Men's Health Ultimate Training Guide

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Mens Health

1 7 Ultimate Fitness Tests 4
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2 Workouts on the Go 10
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The material here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a sub-
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3 Train like a Pro Athlete 13

4 Maximum Muscle
problem, please seek competent medical care.
Before you undertake a new health program or fitness regimen, we encourage you to discuss your plans with your 16
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5 Build Powerful Legs 20
Internet addresses and telephone numbers were accurate at the time this was produced.
Revised 2016 by Rodale Inc. All rights reserved. This publication is only for the personal use of Rodale custom- 6 Run Your Way Fit 22
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written permission of the publisher. 7 Better-Sex Workout 27

8 How to Reach Your Max 32

9 Warrior Nutrition 36

10 Rev Up Your Metabolism 44

For more of our products visit rodalestorecom
11 Sculpt Your Torso 47
12 Ultimate Boot Camp Workout 50
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15 Bump Up Your Arms 60

feet hip-width apart and of your shoulders. If you Continue marching for

7 Ultimate
your elbows directly below can hold this one for 60 60 seconds.
your shoulders. Have a seconds, youre superfit. When thats easy, try
friend set the dowel along marching planks with your
your back. It should make Reach the next level feet against a wall. If you
contact at three points: the Begin and end each can do that for 60 seconds,

Fitness Tests back of your head, between

your shoulder blades, and
your tailbone. Hold that
position. Stop if your body
loses contact with the
workout with 2 sets
of the plank variation
you couldnt hold for
60 seconds. Hold as long
as you can on each set, rest
record it on video. Youll
be a fitness sensation on

dowel at one of these three 2 minutes, and repeat. The Scorecard

Are you fit? Use these tests to assess what kind of shape points. Once youve mastered
If you can hold your po- these variations, try an Below average
youre in. They can also help you reach your full potential. You cant hold a basic
sition for 60 seconds, stop even harder version, the plank 60 seconds.
and rest for 2 minutes. marching plank. As-
Ask 10 experts for their def- extreme, marathoners at objects off the ground. You Then do the plank with sume a standard plank Average You
inition of fitness, and youll anotherbut most of us need torso strength to lift your feet on a bench. (You position, but with your last 60 seconds.
hear 10 different answers. are at our best when we your own body weight in wont be able to use the feet elevated on a bench. Above average
Thats because (to para- achieve balanced fitness. repeated challenges. And dowel because it will slide Bring one knee toward You can hold a plank
phrase a great American In other words, were good you need enough endur- off.) Nailed it? Rest 2 min- your chest, without shift- 60 seconds with your feet
philosopher) fitness is as at everything a healthy, ac- ance to run a mile without utes and try this version: ing or moving anything elevated on a bench.
fitness does. The way you tive man needs to be able stopping for defibrillation. With your feet back on else. Return that foot to Superfit You can hold
define the word depends to do. On those points the If you can pass our the floor, move your arms the bench, and then a plank with your arms
on the type of performance experts are in agreement. testsfeats that guys like forward so your elbows are bring the other knee extended for 60 seconds.
you expect. Some athletes You need core stabil- us can and should be able beneath your eyes instead toward your chest.
need to develop a particu- ity. You need lower-body to pull offcongratula-
lar type of fitness over all strength and power to tions. If you ace them, then Part Two
otherspowerlifters at one run, jump, and lift heavy consider yourself superfit.
Core Stability you know what the over- nesses in your hips, knees,
& Mobility head squat looks like. Its and ankles, says Alwyn
If fitness were measured based on the snatch, one of Cosgrove, CSCS, coau-
by how good people the two Olympic lifts. But thor of The New Rules of
Sculpt a Hard Core looked standing still, then
competitive bodybuild-
instead of starting with
the weight on the floor,
Lifting for Abs. Its also a
test of the mobility of your
Part One ers would be judged the lifting it overhead, and shoulder blades and the
greatest athletes on the then standing up, you start strength of the muscles
Core Stability coordinated actions of status, you should be able planet. Core stability in a with the weight overhead supporting them.
Fitness begins in the your upper- and lower- to do a more challeng- static position like a plank and then descend into a Test #2
middle of your body. body muscles. ing version for the same is just one step on the path squat, keeping your arms As with the basic plank,
Thats also where it So well start with the amount of time. toward core fitnessan and torso straight. youll need a broom handle
ends, if your core isnt plank, a fundamental Test #1 important part, but hardly The need for core stabil- or dowel for this test, the
strong and stable. Not test of core stability and Youll need something the only one. ity is obvious; if you cant overhead squat. Stand in
only do the muscles in endurance. The average long, solid, light, and Heres a tougher test: keep your torso upright, front of a mirror with your
your torso defend your guy should be able to hold straight, like a broom han- Can you maintain your you cant perform the feet shoulder-width apart,
spine against unwanted a basic plank for 60 sec- dle or dowel. Assume a core stability while also exercise. But you also see holding the dowel straight
movementsthe twists onds, says strength coach basic plank position, with mobilizing the joints which joints above and above your shoulders with
and jolts that produce Nick Tumminello, whose your weight resting on above and below your below your core are too your hands wide (about
injuriesbut they also workout DVDs include your forearms and toes. spine? The overhead squat dysfunctional to allow a 1 times shoulder width)
enable the movements Strength Training for Your body should form gives you a quick way to full range of motion. and your elbows locked.
you do want. Theyre Fat Loss & Conditioning. a straight line from neck find out. If youve seen The overhead squat Push your hips back and
the linchpins that allow If you aspire to superfit to ankles. You want your Olympic weight lifting, helps you identify weak- lower yourself into a squat


Back to Contents | 5
as you keep the dowel But to improve, you Push your hips back, flat- of your hips with your
directly above your head,
your knees over your toes,
need to do the exercise,
which means going down
The Scorecard ten your back, and tighten
your entire body from
The Scorecard feet hip-width apart and
knees slightly bent. Push
and your heels on the into that position and Below average You cant feet to hands. Pull the bar Below average You lift your hips back, keeping
floor. Go down as far as then back up again. Do bend your knees 90 degrees straight up until youre less than your body weight. your lower back naturally
without leaning forward.
you can without changing overhead squats as part standing upright with the Average You lift 1 to arched, until the bar is
the position of your lower of your warm-up before Average You can bend bar against your thighs. 1 times your body weight. just below your knees.
back, leaning forward, each workout. First, work your knees more than Lower it to the floor, keep- Thrust your hips forward
90 degrees, but only if your Above average
pulling your knees inward, on range of motion with ing it as close to your body You lift 1 to 1 times and return to the starting
heels come off the floor.
or rising up on your toes. A perfect form, trying to go as possible. your body weight. position, squeezing your
word to the wise: This test lower each week while Above average You can Start with a light weight glutes at the top of the lift.
is much harder to com- keeping your heels on the do a full squat (top of your to warm up, and then add Superfit You lift more than Keep your knees at the
thighs parallel to the floor) 1 times your body weight.
plete with perfect form floor, knees over your toes, weight for each subsequent same angle throughout
with your heels on the floor
than you think, so dont and the rod or bar straight and without leaning forward. lift until you reach your the movement; this en-
take it lightly. over your shoulders. Try maximum. one version. Robertson sures that the glutes and
for 1 or 2 sets of 10 reps. Superfit You can perform recommends the straight- hamstrings do the work.
Reach the next level Once you master the form, a perfect overhead squat with Reach the next level leg deadlift, which targets Do 3 sets of 6 reps twice a
a 45-pound Olympic barbell.
The test involves moving start adding weight in The best way to improve your glutes and ham- week, using progressively
into the bottom position. 10-pound increments. your deadlift is to deadlift. strings more directly. heavier weights. Retest
But that doesnt mean you Stand holding a barbell yourself on the traditional
should limit yourself to at arms length in front deadlift after 8 weeks.

Part Two

Build Lower-Body Lower-Body

your toes behind a line
on the ground. Your feet
where your heels landed
(if one foot lands in
Strength & Power & Power
Unless youre a com-
should be slightly less
than shoulder-width
front of the other, mark
the shorter distance),
Part One petitive lifter, there arent apart. From this position, and then try a few more
many sports in which your swing your arms backward times. Measure the dis-
feet stay on the ground. as you crouch, and then tance from the starting
Lower-Body to haul them around). ground while someones Most involve leaps and thrust your arms forward line to the spot where
Strength The deadlift might be trying to run or jump over sprints and springing as you jump forward as far your heels hit on your
In textbooks, theres a line the best indicator of your you. Theyre also among off one or both legs for as you can. Land on both best jump.
that separates strength overall strength because your biggest and fastest- maximum height, dis- feet; otherwise the jump
and power. Strength is the its applicable to almost growing musclesso add- tance, and velocity. doesnt count. Practice a Reach the next level
ability to generate force, any real-world task, ing more pounds to your Test #4 few times to get the hang The strength you build
while power is the speed such as moving a couch deadlift almost guarantees The vertical jump is the of it, and then give it your on a ground-based
at which you can generate or lifting boxes, says that youll pack more most popular way to mea- best shot. Mark the spot exercise like the dead-
force. In reality, the two Mike Robertson, CSCS, muscle onto your frame. sure lower-body power, lift will help with your
are intimately connected. co-owner of Indianapolis Test #3 but the standing broad launch. But for multiple
Top athletes train for both, Fitness and Sports Train- Load a barbell and set it jump is easier to measure The Scorecard jumps, dives, and dashes,
lifting heavy weights for ing. Its a posterior- on the floor. Stand over because it requires no you need two additional
Below average
pure strength and moving chain exercise, meaning the bar with your feet specialized equipment. A jump less than 6 feet types of exercisesone
lighter objects at high ve- it develops strength in shoulder-width apart The broad jump is the best type that helps you
locities to develop power. your rear-body muscles: and toes pointed for- test of your ability to use Average 6 to 7 feet improve your speed and
The result is the ability to hamstrings, glutes, spinal ward. Bend at your hips strength and power in a Above average another that develops
move fast (an expression erectors, and trapezius. and knees, grab the bar single movement, says 7 to 8 feet balanced strength in both
of power) and hit hard These are the muscles you overhand with your hands Martin Rooney, PT, CSCS, your legs, says Bret Con-
(a demonstration of iron depend on most when you just outside your legs, and of the Parisi Speed School. Superfit More than 8 feet treras, CSCS, a strength
cojones and the strength run, jump, or stand your roll it up to your shins. Stand with the tips of coach in Phoenix.


Back to Contents | 7
Reach the next level the test, youll do sets
The Scorecard Cosgrove recommends of 3. Rest 90 seconds
Master Your Body Weight Below average
doing this routine
twice a week: Start
between sets. Each
week, cut 15 seconds
Part One Fewer than 3 chinups with half the number from your rest period.
Average 3 to 7 chinups of chinups you were That means in week 7
Whole Body This test, courtesy of and then return to the able to complete in the youll do 1 continuous
The bench press is the Rooney, may be humbling starting position. Com- Above average test (round up to the set. Whatever that total
8 to 10 chinups
best size- and strength- for you, particularly if plete as many consecutive nearest whole num- is, itll be much bigger
building exercise for your youre at your best with pushups as you can while Superfit ber), and do 3 or than the number of
chest. And yet the lowly your back on a bench and maintaining strict form. More than 10 chinups 4 sets in each workout. chinups you completed
ground-based pushup a barbell in your hands. So if you did 5 or 6 in in the test.
actually works more Test #5 Reach the next level
muscles, even if it doesnt Assume a pushup position You can boost your pushup
allow you to hit certain with your hands directly performance by doing
ones with maximum below your shoulders, your just two workouts a week, Part Three
intensity. Like the bench feet hip-width apart, your Rooney says. The first day,
press, the pushup works weight resting on your hands do 6 sets of 10 pushups: Cardio complete the distance in Reach the next level
your chest, shoulders, and and toes, and your body in 2 sets using regular form, No movement is more a reasonable time, and Use this running primer
triceps to exhaustion. Its a straight line from neck to 2 sets with your feet el- fundamental to human you need muscular fit- from Dowdell to cut min-
also a core exercise, forc- ankles. Lower your body evated on a bench, and survival. Yet running is ness to ensure that your utes off your time. Twice a
ing muscles in your abdo- until your chest is about an 2 sets with your hands still misunderstood by legs keep going. week, warm up for 5 min-
men, hips, and lower back inch above the floor, pause close together. Rest many. Most of us know Test #7 uteseasy jogging if youre
to work hard to keep your for 1 second (this is essential), 2 minutes between sets. that running is an aerobic Its best to test yourself an accomplished runner,
spine in a safe position. The second day, do activity, meaning that outdoors on a track 3 minutes of walking and
But the biggest benefit of
the pushup may be the
The Scorecard 3 sets of 20 to 25 pushups
(or as many as you can),
we use oxygen to release
the fuel we need to keep
or flat stretch of trail
or pavement where
2 minutes of jogging if
youre average to below
way it forces the web of Below average resting 90 seconds be- moving forward. (Sprints, your distance can be average on the mile run.
muscles surrounding your Fewer than 15 pushups tween sets. After the 3 sets, on the other hand, are accurately measured. Once youve warmed up,
shoulder blades to man up Average 16 to 29 rest for 3 to 5 minutes, and anaerobic; youre working If you choose to run do this interval routine:
and support your shoulder then do 1 set of as many too fast for your muscles on a treadmill, make Pick up your pace for
Above average 30 to 44
joints, which can become pushups as you can. to use oxygen, so you sure you elevate it to 60 seconds, and then fol-
dysfunctional on a steady Superfit 45+ Retake the test after have to rely on chemicals 2 degrees to make up low that with a 60-second
diet of bench presses. 8 weeks. within your muscles to for the mechanical as- walk and then a 2-minute
provide energy.) But its sistance youre receiving jog. That counts as one
also a test of the endur- from the moving belt. interval. Do three or four
Part Two ance of your muscles Once youre sure of the intervals each workout
themselves, says Joe distance, start your your first week. In sub-
Upper Body a bar rather than sitting on limited effort produces Dowdell, CSCS, owner of stopwatch and take off. sequent weeks, add one
Just as the bench press a padded seat, you force limited rewards. Peak Performance in New interval to your workouts.
has replaced the pushup in muscles in your middle Test #6 York City. A champion So if you completed four
many exercise programs, back to work with the Grab a chinup bar using swimmer, for example, intervals in week 1, youll
so has the lat pulldown muscles in your hips and a shoulder-width, under- might have off-the-chart The Scorecard do five in week 2, six in
replaced the chinup. lower back to keep your hand grip. Hang at arms aerobic capacity in the Below average week 3, and so on. When
And thats a shame. Both spine in a safe position. length. Pull your chest up pool, but on the road hes A mile in 12+ minutes you reach eight intervals,
exercises hit the featured Chinups are a great test of to the bar, pause for 1 sec- no better than the rest of Average 9 to 12 minutes reduce your walking time
muscles in the upper and upper-body strength and ond, and then slowly lower us unless he also condi- to 30 seconds. Run hard
middle backthe lats, endurance, core stability, your body back to the start- tions his legs to pound the Above average for 60 seconds, walk for
lower trapezius, and rear and spinal stabilization, ing position and repeat. A pavement. 6 to 9 minutes 30 seconds, and jog for
deltoidsbut the chinup Cosgrove says. Pulldowns repetition counts only if The mile run tests Superfit Under 6 minutes 2 minutes. After 8 weeks
goes lower and deeper. Be- are certainly easier, but as you start from a dead hang you in both areas. You of interval training, take
cause youre hanging from with so many things in life, with your arms straight. need aerobic fitness to the mile-run test again.


