Omcl0204 - 0181 - Synthesis of Mescaline
Omcl0204 - 0181 - Synthesis of Mescaline
Omcl0204 - 0181 - Synthesis of Mescaline
Opinion Paper
Abbreviations: OS, oxidative stress; ROS, reactive oxygen species; ET, electron transfer; SAR, structure activity relationship; MDMA,
methylenedioxymethamphetamine; EEG, electroencephalographic; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; DMT, N, N-dimethyltryptamine
Key words: mescaline, mechanism, metabolism, catechol, quinone, redox, electrochemistry, SAR, receptor, cell signaling, neuropharma-
A unifying mechanism for abused drugs has been proposed mechanistic framework. This mushroom constituent is hydro-
previously from the standpoint of electron transfer. Mescaline lyzed to the phenol psilocin, also active, which is subsequently
can be accommodated within the theoretical framework based oxidized to an ET o-quinone or iminoquinone.
on redox cycling by the catechol metabolite with its quinone
counterpart. Electron transfer may play a role in electrical effects Introduction
involving the nervous system in the brain. This approach is in The use of mescaline (peyote) (1) (Scheme 1), a psychedelic
accord with structure activity relationships involving mescaline, drug present in various types of cactus, was reported in religious
abused drugs, catecholamines and etoposide. Inefficient demeth- ceremonies of North American natives by early Europeans. For
ylation is in keeping with the various drug properties, such as centuries, North American Indians used mescaline as a medicine,
requirement for high dosage and slow acting. amulet and hallucinogenic religious sacrament.1 Primitive peoples
There is a discussion of receptor binding, electrical effects, cell associated the plant action with the supernatural. Vestiges of the
signaling and other modes of action. Mescaline is a nonselective, cults that survived, flourished and expanded to a large intertribal
seretonin receptor agonist. 5-HTP receptors are involved in the religion as late as 1973. No significant harm is evident from
stimulus properties. Research addresses the aspect of stereochem- chronic consumption during these ceremonies, although adverse
ical requirements. Receptor binding may involve the proposed effects have been reported. It is claimed that the drug is neither
quinone metabolite and/or the amino sidechain via protonation. habit-forming nor addicting. Abuse of the substance is less than
Electroencephalographic studies were performed on the effects of might be expected. Among the reasons are bitter taste, nausea and
mescaline on men. Spikes are elicited by stimulation of a cortical low potency. Research on the substance started more than 100
area. The potentials likely originate in nonsynaptic dendritic years ago, and has continued at a vigorous pace. The drug was
membranes. Receptor-mediated signaling pathways were exam- ruled illegal in the US in 1970.
ined which affect mescaline behavior. The hallucinogen belongs In vivo synthesis of mescaline in 1950, in the cactus was
to the class of 2AR agonists which regulate pathways in cortical proposed as shown in Scheme 1.2 In 1969,3,4 intermediate steps
neurons. The research identifies neural and signaling mecha- were further elaborated. Starting with tyrosine (2), the main
nisms responsible for the biological effects. Recently, another intermediates are dopa (3) dopamine (4) and 3,4,5-trihydroxy-β-
hallucinogen, psilocybin, has been included within the unifying phenyethylamine (5), leading to mescaline (1).
*Correspondence to: Peter Kovacic; Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Synthesis of Mescaline
San Diego State University; 5500 Campanile Drive; San Diego, CA 92182 USA;
Tel.: 619.594.4634; Fax: 619.594.4634; Email: [email protected] Over the years, several synthetic methods have appeared for
making mescaline from readily available trimethoxybenzene com-
Submitted: 04/24/09; Revised: 06/29/09; Accepted: 06/29/09
pounds. Soderquist et al.5 converted trimethoxybenzene ketal to
Previously published online as an Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity mescaline in good yields (Scheme 2). Another synthesis involving
a chromium complex was reported by Rose-Munch et al.6
Scheme 1. Biosynthesis of mescaline. Steps include oxidation of (2) to (3), decarboxylation to (4), oxidation to (5) and methylation to (1).
