed milk. rice and vegetables. 40g 70% cocoa calories
and onions. Side salad. 26g pumpkin seeds. dark organic chocolate. 130g protein
291g carbs
114g fat
Mixed vegetable 4-egg Coconut smoothie: blend Halibut fillet with new potatoes, 50g dried fruit 3,011
omelette. Greek salad (feta 100ml coconut milk, 50ml aubergine, spinach, peas, and carrots. and nut mix. calories
cheese, olives, sun-dried orange juice, ½ pineapple, 1 glass of medium white wine. 173g protein
tomatoes and spinach leaves). 1 banana, 75ml semi-skimmed 269g carbs
milk and 1tbsp oats.
176g fat
2 jacket potatoes with Peanut butter on 1 slice Turkey stir-fry with peppers, mushrooms, Peanut butter on 1 2,950
tuna and mayonnaise. wholemeal toast. onions and courgettes. 1 pint of lager. slice wholemeal toast. calories,
250ml cranberry juice. 111g protein,
294g carbs,
67g fat
Steak and cheese 3 celery sticks, 2 carrots 2 jacket potatoes with cottage 200ml semi- 3,015
wholemeal baguette. and 50g hummus. cheese and tuna. Side salad. skimmed milk. calories,
117g protein,
302g carbs,
138g fat
Tuna steak with mixed salad Protein shake with 200ml 2 pork chops with roasted vegetables Small bowl of cereal. 2,990
(rocket, spinach, peppers, semi-skimmed milk. and sweet potato wedges. calories
avocado and olives). 163g protein
187g carbs
165g fat
In this workout you’ll do supersets targeting opposing
muscle groups. Do one set of exercise 1a and then
immediately do a set of exercise 1b with no rest in
between. Rest for 60 seconds before repeating the
superset. Follow the same pattern for the other exercises.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Incline dumb-
bell press 3 10-12 311 60 secs
deadlift 3 10-12 311 60 secs
Leg raise
3 8-10 312 60 secs n/a
Dorsal raise
with shoulder 3 10-12 311 60 secs n/a
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on chest, lats, triceps, biceps, quads, glutes, hams, abs, lower back (see p14)
Romanian deadlift
Target: hamstrings
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart
and your head up.
Keep looking forward,
with your shoulders
back and core braced.
Grip the bar just
outside your hips and
initiate the move by leaning
forward from the hips
rather than the waist.
Allow a slight bend
in your knees, keep your
back straight and push
your hips back as the bar
travels down your shins.
Lower the bar until you
feel a good stretch in your
hamstrings then reverse
the movement to the start.
Repeat the superset process as laid out in the
previous workout. You’ll work all the muscles of
your upper body with a series of compound moves
that will stimulate maximum muscle growth.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on chest, traps, triceps, abs, lower back (see p14)
Bent-over row
Target: traps, lats, rhomboids
Start with your core
braced, your back straight
and your shoulder
blades retracted.
With your knees slightly
bent, lean forward from the
hips, rather than the waist,
keep your back straight.
Grip the bar just wider
than shoulder width apart,
letting it hang straight
down around knee level.
Pull the bar up into
your sternum, squeezing
your shoulder blades
together at the top of
the move, then lower the
bar slowly to the start.
High pull
Target: hamstrings, glutes, calves, back, shoulders
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart, your
back straight, shoulders
back and core braced.
Grip the bar just outside
your knees, lean forward
from the hips, not the
waist, and bend your knees
to initiate the move.
Pull the bar up in front
of you powerfully, rising
up onto your toes to gain
more power and keeping
your elbows high.
Lower the bar in a
controlled manner and
return to the start.
Good morning
Target: lower back, hamstrings
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart,
body upright, core braced
and shoulders back.
Rest the bar across the
back of your shoulders, not
your neck, with your hands
just outside your shoulders.
Bend forward from
the hips not the waist,
keeping a natural arch
in your back and a slight
bend in your knees.
Push your hips back to
maintain balance and lean
as far forward as the stretch
in your hamstrings will allow.
Don’t let your upper body
move beyond horizontal
to the floor, reverse the
move to the start.
