Examination In: Gas Turbine Engines (TMMV12)
Examination In: Gas Turbine Engines (TMMV12)
Examination In: Gas Turbine Engines (TMMV12)
Dept. of Management and Engineering (IEI)
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Examination in:
Gas Turbine Engines (TMMV12)
Grade Credits
3 or ECTS C ≥ 25
4 or ECTS B ≥ 35
5 or ECTS A ≥ 45
Linköping University
Dept. of Management and Engineering (IEI)
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
1. Modern passenger aircrafts should be quiet, more efficient and comfortable. To reach that aim
jet engines must be improved continuously. For this reason it is of outmost importance to
understand where emissions come from and how the efficiency of a jet engine can be improved.
(a) The gas turbine cycle is the base and often starting point for optimizations. Name three
differences between a real gas turbine cycle and an ideal cycle. In addition explain shortly
which assumption is made for the gas flowing through the gas turbine if the process is
assumed as ideal. Does this assumption change when assuming a real cycle? (4P)
(b) A high pressure ratio (π) is desired when designing a gas turbine. Explain, using text
and figures, how the isentropic efficiency changes with increasing pressure ratio in a real
compressor and turbine. (4P)
(c) SFC and TSFC are two efficiency parameters used in gas turbine industry. How are they
defined and for which applications are they normally used? (2P)
(d) The noise pattern a jet engine produces depends on the type of jet engine. Show, in figure
1, the extent of noise a fan, turbine, and exhaust jet produce in relation to each other
during take off. Explain shortly why turbo fan engines are in total often more quiet than
a turbo jet engine. (6P)
Figure 1: Noise emissions of different jet engine parts in a turbojet and turbofan.
Linköping University
Dept. of Management and Engineering (IEI)
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
2. The high temperatures in a gas turbine are to all time a challenge for engineers. A basic
understanding of efficient cooling, the properties of the used material, and the problems which
can occur due to high temperatures are basic knowledge for every gas turbine designer.
(a) Many hot parts like the combustion chamber have to be cooled in a gas turbine. Name
two different types of cooling systems used in combustion chambers and explain shortly
how they differ from each other. (4P)
(b) To ensure a high turbine efficiency and low losses, the amount of cooling air at the
turbine blades have to be dimensioned correctly. Name three factors which influence the
film cooling efficiency. (3P)
(c) Cooling air for the turbine blades is often taken from the rear part of the compressor.
Name two reasons why cooling air is taken from exactly that point of the engine. Motivate
your answer shortly . (2P)
(d) Compressor and turbine blades look superficially quite equal but are manufactured in
different ways. Which method is commonly used to manufacture turbine blades? Motivate
your answer shortly . (2P)
(e) Fatigue is always a serious problem in gas turbines. Name two effects on which thermal
mechanical fatigue (TMF) is based. In addition explain shortly when TMF commonly
occurs and why this type of fatigue in modern gas turbines is a growing problem. (4P)
Linköping University
Dept. of Management and Engineering (IEI)
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
3. The physical flow phenomena which you can observe at different gas turbine parts can be
quite similar. Hence similar design solutions to solve flow related problems are typical. For
this reason it is important for a gas turbine engineer to have a good overview about frequently
occurring flow problems at different parts of the engine and how it is possible to overcome
(a) Figure 3a presents the inlet of the aircraft JAS 39 ”Gripen”. Explain shortly why the
designer decided to have a gap between the inside of the inlet and the wall of the fuselage?
If that gap would not exist what possible consequences could that have for the jet engine?
Motivate your answer. (3P)
(b) The total pressure recovery measured in the inlet of a jet engine inlet is directly affecting
the thrust and fuel consumption. How is the total pressure recovery defined and in
addition name at least two effects which can influence this parameter. (3P)
(c) A Compressor and turbine are quite similar in their basic functions, however there are
clear design differences. Show, by completing table 1, the differences for the listed design
characteristics. Motivate shortly your answer in the field called: ”Explanation”. (5P)
(d) One advantage with stationary gas turbines is that they are easy to adapt to different
types of fuel. Name four different fuels which are typically used in industrial gas turbines.
(e) Figure 3b presents an industrial gas turbine with an additional free power turbine. The
link between the both turbines is the throat (marked red). Explain shortly which conse-
quences follow from an increased throat area? (5P)
(a) Gripen jet engine inlet (b) Two shaft industrial gas turbine
Linköping University
Dept. of Management and Engineering (IEI)
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Blade profile
Flow velocity
Number of stages
Deflection Angle