Lesson 6

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Lesson title: Importance of Setting (Lesson 6)

Year level: 5 Lesson length: 45 minutes

 Identify and explain characteristic structures and language features used in imaginative, informative and
persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (ACELY1701)
 Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds
represented in texts students have experienced (ACELT1612)
 Identify aspects of literary texts that convey details or information about particular social, cultural and
historical contexts (ACELT1608)


 Literacy  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 Numeracy Histories and Cultures
 ICT Competence  Asia and Australian’s engagement with
 Critical and creative thinking Asia
 Ethical understanding  Sustainability
 Personal and social competence
 Intercultural understanding

CONTEXT AND Prior to this lesson, students would have been looked and explored setting (lesson 3).
BROAD GOALS However, this lesson, students will have a deep dive into the importance of setting. This
lesson will also incorporate aspects from lesson 3 into it (utilising the five sense to help
create the setting).

Hence, the two main goals of this lesson:

1) Students to understand the setting play an important role in narrative writing
2) Students to create an art piece for their chosen setting
SPECIFIC Students will:
OUTCOMES  Identify and explain why setting is important
 Explain how setting is used
 Use the knowledge of setting and apply it to the activity

“They describe how events, characters and settings in texts are depicted and explain
their own responses to them”
THE LESSON Introduction/Engagement: Students will participate 3
SEQUENCES in discussion about minutes
Begin the lesson by asking previous lesson.
students some questions.

Questions teacher will ask

What is setting?

Why is setting important in a

What does setting tell us?

What are some stories with a

good setting?

Body of the Lesson:

YouTube clip
Teacher will play a YouTube
clip which will tell students YouTube clip: 10
the story about the Rainbow Students will watch the www.youtube.co minutes
Serpent. clip and then answer m/watch?v=4
questions which are AGI6FjCi5o
Teacher will then ask students related to the story.
about the story.

Teaching strategy:
Teacher will tell students
beforehand that they will be
answering questions about the

Teacher may need to play the

video more than once.

Questions for the students:

Where does the story take

What is the setting?

Do you think it is a real

place? Why/ why not?

What is the time period of the


What makes you think that

the story is set during this
time period?

Art piece:
Teacher will get students to Template of a 25
create their own rainbow Students will create a snake minutes
serpent in a setting of their setting of their choice for
choice. their rainbow serpent. Coloured paper

Teacher will hand out a snake Scissors

template to each student.
Teacher will also have the
resources needed organised Glue
and left in front of the
classroom, ready for students
to use. Students will go to the
teacher for conferences English book
Whilst students are doing and also bring their book
their work, teacher will talk to so teacher can see their
individual students to see progress.
their progress (conferences).
Teacher will also check the
student’s book.

Teacher strategy:
Teacher will choose and show
an example of students work Students to share their 7 mins
to classroom. work in partners and
guess the settings.
Teacher to get students to Students to pack up and
share their work with a clean up.
partner. The partner will need
to identify the setting without
the other telling or giving
them hints.

DIFFERENTIATI Visual learners:

ON Have instructions written on white board so they can refer back to it.

Cognitive learning needs:

Set up quiet space/ their own learning space. Also, inform these students of the learning
sequence (if learning sequence change - inform the student). Teacher could also provide
a step by step card.

Hearing impairment:
Standing at the front of the classroom or at a place where every student can read the
teacher’s lips

**The dyslexic student will be allowed to use their laptop (chrome book) to assist them,
using voice dictation to record their ideas.
ASSESSMENT Teacher will have a conference with the students and also check their progress by
looking at the books.
PREPARATION/ Preparation
EQUIPMENT Have the YouTube clip ready to go
Print off the worksheets (snake template)
Have all the resources laid out so students can grab it in an orderly matter

- Coloured paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Stationary
- Projector + computer (for YouTube video)
RESOURCES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AGI6FjCi5o

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