Step Attenuator DIY

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A Step Attenuator You Can

dB or not dB -
decide! This low-cost, high performaice
addition to your shack or workshop is a worthy project.
By Bob Shriner,* WAOUZO and Paul K. Pagel,** N l F B

T here probably are a number of Hand-

book and QST readers who need a low-
value of 81 dB may be had with all the sec-
tions switched in. The maximum attenua-
tion lettering etched into the top surface
(or front panel) of the unit. 'This adds a
cost. I-dB step attenuator for the tion of any single section is limited to 20 nice touch, and is a permanent means of
workbench or shack. Purchasing a com- dB because leak-through would probably labeling. Of course, rub-on transfers or
mercially made unit may he out of the spoil the effect of higher attenuation sec- Dymo tape labels could be used a?well.
question because of the expense involved. tions and result in inaccuracy. Frtnale BNC single-hole, chassis-mount
Certainly the concept of the attenuator is This is a low-power attenuator; it is not connectors are used at each end of the
simple, the formulas and resistor values designed for use at power levels exceeding enclosure. These connectors are small and
are at hand.' and the components are I/4 watt. If for some reason the at- easy to mount, have excellent rf qualities,
inexpensive and readily available. But tenuator will be connected to a and provide a means of easily cumecting
layout of the unit and concern for the transceiver, a means of bypassing the unit and disconnecting the attenuator by a
careful assembly involved (if good, during transmit periods must be devised. simple twist of the wrist. They are
reliable results are to be obtained) are, for available from many suppliers, including
many. enough to put the idea far out of Patts Radio Shack.' For the economy-minded
mind. All the switches are dpdt standard-size huilder, perhaps the best place to
Well, take heart! At last you can have slide types. Stackpole S-5022CD03-0 units scrounge this type of connector is at flea
that attenuator without agonizing over the are used here. Other switch types may markets. They are usually offered as "pull
parts layout! The mechanics have been work as well, but have not been tested. outs" and at attractive prices.
worked out for you. If you have an aver- The use of subminiature switches should
sion to cutting rectangular switch holes, a be avoided. An earlier prototype using construction
complete kit - with prepunched switch such switches was constructed, but the After all the box parts are cut to size
holes - may he purchased.VI)oesn't that results obtained were inadequate, owing and the necessary holes are made, scribe
sound attractive? to poor isolation and mechanical switch light lines to locate the inner partitions.
construction. Carefully tack-solder all partitions in posi-
Description Carbon-composition or film. 114-watt, tion. A 40-watt pencil type of iron should
Fig. 1 is the schematic diagram of the 5%-tolerance resistors are used. The
~ provide sufficient heat. Dress any pc-
attenuator. Eight pi-network resistive sec- calculated resistance values and the actual board parts that do not fit squarely. Once
tions are employed; the attenuation is values used are shown in Table 1. Ideally, everything is in proper position, run a
variable in l-dB stem. A total attenuation the resistors should be selected using a solder bead all the way around the joints.
reliable ohmmeter; this will ensure Caution: Do not use excessive amounts of
accuracy. solder, as the switches must later be fit flat
Double-sided pc board is used for the inside the sections. The top, sides, ends
'Notes appear on page 13.
enclosure. Dimensions for the model and partitions can be completed. Dress
.P.O. Box 968, Pueblo. CO 81002 described hereare given in Fig. 2. The kit the outside of the box to suit your taste.
*'Assistant Technical Editor, ARRL version of the attenuator has identifica- For instance, you might wish to bevel the
September 1882 11
Fig. 1 - Schematic diagram of the attenuator. Resistors are 114.W, 5%-tolerance,carboncomposition or film types. Resistances am given in ohms.

1:: ~. . . .
Table 1
PI Network Attenustor Rerlrtance Values
~ -
TOP ," ,. " - i ~
for 62 Ohm Impedance
Calculated Value Standard Value Used
dB R1, R3 R2 Rl. R3 R2
1 904 8 910 6.2
2 453 12 470 12

.- 3 - a n , .
y -

r- SlDEL

- Fig. 2 -- Mechantcal dimensions of the attenuator enclosure.