There are also several earlier references to the synthesis of positive than -0.5 V. o-Quinones possess particularly favorable
mescaline.7-9 reduction potentials. ET, ROS and OS have been increasingly
The preponderance of bioactive substances or their metabo- implicated in the mode of action of drugs and toxins, e.g.,
lites incorporate ET functionalities, which, we believe, play an anti-infective agents,10 anticancer drugs,11 carcinogens,12 repro-
important role in physiological responses. These main groups ductive toxins,13 nephrotoxins,14 hepatotoxins,15 cardiovascular
include quinones (or phenolic precursors), metal complexes (or toxins,16 nerve toxins,17 mitochondrial toxins,18 abused drugs,19
complexors), aromatic nitro compounds (or reduced hydroxy- ototoxins,20 immunotoxins,21 eye toxins,22 pulmonary toxins23
lamine and nitroso derivatives), and conjugated imines (or and various other categories, including human illnesses.24 This
iminium species). The quinone category is the main focus review demonstrates that the ET-ROS-OS unifying theme, which
herein. has been successful for many other classes of toxins and abused
A brief summary of the fundamental biochemistry of the drugs, can also be applied to mescaline.
quinone ET functionality would be instructive as foundation There is substantial precedent for ET involvement of catechol
for the ensuing sections. Quinones undergo redox cycling with and o-quinone as a redox couple (see above). In the mescaline case,
the corresponding hydroquinone or catechol with intermediate the suggested partners involved are catechol (6) and o-quinone (7),
involvement of semiquinones. In vivo redox cycling with oxygen together with a semiquinone. A unifying mode of action based
can occur giving rise to oxidative stress (OS) through generation on ET has been applied to the principal abused drugs as well as
of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In some cases, ET results in abused therapeutic drugs19 (see below). The term bioelectronome
interference with normal electrical effects, e.g., in respiration or refers to ET processes which are not only widespread in living
neurochemistry. ET may be associated with bioelectrical events systems, but are likely the most important chemical transforma-
occurring in the brain in response to the action of psychic drugs. tions.25 It is important to recognize that in vivo mode of action
Generally, active entities possessing ET groups display reduc- is usually multifaceted with various factors involved, some of
tion potentials in the physiologically responsive range, i.e., more which are interactive. The present proposed mechanism is the first
Figure 2. In vivo metabolism products of mescaline. These include demethylation and side chain modification.
Structure-Activity Relationship of
Phenylethylamine Hallucinogens
Mescaline is orally active, but it is the
least potent of all the classical hallucino- Figure 3. In vitro metabolic intermediates of mescaline. The process entails monodemethylation to
gens. Despite its low potency, mescaline phenolic diethers.
has served as a prototype hallucinogen
because of the similarity of its psychopharmacolgy to other incorporate the o-dimethoxy precursor of the subsequent cate-
hallucinogens and also because it is extensively used up to the chol. Apparently, other factors are essential, such as metabolism
present day in the form of peyote during religious services of the and receptor binding. Other SAR studies involved sidechain
Native American Church. It also has served as the lead molecule in homologs, such as 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylisopropylamine
structure-activity relationship studies of the phenethylamines. (3,4,5-trimethoxyamphetamine) (14).41 It is about twice as potent
Mescaline. A quite thorough investigation was carried out as mescaline (Fig. 4).
more than 40 years ago on SAR.40 The monosubstituted methoxy Extensive structure-activity relationship studies, carried out
counterparts are inactive. Also inactive are all disubstituted over several decades in various laboratories42-45 including that
methoxy isomers. All trisubstituted compounds are inactive, except of Nichols, have led to a good general understanding of the
mescaline itself. The 2,3,4,5-tetramethoxy derivative is somewhat structural and stereochemical features that lead to hallucinogenic
more active than mescaline. The pentamethoxy analog is the activity in substituted phenyethylamine derivatives, leading ulti-
most active, indicating that sidechain cyclization to the indole mately to extremely potent substituted amphetamines such as
derivative may not be important for mescaline. In relation to 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine (15) and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-
the o-quinone approach, it is evident that all active compounds iodoamphetamine (15).
Physiological Effects
Mescaline is about 1,000–3,000 times less
potent than LSD (20) and about 30 times less
potent than psilocybin (16).43,52,53 Despite its
low potency, mescaline has served as proto-
type hallucinogen because of the similarity of
its psychopharmacology to other hallucinogens.
Death in animals results from convulsions and
respiratory arrest. An effective dose of the sulfate,
200–400 mg, causes hallucination lasting for Figure 6. Metabolism of psilocybin to o- and imino-quinones. The process entails dephospho-
about 10–12 h,54 compared with DMT (21) rylation to the phenol followed by oxidation to quinone-type products.