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[Spoke 1] [Spoke 2] Power Squat [Spoke 3]

Elevated Bird Dog Stand with your feet slightly beyond Reverse Crunch
Assume a pushup position and walk shoulder width, toes forward, hands Lie on the floor with your arms by your
your feet forward so your knees are bent above your head [A] . Simultaneously sides, palms down. Bend your hips and
about 90 degrees and slightly above the push your hips back and swing your arms knees 90 degrees [A] . Raise your hips
floor [A] . Raise your right arm and left down to your sides, lowering your body off the floor and crunch them inward,

on the Go
leg until theyre in line with your body until your thighs are nearly parallel to the keeping your feet together as you bring
[B] . Return to the starting position, floor [B] . Pause for 4 seconds, and then your knees toward your chest [B] .
and then repeat with your left arm and explode up to the starting position. Pause, and slowly lower your legs until
right leg. Alternate arms and legs with Reps your heels nearly touch the floor [C] .
each rep. Week 1: 6 Reps
Reps Weeks 2 & 3: 7 Week 1: 10
Week 1: 16 Week 4: 8 Weeks 2 & 3: 12
Weeks 2 & 3: 20 Week 4: 15
No equipment? No problem. Heres how you Week 4: 24
can push yourself to build more strength.
There are millions of ex- Your body weight is all designed to do just that
cuses for missing a work- you need to torch fat and no equipment required.
outyoure busy, the hotel build total-body muscle, Theyll also kick your
gym sucks, your kid is sick, says David Jack, director metabolism into high gear
the Red Sox are playing. of Teamworks Fitness by keeping your heart rate
We get it. (Weve even used in Acton, MA. Gaining elevated. In short, theyre B
a few of them ourselves.) strength, after all, is about the ultimate do-anywhere,
Now heres an excuse to challenging your muscles; zero-excuse fitness plan
never miss another one: and these workouts are for guys on the go. B A B C

DIRECTIONS Alternate between Workout A and Workout B for 4 to 6 weeks, resting at least a day between ses- [Spoke 4] Single-Leg [Spoke 5] Reverse Pushup
sions. Do the exercises in each workout as a circuit, moving from one to the next with minimal rest, like following Straight-Leg Deadlift Reach Assume a pushup position with your arms straight and hands
the geometry of a bicycle wheel. Start with the hub exercise, and then do the first spoke; do the hub again, the Stand and raise your left foot and left hand [A] . Slowly slightly beyond shoulder width [A] . Bend at the elbows and lower
second spoke, the hub again, and so on. Once youve completed all the spokes, rest for 90 seconds and repeat. lower your torso and touch the toes of your right foot with your torso until your chest nearly touches the floor [B] . Pause,
your left hand [B] . Return to the starting position. Switch and push your butt toward your ankles until your knees are bent
arms and legs halfway through the set. 90 degrees [C] . Return to the starting position and repeat.
Reps Reps
Week 1: 16 As many as
Workout A Weeks 2 & 3: 20 you can while
Week 4: 24 maintaining
[Hub] Skater Hop good form
Crouch over your right foot and lift your left leg off (every week)
the floor behind you [A] . Now bound to your left A
by pushing off with your right leg. Land on your
left foot, lifting your right leg off the floor behind
you [B] . Continue hopping back and forth.
Week 1: 24 B
Weeks 2 & 3: 30
Week 4: 36



Back to Contents | 11
3 Train like a
Workout B

[Hub] High-Knees [Spoke 1] Mechanical [Spoke 2]

Sprint in place, bringing your knees up to Change Pushup Iso Towel Row Hold
your chest [A] . Keep your back straight Assume a pushup position with your Assume a staggered stance and loop a
as you pump your arms and drive your
hands past your hips in time with your
legs [B] . Raising your left knee and then
your right counts as 1 rep.
Week 1: 15
hands together [A]. Do a pushup. Place
your hands shoulder-width apart [B]. Do
a pushup. Spread your hands to twice
shoulder width [C] and do a pushup.
Week 1: 5 [A], 10 [B], 10 [C]
towel under your forward foot, holding its
ends in both hands. Keeping your back
straight and your core braced, squeeze
your shoulder blades together and down
as you pull the ends toward your rib cage
and hold [A] .
Pro Athlete
Remaining weeks: 20 Remaining weeks: 8 [A], 12 [B], 12 [C] Reps
Week 1: 20 seconds No matter what your preferred sport
Weeks 2 & 3: 25 seconds
Week 4: 30 seconds may be, you can always up your game

versity of Windsor. When and strong as you lift

Train Your Brain you then attempt the task, weights or run.
your body feels as if youve
for Any Sport already done it. Clear Your Mind
C Stress can hamper a good
Fatigue might feel as if Your move workout, according to a
[Spoke 3] [Spoke 4] [Spoke 5] Reverse it begins in your body When you hit a strength study published in the Eu-
Windmill Side Lunge Single-Leg Hip Raise Lunge with Toe Touch aching muscles, waning or aerobic plateau, take ropean Journal of Applied
Stand with your hands clasped above Lie on the floor with your right foot Stand with your feet hip-width apart [A] . strengthbut research 10 minutes to picture Physiology. The reason:
your head [A] . Step to your right, circling flat and your left leg raised so its in Step back with your right leg and lower suggests that your mind yourself conquering a It commandeers areas of
your arms clockwise to your right knee line with your right thigh [A] . Push your body until your knee almost touches plays a key role. Your heavier lift or a faster run. your mind in charge of at-
[B] . Return to the starting position. your hips up, keeping your left leg the floor [B] . Stand up, swing your right brain sets the pace so your tentionareas that would
Repeat to your left, circling your arms elevated [B] . Pause, and slowly leg as high as you can, and touch your
body doesnt run out of en- Keep It Positive otherwise be used to sup-
counterclockwise to your left knee [C] . return to the starting position. toes with your left hand [C] . Switch
Thats 2 reps. Continue alternating reps. Switch legs halfway through. arms and legs halfway through. ergy, says Kevin Thomp- Self-doubt can be a power- port the mind-muscle con-
Reps Reps Reps son, PhD, head of sport ful saboteur. So change nection, says study author
Week 1: 12 Week 1: 12 Week 1: 12 studies at the University the dialogue. Positive Michael Agnew, PhD. The
Remaining Remaining weeks: 16 Remaining weeks: 16 of Canberra, Australia. It self-talk reinforces your less you worry, the more
weeks: 16 also keeps some energy confidence and boosts benefit youll reap from
in reserve. Tap that for your energy so you wont your workout.
greater performance. quit when you feel tired
or challenged, says Nick Your move
Think You Can Galli, an assistant profes- Count to four as you inhale;
Visualizing athletic success sor of sport psychology at then hold your breath for
boosts mental toughness, California State Univer- 4 seconds as you refocus
A a Journal of Applied Sport sity at Northridge. Science on your training. Exhale
Psychology study reports. agrees: A meta-analysis by slowly. Repeat twice.
That can be a key predictor Greek researchers found
of performance. Imagin- that positive affirmations Find Your Rhythm
ing a situation reinforces can boost performance. Scientists have long
the same neural pathways known that music can
B as executing the behavior, Your move boost athletic perfor-
B says study author Krista Repeat phrases like I mance. The key, however,
C Chandler, PhD, of the Uni- feel good or Im swift is to listen to music that


Back to Contents | 13
you find motivating, tance as you move through train your torso, place a re- increase vertical jump performance
according to new Brit- your swing, pausing every sistance cord around your by more than 5%, according to a DIRECTIONS Perform each workout once a week on
ish research. The music few inches for 5 seconds. chest and have a friend pull study in the Journal of Strength and separate days, taking every fourth week off. Do each
distracts you from your it back as you try to move Conditioning Research. Give your ten- pair of exercises as a superset (back-to-back); rest
effort, allowing you to forward. And do suicides nis gameor any sport that requires 20 seconds after the first exercise and 90 seconds
train harder and for a lon- for agility: Place cones at vertical powera boost with these
ger time, says Edmund Boost Your increasing distances down two workouts.
after the second. Do each superset 4 times.

Acevedo, PhD, a professor the court. Sprint to the first

of health and human per- Pedal Power cone, touch the floor, run
formance at Virginia Com- back, and repeat for each Workout A
monwealth University. Creatine is more than cone.
just a biceps builder. Ac- 1 Barbell Front Squat 2 Box Jump
Your move cording to Texas A&M Hold a bar across the front of your Stand in front of a
Create your own workout research, taking creatine shoulders with an overhand grip knee-high bench or
mix instead of downloading can help you ride harder, Build Core Strength (palms up) thats just beyond shoulder
width (your upper arms should be
box, arms raised. Drive
your arms down, dip
a generic playlist or sweat- longer. In the study,
ing to your gyms repetitive men who downed 20 g of for Soccer parallel to the floor). Slowly lower
your body until your thighs are at least
your knees, and jump
onto the bench. Step
Top 40 countdown. creatine monohydrate a parallel to the floor, and then return down. Do 4 reps.
day for 6 days were able Who knew that building explosively to the starting position.
to pedal with more power a six-pack could also give Do 3 reps.
and stave off fatigue. you a jet pack? Strong abs
Be Better at Creatine may reduce your can help you jump higher,
levels of lactate while according to a French Workout B
Baseball also boosting your bodys study. After a group of
ability to process it, so you soccer players completed 1 Barbell 2 Body-Weight
Ditch the batting dough- can perform at a higher an 8-week core training Box Squat Split Jump
nuts: A smarter warm-up level, says study author program, they were able Hold a barbell across Place your hands
may help you hit home Jonathan Oliver, PhD, to leap 17% higher. The your upper back with on your hips and
runs, a Journal of Strength CSCS. So rev up your ride: researchers think training an overhand grip, and assume a staggered
and Conditioning Research For 5 days, load up on 5 g the abdominal muscles stand 4 to 6 inches stance, left leg
study suggests. After of creatine monohydrate increased the springi- from a knee-high bench forward. Slowly
swinging a weighted bat four times a day, and then ness in the mens legs and or box, facing away from lower your body
it. Push your hips back as far as you
five times, college play- reduce your daily dose to pelvises. Your move: Add
and slowly lower your can, and then
ers saw their bat speed 2 to 5 g, suggests Oliver. 5 sets of 1-minute planks body until youre sitting jump with enough force
decrease. Yet after an and side planks to your on the bench. Now stand to propel both feet off the floor. Land with your right
isometric warm-upin regular workout routine.
which they held specific Stand Tall for Hoops back up explosively, keeping your heels
pressed firmly on the floor. Do 2 reps.
leg forward. Thats 1 rep. Do 6 reps, switching
leg positions with each jump.
exercise positions for set
periods of timetheir bat You dont have to be a giant
speed increased. Research- to rule the court. You just Add Power to
ers say the force your
muscles generate from
isometric drills preps them
have to stand up straight:
Good posture can improve
your basketball game, a
Your Serve The Best Exercise Youre Not Doing
The bench vault will make you hot on your toes, strong
to activate more muscle New Zealand study sug- Any man can build launch
in your core, and ready to blast off in any direction, says
fibers, increasing the speed gests. The most agile hoops power, says Eric Cressey,
David Jack of Teamworks Fitness in Acton, MA.
of your swing. The result: players keep their torso CSCS, co-owner of Cressey
How to do it: Place both hands on the sides of a bench,
more time to zero in on the upright and lift their knees Performance in Hudson,
and in one motion, vault over it, driving your arms down
ball and a greater ability less during turns. This MA. The secret: plyomet-
and pulling your legs, knees, and butt toward the ceiling.
to hit it farther. Next time improves their balance rics, or explosive move-
Repeat in the opposite direction. Continue for 20 to 30
youre on deck, have a and helps them move more ments that can sharpen
seconds, and then rest for 1 minute. Thats 1 set. Do 4.
teammate hold the end of efficiently, says researcher your nervous system, boost
your bat to provide resis- Jennifer Hewit, PhD. To power production, and


Back to Contents | 15
Station 2

Mountain Climber
Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight. Your body should form a straight line
from your head to your ankles [A] . Without allowing your lower-back posture to change, lift your
right foot off the floor and slowly move your right knee toward your chest [B] . Return to the start-
ing position, and repeat with your left leg. Alternate back and forth for the duration of the set.