In the last of your superset workouts you’ll target your upper
and lower body with opposing movements: pushing and
pulling; squatting and bending; flexion and extension.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Gym ball
leg curl 3 12-15 311 60 secs n/a
EZ-bar biceps
curl 3 10-12 311 60 secs
Seated EZ-bar
overhead triceps
3 10-12 311 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on lats, shoulders, quads, hams, adductors, hip flexors, biceps, triceps (see p14)
Shoulder press
Target: deltoids
Stand with your feet
shoulder width apart,
your body upright,
core braced and head
looking straight ahead.
Grip the bar just
wider than shoulder
width apart and hold it
on your upper chest.
Press the bar directly
overhead without tilting
your hips forward, slowly
lower it to the start.
Rest your head and shoulders heels, keeping your body straight.
on the floor and your heels on top Pause at the top of the movement
of the ball, your body should be and return slowly to the start.
straight from shoulders to heels.
Raise your hips and drag the ball
towards your backside with your
his week you’ll
continue with the
all-body workouts,
with the focus on hitting as Breakfast Snack
many muscle groups as 2 rashers bacon, 2 poached 125g full-fat cottage
you can. And there aren’t eggs, 1 sausage and 2 cheese. 1 apple.
many better ways of doing slices wholemeal toast.
that than with Olympic (see p152)
lifts. These exercises
require you to lift a heavy
bar to above your head 4 scrambled eggs with Cereal bar.
using a series of dynamic Running hill intervals milk on 2 slices wholemeal
moves. Because they are Run up a steep hill or long set toast. 200ml orange juice.
of steps for 1 minute. Jog down
done at speed and use so again slowly. Repeat 7 times.
many muscle groups, their Afterwards run at level 3 for
5 minutes to warm down.
effect is to stimulate a
huge surge of testosterone, 150g lightly fried calf’s liver, 100g hummus with carrot
which is vital in the ½ tin of low-sugar baked and celery sticks.
muscle-building process. WORKOUT B beans and 1 slice
Each workout begins (see p156) wholemeal toast.
with one of these Olympic-
style lifts, and you should
note the ‘X’ on the tempo Scramble 2 egg yolks
guides. This means and 5 whites. Serve on 1 granola bar with 110g
you should perform 2 slices wholemeal toast blueberries, 1tbsp brown
the moves explosively,
REST DAY with tomato ketchup. sugar, 225g low-fat natural
yoghurt, 1 apple, 140ml
but under control.
semi-skimmed milk.
Also note that for many
of the exercises this week Porridge, made with 80g oats, Protein shake with 200ml
the rep count has come 200ml milk and 200ml water, semi-skimmed milk. 1 pear.
Mix 50g rolled oats and Place 1 slice ham, cheese and
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tuna steak with mixed salad 1 slice wholemeal toast 2 pork chops with roasted vegetables Protein shake 2,990
(rocket, spinach, peppers, and peanut butter. and sweet potato wedges. with 200ml semi- calories,
avocado and olives). skimmed milk. 163g protein,
187g carbs,
165g fat
½ roast chicken with salad 50g mixed nuts. 250g fillet steak with mixed grilled vegetables. 300ml milk. 2,947
(beetroot, radish, romaine 1 pear. 1 banana. 1 apple. calories,
lettuce and a few seeds). 298g protein,
175g carbs,
118g fat
1 wholemeal bagel with Raisin and almond Sprinkle a dash of pepper, a squeeze of lemon and 150g strawberries. 2,848
1tbsp peanut butter and snack bar. 2 oranges 1tbsp grated Parmesan over 115g rainbow trout. calories
225g cottage cheese. Place in tinfoil with a chopped onion and cook for 163g protein
20-30 minutes. Stir-fry 200g broccoli florets with a 401g carbs
clove of crushed garlic. Serve with 50g brown rice.