(<1 h) or psilocybin (4–6 h). Brain imaging
showed mescaline selectively increases neuronal
activity, especially in the striatolimbic systems in the right hemi- Pharmocokinetics
sphere. Pàlenicek et al.55 showed mescaline had a delayed onset of
the main behavioral changes in rats compared to other hallucino- Animals show slow tolerance to repeated administration.
gens. Subcutaneous injection of mescaline leads to rapid increase in Intoxication can be alleviated or stopped with chlorpromazine or
blood serum levels in 30 min and subsequently quickly decreased. valium.
Mescaline entered the brain slowly, and showed peak levels at 60 Psychic Effects
min and remained high for an additional 60 min. Reaction to
mescaline mimics the symptoms produced by norepinephrine and Individuals experience various distortions, involving sensory
epinephrine, namely increase in heart rate, increase in tempera- perception, space, time, color, sounds and shapes, as well as
46,56,57 There have been very few clinical studies
ture, nausea, dizziness, heavy perspiration, dilation of pupils, dry dreamlike feeling.
mouth and anxiety. In addition, coordination and reflux disrup- employing mescaline, although it has a long history of use among
tion, muscle weakness, increased blood pressure (hypertension), the Native American population. Mescaline was studied to deter-
contraction of the intestines and the uterus are experienced by mine whether its effects were similar to the symptoms of acute
individuals after exposure to mescaline.56 Hermie et al.57 showed psychosis. Hermie et al.57 showed, in normal male volunteers, that
subjects given 500 mg of mescaline sulfate produced “hyper- mescaline produced an acute “psychotic state” 3.5–4 h after drug
frontal” pattern of increased blood flow, which was correlated with administration as measured by the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
mescaline-induced psychological effects (Fig. 7). (BPRS) and Paranoid Depression Scale (PDS).
tool to recruit signaling mechanisms that can eliminate aberrant The neuropsychological and neurometabolic effects of the drug
cells by apoptosis. A 1993 symposium,72 focused on bioelectricity were investigated with human subjects.84 Specific effects in the
of cell signaling. Living creatures can be regarded as complex elec- visual systems resulted. A hyperfrontal pattern in the face was
trochemical systems that evolved over billions of years. Organisms induced with emphasis on the right hemisphere; which was corre-
interacted with and adapted to an environment of such fields lated with induced psychotomimetic psychopathology. Mescaline
whose long-term effects are unknown. operates selectively in the brain, stimulating regions to increased
neuronal sctivity.85 Face-test studies were performed under mesca-
Cell Signaling line-induced psychosis. Apparently, the potentiating effect of
A study was made of receptor-mediated signaling pathways the drug is triggered by preferential actions on the serotogenic
which affect mescaline behavior.59 Mescaline belongs to the class of muscles.86,87 The behavioral effects were investigated for mesca-
5-HT<sub> receptor (2AR) agonists. The 2AR-regulated pathways line via intracerebroventricular administration.88 Rats exposed to
on cortical neurons are sufficient to mediate the response. The mescaline exhibited enhanced spontaneous motility with no effect
research identifies the long-elusive neural and signaling mecha- on exploratory behavior.89 The influence on behavior may be
nism responsible for the unique hallucinogenic effects. A review related to change in the brain cholinergic system.
addresses redox aspects of cell signaling by catecholamines and
their metabolites.73
Hypotheses Testing
Considerable research has been done on the basic mechanism of Experiments can be designed to test validity of the proposed
cell signaling based on radicals and electrons. More than 10 years action mechanism. The hypothesized catechol metabolite should
ago, ROS attracted attention in relation to cell signaling. Since be synthesized and evaluated for activity. Oxidation yields the
then, several books have addressed this aspect,74,75 including RNS, o-quinone whose activity and reduction potential could be deter-
e.g., NO. Evidence has accumulated that ROS, such as hydrogen mined. In the enzyme system used for demethylation, addition
peroxide, superoxide and the hydroxyl radical, are important of o-phenylenediamine can serve to trap the proposed o-quinone
chemical mediators that regulate the transduction of signals by derivative, with formation of a readily identified product. Similarly,
modulating protein activity via redox chemistry.76 Authors have heavy metal ions can act to form complexes with the proposed
proposed that ROS have been conserved throughout evolution as catechol derivative.
universal second messengers.77 Nearly every step in signal transfer
is sensitive to ROS, which can function as primary signals and
as second messengers in the activation of transcription factors.74 Editorial assistance by Angelica Ruiz, Michael McGovern,
The approach is elaborated in a recent review.78 A 2004 review79 Ashley Berry and Thelma Chavez is acknowledged. Helpful discus-
summarized the present status of electrophysiological effects and sion with Phillip White is appreciated.
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