Lesson 2 - DR Seuss Birthday

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Lesson 2: Dr.

Seuss Birthday

Purpose and Objectives

Grade Level One Subject Math Duration 60 minutes
Date Tuesday March 2, 2021
The focus of this lesson is for students to celebrate while still exploring
Lesson Focus measurement concepts – students will explore measurement with
nonstandard forms of measuring.
From the Alberta Program of Studies for Math:
 GLO: Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems.
 SLO: Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of
Learning Outcome(s)
comparing by: identifying attributes that can be compared; ordering
objects; making statements of comparison; filling, covering, or
Students will discuss using mathematical vocabulary.
Learning Objectives Students will explore the concept of length.
Students apply nonstandard forms of measurement.

Assessment Evidence
Formative assessment for this lesson will take place through teacher
Formative Assessment observation of student participation throughout the lesson. Observations
will be recorded through anecdotal notes at the end of the lesson.
Summative Assessment No summative assessment is directly linked to this lesson.

Lesson Resources
 Math Talk PowerPoint  Whiteboard
 Digital Copy of Student  Whiteboard markers
Booklet  Pencils and erasers
Technology Materials
 Student booklet
 Random objects
(dinosaur, pencil, etc.)

Learning Experience
Timing Content/Description Differentiations
10 minutes Math Talk
 Teacher will review the purpose and expectations
of a math talk
 Teacher will display a set of equations
(represented by symbols) and give students time
to think about it individually
 Once all students have signalled that they have an
answer, the teacher will start calling on students to
give an answer
 Students will share their answers
3 minutes Movement Break
 Teacher will put on a GoNoodle dance video for
7 minutes ‘The Foot Book’
 Teacher will read ‘The Foot Book’ by Dr. Seuss to
5 minutes Instructions
 Teacher will explain to students the instructions for
the activity
o Students need to trace each of their shoes
and cut out the tracing
o Students will measure their footprints with
multiple methods
20 minutes ‘My Feet’ Activity
 Teacher will assist students as needed throughout
this activity
 Students will start with unifix cubes, then paper
clips, then counters
10 minutes Math Facts
 Teacher will hand out for each student a math
facts sheet for them to practice their addition and
subtraction facts
 When a student completes it, they will ask for the
teacher to check it
5 minutes Clean-Up and Closure
 Teacher will have students clean up their
workspace – pencils away, student booklets away
 Teacher will ask if there are any questions
 Teacher will call students to get ready for recess

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