Modeling Turboshaft Engines For The Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project

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Modeling Turboshaft Engines for the Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project

Christopher A. Snyder Michael T. Tong

Aerospace Engineer Aerospace Engineer
NASA Glenn Research Center NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio, USA Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Turboshaft engine performance and weight models were developed to support conceptual propulsion and vehicle
mission design in support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Aeronautics Mission Research
Directorate’s (ARMD) Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology (RVLT) Project. These models were developed using open
data sources, assuming current and advanced technology levels, and range from 650 to 7,500 shaft output horsepower (485
to 5,600 kW). Documenting the methodology, assumptions, and resulting performance realizes important benefits for
NASA and the aviation community. NASA concept vehicle efforts using these propulsion models can more readily shared
among the government, industry and university community as common baselines to support current and future work.
Assessing the benefits of advanced technologies and new configurations can be facilitated using these models, which helps
guide technology investment. As the various modeling conceptual vehicle and mission analysis environments advance,
these models can be used directly for broader systems analysis studies, including optimization within the propulsion model
itself. To perform this effort, the turboshaft engine is briefly discussed, highlighting the specific components and their
expected performance characteristics over the power range and technology levels considered. Engine configurations will
also be discussed as they will vary based on power output and assumed technology level. Engine performance, such as
airflow, power output and weight will be reported, noting trends that are important for system studies. The effect of
advanced propulsion technologies on RVLT concept vehicles are also reported. Finally, potential future propulsion
modeling work will be proposed.

INTRODUCTION 1 requirements. Thermodynamic and weight models were

developed for the 650 to 7,500 shaft output horsepower
NASA’s Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology (485 to 5,600 kW) range, representative of today’s
(RVLT) project continues to research and develop operational and future planned engines. The models were
technologies to support vertical take-off and landing developed using only open sources to allow the models to
(VTOL) vehicles. Last year, the RVLT project released a be freely discussed and distributed. They are parametric in
set of vehicle / mission models in References 1 and 2 that nature, to allow the user to vary some engine design
are representative of the broad variety of vehicles being parameters that will update thermodynamic results for
proposed to fulfill an exciting vision of future urban air technology assessment and optimization studies; a parallel
mobility (UAM). Care was taken to develop vehicles and NASA engine modeling effort is discussed in Reference 3.
missions that could be used to identify and prioritize
research and development (R&D) efforts within the Turboshaft engine thermodynamic modeling is
project, but not intentionally endorse or denounce any discussed first, including methods used, component
vehicles or concepts under development. VTOL performance and engine configurations. Engine weight
operations puts unique requirements on propulsion and modeling is discussed next, including important factors for
power systems; therefore models to better define and the overall design and weight performance. Then overall
understand these systems are important considerations in turbine engine results are discussed, noting how power-to-
overall vehicle and mission assessment. Although many weight and efficiency vary with size and technology level.
UAM concepts are conceived as all-battery electric; Results from the engine thermodynamic and weight
present shortfalls in battery energy density and electrical modeling are used for a few of the RVLT UAM concepts,
infrastructure suggest that turbine-based generator systems to show their effect on overall vehicle size and
may be advantageous to meet near-term energy needs or performance. Future work is then discussed and finally a
enhance vehicle capability and operational flexibility summary of this effort.

Presented at the Vertical Flight Society’s 75th Annual Forum &

Technology Display, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 13-16, 2019.
This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to
copyright protection in the U.S.
ENGINE THERMODYNAMIC MODELING turboshaft engine models are used. All turbomachinery
maps are then scaled within NPSS at the engine design
The Brayton (constant-pressure combustion) point.
thermodynamic cycle is used for engine modeling; the
block diagram for a simple, single-spool (core) turboshaft
with free power turbine is given in Figure 1. Free power
turbine indicates it is on its own spool (or shaft) and is free
to turn at its own rpm. Major engine parameters include
overall pressure ratio (OPR) of the engine, compressor
pressure ratio (which determines compression system exit
temperature, T3), combustor exit temperature (T4), as well
as turbomachinery (compressor and turbine) efficiency. A
nozzle pressure ratio of 1.1 (nozzle entrance / ambient total
pressure) is assumed; not that the engine produces thrust,
but to set the maximum work from the core gas stream and
still leave sufficient gas pressure to exhaust from the
engine. A more complete discussion about the Brayton
cycle and gas turbines can be found in textbooks such as
Figure 2. Turbomachinery polytropic efficiency
References 4 and 5. The object-oriented analysis
framework, the Numerical Propulsion System Simulator
(NPSS, References 6 and 7), is used to perform the gas Combustor performance
turbine analyses. NPSS contains standard 0/1-D elements
A fairly simple combustor model is used for all
for the gas turbine components. These are configured into
engines, although combustion efficiency and total pressure
a representative steady-state, thermodynamic model.
loss could actually vary with engine size and technology
Assumptions concerning component performance and
level. A typical hydrocarbon fuel (C1H1.94) with a lower
specific engine configurations are covered next.
heating value of 18,400 BTU/lb. (42.8 MJ/kg) and 99.9%
combustion efficiency is used. A constant 5% total
pressure loss is assumed across the combustor. No
combustor cooling airflow is assumed, which for these
simple models would only been seen in a reduced T4.
Emissions for oxides of nitrogen are not considered in this
Figure 1. Simple, single-spool turboshaft with free effort, although it would be simple to add to the models, as
power turbine. was reported in Reference 8.