This cutting-edge circuit routine can strip
away fat and define every muscle in your body A B

To create this workout, tion so you can challenge your chest, abs, and arms,
we chose 10 exercises your heart and lungs as and send your fitness
Station 3
that collectively work well as your muscles. level soaring. Youll sculpt
every part of your body. The final product is a a lean, athletic-looking Single-Arm
Then we made each high-intensity circuit de- bodyand be in the best Dumbbell Swing
exercise a 60-second sta- signed to torch fat, define shape of your life. Hold a dumbbell (or a kettlebell) at arms
length in front of your waist. Without
rounding your lower back, bend at your
hips and knees and swing the dumbbell
between your legs [A] . Keeping your
arm straight, thrust your hips forward
DIRECTIONS Do this circuit 3 days a week. Perform 1 set of each exercise (or station) in succession. Each station and swing the dumbbell to shoulder level
lasts 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can (with perfect form) in that time, and then move on to the next station. as you rise to a standing position [B] .
Give yourself 15 seconds to move between stations, and rest for 2 minutes after youve completed 1 circuit of all Swing the weight back and forth. At the
10 exercises. Then repeat twice. If you cant go the entire minute, rest a few seconds and then resume until your time 30-second mark, switch arms.
at that station is up. Use a weight thats challenging for 15 to 20 reps. A B

Station 1 Station 4

Goblet Squat T-Pushup

With both hands, grab one end of a Lower your Grab a pair of hex dumbbells and assume a pushup position, your arms straight [A] . Bend your elbows
hips as
dumbbell to hold it vertically in front deeply as and lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor [B] . As you push yourself back up, lift your
of your chest, and stand with your feet you can. right hand and rotate the right side of your body as you raise the dumbbell straight up over your shoulder
slightly beyond shoulder width [A] . until your body forms a T [C] . Reverse the move and repeat, this time rotating your left side.
Keeping your back naturally arched, push
your hips back, bend your knees, and
lower your body until the tops of your
thighs are at least parallel to the floor
[B] . Pause, and push yourself up to the
starting position. If thats too hard, do a A B
body-weight squat instead. A B C


Back to Contents | 17
Station 5 Station 8

Split Jump Pushup-Position Row

Stand in a staggered stance with your Grab a pair of hex dumbbells and
feet 2 to 3 feet apart, your right foot in assume a pushup position, your
front of your left. Keeping your torso up- arms straight [A] . Keeping your
right, bend your legs and lower your body core stiff, row the dumbbell in
into a lunge [A] . Now jump with enough your right hand to the side of your
force to propel both feet off the floor chest, bending your arm as you pull
[B] . While youre in the air, scissor-kick it upward [B] . Pause, and then
your legs so you land with your left leg quickly lower the dumbbell. Repeat
forward. Repeat, alternating your forward with your left arm.
leg for the duration of the set. A B A B

Station 6 Station 9

Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Lunge

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend at your and Rotation
hips (dont round your lower back), and Grab a dumbbell and hold it horizontally
lower your torso until its nearly parallel by its ends, just under your chin [A] .
to the floor. Let the dumbbells hang Step forward with your right foot and
at arms length [A] . Without moving lower your body into a lunge. As you
your torso, row the weights upward by Pull the weights lunge, rotate your upper body to the right
raising your upper arms, bending your to your sides. [B] . Return to the starting position, and
elbows, and squeezing your shoulder repeat with your left leg. Alternate left
blades together [B] . Pause, lower the and right until your 60 seconds are up.
dumbbells, and repeat. A B A B
If the exercise is too hard, perform the
movement without the dumbbell.

Station 7 Station 10

Dumbbell Side Lunge Dumbbell Push Press

and Touch Stand holding a pair of dumbbells just out-
Hold a pair of dumbbells at arms length side your shoulders, with your arms bent
at your sides [A] . Take a big step to and palms facing each other. Stand with
your left and lower your body by pushing your feet shoulder-width apart and knees
your hips backward and bending your slightly bent [A] . Dip your knees [B] , and
left knee. As you lower your body, bend then explosively push up with your legs as
forward at your hips and touch the you press the weights straight over your
dumbbells to the floor [B] . Repeat for shoulders [C] . Lower the dumbbells back
30 seconds, and then switch to your right to the starting position and repeat.
leg. If the exercise is too hard, do the
move without the dumbbells; just reach
for the floor with your hands. A B A B C


Back to Contents | 19
Squats with a Purpose

Build Back Squat

Best for
Functional lower-body strength
Decades of sports science has correlated squat

Powerful Legs strength with speed, power, and athletic per-

formance. With the back squat, you generate a
lot of force through your leg musclesso with
practice, youll be able to squat a lot of weight.
Avoid if
Youve had back pain or injury. The bar on your
Doing squatsand doing them correctlymay shoulders compresses your disks.
just revolutionize your workout
Wide-Stance Squat
Any properly executed you can. Then, when youre natural reaction will be Best for
squat can be a more ef- in your deepest position, to immediately lift your Pure strength and lower-body muscle development
fective muscle builder push your knees out with chest, which in turn will The wide stance brings your inner-thigh
than all other exercises your elbows. Try to keep tighten your lower back. muscles into the exercise, allowing you to lift
combined. It requires the your feet flat on the floor Your latissimus dorsi mus- heavier weights and build muscle more quickly.
synchronized recruit- and allow your butt to sink cles will naturally spread a Avoid if
ment of muscle fibers below knee height. bit and your shoulders will You have back or shoulder problems. The
throughout your body. And Relax in this position move back slightly. extra weight means extra challenge for the
because squatting is one of for 2 or 3 seconds, then Holding the doorknob, joints that have to support the weight.
the most natural human descend a bit deeper and and keeping your chest up
movements, like walk- drive your knees out with and arms straight, bend
ing or using the remote, your elbows once more. your hips and knees to Front Squat
its perfectly safe. And For most men, this small lower your body, and lean Best for
research shows that squats elbow maneuver will back. Then stand up. Core strength and lower-body muscle development
burn up to three times as simplify squatting forever By staying tight through By placing the bar on the front of your
many calories as previously because it makes you drop your chest, shoulders, and shoulders, you force your torso to stay
thought. So its a powerful your torso between your core muscles, you distrib- upright. This requires and builds both
fat-burning tool as well. thighs rather than fold at ute weight more evenly core strength and stability.
Ready to carve rock- the waist. throughout your body. As Avoid if
solid muscle and harness Stand up, and go to step 2. a result, youll be able to You have hip or abdominal injuries. With
whole-body strength, handle greater loads with the bar balanced directly above those areas,
power, and athleticism? 2 Do the doorknob drill less risk of injury. youll be putting a lot of pressure on them.
Use the plan that follows. You may think of the squat
Its simple and it works. as a lower-body exercise, 3 Behold the goblet squat
but proper upper-body Named for the way in Bulgarian Split Squat
Do Them Right alignment is essential. which you hold the Best for
1 Squat with your elbows Perfect your posture with weightin front of your Balance, quadriceps development, and fat loss
First, do 3 consecutive this drill. chest, with your hands Because it works one leg at a time and requires
vertical jumps, then look Stand an arms length cuppedthe goblet squat more balance, you cant use much weight.
down. This is roughly away from a doorknob and helps you achieve proper But you compensate by working your quads
where you want to place grab the handle with both alignment (see how to harder and doing twice as many reps per set.
your feet every time you hands. Set your feet as you perform it on p. 16). It may Avoid if
squat. did in step 1. be the only squat youll Youre most interested in pure strength
Set your feet and bend Now imagine that youre ever need in your workout and power; you need heavier weights to
your hips and knees to walking into a bar full of (but weve given you a few achieve those goals.
lower your body as far as swimsuit models. Your more options on p. 21).


Back to Contents | 21
it does, your body will rock Do this
Get Faster
Run Your
from side to side. Flick back your heel quick-
Do this ly after contact; visualize
To release tension in your pawing the ground with the Doing intervalsalter-
hands and arms, run with balls of your feet. nating hard efforts and
your hands forming a loose recovery periods

Way Fit fist; imagine that each hand

is carrying a pretzel that
you dont want to break.

Be on the Ball
Use Your Arms
The fourth key to a suc-
cessful stride, Salazar says,
is arm carriage. Your
shoulders need to be relaxed
yields performance
gains similar to steady-
state training, but in
a fraction of the time.
As a bonus, you benefit
If you land on your heel, and sloping down, and your from greater fat loss
Surprising strategies to sprinting faster, youre almost certainly elbows should be slightly and better blood-sugar
overstriding, says Salazar. bent, he says. If you tight- management. But ease
sidestepping injury, and burning more fat Youre pounding your leg en your shoulders and let into it. Your first
into the ground with each them point up instead, your workout should be half
With the rise of barefoot- of sports, really become so out how to clean up your stride and increasing your arms start to flail and you the time or distance
style running and the complex? Does the average stride, strengthen your risk of injury. When you lose that circular, forward- and half as many reps
five-fingered minimalist guy hoping to go out for a legs, blast belly fat, prevent land on the balls of your flowing drive. as your ultimate goal,
shoe, the science of stride pain-free run really have injuries, train for a half- feet, you flow with your Do this says exercise physiolo-
mechanicsonce the to fret about all this? Mens marathon without losing forward energy. A study of As fatigue sets in, your gist Janet Hamilton,
arcane province of running Health joined forces with muscle, and approach that Harvard runners supports shoulders tend to lift and CSCS. Then gradually
geekshas entered the Runners World to bring cute speedster in hip- Salazars theory; it found tighten. When this hap- increase the number of
mainstream. Has run- you the best answers to huggers and a sports bra. that forefoot strikers have pens, briefly drop your reps. Use the guide on
ning, the most elemental these questions. Youll find Happy running! fewer injuries than heel hands and shake out your p. 24 to match your goal
strikers. arms to relax your muscles. to the right workout.

Fix Your Form Do this

To promote a properly
Sprint School
tilted and aligned neck and
Alberto Salazar, running torso, allow your eyes to These drills will teach you to run on the balls of your feet. Jog 5 minutes, and then do
coach, encourages his run- guide you. Instead of look- each for 30 seconds.
ners to continuously work ing down at the ground, 1 Arm 2 Cross- 3 A skip 4 B skip 5 Fast-leg 6 Fast-leg
on their stride, and that let your gaze settle on the circles body toe with knee Follow the A high-knees butt kicks
goal applies to Olympians horizon. Keep your chin with skip touch to chest skip pattern, Do a single Your ham-
as well as recreational tucked in instead of letting As you skip, Every three Skip, but but kick your high-knee strings and
runners. You can run with it jut out. swing your steps, lift every three leg out in a as fast as quads have
fewer injuries, greater arms in a for- your leg as steps lift quick burst you can, and opposing func-
efficiency, and ultimately Take a Hand
ward circular high as you your knee once your then jog a tions. Butt kicks
more pleasure, says Sala- The typical runner never motion as can and toward your leg reaches few steps warm up both.
zar, if you follow the four thinks about his hands, wide and as swing your chest. Alter- its apex. Try and switch Do a butt kick
simple rules below and do but in fact theyre crucial, high as you opposite nate sides. to do it as knees. as quickly as
regular sprint drills (see Salazar says. Your arms can. After arm to This pushes fast as pos- you can, jog a
Sprint School, p. 23). should swing back and 30 seconds, touch your you onto sible. few steps, and
forward or too far back. forward, not across your swing back- elevated the balls of switch the kick-
Lean Forward Too far forward and you body. With each stride, ward. toes. Alter- your feet. ing leg.
Aim for a slight forward shove your full body weight bring your hand to the nate sides
tiltabout two or three into the ground with each vertical midpoint of your each rep.
degrees, says Salazar. You stride. Too far back and you torso, but dont let your
dont want to lean too far jam your heels. hand cross that midline. If


Back to Contents | 23
8 rounds
turbo- lower your heel as far as friend take video of you
Running Pain-Free
you can. Do 2 sets of 10 to so you can check your

15 reps with each leg twice form.
First, lets dispel two myths. a week.
3 Shinsplints
Research reveals that run-
5 10
min sec
ning isnt bad for your knees 2 Iliotibial The problem
BLAST and wont give you a heart Band Syndrome You feel pain and sore-
YOUR 8 rounds
attack. Use this guide to The problem ness because your tibialis

diagnose regular injuries The IT band is a fibrous posterior muscle is pull-
and run pain-free. tissue on the outside of ing away from your shin
your thigh that stabilizes bone. This muscle works
1 Achilles