77g fat
2 wholemeal bagels Peanut butter sandwich on 2 turkey fajitas with mixed vegetables and salsa. 75g natural yoghurt 2,950
with smoked salmon wholemeal bread. 1 apple. with 25g mixed nuts. calories,
and cream cheese. 163g protein,
331g carbs,
90g fat
3-egg omelette with chicken 50g mixed nuts. Salmon fillet, 250g steamed vegetables (kale, Protein shake 3,067
and cheese. 50g mixed salad. peas and carrots) and baked sweet potato. with 200ml semi- calories,
skimmed milk. 152g protein,
258g carbs,
110g fat
Stuff 1 wholemeal tortilla A handful of prawns Sushi made with 100g brown 100g cottage cheese 2,950
wrap with 1 grilled chicken with salad leaves. rice, seaweed and salad. with blueberries. calories,
breast and grilled vegetables. 2 kiwi fruits. 180g protein,
310g carbs,
110g fat
The clean and press in this workout should be
performed with dynamic movements that can put
a lot of strain on your body, so be sure to warm up
thoroughly before you start. Practise the movement with
an empty bar before adding the appropriate weight.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cable row
3 8-10 311 60 secs
bench press 3 8-10 311 60 secs
raise 3 10-12 311 60 secs
Medicine ball
leg drop 3 10-12 312 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on traps, shoulders, quads, hams, adductors, chest, triceps, abs (see p14)
Stand with your feet shoulder Pull the bar up in front of you flipping it onto your fingers and
width apart, your back straight, powerfully, rising up onto your catching it on top of your chest.
shoulders back and core braced. toes to gain more power and Drive up from your knees and
Grip the bar just outside your knees, keeping your elbows high. press the bar directly overhead.
lean forward from the hips, not the waist, Bend your knees to duck Lower the bar in a controlled
and bend your knees to initiate the move. under the bar at its highest point, manner and return to the start.
Cable row
Target: mid traps, lats, rhomboids
Sit with a slight bend
in your knees, your
back straight, shoulder
blades retracted and
head looking forward.
Take a neutral grip on the
bar and ensure that there
is tension in the cable.
Keeping upper body
movement to a minimum,
pull the bar into your
sternum and squeeze your
shoulder blades together.
Return in a slow and
controlled manner.
Lie on a bench with your knees bent Brace your core muscles and, without
at 90° and your feet flat on the ground, arching your back, press the weights
holding dumb-bells at chest level. straight up, then slowly lower.
Lie on your back with your head Lower as slowly as you can,
and shoulders on the floor and your stopping before you touch the
arms flat on the floor for balance. floor, then return to the start.
Grip a medicine ball between
your feet with your legs up in the air.
The snatch is one of the hardest moves to get right.
It requires good core stability and flexibility in
the shoulder, knee and hip joints. Warm up these
joints thoroughly and practise the move with light
weights first. Only add the resistance gradually
until you find the weight you can manage.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cable lateral
lunge 3 8 311 60 secs
each side
bench dip 3 8-10 211 60 secs n/a
Seated Russian
twist 3 8 101 60 secs
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on traps, shoulders, quads, hams, glutes, chest, lats, triceps, lower back (see p14)
Start in a deadlift position Lift the bar powerfully, rising up a natural arch in your back.
with the bar off the floor. onto your toes to gain more power Stand up straight with the bar
Ensure you keep your back and keeping your elbows high. overhead, lower the bar to the
flat, your shoulders retracted Duck beneath the bar to ‘catch’ start in a controlled manner.
and your core braced. it with straight arms, maintaining
Sit with your body held at Twist your torso to one side, then
around 45° to the floor, look forward to the other, using your abs to control
and keep your back straight. the movement of the dumb-bell.
Bend your knees at 45° Maintain the angle of your
and hold a dumb-bell in both upper body to the floor and stay
hands at arm’s length. looking forward throughout.
The clean and jerk is perhaps the most classic Olympic
lift, offering a full-body workout in itself. Once again, take
the time to warm up properly and practise the exercise
before attempting it with a loaded bar. Aim to keep your
core muscles activated during each part of the move.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
pullover 3 8-10 311 60 secs
preacher curl 3 8-10 311 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on traps, shoulders, quads, hams, glutes, lats, triceps, biceps, abs (see p14)
Start in a deadlift
position, ensure you
keep your back flat, your
shoulders retracted and
your core braced.
Lift the bar powerfully,
rising up onto your toes
to gain more power and
keeping your elbows high.
Bend your knees to
duck under the bar at its
highest point, flipping it onto
your fingers and catching
it on top of your chest.