Turbomachinery efficiency and flow Turbine cooling

Turbomachinery system efficiency and flow are Turbine cooling is another important factor in engine
critical factors in gas turbine performance. For this study, performance; setting engine and flowpath complexity and
turbomachinery efficiency trends shown in Figure 2 are material choices that factor into weight. The methods
used. A discussion of their origin and related information discussed by Gauntner in Reference 10 are used to estimate
is given in Reference 8. Models for current engines use the cooling airflow rates. As technology advances, less
current technology line; with advanced engines using the cooling airflow would theoretically be needed (all other
advanced technology line. The future line is not used for factors being constant). However, more advanced engines
this study, but is included for completeness. As tend to have higher OPR, resulting in smaller corrected
implemented, the user can set the desired technology levels flows in the high pressure turbine section where the bulk of
along a particular level or a given fraction between the turbine cooling airflow is used. At smaller corrected flow
different technology levels. Note: for engine modeling, rates, the turbine material surface area per flow actually
turbomachinery efficiency is set by the lowest corrected increases – suggesting that cooling airflow should actually
flow rate found in a specific component; this is based on increase as a fraction of turbine airflow. Without definitive
exit conditions for each compressor component and information to vary turbine cooling flowrate factors, they
entrance for each turbine component. Compressor are maintained across the various engine models (except as
performance maps for flow, speed, efficiency and stall noted later). Turbine cooling parameters can easily be
margin were generated from the computer program updated to model the effects of higher temperature-capable
reported in Reference 9, based on approximate compressor turbine materials, thermal barrier coatings or more
pressure ratio and compressor type. For turbine effective cooling technologies.
performance, performance maps from previous, similar
ENGINE CONFIGURATIONS 16 are white papers from competing company sites
discussing the various reasons for choosing either
Engine configuration includes a variety of factors:
configuration. Considering the fact that the Improved
number of spools (shafts), whether turbomachinery
Turbine Engine Program awarded General Electric
components use axial or centrifugal / radial flow; and for
Aviation to further develop its T901 engine design, a
multiple spools for the core, the split of compression work
similar configuration was chosen for this work.
done on the compressors on each spool. Engine
Turbomachinery efficiency levels were chosen at the
configurations are delineated based on engine power class.
advanced level, with some minor additional pressure ratio
Small: 650 hp class assumed for both the axial and centrifugal portions of the
compressor versus the current engine and an additional free
For the smallest power class, engine simplicity and
power turbine stage to maintain efficiency at such high
therefore cost are important and those engines are
energy extraction per airflow.
represented by the block diagram shown in Figure 1.
Looking at some of the older engines in this power class, Large: 5,000 to 7,500 hp class
the compressor tended to be an axial-centrifugal design to
The large power class includes similar engine
achieve desired engine OPR and efficiency. Reference 11
configurations as the mid-power class represented in
discusses centrifugal compressor research performed under
Figure 1, although the compressor for some engines is all
the small gas turbine engine technology program to enable
axial. One example of an all-axial engine is the Rolls-
current single centrifugal stage designs. These single
Royce T406, used for the V-22; similarly, axial-centrifugal
centrifugal stages can achieve the pressure ratio of older,
designs can also be found. The current engine is modeled
axial-centrifugal at reasonable efficiency levels. The
as axial-centrifugal compression and is assumed to be
engine configuration then becomes a single centrifugal
similar to the T55. Engine characteristics for modeling are
stage combined with a combustor and a single, axial stage
from References 12 and 17. Current technology levels for
each for the core turbine and the free power turbine. To
turbomachinery efficiency are assumed; T4 and turbine
further reduce weight, titanium instead of steel can be used
cooling airflow are varied to match stated airflow, power
for the centrifugal compressor and other components. For
and fuel consumption levels. Reference 14 also discusses
the advanced version, achieving significantly higher
the Army’s Future Affordable Turbine Engine (FATE)
compressor pressure ratio (and therefore potentially higher
program; which supports advanced engine demonstrators
fuel efficiency) would be difficult within the single
in this class and is used to set performance goals for the
centrifugal stage and adding axial stages would
advanced engine. A notional version of the GE38/T408
compromise simplicity. There are additional
(mid technology engine between many current engines and
considerations going from centrifugal to axial-centrifugal
FATE goals in fuel efficiency) was also modeled. Various
on the same shaft, but that will not be discussed here. The
characteristics were compiled from References 12, 18 and
advanced version only includes a slight improvement in
19. Reference 18 is an engine brochure for the T408;
turbomachinery efficiency (from current to advanced
which relates its performance to improvements versus the
technology) and minor updates in turbine materials to
T64. Reference 19 is an engine brochure for the T64.
further reduce weight.
Advanced technology levels for turbomachinery efficiency
Mid: 2,000 to 3,000 hp class are assumed, varying OPR and T4 to match compiled
characteristics for the T408.
For the mid power class, additional complexity is
warranted for the accompanying improvement in fuel The advanced engine was assumed to meet the FATE
efficiency. References 12 and 13 give engine engine improvement goals, using the T55 as the base cycle.
configuration and performance for the T700 engine; which The assumed engine configuration is shown in Figure 3. A
is used to develop the current technology engine at 2,000 two-spool core is assumed to enable the higher engine OPR
hp. Similar to the small power class, its configuration is to meet fuel efficiency targets. Reference 20 discusses
represented by the block diagram in Figure 1. However, some of the reasons for choosing a two- spool core engine
the actual compressor design is axial-centrifugal with configuration. Advanced technology is assumed for
OPR≈18. For the engine model, the axial and centrifugal turbomachinery efficiency, with compression work split
portions are modeled separately. The core turbine is two 30% on the low spool and 70% on the high spool, as
stages as well as the free power turbine to meet expected discussed in References 8. Splitting the compression work
efficiency levels. The advanced engine is representative of between two spools not only enables higher engine OPR,
potential products from the Advanced Affordable Turbine but can reduce the number of turbomachinery stages in the
Engine (AATE) demonstrator program; overall goals are core. The low pressure spool compressor is assumed all
found in Reference 14. The advanced engine could be axial, while the high spool is axial-centrifugal. The engine
single spool or two spool for its core. References 15 and is sized at 7,500 horsepower output.

