Review Test 2 Answer Key: Audio 4 - 55
Review Test 2 Answer Key: Audio 4 - 55
Review Test 2 Answer Key: Audio 4 - 55
2 locate
A Choose a word and fill in the 3 hook
blanks. 4 sprint
1 When someone likes to do
exciting, dangerous things, they are E Complete the sentences. Then
adventurous. match them to the pictures. Write the
When someone is careful because numbers below the pictures.
there might be danger, they are 1 The city square was empty after the
cautious. parade. / b
2 Something that people have done 2 We watched the clouds drift away
or believed for a long time is a in the breeze. / a
tradition. 3 Erica saw the graceful boy dive into
The customs, ideas, and way of life the swimming pool. / c
of a group of people is culture.
3 When someone speaks in a low, F Unscramble and match.
quiet voice that is difficult to hear, 1 altitude / b
they mutter. 2 centipede / c
When someone says the same sound 3 condenses / a
many times when they try to say a
word, they stammer. G Complete the sentences.
1 The boy said, “I want to have a
B Circle the correct words. snack, please.”
1 The area where an animal lives and 2 The boy said that he wanted to
hunts is its territory. have a snack.
2 Rainforests provide a lot of 3 The article said that scientists were
resources, wood, and medicines. making new discoveries every day.
3 I was amazed by the view from the 4 The article said, “Scientists are
mountain peak. I was awestruck. making new discoveries every day.”
4 This might be the best stew I’ve
ever had! It’s delicious. H Listen. Complete the sentences. Use
reported speech.
C Read the clues. Write the words. Audio 4•55
1 development 1 I want to go to the library.
2 squirm 2 I have to do my homework.
3 effective 3 I love to read magazines.
4 booming 4 I like scrambled eggs.
5 I am meeting a friend for dinner.
D Listen. Then write the words.
Audio 4•54 Answers
1 This is how you feel when 1 She said that she wanted to go to
everything is turning around and the library.
around. 2 He said that he had to do his
2 This means to find the exact homework.
position of something or someone. 3 She said that she loved to read
3 This is a thing you put bait on magazines.
when you go fishing. 4 He said that he liked scrambled eggs.
4 This is what you do when you run 5 She said that she was meeting a
as fast as you can. friend for dinner.