Stand up straight and
steady yourself then drop
into a lunge and press the
bar overhead simultaneously.
Stand up straight then
lower the bar in a controlled
manner, return to the start.
Dumb-bell pullover
Target: pecs, lats
Support your head and shoulders Keeping a slight bend in your elbows,
on a bench with a dumb-bell in slowly lower the weight behind your head.
both hands over your chest. Pull the weight back to the start
Your feet should be flat on the using your chest muscles, avoid arching
ground, your core engaged and your your back to aid the movement.
body straight from head to knees.
Target: upper traps
Stand upright with your
shoulders back, grip the bar
just outside your thighs.
Without letting your
elbows bend, raise your
shoulders straight up and
hold for 1-2 seconds.
Modified V-sit
Target: upper and lower abdominals
Lie on a mat with your arms your knees into your chest.
by your sides, your feet raised Balance on your bum at the
and your legs straight. top of the move before reversing
Sit up, bringing your lower the move in a controlled manner.
back off the mat, and draw
nly two weeks to
go and there’s no
drop off just yet.
This week you’ll use the Breakfast Snack
power of cluster sets to 4 hard-boiled eggs on 2 slices Strawberry smoothie: blend
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Turkey and cheese baguette. 125g hummus with 10g carrots, Spaghetti bolognese, made with 200g minced 200ml of milk. 3,212
1 pot of natural yoghurt. 20g celery and 25g peppers. beef. 75g dried spaghetti. Green side salad. calories
199g protein
430g carbs
115g fat
Chicken and mushroom pasta. Apple and 10 almonds. 300g lean roast beef, 300g potatoes, 100g veg Pot of natural yogurt 3,569
245g protein
385g carbs
94g fat
Steak and cheese 3 celery sticks, 2 carrots 2 jacket potatoes with cottage 200ml of milk. 3,015
wholemeal baguette. and 50g hummus. cheese and tuna. Side salad. calories,
117g protein,
332g carbs,
138g fat
Spanish omelette using 1 chopped banana and 2 Cajun chicken breasts with 85g Protein shake made 2,975
4 eggs, potatoes, peppers 25g pumpkin seeds. brown rice and vegetables. 40g 70% with 200ml semi- calories,
and onions. Side salad. cocoa dark organic chocolate. skimmed milk. 130g protein
291g carbs
114g fat
Steak and cheese 50g beef jerky. 1 apple. ½ pepperoni pizza 50g mixed nuts 2,912
wholemeal baguette. with salad. 2 and seeds. calories
pancakes with 156g protein
vanilla ice cream. 349g carbs
103g fat
Grilled chicken with couscous, Nectarine smoothie: blend Roast beef with 5 roast potatoes, carrots, 200ml vanilla 2,989
peppers, courgettes, carrots, 50ml apple juice, 1 nectarine, broccoli, cauliflower, peas and parsnips. ice cream. calories
onions, pine nuts and apricots. ½ punnet of raspberries, 1tsp 149g protein
honey and 100ml natural 297g carbs
yoghurt. Cereal bar.
117g fat
This workout will hit muscle groups right across your
body. Watch out for the cluster sets on the deadlift:
each cluster is five mini-sets of four reps with only ten
seconds rest between each. Use a weight that you
would normally pick to do three sets of tens reps.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Reverse grip
triceps extension 3 8-10 311 60 secs
Gym ball
press-up 3 10-12 311 60 secs n/a
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, traps, lats, shoulders, triceps, abs (see p14)
Lunge to press
Target: quads, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps
Stand upright with your
feet apart and your toes
facing forward, keep your
core braced throughout.
Hold the dumb-bells at
shoulder level with your
palms facing forward.
Take a big step forward,
making sure your front knee
is over your front foot, sink
down until your back knee
almost touches the floor.
Maintaining a natural
arch in your spine, press the
weights directly overhead.
Push off your front foot
to return to the start while
lowering the weights.
Lie on a bench with your core braced, Without arching your back, lower
knees bent at 90° and feet flat on the ground. the bar slowly behind your head while
Hold the EZ-bar over your head, keeping your upper arms vertical.
not your chest, with an underhand Reverse the motion to press the bar back up,
grip, wrists turned in slightly. squeezing your triceps at the top of the move.