from the engine thermodynamic model output. Both the
aerodynamic design point (maximum rated power, sea
level static) and off-design cases are used to encompass the
maximum performance level (i.e., temperature and
pressure) required to size each engine component. The
cycle data, the material properties, and design rules for
geometric, stress, and turbomachinery stage-loading limits
are used to determine an acceptable engine flowpath.
Representative engine flowpaths for each of the power
Figure 3. Three-spool (two-spool core) turboshaft class engines are shown in Figure 4.
with free power turbine. AM355 stainless steel is used for the compressor
ENGINE FLOWPATH AND WEIGHT components for current technology engines, except the
ESTIMATION small, 650 hp class engine. For the advanced engines, a
titanium alloy is used to significantly reduce compressor
Following the engine thermodynamic model and overall engine weight. The small, 650 hp class engines
development, engine weights and flowpath dimensions are are modeled after the Arrius 2B1 engine that is found in
developed. The NASA software tool, WATE++ (Weight Reference 12. Titanium is used for the current engine
Analysis of Turbine Engines, Reference 21), is used to instead of stainless steel to reflect the current material trend
create engine architectures that could achieve the engine in small turboshaft engines; Arrius 2B1 has a titanium
thermodynamic cycles produced by the NPSS models compressor. Nickel-based alloys are used for the turbine
detailed in the previous sections. The cycle data required components for all the engines. The nickel-based alloys
for WATE++ execution, such as air mass flow, have a higher density and are heavier, but are required to
temperatures, pressures, pressure ratios, etc., are derived withstand the high-temperature turbine environment.

Figure 4. Representative flowpath model for each power class engine.

