Review Test 2 Answer Key: Audio 4 - 55

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Review Test 2 Answer

2 locate
A Choose a word and fill in the 3 hook
blanks. 4 sprint
1 When someone likes to do
exciting, dangerous things, they are E Complete the sentences. Then
adventurous. match them to the pictures. Write the
When someone is careful because numbers below the pictures.
there might be danger, they are 1 The city square was empty after the
cautious. parade. / b
2 Something that people have done 2 We watched the clouds drift away
or believed for a long time is a in the breeze. / a
tradition. 3 Erica saw the graceful boy dive into
The customs, ideas, and way of life the swimming pool. / c
of a group of people is culture.
3 When someone speaks in a low, F Unscramble and match.
quiet voice that is difficult to hear, 1 altitude / b
they mutter. 2 centipede / c
When someone says the same sound 3 condenses / a
many times when they try to say a
word, they stammer. G Complete the sentences.
1 The boy said, “I want to have a
B Circle the correct words. snack, please.”
1 The area where an animal lives and 2 The boy said that he wanted to
hunts is its territory. have a snack.
2 Rainforests provide a lot of 3 The article said that scientists were
resources, wood, and medicines. making new discoveries every day.
3 I was amazed by the view from the 4 The article said, “Scientists are
mountain peak. I was awestruck. making new discoveries every day.”
4 This might be the best stew I’ve
ever had! It’s delicious. H Listen. Complete the sentences. Use
reported speech.
C Read the clues. Write the words. Audio 4•55
1 development 1 I want to go to the library.
2 squirm 2 I have to do my homework.
3 effective 3 I love to read magazines.
4 booming 4 I like scrambled eggs.
5 I am meeting a friend for dinner.
D Listen. Then write the words.
Audio 4•54 Answers
1 This is how you feel when 1 She said that she wanted to go to
everything is turning around and the library.
around. 2 He said that he had to do his
2 This means to find the exact homework.
position of something or someone. 3 She said that she loved to read
3 This is a thing you put bait on magazines.
when you go fishing. 4 He said that he liked scrambled eggs.
4 This is what you do when you run 5 She said that she was meeting a
as fast as you can. friend for dinner.

Answers I Look and answer the questions. Use

1 dizzy

Oxford Discover 5 Review Test 2 Answer Key

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

Review Test 2 Answer
short answers.
1 No, they aren’t.
2 Yes, he was.
3 Yes, she will.

J Complete the sentences.

1 What are you bringing on your
trip? I am bringing a camera.
2 Whose shoes are these? They aren’t
3 Which book did you read? I read
the one about the dolphins.
4 How do you make that pie? I use
apples and cinnamon.
5 Who are you going to the movies
with? I am going with my brother.
6 When are you leaving for the
airport? I am leaving at 6:00.

K Fill in the missing words.

A new movie is shown every week at
the library. Last week’s movie was
called Forests in Danger. It was made
by a group of scientists. It told how
the forests are threatened. Too many
trees are cut down every year. It was
an interesting movie. Drinks and
snacks were served after the movie. I
enjoyed it!

L Fill in the blanks. Use the verbs give,

make, or call. Change the verbs as
needed to forms of the present tense.
1 Anna makes the most delicious
tortillas. Her tortillas are made with
freshly ground corn.
2 I call my grandfather “Papa.” He is
called Papa by all his grandchildren.
3 That teacher never gives homework
on a weekend. No homework
is given by any teachers on the

Oxford Discover 5 Review Test 2 Answer Key

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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