Lie with your feet flat on the floor, with the mat, contract your abs to lift
knees bent at 90° and head off the mat. your shoulders off the mat, curling
Hold a dumb-bell or weight your chest towards your knees.
plate to your chest. Pause at the top of the move, squeeze
Keeping your lower back in contact your abs and lower slowly to the start.
Brace your core to keep your body Slowly lower your body towards
in a straight line from head to heels. the ball, controlling any wobbling,
Grip the sides of the ball with your then press up powerfully.
hands roughly in line with your shoulders.
In this workout you’ll use a Smith machine to perform
your bench press clusters. This will help you to
stick to your ten-second rest periods without having
to rack and unrack a barbell, as you would with
a standard bench press. For each cluster do four
reps, rest for ten seconds and repeat five times.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cluster Smith
machine press
3 4 311 60 secs
High pull
3 8-10 31X 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches
(20 seconds each). Focus on chest, quads, hams, glutes, traps, biceps, abs (see p14)
Position the bench so the bar and lower the bar to your chest
is directly over your chest. slowly then press up powerfully.
Lie with your knees bent at 90°, your Maintain a natural arch in your back
feet flat on the floor and your core braced. throughout. There should be just enough
Grip the bar wider than shoulder room to slip a few fingers between
width, retract your shoulder blades your lower back and the bench.
Cable woodchop
Target: abdominals, core
Stand side-on to a
high cable, turn your torso
towards it and grip the
handle with both hands.
Keeping your arms
as straight as possible,
use your core muscles
to draw the cable down
and across your body.
Reverse the motion
under control to the start.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your Pull the bar up in front of you powerfully,
back straight, shoulders back and core braced. rising up onto your toes to gain more power
Grip the bar just outside your knees, lean and keeping your elbows high.
forward from the hips, not the waist, and Lower the bar in a controlled
bend your knees to initiate the move. manner and return to the start.
Split squat
Target: quads, hamstrings, glutes
Start in a split stance
with both feet facing
forward, back upright
and core braced.
Rest the bar on the back
of your shoulders and keep
your elbows back to retract
your shoulder blades.
Sink down until your
back knee almost touches
the floor and your front
knee bends to 90°.
Start with the barbell directly form, then reverse the move.
beneath your shoulders, gripping it Use your abdominals to
just wider than shoulder width apart. control the movement, making
Keeping your back and your it slow and deliberate.
arms straight throughout, roll
the bar as far out as you can
before you feel you might break
Barbell curl
Target: biceps
Stand tall with your
shoulders back and
your core muscles
braced for support.
Grip the bar just
outside your hips and
keep your elbows tucked
into your sides with a
slight bend in them.
Lift the bar without
rocking back and forth
for momentum, stop
before your forearms are
vertical and lower slowly.
As in the previous workout you’ll use the Smith
machine to manage your cluster sets, only this time
you’ll be doing squats instead of bench presses.
Pick a weight that you would normally use to do
three sets of ten, then do five sets of four with just
ten seconds’ rest in between. That’s one cluster.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Cluster Smith
3 4 311 60 secs
deadlift to row 3 8-10 311 60 secs
Incline dumb-
bell flye 3 8-10 311 60 secs
Close grip lat pull
down to triceps
press down
3 8-10 311 60 secs
Raised side
plank 2 6 212 60 secs n/a
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, traps, chest, shoulders, triceps, lower back (see p14)
Stand with your feet shoulder width from the hips rather than the waist. Keep your torso still and pull the bar
apart, keep looking forward, with your Allow a slight bend in your up to your abdomen, squeezing your
shoulders back and core braced. knees, keep your back straight shoulder blades together at the top.
Grip the bar just outside your hips and push your hips back as the
and initiate the move by leaning forward bar travels down your shins.
Grip a short bar with your pull your elbows into your sides.
palms facing away from you. Press the bar down without moving
Keeping your body upright, your elbows or upper arms.
retract your shoulder blades and Reverse the motion in a controlled manner.
ou’ve made it to
the final week!