GAS TURBINE ENGINE OVERALL RESULTS Trend lines have been added that could be useful for system
studies. Advanced technology results in some impressive
Table 1 is a summary of the engine size and
improvements in power-to-weight and PSFC reductions,
performance parameters for the various engines modeled
although the improvements are more significant for the mid
as part of this effort. Figure 5 shows power to weight and
and large engine power classes. For the small, 650 hp class
power specific fuel consumption (PSFC) for various,
engines, both are already at high technology levels. The
current gas turbine engines as well as the mid technology,
T408 is an interesting data point for the graphs in Figure 5,
T408 and the advanced, concept engines. Data for current
as its power-to-weight follows the current trend line, but
engines were gathered from References 12, 13 and 17-19.
falls between current and advanced engines for PSFC.
Table 1. Engine size and performance parameters
Maximum rated hp, Sea level, 650 660 1,895 3,000 4,916 7,248 7,500
Technology Current Advanced Current Advanced Current Mid Advanced
Power specific fuel 0.526 0.485 0.476 0.360 0.494 0.394 0.330
consumption, PSFC, lb/hr/hp
Airflow, lb/s 4.8 4.1 11.8 14.6 28.1 35.7 28.1
OPR 9 9 17.7 25.2 9.3 20 30
Compressor layout 1C 1C 5A + 1C 6A + 1C 7A + 1C 5A + 1C 4A /
(A=axial, C=centrifugal) 3A + 1C
Turbine stages 1+1 1+1 2+2 2+3 2+2 2+3 1+1+3
Diameter in 16 16 17 16.4 24 27 25
Length, in 28 28 45 47 46.5 58 59
Weight, lb 238 229 458 457 830 1085 750
Power/weight, hp/lb 2.7 2.9 4.1 6.6 5.9 6.7 10

Figure 5. Engine power to weight and PSFC versus horsepower.

MISSION MODELING FOR VARIOUS ENGINE a two by 37.5 nautical mile legs, plus reserves. It uses
TECHNOLOGY CLASSES several rotors for vertical operations, which are stopped
while the vehicle uses its wing and pusher propeller similar
To illustrate the benefits of advanced cycles over current
to a traditional, fixed-wing airplane for climb, cruise, and
cycles, a small parametric vehicle / mission analysis was
start of descent. The NASA Design and Analysis of
performed. The RVLT-developed tiltwing and lift+cruise
Rotorcraft (NDARC, Reference 22) models are used,
concept vehicles for UAM research were used and are
assuming the turbo-electric propulsion versions of the
shown in Figure 6, see References 1 and 2. The tiltwing
vehicles and updating the turbine engine model parameters
can carry fifteen passengers (3,000-lb payload), for eight
based on the result of this work. Payload and range were
by 50 nautical mile legs plus reserves. The lift+cruise
maintained, but design gross weight was varied to achieve
concept is representative of many concepts being
a closed design. Table 2 gives selected vehicle
proposed; assuming six passengers (1,200-lb payload) and

characteristics from these analyses. Advanced turbine the overall propulsion and power system assessment being
engine technology can achieve 10-14% reduction in design performed under the RVLT project.
gross weight, 30-37% reduction in engine weight and 25-
40% reduction in fuel usage.
Turboshaft engine performance and weight models
were developed using open data sources to support
conceptual propulsion and vehicle mission design and
performance under the Revolutionary Vertical Lift
Technology (RVLT) Project. These models range from
650 to 7,500 shaft output horsepower (485 to 5,600 kW),
assuming current and advanced technology levels. Turbine
engine methodology, assumptions, and resulting
thermodynamic and size / weight performance were
presented, as well as a simple propulsion performance
assessment using the RVLT urban air mobility (UAM)
tiltwing and lift+cruise reference vehicles. Advanced gas
turbine engine technology can realize significant
improvements in engine power-to-weight and fuel
efficiency. Improved engine performance results in
significant reductions in vehicle design gross weight,
engine weight and fuel usage. Planned future
dissemination of the engine models and propulsion
modeling work were also discussed.
The authors would like to thank the NASA
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD),
Figure 6. RVLT UAM Tiltwing and Lift+cruise Advanced Air Vehicle Program (AAVP) / Revolutionary
concept vehicles. Vertical Lift Technology (RVLT) Project for supporting
Table 2. Selected vehicle / mission results for varying this research.
turbine engine technology.
Vehicle Tiltwing Lift+cruise Author contact:
Engine Current Advan Current Advan Christopher A. Snyder [email protected]
Technology ced ced Michael T. Tong [email protected]
Design Gross
15,470 13,350 6,650 5,970
Weight, lb
Engine power, hp 5,190 4,570 1,220 1,220 REFERENCES
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