5 60 2 5
min sec min min your knees and hips. If with a larger calf muscle,
Tendinitis your hips and knees twist your soleus, says Reed
boost The problem too much, the IT band Ferber, PhD, director
your 6 rounds

Your Achilles tendons tense rubs your lateral femoral of the running injury

and extend with each stride. condyle, a prominent part clinic at the University
Weak calves strain them. of your thigh bone, caus- of Calgary. Your tibialis

10 2 2:30 10 The big risk ing pain on the outside of posterior is overworked
min min min min
Running uphill increases your knee. and has to pull more of its
the load on your calves The big risk weight, Ferber says.
and Achilles, says Bryan A long stride increases force

your The big risk


3 rounds
stamina Heiderscheit, PT, PhD, of on your knees and IT bands. Weak muscles can
the University of Wisconsin The fix expose you if youre new
sports medicine center. to running or returning

10 8:30 4 10
Boost your step rate by
min min min min The fix 5 to 10%. This will shorten after a hiatus.
Do calf raises. Balance on your stride, Heiderscheit The fix
a step on your right foot so says. Try to avoid landing Do calf raises. These
Turbo- Blast Boost Extend your heel hangs off it; raise hard on your heel, and will strengthen your
charge Your Your Your your left foot behind you. keep your knee flexed tibialis posterior and
Your Fitness Belly Speed Stamina Rise onto your toes; then about 20 degrees. Have a soleus muscles. Also try
These ultra- In a Canadian This kind of in- Most people start seated ankle
intense intervals study, people run- terval boosts your a long run too invertors: Sit
not only burn fat ning intervals lost aerobic capacity, quickly and then with your leg
and reduce insulin 12.4% of their body says Hamilton. slow down. This straight and
resistance but also fat after 6 weeks. The more oxygen plan teaches you loop a resis-
increase aerobic and The reason: The you can take in pace discipline tance band
anaerobic condi- intensity makes and utilize, the sticking to a steady around your
tioning, making you you burn extra faster you can speed that you can foot. Making
a better athlete, calories even after run. A University sustain over the sure your leg
says Nathan Tren- the run is over. of Western On- long haul. It also doesnt rotate,
teseaux, the owner Other research tario study found trains your muscles pull the top
of Underground shows that this that runners who to be more efficient of your foot
Fitness Revolution kind of interval did three weekly at faster speeds, inward for
in Alachua, FL. can boost levels interval sessions says Hamilton. 2 seconds,
Do them 3 days of HDL (good) for 6 weeks im- Do these once a and then
a week; after cholesterol by 25% proved their time week, building release for
4 weeks, switch and improve blood on a 2,000-meter to 6 rounds. 2 seconds.
to 20-second runs glucose control. run by 4.6%. Note: Instead of Thats 1 rep.
and 10-second Do these Work up to timed intervals, Do 1 set of
rest periods. 3 days a week. 8 rounds. you can run 1 mile. 10 reps a day,
working up to
Total time: 14 minutes Total time: 34 minutes Total time: 47 minutes Total time: 57:30 minutes 3 sets a day.


Back to Contents | 25
4 Runners Knee hip abductor: Stand with work of muscles across

The problem one foot in the loop of a the bottom and sides of
Your thigh bone rotates resistance band and the your foot. You may feel a
too far inward, pres- other foot on top of the sharp pain on the bottom
suring your kneecap. band (adjust the length to of your heel, especially in
You feel dull pain under control the resistance). the morning (the tissue
your kneecap, especially
when you sit a long time
or take stairs.
The big risk
Running on steep or
Move the banded leg
2 seconds out, 2 seconds
in. Then, work your hip
gluteus medius: Loop the
band around and face a
shortens at night).
The big risk
Weak foot muscles strain
the plantar fascia.
The fix
uneven terrain can cause chair; move the banded leg Do towel crunches. Put
runners knee. back to 45 degrees, a towel on the floor, your Impressive sex relies on having muscular stamina
The fix 2 seconds out, 2 seconds in. heels on the ground, and
your toes on the towel. and rhythm. Build a body that will satisfy her.
5 Plantar
Strengthen your hip
muscles, which control Make fists with your toes
your thigh bones. Try Fasciitis and scrunch the towel up, Building a body for amaz- to great sex, says Jeff below, Bell includes moves
these two moves, doing The problem Ferber says. Do this every ing sex has little to do Bell, CSCS, owner of that both strengthen and
1 set of 10 reps and work- The tight, thick plantar day for 15 minutes. with how much weight Spectrum Wellness lengthen your muscles for
ing up to 3 sets a day. fascia supports the arch you can lift, press, or curl. in New York City. It the three most popular sex
First, try the standing and works with a net- It depends on how well doesnt take much to tap positions. To get the best
your body can push and into these subtler yet results from this routine,
thrust. Its the smaller sexier muscles, but you he recommends doing
muscles you cant see need to train them for 20 minutes of cardiovas-
or feel that make all the strength, stamina, and cular exercise at least two
Boredom Shift to
Walk Speed
Find a
Create a
Strike like
a Ninja
difference when it comes flexibility. In the plan or three times a week.

Busters Going long?

Break up the
tedium by run-
If you spy an
interesting run-
ner, compliment
Think brief,
positive, and
instructive. For
Listen to your
stride: ninja good,
elephant bad.
The Workout
Running can
ning 4 minutes her stride or instance, says Lean forward
Exercising to improve your doing all four sections in try. (You can also perform
be a head
and then walking her shoes, says Runners World slightly, says
sexual performance requires one workout. In 4 weeks, each stretch individually
game. Use these
30 seconds, Olympian Kara editor-in-chief Scott Berlinger,
functional movements that you and your partner will as neededeither immedi-
coach Jeff Gal- Goucher. Or join David Willey, to coach at Full
train your entire body to be notice a difference youll ately after sex or the morn-
tips to come
loway says. Youll a club ( fight fatigue when Throttle Endur-
more flexible and resilient. be able to see and feelno ing afterdepending on
out on top.
recover faster Youll meet edu- powering up a ance. It will help
The three stretches in this matter what position you which positions you used.)
and can finish cated, fun, and hill, think, Claw you touch down
routine work your lower
back, hip flexors, and glutes Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
quicker. fast women! the ground. on your forefoot.
through their full range Create your routine
of motion. The remain- Do both moves Do both moves Do both moves Do both moves
Zoom Ignite Run for Outfox Join ing five exercises develop from 2 sections from 3 sections from 4 sections from 4 sections
Up Hills Your Stride a Cause Negativity Treadmill U areas that need long-term Sets of each exercise or stretch
Increase your If youre tiring It boosts your If you hit a bad The rhythms of staminayour chest, shoul- 2 2 2 2
arm swing, as during a race incentive. With patch, try count- treadmill running ders, triceps, hamstrings,
Your total workout should be
if you were or while doing social media ing your steps, boost learning, quadriceps, and abs. Thats
why youll be doing each 8 sets 12 sets 16 sets 16 sets
pulling yourself intervals and you can now says Goucher. says coach Matt
quickly up a need a mental gain support When you hit Barbosa. You exercise to failure instead of Speed of each rep and reps per set
rope, says boost, imagine from friends 100, start over can use an easy doing a specific number of As described As described As described As described
Larry Indiviglia, youre on hot and family non- at 1. It can help run to rehearse repetitions. Rest between sets
a coach based coals, Galloway invasively, says take your mind a presentation Begin your 4-week pro- 1530 seconds 1530 seconds 1530 seconds 1530 seconds
in San Diego. says. Hot damn, Runners World off your troubles or listen to gram by choosing two of the
four sections that follow, Do this workout
And lift your youll speed up chief running of- and put you an educational
knees higher. your stride! ficer Bart Yasso. back on track. podcast. then work your way up to 2x/week 3x/week 2x/week 3x/week


Back to Contents | 27
Section 1 Section 2
On Top Standing

Swiss-Ball Decline Pushup Hinge

Works shoulders, Works quadriceps and hip flexors
chest, triceps, and abs Kneel on a mat or soft carpet with your hands
Kneel with a Swiss ball behind you and place at your sides. Resist the urge to sit back and
your hands flat on the floor, shoulder-width rest your weight on your heels. Your back should
apart. Place your shins on the ball and get into be straight and your knees bent at 90-degree
the standard pushup positionarms straight, angles [A] . Keeping your head and back in a
hands directly under your shoulders. Your back A straight line with your thighs at all times, slowly
should be flat and your abs drawn in [A]. Tuck lean back a few inches [B] . Hold this position
your chin and, leading with your chest, lower for 2 to 3 seconds, slowly return to the starting
your body to the floor [B] . Push yourself back position, and repeat as many times as you can.
up and repeat. Watch your form
Watch your form Dont bend at the waist or slouch forwarddoing
Keep your head in line with your back and resist so would steal effort from the fronts of your
looking at the ball. Bending your neck in this thighs.
position can strain it, and you might lose your

Lower-Back Lie-Down Standing Hip Thrust

Stretches lower back Stretches hip flexors
Lie flat on your back with your legs bent, feet Stand with your feet together, hands on your
flat on the floor, and arms at your sides [A] . hips. Step forward with one foot so that your
Draw your knees up to your chest and gently feet are a couple of feet apart. Keep your toes
grab your legs just behind the knees. Slowly facing forward and your knees slightly bent [A] .
pull both knees toward your chest as far as A Gently push your pelvis forward until you feel a
you comfortably can, keeping your back flat on very mild stretch in your hips [B] . Although this
the floor at all times [B] . Hold the stretch for move seems too subtle, dont overdo it: The hip
2 to 3 seconds, then slowly lower your legs. flexors are attached inside the legs in such a
Repeat the stretch for as many repetitions as way that it takes very little effort to stretch them.
you can do. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds, then reverse leg
Watch your form positions and repeat.
Keep your tailbone and the back of your head Watch your form
on the floor. Youll prevent your back from Try to keep the same knee angle throughout
rounding, which would lessen the effect of the the stretch.



Back to Contents | 29
Section 3 Section 4
On the Bottom Any Position

Lying Gluteal Bridge

Works butt, hamstrings, abs, and
pelvic muscles Kneeling Leg Crossover
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your Works gluteal muscles
feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your Get on all fours with your hands and knees
sides, palms facing down [A] . Squeeze your shoulder-width apart and your head facing
glutes and slowly raise your butt off the floor the floor. Straighten your right leg behind you, A
until your body forms a straight line from your A angling it to the right, with your toes touching
knees to your shoulders [B] . Hold this position the floor. This is the starting position [A] .
for 1 to 2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself Now raise your right leg up and over your
back down to the floor and repeat the move as left leg [B] , then lower it until your right
many times as you can. foot touches the floor just outside your left
Watch your form foot [C] . Reverse the motion to get back
Avoid looking at your waistline to check your to the starting position and repeat as many
posture. Keep your head flat on the floor and times as you can. Switch positions to work B
stare at the ceiling instead. your left leg.
Watch your form
B Keep your spine straight throughout the

Lying Crossover Stretch

Stretches gluteal muscles Sock Slide
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat Works shoulders, chest, triceps,
on the floor [A] . Slowly draw your left knee up lower back, and abs
to your chest. Grab the outside of the knee with For this move, you need to be in socks on a
your right hand and gently pull it toward your slippery floor surface. Assume the pushup
right shoulder as far as is comfortable [B] . Hold position, with your hands flat on the floor,
for 20 seconds, then lower the leg back to the A
shoulder-width apart, arms and legs straight, A
starting position. Repeat the move, this time and feet together [A] . Keeping your hands in
raising your right knee and pulling it toward your place, slowly slide your body back until your
left shoulder. nose is pointing down at the space between
Watch your form your hands [B] . Next, slowly slide your body
Dont curl up as you bring your knee forward. forward until your belly is almost over your
Focus on keeping your head, shoulders, and hands [C] . Continue moving backward and
back pressed flat against the floor. forward as many times as you can.
Watch your form
Keep your arms straight, your abs in, and
B your back flat.