To finish off, we’ll be Breakfast Snack
introducing plyometrics to 4 scrambled eggs with 1 small pot of natural
your workouts. These are 100g smoked salmon. 2 yoghurt. 300g almonds
exercises that require you slices wholemeal toast. and mixed dried fruit.
to place the muscle under (see p180)
tension before performing
the concentric part of the
move explosively, such 120g muesli with 50g 1 slice bread with peanut
as jumping off the floor. 24-minute running dried fruit. 250ml milk. butter. 1 apple.
This hits your fast-twitch intervals
4 minutes warm-up – level 3
muscle fibres – the ones 2 minutes fast – level 7 x4
with the most potential 2 minutes slow – level 4
4 minutes warm down – level 3
for growth. It will also
get your heart pumping, 120g muesli with 50g Protein shake: blend 360ml
to stoke your fat-burning dried fruit. 250ml milk. water, 3 scoops vanilla protein
furnaces. By the time WORKOUT B powder, 10 strawberries and
you finish this week, (see p184) 1tbsp flaxseed oil.
you should be feeling
stronger, faster and fitter
– with a body that you 4 hard-boiled Strawberry smoothie:
are proud to show off. eggs on 2 slices blend 20 strawberries,
toast. Handful 50g oats, 350ml milk,
REST DAY of dried fruit. 1tbsp flaxseed oil.
(see p188)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Spanish omelette made 1 slice of bread with ½ meat pizza with avocado and feta 1 protein bar. 3,380
with 5 egg whites, peanut butter. salad ( ½ avocado, 75g feta and 1 tomato) calories
½ potato, ½ red pepper, dressed with 1tbsp balsamic vinegar. 118g protein
½ onion and ½ tomato. 268g carbs
110g fat
Chicken and mushroom pasta. 1 small pot of natural yoghurt. 300g lean roast beef, 300g potatoes, 10 almonds. 3,569
100g mixed vegetables. calories,
245g protein,
385g carbs,
94g fat
Salmon, cucumber and Protein shake: blend 360ml Chicken bhuna curry with 85g brown rice. 1 pear. 3,320
mayonnaise sandwich. water, 3 scoops vanilla protein calories,
powder, 10 strawberries 197g protein,
and 1tbsp flaxseed oil. 253g carbs,
99g fat
120g smoked salmon 75g natural organic Beef tacos (200g lean minced beef, ½ packet Coconut smoothie: blend 2,953
with spinach, cucumber, yoghurt with 25g muesli, of taco spice mix, 1tbsp low-fat cheddar and 100ml coconut milk, calories
and mixed salad leaves. 60g strawberries and 1tbsp salsa). Serve with a green salad. 50ml orange juice, 191g protein
2 wholemeal pitta breads. 20g hazelnuts. ½ pineapple, 1 banana, 255g carbs
75ml semi-skimmed
136g fat
milk and 1tbsp oats.
Steak and cheese 3 celery sticks, 2 carrots and 2 jacket potatoes with cottage Peanut butter on 3,015
wholemeal baguette. 50g hummus. 200ml milk. cheese and tuna. Side salad. wholemeal toast. calories,
117g protein,
332g carbs,
138g fat
2 jacket potatoes with Peanut butter on 2 slices Turkey stir-fry with peppers, mushrooms, 1 cereal bar. 2,950
tuna and mayonnaise. of wholemeal toast. onions and courgettes. 1 pint of lager. calories
250ml cranberry juice. 111g protein
324g carbs
67g fat
Aim to perform these exercises with fast, dynamic
moves. However, be sure not to compromise good
form for speed. You’ll need to keep your core muscles
tight to stabilise your body during the exercises.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Medicine ball
throw downs 3 8 21X 60 secs
each side
Split squat to
one-arm row 3 10 311 60 secs
each side
Shoulder press
with rotation 3 5 311 60 secs
each side
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on chest, triceps, quads, hams, glutes, traps, shoulders, abs, lower back (see p14)
Hang clean
Target: hamstrings, glutes, calves, back, shoulders
Stand with your feet shoulder bend your knees to initiate the move. its highest point, flipping it onto your fingers
width apart, your back straight, Pull the bar up in front of you powerfully, and catching it on top of your chest.
shoulders back and core braced. rising up onto your toes to gain more Stand up straight and reset
Grip the bar just outside your knees, lean power and keeping your elbows high. the bar before repeating.