box edges. Buff the copper with steel sections between the appropriate switch
wool, add lettering, and finish off the lugs. Try to keep the lead lengths as short
work with a coat of clear lacquer or as possible, and do not overheat the
polyurethane varnish. resistors. Now solder the switches in place
Using a little lacquer thinner or acetone to the top section of the enclosure by
(and a lot of caution), soak the switches to tlowing solder through the mounting
remove the grease that was put in during holes and onto the circuit-board material.
their manufacture. When dry, spray the Be certain that you place the switches in
inside of the switches lightly with a TV- their proper positions; correlate the
tuner cleaner/lubricant. IJsing a sharp resistor values with the degree of attenua-
drill bit (about 3/16 inch will do).' tion. Otherwise, you may wind up with
countersink the mounting holes on the ac- the l-dB step at the wrong end of the box
tuator side of the switch mounting plate. - how embarrassing!
This ensures that the switches will fit flush Once the switches are installed, thread a
against the top plate. At one end of each piece of no. 18 bare copper wire through
switch, bend the two lugs over and solder the center lugs of aU the switches. passing
them together. Cut off the upper halves of it through the holes in the partitions.
the remaining switch lugs. (A look at Fig. Solder the wire at each switch terminal.
3 will help clarify these steps.) Cut the wire between the poles of each in-
Solder the horizontal members of the pi dividual switch, leaving the wire con- 'ig. 3 - Ciose.up of the switch detail
12 UST.
Fig. 4- An Inside view of the completed attenuator. Use of short, direct leads enhances the performanceof the unit. Brass nuts soldered at each of
the four corners allow machine screws to be used to secure the bottom cover. File one corner of each nut to permit a flat, two-sided fit wlthln the

necting one switch pole to that of the 4-40, l/4-inch machine screws and you're homemade attenuator exhibited a
neighboring one on the other side of the done! maximum error of less than 1 dB *
partition, as shown in Fig. 4. through 450 MHz, the maximum error oc-
At each of the two end switch ter- The End Result curring in the 20-dB attenuator sections.
minals. leave a wire length of ap- ARRL lab tests proved the attenuator Such a degree of accuracy should be more
proximately 1/8 inch. Install the BNC to be a good performer. A Hewlett- than adequate for most applications.
connectors, and solder the wire pieceti to Packard R640B signal generator and a We hope you enioy huilding this
the connector center conductors. 85548 spectrum analyzer were used with a weekend project. You're rure to find a
Now install the resistors that comprise Tektronix 2701 step attenuator in the test number of uses for it in the shack and in
the vertical (grounded) legs of each pi sec- setup. Results of the insertion-loss the workshop. It's a simple - and ac-
tion. Use short lead lengths. Remember measurements, with no attenuation curate - piece of test equipment you can
that physical symmetry is conducive to switched in, are shown in Table 2. The build yourself!
good performance. Do not use excessive
amounts of heat when soldering.
Solder a no. 4-40 brass nut at each in- Nolw
side corner of the enclosure. Recess the Table 2 ' 0 . DeMaw. .4RRL E1ecrmnk-s Dofo Book INewing.
ton: ARRL. 19761, p. 12.
nuts approximately 1/16 inch from the Attenuator Insertion Loss 'A complete kit of pans i$ avrilahle from Circuit
bottom edge of the box to allow sufficient Frequency (MHz) 29.7 50 144 220 450 Board Specialists. P . 0 . Box ohV. Pueblo. CO
room for the bottom panel to fit flush. Insertion loss (dB) <0.l <0.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 XI(W2. plice: SIS.
'Pan no. 278-105.
Secure the bottom panel with four no. 'mm = in. x 3.4.

scheduled to fly. A certificate will be below for your certificate. Who knows;
awarded to those contacting KB6AR or maybe you'll be able to complete a QSO
KB6CC on 7.235. 14.285, 21.360 or with a H.A.M. (Hot Air Mobile)
RIDING HIGH WITH AMATEUR 28,510 MHz from OlOOZ September 25 to operator! - Scott Thompson, KB6CC,
RADIO 01002 September 27. QSL with a business 4024 W . Monte Vista Ave., I'EsaIia, CA
U Things really will he looking up on size 3.a.s.e. to KB6CC at the address 93277
Seotember 23-26. when members of the ~ ~ ~ ~

lare re County ~ t n a t e u rRadio Emergen- -

cy Service provide communications for
the 1982 California Balloon Festival in M@ux@ m@m$hflm @ST
~ ~ ~ARES
~ ~~

a r hams

Visalia. As in the nast~- two- vears. the
~ ----
will be kept busy with
a host of on- and off-the-air activities. 0 It's nonpolluting, renewable a n d ,
which include handling emergency b e s t of all, free. What is it? Solar
medical traffic and manning a public power. If you've ever t h o u g h t a b o u t
display booth for the 50,000 people ex- using t h e s u n t o run your a r n a t e u r s t a -
pected to attend the four-day event. A tlon, you'll want t o read t h e article in
special attraction during the weekend will October QST.
be a helium balloon race. which the Need a paddle for u s e with a n
amateurs will monitor for race officials. iambic keyer? You c a n build t h e
In addition, Tulare County hams expect "CHIP" quickly a n d cheaply.
to make contacts with amateurs around Radio amateurs who contact the 1982
California Balloon Festival special.event sta- if you're a contester who has a ~ .
the world while operating a special-event tions will receive an attractive certificate cess t o a computer, c h e c k o u t t h e On
station at the launch site, where nearly 75 to this one, which was awarded last Line Column. It will provide insights
colorful hot-air balloons are also year. o n automating your c o n t e s t efforts.
September 1882 13

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