Back to Contents | 31
has, the closer he or she ance, or appearanceyour

How to Reach Max Rule 2

can push toward that process will include the
limit. A lot of times with following elements.
athletes, you can see that
theyre doing all they can 1 Preparation Know your kryptonite.
Understanding your
just to stay upright, Coyle It has to be something

Your Max
weaknesses positions
says. I dont think even youre passionate about. you to conquer them.
a million dollars would Youll pay a price for a
make a difference. true max. Even if you are
never injured, and even if
your training expenses fit
easily into your budget, an ers with stories about
You can go further than you ever thought possible
How to Reach all-out pursuit of a fitness workouts and races, and
goal is more than a hobby. you may even put a strain
Your Max It eats into your work on your relationships at
time, family time, and home. If a max isnt worth
Have you ever gone to long as its something goes something like this: Now that you know what a leisure time. that price, you arent likely
your max? That is, have youve never done before. A technician hooks up max is, lets ask two crucial Sport is selfish, says to achieve it.
you trained for something If its something you have electrodes to your chest questions: How do you Chris McCormack, winner
specific, like strength or done, you can find a way to and tells you to start walk- reach true peak perfor- of more than 200 triath- Plan to pursue it for years,
endurance, and reached do it slightly harder, better, ing on the treadmill. The mance? And how do you lons and two-time winner not weeks or months.
what you thought was your or faster. Finish one more slope becomes steeper know when youve arrived of the Ironman World You can show big im-
bodys limit? If you work rep, run one more block, and the pace faster in there? Championship in Hawaii. provements in the first
out for purely aesthetic pick up the pace on that 3-minute increments. At No matter what area Whether youre running year or two, Coyle says.
reasons, have you ever final lap, and you have a PR. some point you have to you want to focus on as or powerlifting, youre You can improve 10 to
been in the best possible A max performance is start running. And then you work toward your self-obsessed. Youll 20%. Coaches call those
shape you could achieve? something else. It can come you run until one of three maxstrength, endur- bore friends and cowork- newbie gains. Only
You can expand the ques- only from dedicated train- things happens: He stops when youre struggling to
tion to team sports: Have ing toward a specific goal. the test because hes improve 1 or 2% a year are
you practiced and trained detected a problem with you anywhere near a max.
to the point where you your heart; he ends the
thought you maxed out What Is a Max? test when you hit a target 2 Training
your ability in that sport heart rate; or you give up. Work with people who
and played it at the highest Theres one school of In the you give up know more than you do.
level you could? thought, popularized scenario, imagine that your The best athletes in solitary
Its not really a simple by South African sports doctor offers you $2 mil- sports like running and
question, is it? First, scientist Timothy Noakes, lion to keep going for an- powerlifting often have
you have to distinguish MD, DSc, that maintains other minute. Youd do it, mentors who won champi-
between a personal record its impossible to reach Rowland says. You could onships or set records. Take
and a max performance. your bodys absolute limit. go beyond what your brain Amby Burfoot, winner of
You can go out today and Your body wont allow has told you to do. You still the 1968 Boston Marathon,
set a PR in anything, as you to push beyond a cer- wouldnt run so hard that for example. His high
tain level, says Thomas youd hurt yourself, but you school track coach, John J.
W. Rowland, MD, author of would find a way to earn Kelley, was a Boston Mara-

Max Rule 1 The Athletes Clock, a book

that explores all aspects of
peak performance. You
that $2 million.
University of Texas
exercise scientist Ed
thon champion and two-
time Olympian. Burfoots
teammate and roommate
Program hoppers tend
to fail, so pick a training shut down. Coyle, PhD, agrees, but was Bill Rodgers, and the
regimen and stick with Rowland uses the ex- only if were talking about two of them competed
it to achieve maximum ample of a treadmill stress untrained individuals. The against another dominant
performance. test to make his point. If higher the level of training marathoner of their time,
youve never taken one, it and experience an athlete Frank Shorter.


Back to Contents | 33
For most of us, training program or gym or coach 3 Performance responsive and rise with in the morning, when all
with a champion is not is right for you? Look for Pick your moment. exercise. the competitors are fight-
realistic. Even if theres
one nearby, a pro might
not have the time or inter-
consistent results from
the people who use the
program. Roberts trains
Max Rule 3 If youre looking for a max
effort in strength, and you
can pick your own start-
For endurance, though,
air temperature may be
more important than your
ing their bodies circadian
Be patient: Only when
est to work with someone at Westside Barbell in ing time, go for mid to late bodys readiness. Grade yourself on a curve.
youre struggling to
at our level. But you can Columbus, OH, under afternoon. Thats when Its going to be differ- Performance is always
improve 1 or 2% a year
almost certainly find a lo- the guidance of Louie your body creates the ent for every individual, circumstantial. Your max
are you near a max.
cal gym that specializes in Simmons, a powerlifting perfect circumstances to Rowland says. Some effort might not look like
whatever youre pursuing champion who has trained excel. Your core tempera- people run better in the a max on the scorecard.
or a running, cycling, or generations of winners. ture is highest, blood flow heat, some in the cold. An all-out effort in crappy
swimming club you can Its not like Westside same gym, their exercises to your muscles surges, All of this is moot if weather might be the high
join. If even these options is the only gym in the and techniques would be and your nerves fire youre in a race or some point of your career, no
are impractical, theres world that cranks out top as different as their bodies. faster. Your testosterone other competition. Endur- matter where you finish or
always an online commu- lifters, says Roberts. But But those are merely tac- level may also be more ance events typically start how long it took. If youre
nity or coaching program its results are consistent. tics. Their strategies might in a competition, theres
you can join. Lifters who train there be identical. always the chance some-
Your knowledge and stick with the program and McCormack says that one else will hit his max
skill led you to where succeed with it. each of his workouts starts on your best day, pushing
you are today. You need with the most important you out of the winners
something else in order Understand your weaknesses. work of the day, followed circle. Sometimes an of-
to go beyond your cur- Bodybuilder and personal by supplemental training ficial blows a call. Only you
rent levelanother base trainer Nate Miyaki offers that he might skip if he know what went into your
of knowledge or point of this advice: Know your needs the extra time to performance and what you
view. You dont know what kryptonite. It might be recover. took out of it.
you dont know about something external, like Competitive lifters also
reaching your goals until a particular exercise that build workouts around Wait before evaluating.
you spend time around hurts your shoulder or daily goals. A powerlifter A true max is evident only
people whove already a training method that might train four times a in retrospect. The longer
achieved them. leaves you with creaky week, using two workouts you pursue something,
knees. Or it could be a to improve his bench press the more opportunities
Find the right program temptation, something and the other two for youll have for an all-out
and then stick with it. that breaks down your squats and deadlifts. The effort. What you once
McCormack describes willpower rather than most important exercise thought was your max may
athletes who jump from your muscles or joints. comes first, following a turn out to be something
program to program and You have to know the warm-up. The other stuff elsea great effort, pos-
trainer to trainer as scat- things that will pull you matters, but you always sibly a personal record,
tered people. They dont away from your goal, want your best effort to but not your best. The
have enough of a founda- Miyaki says. If you dont go toward the lifts youll reverse is also true: What
tion, he says. You should have the willpower to go eventually max out on. you thought was just a PR
make a decision and go out to dinner and skip Physique-focused gym may turn out, in retro-
with it. dessert, you probably rats tend to have the least spect, to have been your
Program hoppers shouldnt go out to dinner. structured training. They true max. You wont really
are doomed to fail, says The farther away you are rely on instincts and know until you start to go
powerlifter A.J. Roberts. from your kryptonite, the experience to modulate backward.
They see results because less power it has. You stop the volume and intensity So what is a true max?
its a new program. When craving it. of a workout, but they still Its not always a win. But
it fails, they jump to the enter the gym with the it sure as hell makes you a
next program. They never Focus your workouts. goal of working specific winner.
achieve the results they If you saw a triathlete, a muscle groups to whatever
should. bodybuilder, and a pow- level of exhaustion they
How do you know which erlifter working out in the can tolerate that day.


Back to Contents | 35
How to Put Them Together

Warrior Flank Steak Tacos

with Mole Sauce
3 / Dice the plantain. In a blender,
puree the tomato, garlic, chilies, beans,
chocolate, and cinnamon, thinning with
3 minutes a side. Let it rest briefly, and
then cut it into cubes and divide among
the tortillas. Serve your steak tacos with

3 dried chilies, stemmed
soft, ripe plantain, peeled up to cup of water if needed. Season the mole sauce (tomato-bean-chocolate
1 plum tomato with the salt. mixture), peanuts, cilantro, and plantain.
1 Tbsp olive oil 4 / On a lightly oiled grill, cook the Makes 2 servings
3 garlic cloves, peeled steak over high heat to medium, about
1 cup canned black beans, rinsed
1 oz dark chocolate, melted
tsp ground cinnamon
Discover the powers of superfoods Salt to taste
1 flank steak (about 10 oz)
4 soft corn tortillas, warmed
1 Tbsp chopped roasted peanuts
Every day it seems another approach, says Jeffrey helpings of a broad variety 1 Tbsp chopped cilantro
superfood is trumpeted as Blumberg, PhD, a profes- of fruits, vegetables, and 1 / Preheat the oven to 400F. In a
the latest nutritional hero. sor of nutrition at Tufts whole grains with the bowl, soak the chilies in warm water,
But if you take the notion University and a Mens most health-promoting weighing them down with a plate,
of nutritional saviors with Health nutrition advisor. nutrients, then go for it, until soft, about 20 minutes.
2 / Put the plantain and tomato on
a grain (or maybe a pinch) If the concept leads Blumberg says. a baking sheet; brush the tomato
of salt, it can be a useful you to seek out generous with the oil. Roast, adding the garlic
after 10 minutes, until the tomato
is lightly charred, 15 to 20 minutes.

All-Star Foods
Muscle Builders

Black beans Chilies Plantains

Want to go harder at the Want to reveal those muscles? Like bananas,
gym? Then load up on Then you also need to pare away plantains are rich in Heart Protectors
these legumes, which help fat. A Japanese study found that potassium, a nutri-
prevent a magnesium capsaicin, the chemical that ent that helps form
deficiency that can reduce gives chilies their spicy heat, glycogen, a source of Olive oil Almonds Salmon Farro Chickpeas
exercise performance helps your body burn more fat energy that powers Pour on the Pile on the Fatty fish Chew on this: Pass the hum-
and endurance, a review as fuel during exercise. your muscles. olive oil. The crunch: The species such People who ate a mus: Chick-
in Magnesium Research FDA says monounsatu- as salmon diet rich in whole peas are a
reports. that consum- rated fats in are well grains like farro cut good source of
ing 2 table- nuts may play a worth the their risk of heart polyphenols,
Sure, beef is a great source
Rethink Drinks spoons a day,
in place of
role in reduc-
ing your risk
price: A diet
rich in fish
disease by about
20% compared
which may slow
the buildup
of muscle-building pro- Pass on diet soda Drink- But drink milk Its more saturated of death from oils could with those who of plaque in
tein. But its also one of the ing diet soda can change effective than sports drinks fat, might coronary heart protect your ate them rarely, your arteries
best sources of carnitine, the bodys ability to regulate for postworkout hydration, reduce your disease, accord- ticker by according to a and boost your
an amino-acid derivative food intake, which can lead and it provides muscle- risk of heart ing to a Loma reducing the review in Nutri- HDL (good)
that helps your mitochon- to packing on more flab. building protein. disease. Linda Uni- buildup of tion, Metabolism cholesterol.
dria burn fat for energy. versity study fat in your & Cardiovascular
review. blood. Disease.


Back to Contents | 37
How to Put Them Together How to Put Them Together

Roasted Salmon 2 / Meanwhile, place the salmon skin mustard; season with the salt and pepper. Easy Curried Chicken
with Chickpea Salad side down on a lightly oiled baking sheet. Stir in the farro along with the chickpeas, Korma with Greens
cup farro Drizzle on 1 tablespoon of the oil, and almonds, mint, and scallion. Season to 1 cup slivered almonds
1 salmon fillet (12 oz, season with the salt and pepper. Bake taste with the salt and pepper. Serve the 1 cup raw cashews
preferably wild), skin on until white spots appear on the salmon, salmon with the farro salad and lemon 1 cup low-fat yogurt
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil about 20 minutes. wedges to squeeze onto the fish. 1 cup 2% milk
Salt and freshly ground 3 / In a large bowl, whisk the remaining Makes 2 or 3 servings
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
pepper to taste 2 tablespoons of oil with the vinegar and (preferably white)
2 Tbsp red-wine vinegar tsp salt
Tbsp Dijon mustard 2 Tbsp canola oil
cup drained canned chickpeas 2 garlic cloves, minced
cup whole almonds, 1 Tbsp minced fresh ginger
toasted and chopped
1 Tbsp curry powder
1 Tbsp thinly sliced mint leaves
2 lb boneless, skinless chicken
1 scallion, thinly sliced breast, cut into 2 pieces
Lemon wedges 4 carrots, cut into pieces
1 / Preheat the oven to 325F. In 1 lb fresh mustard greens, 2 / Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a through, about
a medium saucepan, bring 4 cups stemmed and chopped heavy skillet over medium heat; saut the 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat
of water to a boil and add the 1 / Soak the nuts in water for hour. garlic, ginger, and curry powder until light the remaining tablespoon of oil in a
farro. Reduce to a simmer and Drain and place them in a blender with brown, about 3 minutes, taking care not large skillet; add the greens and saut
cook until the farro is tender, the yogurt, milk, pepper, and salt. Blend to burn them. Add the yogurt mixture and until tender, 7 to 10 minutes. Season with
about 25 minutes. Drain the until a smooth sauce forms. Thin with wa- reduce to a simmer; cook for 10 minutes. salt. Serve the korma with the greens.
farro and set aside to cool. ter if it seems thicker than a milkshake. 3 / Add the chicken and carrots to the Makes 4 servings
sauce; simmer until the chicken is cooked

Eat like a Caveman

Dont worryyou dont need to club a bison for dinner. Just reprogram your carb
cravings, says Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint. With these high-protein,
low-carb swaps, youll be on your way to fewer grains and fewer (weight) gains.
Age Erasers
If you eat Switch to Bonus tip
Egg white omelet with toast Whole-egg and vegetable Well-cooked bacon is a great
Cashews Curry powder Mustard greens Carrots omelet with bacon substitute for the crunch of toast.
Talk about a smart Spices can boost Save face: These Crunch on car-
Burger on a bun Burger between two Sturdy romaine leaves can support a
snack. Cashews brainpower as well robust greens boast rots to protect firm lettuce leaves pattyand its ridges hold in condiments.
help prevent mag- as foods flavor. This plenty of vitamin your eyes. Carrots
Pasta with marinara sauce Spaghetti squash pasta Prick and bake 1 hour at 375F. Halve,
nesium deficien- Indian blend is rich C, which supports are rich in lutein, with marinara sauce scoop seeds out, and shred with a fork.
cies, which may in turmeric, a spice the collagen in your a nutrient that
promote cell aging linked to the preven- skin, according can help prevent Turkey on rye with Same sandwich Caveman roll-up: Layer cold cuts, cheese, and
lettuce, tomato, and onion without the bread vegetables. Add mustard. Roll and eat.
and age-related dis- tion of Alzheimers to a study in the age-related macu-
ease, say research- disease in a study American Journal lar degeneration, Cakes and pastries Berries topped with a mix of A drop of vanilla extract will make
whipped cream and mascarpone this topping taste even sweeter.
ers from the Uni- review published in of Clinical Nutri- a Chinese study
versity of California the Annals of Indian tion. review found. Nacho tortilla chips Beef jerky Buy a low- or no-sugar variety to cut carbs.
at Berkeley. Academy of Neurology.