forward from the hips, not the waist, and Bend your knees to duck under the bar at
Only two more workouts to go! As with the previous
workout, these exercises should be performed
explosively while maintaining good form. It’s
worth practising the moves with light weights (or
no weights) before starting your sets, just to get
your body prepared for the work to come.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
bench press 3 8-10 31X 60 secs
One-arm dumb-
bell snatch 3 6-8 31X 60 secs
each arm
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, chest, triceps, traps, shoulders, abs, lower back (see p14)
Lie on the bench with your knees with your shoulder blades retracted. your lower back and the bench.
bent at 90°, your feet flat on the Maintain a natural arch in your Lower the bar to your chest slowly then
floor and your core braced. back, there should just be enough press it up quickly but under control.
Grip the bar wider than shoulder width, room to slip a few fingers between
Start in a deadlift position, holding one Lift the weight in front of you powerfully, rising up onto
dumb-bell between your legs. your toes to gain more power and keeping your elbow high.
Ensure you keep your back flat, your core Squat beneath the weight at its highest point to
braced and your shoulders square. catch it with a straight arm then stand up straight.
Bent-over flye
Target: traps, lats, rhomboids
Start with your core
braced, your back straight
and your shoulder
blades retracted.
With your knees slightly
bent, lean forward from the
hips, rather than the waist,
keep your back straight.
Keeping a slight bend
in your elbows, raise the
weights straight out to
the sides without moving
your upper body.
Squeeze your shoulder
blades at the top of the
movement and lower slowly.
Start with your arms behind your head, held off the
floor, and your feet together, also off the floor.
Contract your abs to bring your arms and legs up to meet
above your stomach, keep your legs as straight as you can.
Squeeze your abs hard at the top of the
move and slowly lower to the start.
This is it! The last workout. Make it a good one.
Once again you should perform the exercises
with fast, dynamic movements while still ensuring
that you maintain good form at all times.
Warm-up Ten minutes of gentle cardio followed by dynamic stretches (see p13)
Medicine ball
sledgehammer 3 10-12 X0X 60 secs
Warm down and stretch Ten minutes of gentle cardio plus static stretches (20 seconds
each). Focus on quads, hams, glutes, chest, triceps, lats, biceps, shoulders, abs, lower back (see p14)
T press-up
Target: chest, shoulders, arms, core
Grip the dumb-bells with straight Push up powerfully and twist your
wrists, directly below your shoulders. body, rolling onto the sides of your feet
Position your feet shoulder width while keeping your body straight.
apart and don’t let your hips sag. Raise the dumb-bell overhead
Keep your body in a straight line and with a straight arm, return to the
your elbows tucked into your sides. start and repeat on the other side.
Start in a lunge position, feet facing height, and swap leg positions in mid air.
forward, back knee almost touching the floor Land in another lunge and go
and your front knee over your front foot. straight into the next jump.
Jump up, raise your hands to gain
Inverted row
Target: mid traps, lats, rhomboids
Hang from a bar set to thigh height with your heels resting
on the ground and your body straight from head to heels.
Pull your chest up to the bar and squeeze your shoulder
blades together, return slowly to the start position.
Target: abdominals
You’ve made it to the end
of the Body Challenge…
fter 12 weeks of hard training and good eating
you should be looking and feeling better than
ever before. So where do you go from here?
To maintain the body you’ve built, you’ll need to
continue to exercise regularly and watch what you
eat. That doesn’t mean that you can’t treat yourself –
we all need a blow-out now and then – but try to keep
these tips in mind to keep your body in great shape.
✪ Keep mixing it up
This programme has given you a wide
selection of exercises for all body parts. Use these
and others (look out for more in Men’s Fitness
magazine every month) to create your own workouts
and challenge your muscles in new ways.
✪ Have fun
The exercise regime you stick with is the one
you enjoy. Listen to music, rope in your friends, enter
a race or competition – anything that helps you to
see your training as fun rather than a chore.
of exercises to
S build every part
tart now, and in 12 weeks you
can have the lean, strong body
you’ve always wanted.
The Body Challenge takes you step by step
of your body
through the training and nutrition that will
give you the best possible results.