Vac Pa160 Mono Amplifier
Vac Pa160 Mono Amplifier
Vac Pa160 Mono Amplifier
pany introduced its PA series of tube “6550/KT88.” (That last position will also this wiring arrangement is deliberate, to
power amplifiers. These amps struck accommodate KT90s, according to VAC.) avoid the stray couplings that can occur
me as truly beautiful, and, presumably, with wires paralleled in neat bundles. Parts
they were well executed. I am also con quality looked to be appropriate, with a
siderably impressed with company THANKS TO ITS VARIETY num ber of metal-film resistors and by
president Kevin Hayes’ knowledge of vacu OF USER ADJUSTMENTS, passed specialty film capacitors in the signal
um-tube design. path. The main chassis piece is bent to form
The PA160, one of the newest products
the top and sides. Front and rear panels are
from VAC, has a variety of user adjustments SATISFY A WIDE RANGE separate pieces, bolted to corner brackets
that should enable it to satisfy a wide range OF MUSICAL TASTES. that tie everything together. Half-inch lips
of musical tastes. For starters, there is a at the bottom of the main chassis piece are
three-position rotary switch for triode, Ul lined with Pemm nuts for bolting on the
tra-Linear, or pentode (beam-power) out The amps are normally supplied with Gold bottom plate.
Photos: Michael Groen
put-tube operation. Another three-position en Dragon KT88s, from China, which VAC
switch selects bias range and B+ voltage for feels possess a nice combination of image Circuit Description
three families of output tubes, and a six-po size, tonal weight, and openness. With the A 6SN7 octal-based dual triode, known
sition switch allows you to vary the amount supplied KT88s, power output is a healthy to be a linear and good-sounding tube, is
of negative feedback. Output tubes associ 160 watts in pentode mode and a very us used in both the first and second stages of
ated with the three bias/B+ switch positions able 80 watts or so in triode mode. the PA160. The first stage is configured as
what is known as a floating actuality, this amounts MX LABS LIUELCdBr' v* nOQ(Ki)
paraphase phase inverter. In to a stage that provides
this arrangem ent, the input one o u tp u t phase d i
signal is applied to the grid of rectly and couples that
a triode acting as a common- output to another stage,
cathode amplifier, which pro which has 100% invert
vides one phase of the stage’s ing feedback, to provide
output signal. This output is the other output phase.
resistively coupled to a point From a circuit purist’s -20
10 100 IK 10k 200K
that I shall call “point x.” The standpoint, this scheme FREQUENCY - Hz
other triode’s plate, also resis has the disadvantage
that the second generat Fig. 1— Frequency response
tively coupled to point x, pro
at " 4 - 8 " output tap.
vides the other phase of the ed phase goes through
stage’s output. A coupling ca one more tube than the BHX LABS LIUKL(dlr)
mi nUCQ(Ki)