Back to Contents | 39
How to Put Them Together

Vegetable Omelet Power Burger Spaghetti Squash 1 / Place the chicken in a 13 9 the flour mixture, then return to the pan
3 eggs, well beaten 1 lb extra-lean ground beef 2 / Make 4 thin patties, then roll them in Chicken Parmesan baking dish and pierce in several with the buttermilk, then coat again with
3 tbsp CHopped red bell pepper 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds, shelled the wheat germ until theyre covered. 4 boneless, skinless chicken places with a fork. Pour the buttermilk the flour. Place in another large baking
2 tbsp chopped green bell pepper 1 Tbsp onion, finely chopped 3 / Grill or panfry the burgers. breast halves over the chicken and turn to coat both dish coated with cooking spray. Spoon
2 tbsp chopped tomato, seeded 1 Tbsp red bell pepper, finely chopped 4 / Place the cooked burgers on the cup buttermilk sides. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. about 2 tablespoons of the spaghetti
2 tbsp chopped mushrooms tsp freshly ground black pepper buns, and top with lettuce, tomato, and 1 large spaghetti squash, cut in half 2 / Place the squash, cut sides up, in sauce onto each chicken breast and
2 tbsp chopped zucchini Toasted wheat germ honey mustard. cup rice flour or unbleached a microwavable dish. Cover with plastic sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
or all-purpose flour wrap and microwave until fork-tender, 5 / Bake until a thermometer inserted in
salt and freshly ground pepper 4 whole grain buns Makes 4 servings
cup grated Parmesan cheese 25 minutes. Using a fork, scrape the the thickest portion registers 160F and
to taste Lettuce and tomato slices as topping 1 tsp garlic powder flesh from the squash. Keep warm. the juices run clear, about 25 minutes.
1 / Heat a large skillet coated with olive Honey mustard tsp seasoning salt
oil cooking spray over medium heat. Add 3 / Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 6 / Meanwhile, heat the remaining
1 / Place the ground beef, sunflower 1 cups spaghetti sauce 375F. sauce in a medium saucepan over
the eggs, allowing them to cover the seeds, onion, bell pepper, and black pep-
bottom of the pan. Cook until the bottom 4 / In a shallow dish, combine the flour, medium heat. Serve with the chicken and
per in a large mixing bowl and knead with cup of the cheese, the garlic powder, spaghetti squash.
begins to set, about 3 minutes. your hands until its well mixed.
2 / When nearly cooked, top one half of and seasoning salt. Dredge the chicken in Makes 4 servings

the omelet with the bell peppers, tomato,

mushrooms, zucchini, salt, and pepper.
Carefully fold the remaining half over the
filling and cook about 2 minutes longer.
Makes 1 serving


Back to Contents | 41
Kick Your Fast-Food Addiction Conquer Your Cravings
We know how tempting it over and cook for another Even full-fat sour cream is Healthy eating isnt about RD. Dont fight the urge and granola bars. Make
is. Were guys, and weve 5 minutes, until theyre okay because itll keep you deprivationits about find a healthier way to your own trail mix by com-
been hungry and tired. Nerf-football firm. Let satisfied longer. simple planning and satisfy it. Sweet tooth? bining cup each of Bran
Fight back with our plan. them cool, then store smart decisions. Heres Have a cup of yogurt: Its Chex, dried cranberries,
them in a resealable bag in Pesto Pasta your four-step game plan. big on protein and creamy sunflower seeds, unsalted
your fridge. Cook a cup of penne pasta flavor and low in calories cashews, and raisins. Bag
Step 1 according to the package 1 Outsmart
Your Cravings.
and fat. You curb the small servings and go.
directions. Bonus points if craving, and you get solid
No more eating while Step 3 you decide to use whole- People tend to eat nutrition, says Stokes. 3 Snack
driving. The real appeal of wheat pasta. At the same around their cravings,
fast food is convenience: Cook a tasty, healthy meal time, reheat one chicken snacking and nibbling 2 Eat Well Its not snacking when
You dont even need to get for one in less time than breast in the microwave until theyve taken in on the Road. youre elbow deep in a
out of your car. Once you youd have to wait at the for 60 seconds, then slice 500 calories and still To avoid a Cinnabon re- Doritos bagthat, friend,
have to walk in the door to drive-thru. Were not say- it into -inch strips. Toss arent satisfied, says lapse at the airport, pack is gorging. Control the
get your combo meal, the ing you have to eat chicken the chicken and pasta D. Milton Stokes, MPH, mixed nuts, energy bars, quantity. Buy prepack-
appeal of fast food swiftly every nightbut look with 1 tablespoons of aged portions, like 1-ounce
declines. Plus, by keeping what you can do with your prepared basil pesto, and bags of Baked Lays and
the food away from the precooked chicken eat with store-bought snack-size Pacific Gold
drivers seat, youll avoid salad-in-a-bag. jerky. Warehouse stores
dripping Arbys sauce on Cobb Salad like Costco and Sams Club
your tie and stockpiling Dice one chicken breast Barbecue- have huge boxes of these.
empty soda cups in your and toss it in a salad of Chicken Pizza Even ice cream comes
backseat, and youll prob- romaine lettuce with Spread 1 tablespoon of in small cups. For most
ably drive more safely. crumbled blue cheese, barbecue sauce on a large guys, the carton becomes a
low-sodium bacon bits, pita and layer with diced trough, says Stokes.
and a sliced hard-boiled chicken, sliced red onion,
Step 2 egg. Dress with a table- a dash of dried oregano, 4 Control
spoon of balsamic vinai- and shredded mozzarella
Embrace the boneless, grette. cheese. Bake in a 400F Bingeing.
skinless chicken breast. oven until the cheese Use the set snack
Youre more likely to skip Chicken Fajita melts, 8 to 10 minutes. trick. People who ate the
the drive-thru if you have Saut 1/3 cup each of sliced same snack 90 minutes
a cooked chicken breast green bell pepper, red after dinner for 1 month
waiting at home. Theyre bell pepper, and onion dropped 4 pounds in a
high in protein, low in fat, in olive oil until tender. Wayne State Univer-
and cheap. MH Muscle Slice a chicken breast into sity study. (They ate ce-
Chow author Gregg -inch strips and add the real.) And beware hunger
Avedon cooks several each chicken to the pan, along spurred by boredom or
Sunday to eat throughout with a pinch of cumin and TV ads. Take the dog for
the week, and you should, cayenne pepper. Cook for a walk; do anything to buy
too. Rub 2 pounds of 60 seconds (you can even some time for your brain
chicken breasts with salt, do that ahead of time), to tell you youre not re-
pepper, and olive oil, and then serve the mixture ally hungry, Stokes says.
lay them on a broiler pan. on whole-wheat tortillas Or brush your teeth and
Cook under the broiler topped with shredded gargle: Nothing tastes
or in a 500F oven for Cheddar cheese and a dol- good after that.
5 minutes, then flip them lop of low-fat sour cream.


Back to Contents | 43
metabolism early with green tea, are known to
Change Up
Rev Up Your
two scrambled eggs or a increase metabolism. In
few slices of lean turkey a 12-week double-blind
bacon for breakfast, then study published in the Your Workout
keep it up throughout the American Journal of Clini-
day with at least one pro- cal Nutrition, participants Its trueboost your

Metabolism tein-packed snack, such

as almonds or cheese, and
lunch and dinner built
around legumes, lean
meats, tuna, or salmon.
who consumed 690 mg
of catechins from green
tea daily had significantly
lower body-mass indexes
and smaller waist mea-
metabolism and you can
lower your body fat to
10%. Use this workout
from Craig Ballantyne,
MSc, CSCS, a strength
surements than those in and conditioning coach.
Eat More Often the control group. Skip Choose the plan below
You dont need to eat like a child to
Skipping meals lets your the Lipton and steep that most applies to your
recapture the metabolism of your youth bodys calorie-burning 1 teaspoon of loose current measurement.
furnace go cold, says green tea leaves (we like
Hyman. Spread out mini- Dragon Pearl from Rishi; If Your Body
meals throughout the day. in hot Fat Is
Try a cup of yogurt with water for 4 minutes. Less than 17%
fresh fruit or almonds at Every week, perform the
Change Up 10:30 a.m. and a hard- Eat Breakfast three total-body work-
boiled egg or hummus Every Day outs and three interval
Your Diet with vegetables around Begin by proving that sessions (as shown
3 p.m. you have time for it. This on p. 46). Put in some
You can rev up your weekend, time how long overtime to chisel your
metabolic engine Burn Fat Faster it takes you to nuke a way to 10% body fat. Do
without changing how Kick your metabolism bowl of instant oatmeal the body-weight circuit
much you eat, says Mark into overdrive by per- and eat it. Were bet- in Burn Fat Faster. And
Hyman, MD, author of forming this body-weight ting less than 5 minutes, remember to stay active
Ultra-Metabolism. Com- routine 12 hours before which isnt long enough on the days you dont
bined with an interval or after your weight to make you late for work. train.
workout (see Change workout. Move from Then remind yourself Between 17 and 24%
Up Your Workout on one exercise to the next why its so crucial. Not Lose your lard with three
p. 45), these five simple without resting between eating breakfast may total-body workouts a
tips will have your body exercises, and repeat the reduce your metabolic week and three rounds of
burning calories all day circuit up to four times. rate by 10%, says Leslie intervals a week.
longand all night. Prisoner squat (20 reps) Bonci, RD, MPH, director More than 24%
Pushup (15 reps) of sports nutrition at the Start shedding pounds
Up Your Bulgarian split squat University of Pittsburgh fast by doing intervals
Protein Intake (15 reps per side) medical center. This in with long active-rest
A British study found Inverted row (as many turn increases your risk periods: Run at a medium
that participants who reps as you can complete of obesity, high cholester- pace for, say, 1 minute,
increased the percent- with perfect form) ol, and diabetes. Keep a and then walkyour
age of protein-based Prisoner forward lunge breakfast bar by your bed, active restfor 2 minutes
calories in their diets (10 reps per side) or pour dry oatmeal or to catch your breath
burned 71 more calories Elevated pushup cereal in a bowl the night before running again.
a day (thats 7.4 pounds a (8 reps per side) before, Bonci suggests. Reintroduce yourself
year) than those on low- Leave a bowl of fruit or to the weight room, and
protein diets. Protein Go Green bags of trail mix near try to find a workout
burns hotter than other Catechins, the powerful your front door so you partner: someone with a
food sources, says Hy- antioxidants found in can grab them in a hurry. similar goal (and gut).
man. Jumpstart your


Back to Contents | 45
How to Do These Workouts

Each workout is 3 supersets. Do each exercise one after the other without rest. Rest
for 60 seconds after each superset. The numbers below indicate sets and reps. If you
havent been to the gym in months, do 1 set of 12 reps of each in the first week. For the
intervals (biking, running, and so on), rate your intensity on a scale of 1 to 10 (maxed
out), with 3 feeling easy.

Superset 1 Sets/Reps
Superset 1 Sets/Reps
Superset 1 Sets/Reps
Your Torso
Dumbbell 3/6 Barbell squat Chinup 3 sets of as
many reps as
chest press
Romanian you can do with
proper form
Boost total-body power by sculpting a V-shaped torso
Dumbbell row deadlift
Front squat
Superset 2 Sets/Reps Superset 2 Sets/Reps
Superset 2 Sets/Reps Slim-fit shirts and lustful guess how much youre rated by at least a day.
Dumbbell Split squat
incline chest looks are reason enough going to bench? he asks. Do the prescribed num-
press Bent-over Dumbbell to sculpt a V-shaped torso. In fact, most upper-body ber of reps and sets for
lateral raise close-grip
Wide-grip 3/12 bench press Heres another: A strong moves enlist your back, he each exercise, resting for
deadlift torso will make you stron- says. Bottom line: If youre 90 seconds between sets.
Superset 3 Sets/Reps Shoulder- 3/12
width grip
ger in nearly every exercise not training your back as Hit the rest of your upper
Superset 3 Sets/Reps Swiss-ball 3/15
barbell you do, says Martin Rooney, hard as or harder than your and lower body in two
back raise row PT, CSCS, chief operating other muscles, youre limit- other weekly workouts.
Bench press 3/12
Dumbbell officer of the Parisi Speed ing total-body strength and Follow this program
Swiss-ball 3 sets, shrug Superset 3 Sets/Reps School in Fair Lawn, NJ, creating serious imbalanc- for 6 weeks to strengthen
plank 45 seconds
each Kneeling 3/10 and founder of training es that can lead to injury. your back, rebalance
Thursday cable Take the your musculature, build
Intervals: Warm up for crunch bench press: If your chest Directions total-body power, and
Tuesday 5 minutes, then go for Barbell 3/10 can handle 250 pounds but Perform each workout (A bust through nagging
Intervals: Warm up for 2 minutes at level 7 on rollout your back maxes out at 150, and B) once a week, sepa- fitness plateaus.
5 minutes. Perform an your intensity scale.
interval at level 9 on Next, do 2 minutes of
your intensity scale for active rest at level 3. Saturday Workout A
30 seconds, followed by Repeat for a total of Intervals: After a
90 seconds at level 3. six intervals, aiming 5-minute warmup,
Repeat for six intervals. to cover the same exercise at level 8 for Mixed-Grip Chinup
Cool down. distance with each inter- 45 seconds, followed by Hang from a bar using a mixed
val. Cool down for 60 seconds of active rest. grip (one palm facing you, the
3 minutes at level 3. Repeat 6 times, then other facing away), with your hands
cool down at a level-3 slightly beyond shoulder width [A] . A B
Pull your chest to the bar, pause,
intensity. and then slowly lower yourself [B] .
Do 4 sets of 8 reps, flipping
your grip halfway through
each set.


Back to Contents | 47
Workout B

Kneeling Single-Arm
Supported Row Back Extension
Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and place your Position yourself in a back extension station. Keeping a slight arch in
left hand and left knee on a flat bench. Keep your your back, lower your upper body as far as you comfortably can; this
back naturally arched and your torso parallel to is the starting position [A] . Squeeze your glutes and raise your torso
the floor; this is the starting position [A] . Pull until your body is straight [B] . Pause, and slowly lower your torso to
the weight to the side of your chest, pause, and the starting position. Do 4 sets of 8 reps. A
return to the starting position [B] . Do 3 sets A
of 12 reps (6 each arm).

Dumbbell Pullover
Lie faceup on a flat bench holding a dumbbell Barbell Good Morning
straight above your chest; this is the starting Using an overhand grip, hold a barbell across your upper
position [A] . Without changing the angle of back to assume the starting position [A] . Keeping your knees
your elbows, slowly lower the weight back slightly bent and your back naturally arched, bend at your hips
and over your head until your upper arms until your torso is almost parallel to the floor [B] . Pause, and
are in line with your body [B] . Pause, and return to the starting position. Do 4 sets of 6 reps.
slowly raise it back to the starting position. A
Do 4 sets of 8 reps.

Cable Chest Pull

B Attach a rope to the high pulley of a cable station and grab each end so your
palms face each other; this is the starting position. Step back until your arms
are straight and you feel tension in the cable [A] . Bend your arms, squeeze
your shoulder blades, flare your elbows, and pull the rope to your chest [B] .
Pause, and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
Upright Row
Using an overhand grip, hold a pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs [A] . A B
Keeping your forearms pointed down, bend your elbows to pull the weights
to your chest and raise your upper arms until theyre parallel to the floor [B] .
Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 6 reps.
A B Cable Pullover
Attach a bar to the high pulley of a cable station. Standing with your feet
shoulder-width apart, grab each end of the bar with an overhand grip, your hands
slightly beyond shoulder width [A] . Keeping your back and arms straight, push
the bar down in an arc until it touches your thighs [B] . Return to the starting
position. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.


Cable Reverse Fly

Stand between the weight stacks of a cable machine and set
A B C both pulleys to just above chest level. Grab the left pulleys
handle in your right hand and the right pulleys handle in your
left hand [A] . Squeeze your shoulder blades and pull each
Incline L Raise cable across your body toward the opposite side [B] . Pause,
Grab a pair of light dumbbells and lie chest down on an incline bench with your arms straight and your palms back [A] . Now bend
and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.
your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades, and lift your upper arms as high as you can [B] . Without changing your elbow position,
rotate your forearms up and back [C] . Pause, and lower the weights. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. A B


Back to Contents | 49
Dumbbell 1 Pushup

Ultimate Boot
Grasp the handle of a dumbbell in each should form a straight line from head to yourself halfway back up [C] . Pause
hand and assume a pushup position with ankles [A] . Bend your elbows and lower again, then lower your body back to the
your arms straight. Your hands should be your body until your chest nearly touches floor [D] . Push yourself all the way back
about shoulder-width apart, and your body the floor [B] . Pause, and then push up to the starting position, and repeat.

Camp Workout A B

Report for duty and end up in the best shape of your life

If youre looking to you through a series of head to toe. The best

firebomb fat, pack on intense exercises at a part: Whether you want
muscle, and sweat your fast pace, this program bigger muscles or faster
way to a six-pack, we have will help you burn more fat loss, Gaddour shows Dumbbell Hot Potato Squat
your call to duty: this calories per minute than you how to tweak this Grab a dumbbell with your left hand and bend your knees, and lower your hips from your left hand to your right [C] .
cutting-edge boot camp a typical weight-training workout to achieve your hold it against the front of your shoulder, until the top of your thighs is at least Now immediately repeat the squat while
workout, designed by or aerobic workout. most pressing goal. your elbow bent [A] . Keeping your back parallel to the floor [B] . Then stand back holding the dumbbell in your right hand
fitness expert B.J. Gad- Plus it works every one Now get to workand naturally arched, push your hips back, up as you smoothly pass the dumbbell [D] . Continue to alternate back and forth.
dour, CSCS. By moving of your muscles, from thats an order!

DIRECTIONS Perform this workout as a circuit, completing each exercise in succession.

To blast more fat: Starting with the first To build more muscle: Do as many repetitions as
exercise, do as many reps as you can in 50 seconds. you can in 30 seconds. (Youll need to use a heavier weight than
Then rest for 10 seconds as you transition to the next you would for the fat-loss version.) Then rest for 30 seconds as
exercise. After youve done all 10 exercises, rest for you transition to the next exercise. Do all 10 exercises and rest
60 seconds. Then repeat the circuit one more time. for 60 seconds; then repeat the circuit once more.


Dumbbell Skier Swing

Holding a pair of dumbbells at arms
length next to your sides, stand with Dumbbell Lawn-mower Pull
your feet hip-width apart and your Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and stand in a split stance,
knees slightly bent [A] . Without your right foot in front of your left. Bend your right knee and
rounding your lower back, bend at your your hips until your torso is about 45 degrees to the floor. Let
hips as you simultaneously swing your the dumbbell hang at arms length [A] .
arms backward [B] . Now explosively In one move, explosively straighten your
thrust your hips forward and raise your right leg and thrust your hips forward
torso until youre standing upright, while [B] as you rotate your torso (pivot
allowing your momentum to swing the your feet) and row the weight to B
weights up to chest level [C] . (Dont your shoulder [C] . Reverse the
actively lift the weight.) Swing back move and repeat. Once youve
and forth for the duration of your set. A B C worked for half of your allotted
time, switch hands and legs.


Back to Contents | 51
Overhead Dumbbell Threaded Lunge
Shouldering Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and stand
Use both hands to grasp a dumbbell by its tall with your feet hip-width apart. This is the
ends and hold it against your chest. Stand starting position [A] . Keeping your torso
tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. upright, take a big step backward with your
Shift the dumbbell to your right shoulder right foot and lower your body until your left
[A] ; then press it directly overhead until knee is bent at least 90 degrees and your
your arms are straight [B] and lower it to right knee almost touches the floor. While
your left shoulder [C] . Thats 1 repetition. in this down position, pass the dumbbell
Continue to move the weight in this under your left leg to your right hand [B] .
manner until youve worked for half of your Push yourself back to the starting position,
allotted time. Then switch directions (that and repeat, this time lunging backward with
is, push the dumbbell up from your left your left leg.
shoulder) and do the rest of your reps.

Dumbbell Dumbbell High-Low Farmers Walk

Rotational Grab two dumbbellsa heavy one in your right hand and a
Deadlift light one in your left. (The heavy dumbbell should be about
Stand tall and use both hands to grasp twice the weight of the light one.) Press the light dumbbell
a dumbbell by its ends, letting it hang over your head, with your arm straight and your biceps in
at arms length in front of your waist line with your ear. Let the heavy dumbbell hang at arms
[A] . Now rotate your hips to the left so length next to your side [A] . With your core braced and
your left foot is forward and the weight glutes tight, walk forward [B] and then backwardand
is hanging next to your left thigh. Next, then every which way. Once youve worked for half of your
keep your back naturally arched as you allotted time, switch arms and legs.
bend your knees and hips and lower the A B
weight to the front of your left shin [B] .
Push your hips forward, raise your torso,
and stand; then rotate your torso all the
way to the right to repeat the move on
that side. A B
Dumbbell Shoveling
Stand in a split stance, your right foot in Explosively loop the dumbbell across your reverse the move back to the starting posi-
front of your left. Use both hands to grasp body, up to chest level [B] , and then over tion. Continue to move the dumbbell back
a dumbbell by its ends and hold it at arms to your left thigh as you pivot your feet and forth, as if youre constantly shoveling
length in front of your right thigh [A] . and rotate your hips to the left [C] . Then from one side of your body to the other.
Bottom-Half Getup
Grab a dumbbell in your right hand and
lie on the floor with your right leg bent
and your left leg straight. Hold the dumb-
bell overhead with your arm completely
straight [A] . Without taking your eyes
off the dumbbell or letting your right A
arm bend, roll onto your left side and
prop yourself up on your left elbow. Now
straighten your left arm [B] . Reverse the A B C
move to return to the starting position
and repeat until the time is up. On your
next set of this exercise, do the move B
with the weight in your left hand.


Back to Contents | 53
13 Amazing Abs Rocky Abs
Lie on your back with your legs straight, arms extend-
ed behind your head, and hands grasping something
that wont move, such as a pair of heavy dumbbells

Made Easy
[A] . Raise your legs, butt, and lower back until theyre A
perpendicular to the floor [B] . Your weight should rest
on your upper back. Keeping your body as straight as
possible, brace your core and take 5 to 10 seconds to
lower your body. Thats 1 rep. Do 5 to 10 reps .

Why it works
Your muscles can handle more weight on the eccen-
Are you ready to bring a six-pack to the party? tric, or lowering, phase of a lift, says Durkin. Slowing
the pace of that phase forces your muscles to work B
harder, accelerating your gains.
If the path to a flatter and rotate your torso. moves. Theyll challenge
stomach were paved with They also stabilize your your core from every
crunches, every man spine as you mow the angle, making you stron-
with a gym membership lawn, carry groceries, do ger in everything you do, Mogul Jump
would sport a six-pack. pushups, spike volleyballs, says Durkin. Get on all fours and lift your knees a few inches off
But crunches only flex and otherwise go about the floor so your weight is on your hands and the balls A B
your trunk, says Todd the motions of daily life. of your feet [A] . Keeping your arms straight and legs
Durkin, CSCS, author of Thats why trying to build together, hop and rotate your knees and feet to the
The IMPACT! Body Plan. a solid center with only
DIRECTIONS Add the right [B] . Now hop and rotate your knees and feet to
following exercises to your the left [C] . Thats 1 rep. Keep hopping back and forth
To sculpt a stronger, more crunches, which target regular workouts once or for 20 reps .
chiseled core, you need to your rectus abdominis (the twice a week. Perform these
train it the way it func- six-pack muscle), is like exercises as a circuit, resting Why it works
tions. Or, more specifical- trying to build powerful 20 seconds between exercises The inspiration for this exercise might come from
ly, all the ways it functions. legs by focusing only on and 1 minute after completing skiing, but its also an effective way to prepare for C

The more than two your quads. The result is a circuit. Begin with 2 circuits, many summer sports, including tennis, softball, and
dozen muscles between all show and no go. then increase to 3 circuits as golf. The reason: It trains your abs, lower back, and
they become easier. hips to work together to rotate your body from side to
your hips and shoulders Update your ab routine side, says Durkin.
are what allow you to bend with the following six

Lie on your left side, 3-Point Core Touch
right arm extended so its A Assume a pushup position [A] . Now quickly move
perpendicular to the floor. your right leg forward so your right heel lands outside
Prop yourself up on your left your right hand [B] . Pause and return to the pushup
forearm and raise your hips position. Now quickly move your right leg forward so
so your body is straight from your right foot lands outside your left hand [C] , and
ankles to head [A] . Lower Why it works then return to the pushup position. Thats 1 rep. Do
your left hip [B] , and then The best ab exercises 5 to 10 reps , and repeat with your left leg.
raise it again until its in train your core to stabilize C
line with your body. Thats your spine, Durkin says. B
Why it works
1 rep. Continue lowering The hip-up does exactly This one move will target muscles in your hips, groin,
and raising your hip for that while also sculpting lower back, and often-neglected lower abs, says
20 reps , and then hold the your obliques and Durkin. The result is not only more core strength but
up position for 10 seconds. increasing your rotational also greater total-body stability.
Repeat on your right side. control and stability.


Back to Contents | 55
14 Trainers
Running Man
Lie on your back with your legs straight, elbows at
your sides, and arms bent 90 degrees. This is the
starting position [A] . Lift your shoulders and back A

off the floor as you pull your left knee toward your
chest and drive your right arm forward (as if youre
running) [B] . Return to the starting position.
Repeat with your right knee and left arm. Thats
1 rep. Do 20 reps .

Why it works
Sure, this exercise works your rectus abdominis just
as crunches do. But pumping your arms and legs Hiring a trainer can mean the fast track to
also builds explosiveness and coordination, which B a better bodyor an express ticket to injury.
is fundamental to athleticism, says Durkin. Know when to listen and when to run.

There are roughly Bad Advice ready to move up in

230,000 personal train- Go big or weight. Throw another
ers in the United States, a go home. 5 pounds on the bar or
Figure 8 number that has jumped Theres this idea that you grab the next heaviest pair
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms
44% in the last decade. have to train to failure of dumbbells, says Boyle.
down. Raise your legs so they form a 45-degree Indeed, personal training to trigger growth, says It might not sound like
angle with the floor [A] . Now make big, looping is one of the few profes- Boyle. But go big or go much, but think about it
circles with your legs, first to your right [B] and then sions to not only blossom home is a slogan for a this way: Even if you only
to your left [C] , forming a sideways figure 8. Thats
1 rep. Do 10 reps .
during a recession but also meatheads T-shirt and go up 5 pounds every
grow afterward as people a prescription for injury, 2 weeks, youll still add
Why it works turn to it for a second job not an effective train- 130 pounds to your lift
Doing smaller loops challenges just your rectus and even a second career. ing strategy. The truth is after a year.
abdominis, while larger ones hit your entire core. And its easier than ever precisely the opposite
Work on it until you can create big, sweeping to get certified: You can slow and steady wins the Bad Advice
loops, says Durkin. The bigger the figure 8, the C
go online, take a course, race. The key to success Push through
more you activate your obliques and the muscles
in your hips and lower back.
and start training clients in the weight room is the pain.
within a month. to make consistent, A little bit of soreness isnt
Its a buyer-beware incremental gains that a bad thing. It just means
market, says Mike Boyle, ultimately add up to the youve pushed your body
ATC, owner of Mike Boyle body you want. harder than usual, causing
Strength and Condition- microtears in muscles that
ing in Massachusetts. Better move ultimately lead to gains
Getting hurt might be Train to technical failure. in size and strength. But
rare, but you can eas- You want to do as theres a big difference
ily waste your time with many reps as you can between soreness and
someone who is ineffec- with perfect form, says pain, and ignoring pain is a
tive at best and dangerous Boyle. Once you cant ticket to the disabled list,
at worst. do a perfect rep, the set is says Boyle. I regularly
In short, knowing how overno negative reps, ask my clients, Does the
to recognize bad advice no spotter assistance, no exercise make any of your
is more critical than ever. using momentum to crank joints hurt? I dont care if
Read on for six of the out one more. When you the pain diminishes after
worst fitness tips weve can complete your goal they warm upif they
ever heard and six ways to reps for every set3 sets answer yes, thats the end
get back on track. of 10, for exampleyoure of the exercise.


Back to Contents | 57
Better move Sit on your knees lifts as fast as they can, off a box or bench) and doing jumpssomething
Find a pain-free alterna- in front of a Swiss says Chris Bathke, CSCS, depth jumps (stepping most fit people shouldnt
tive that works the same ball and place your owner of Elemental Fit- off a bench and then even do.
muscles. Just because forearms and fists ness Lab in Oregon. Even springing off the floor and
the barbell bench press on the ball. Slowly athletes dont do that. landing on a platform) Better move
causes you shoulder pain roll the ball forward, When speed is your main are favorites of many If youre already fit, jump
doesnt mean you have to straightening your focus, you lose sight of trainers trying to help onto a 12- to 20-inch
stop working your chest, arms and extend- form, and that can lead to clients build explosive box with both feet, and
says Boyle. Try using ing your body as far injuryespecially if youre speed and a killer jump then step off one foot at
dumbbells, do incline as you can without doing heavy Olympic lifts shot. But these drills a time. That gives you
presses, or switch to allowing your lower or powerlifting moves can also hammer your the explosive benefits
pushups. Changing your back to collapse. like cleans, snatches, jointsespecially if of the exercise without
grip, angle, or movement Use your abdomi- and deadlifts. Ive asked youre heavier than you destroying your knees.
pattern alters the load nal muscles to pull people to show me an should be. I once had Better stillespecially
and positioning of your the ball back to the exercise that in a previous a client who was 40 to if youre carrying extra
joints, allowing you to starting position. workout they repeated for 50 pounds overweight weightswap jumps for
build muscle without time, says Tyler Smith, come in complaining of less jarring exercises that
breaking your body. Bad Advice PT, CSCS, a physical knee pain, says Mike use similar movement
Dont rest therapist at Sports and Robertson, MS, CSCS, patterns. The kettlebell
Bad Advice between sets. ment Center, an online Physical Therapy Associ- co-owner of Indianapo- swing is a perfect substi-
Protect your This misguided mantra is resource for personal ates in Massachusetts and lis Fitness and Sports tute, says Robertson. It
spine with the call to arms of many trainers. As a general rule, a member of the elite ath- Training. The reason trains the same hip-hinge
crunches extreme-fitness programs, the lower your reps and letic development society was that the previous pattern without the high-
and situps. and it can be disastrous in the heavier the weight, the known as GAIN. Theyll trainer had this person impact consequences.
Theres no denying that practice. The reason: Lift- longer you should rest a demonstrate a horrible
crunches and situps can ing heavy weights recruits muscle group before squat, and they did 30 of
help you sculpt a six-pack, fast-twitch muscle fibers, working it again. If youre them.
but they come with an
inherent flaw: repeated
spinal flexion, which
which generate more force doing sets of 1 to 3 reps,
but also fatigue faster. If rest 3 to 5 minutes. For
muscles dont have enough sets of 4 to 7 reps, rest 2 to
Better move
Focus on form, not speed,
How to Find the Right Trainer
Dont leave your health and well-being to chance.
can increase your risk of time to recover between 3 minutes. For 8 to 12 reps, and start with body-weight Find the fittest trainer for the job by asking these three
developing a back problem sets, you wont be able to rest 1 to 2 minutes. Rest versions of exercises until questions.
and aggravate existing train them fully, slowing no more than a minute for you master them. In big 1 Whats the first thing you do with a new client?
damage. Bottom line: your gains and increas- any number of reps above lifts like those we just After taking your medical history, the trainer should
By recommending ing your risk of injury. 12. That doesnt mean mentioned, its critical assess your balance, mobility, and ability to perform
crunches and situps, Making somebody tired you cant work opposing that you brace your core body-weight moves with perfect form, says Tyler
some trainers facilitate is easy, says Sal Marinello, muscle groups, like quads and maintain a slightly Smith, PT, CSCS, a physical therapist at Sports and
the very injuries theyre CSCS, president of Athlet- and hamstrings, back-to- arched or flat back. If you Physical Therapy Associates in Massachusetts.
trying to prevent, says ic Development Coaching back. (Think supersets and dont, your spine can pay 2 Do you take continuing education courses?
Tony Gentilcore, CSCS, a in New Jersey. But theres circuits.) the price. And keep your This is even more important than specific certification,
trainer at Cressey Perfor- a difference between tiring body English to a mini- says Chris Bathke, CSCS, owner of Elemental Fitness
mance in Massachusetts. someone out and actually Bad Advice mum; jerky movements Lab in Oregon. By learning new skills and keeping up
improving their physical Lets see how that boost momentum can with developments in the field, the trainer will be able
Better move condition. many deadlifts do more harm than good. to continually hone your workouts.
Do stability exercises. you can do in 3 Can you provide references?
Stability, or resisting un- Better move 60 seconds. Bad Advice Ask for the names of three clients and ask them if
wanted motion, is the true Understand that a Were starting to see Add plyometrics they were ever injured during training and how theyd
function of your core, and 45-second break is a a lot of people getting to your rate their progress. You may also want to determine
exercises that reinforce 45-second break, says thrown into an extreme routine. whether the trainer works with people who are similar
that function protect your Jonathan Goodman, group workout with little High-impact plyometric to you in age, goals, and fitness level.
spine, says Gentilcore. CSCS, founder of the instruction and then doing exercises, such as box
Try the Swiss-ball rollout: Personal Trainer Develop- high reps of very technical jumps (leaping on and


Back to Contents | 59
15 Bump Up
Your Arms
Here are six new ways to build flex appeal
Kneeling Single-Arm Curl
Select a dumbbell you can curl for no more
than 5 reps or 15 seconds. Hold it in your
nondominant hand, palm in, and kneel [A] .
Keeping your elbow against your ribs, curl
the weight, twisting your palm so it faces
your shoulder at the top of the move [B] .
Do 3 reps a side as many times as you can
in 5 minutes. Once you can go back and
forth 10 times (30 total reps on each side),
increase the weight.


Your body has approxi- work them directly from ing you look like someone
mately 640 muscles, time to time. who probably was the
depending on whos But theres no reason to teachers favorite, even How it works
counting. But just as your settle for garden-variety if you would never admit Your biceps have two functions: to bend your elbows and supinate your forearms. Doing both with heavy weights and
grade-school teacher gave curls, not when your body that to your classmates. low reps leads to fast results. When you do these curls from a kneeling position, with the weight on one side, your
special attention to the has dozens of muscles obliques work overtime to keep you upright, giving you another way to target your core and biceps simultaneously.
class pets, you have an willing to jump in and
oversized affection for share the love. Here are
your biceps. Theyre rela- six ways to upgrade one of DIRECTIONS Add one of
tively small as muscles go, the best arm exercises on these curl variations to the end
and if your arm workouts the planet. Theyll work of your regular workout. Switch Split-Jack Curl
them up to make sure you are
dont rely much on biceps your favorite bundles of hitting different muscles in
Hold a pair of dumbbells at your
curls, they probably arent contractile tissue while sides, palms in, feet hip-width
addition to the bicepsand to apart [A] . Jump into a split
growing much bigger. To burning fat, training your keep it interesting.
help them reach their full core, improving your stanceleft leg forwardwhile
curling the weights to your shoul-
potential, you need to athletic power, and mak- ders [B] . Return to the starting
position and repeat, landing with
your right leg forward. Continue for
20 seconds or 10 reps. To make
Pushup-Position Hammer Curl it harder, drop into a lunge as you
Grab a pair of dumbbells and assume a pushup land. For a fast, 4-minute cardio
position with your palms facing each other [A] . workout, rest 10 seconds after
Without moving your upper arm, curl the weight each set and do 8 sets.
in your right hand toward your right shoulder [B] .
Lower it, and repeat with your left arm. Continue
alternating right and left curls for 30 to 60 seconds. A
Add weight in subsequent workouts, but dont try to
speed up the movement.

How it works
If youve done rows from a pushup position, this exercise will seem How it works
familiar. But by doing a curl instead of a row, you move the load With lighter weights, its a good cardio drill that works your biceps. With heavier weights, its a killer power-
farther from your center of gravity and base of support. Your core training exercise. The deeper you sink into a lunge and the faster you jump out of it, the more you target your
muscles, in turn, need to work harder to stabilize your spine, making fast-twitch muscle fibers. Theyre the biggest and strongest, and they have the greatest potential for growth.
this one of the best ab exercises youve probably never done.


Back to Contents | 61
Resistance Band Jumping- Eccentric Curl
Jack Hammer Curl Select a pair of dumbbells that are 5 to 10 pounds position with a dumbbell clean: Explosively stand
Stand with your feet together and centered on heavier than what youd typically use for 5-rep sets. Hold up straight while bending your elbows to draw
a looped resistance band, holding the top of them at your sides and assume an athletic stance, your the weights to your shoulders [B] . Take
the band with your palms facing each other feet hip-width apart and your ankles, knees, and hips 5 seconds to lower the weights [C] . Do 3 sets
[A] . Curl the band toward your shoulders slightly bent [A] . Cheat the dumbbells to the top of 5 reps, resting 90 seconds between sets.
and jump out with both feet [B] . Reverse the
move to return to the starting position. Repeat
for 20 seconds or 10 total reps. Do 8 sets,
resting for 10 seconds between them. You
can mix it up by alternating sets of curls and
overhead presses (4 sets of each).

How it works
Jumping out against the band targets the hip muscles that provide stability during lunges and squats but that are
rarely worked directly. Strengthening these muscles can improve the appearance of your lower body while also
protecting your knees. Oh, and your biceps will get some work as well.

Squat Concentration Curl A B C

Hold a pair of light dumbbells (10 to 15 pounds) and pressed against your inner thighs, and your palms
stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and facing each other, curl and lower the weights for
your toes pointed out slightly. Push your hips back 30 to 60 seconds [B] . Do it one arm at a time to How it works
and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor add an element of instability and increase the chal- Your muscles can lower more weight than they can lift. Thats why eccentric (or negative) reps, which lengthen
[A] . Keeping your weight on your heels, your elbows lenge to your core [C] . muscles, can spark new growth. Plus, the dumbbell clean improves total-body power. Of all the exercises in this
section, this one may be the best all-around biceps builder.


How it works
Sitting at a desk most of the day closes your hips, which can strain muscles in your thighs and lower back. This move
forces your thighs out and opens up your hips. Pressing your upper arms against your thighs keeps the movement at
your elbows, preventing other muscles from assisting.


Back to Contents | 63

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