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Learning Well Level 5 U1 WB

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Elaine Boyd
Araminta Crace
The Natural World
Lesson 1 | Vocabulary

1 Complete the crossword.

Across Down
2 3 4 1

5 6 3 2


2 Match the words to the definitions.

1 stream a open areas covered with grass
2 sand dune b a hard habitat that grows in the ocean
3 coral reef c a deep cut in the rocks, often with a river at the bottom
4 rainforest d a hill of sand
5 grasslands e an area with trees where it rains a lot
6 canyon f a very small, gentle river

3 Which places do you prefer? Write and say why.

1 rainforest / desert
I prefer the rainforest because the desert is very dry.
2 ocean / volcano

3 coral reef / valley

4 canyon / sand dunes

5 grasslands / stream

I can write about the natural world. Unit 1 7

Lesson 2 | Grammar Past Progressive + Simple Past

1 Read and choose.

Hi, Tom! How is your school project going?

Great! I 1 was reading / read about the Gobi

Desert when I found some fun facts about camels.

Cool! I 2 looked / was looking for photos of the rainforest

when I 3 was discovering / discovered some amazing facts

about snakes! Now I’m reading about snakes … 🐍😂

My friends 4 searched / were searching for information about
the Pacific Ocean when they 5 saw / were seeing some colorful
photos of tropical fish. They sent me a photo – look!


2 Read and complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

Monday, June 6th

I had a terrible day today. I went to the beach with my family in the morning.
I1 (walk) on the sand dunes when I cut my foot on a piece of coral.
Later, I was reading on the beach and my mom and dad 2 (surf) in the
ocean when I felt something move next to me. Suddenly, I 3 (feel) an insect
bite me! My leg was very red! My mom and dad 4 (not pay) attention, so I ran
into the ocean. I 5 (swim) towards my dad when I noticed the bite felt better.
The bite wasn’t hurting when we 6 (leave), but I was glad to go home!

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use the prompts.
see / small monkey camera / break fall / on the path
see / snake hear / a loud noise find / a coral reef

1 I was walking (walk) by the side of the stream when I saw a small monkey .
2 I (try) to take a photograph .
3 I (run) very quickly .
4 They (eat) lunch in the park .
5 They (not / pay) attention .
6 She (swim) in the ocean .

8 I can write about interrupted actions in the past.

Adjectives with –ful and –less
Lesson 3 | Word Work

1 Read the Word Work box. Then find and write the words with –ful or –less from
Student’s Book pages 12–13.

Word Work: Adjectives ending in –ful or –less

We can make new words by adding –ful or –less.
–ful usually means with and –less usually means without.
hope hopeful / hopeless care careful / careless

2 Complete the words with –ful or –less.

1 This great book about the Gobi Desert is really use .
2 This computer doesn’t work. It’s use .
3 Pedro told me a lot about the project. He was very help .
4 The weather looks good. We are hope that it won’t rain!
5 I fell and hurt my foot. I felt help .
6 Jo’s homework had a lot of mistakes. She was very care .

3 Read and complete the sentences.

useful careful careless useless helpful hopeful

1 My brother showed me how to do my homework. He was very .

2 I was when I was crossing the street — I didn’t check for traffic first.
3 My phone didn’t work at the top of the volcano. It was .
4 I spent a lot of time on my project, so I’m that I’ll get a good grade!
5 The website was very because it had all the information I needed.
6 When we walked along the steep path, we had to be very .

4 Answer the questions. Write about you.

1 When do you need to be careful?
2 What items do you think are useless?
3 Who is your most helpful friend?
4 What makes you feel hopeful?
5 Which technology is the most useful?

I can use adjectives ending in –ful and –less. Unit 1 9

Lesson 4 | Explore the Story

1 Remember the story. Number the events in order.

a The grasshopper asked the ant what it was doing.
b The ants continued to spend their summer taking food to their nest.
c The grasshopper decided to change his behavior.
d The grasshopper was enjoying a meal when he saw some ants. 1
e Winter arrived and the grasshopper had no food.
f The ants took care of the grasshopper.
g The grasshopper told the ant why he didn’t agree with him.

2 Read the fable on Student’s Book pages 12–13 again. Write answers to the questions.
1 What was the grasshopper doing at the start of the story?

2 Why did one of the ants drop the seed he was carrying?

3 Why were the ants spending all their time collecting food?

4 Why was the grasshopper sleeping in the snow?

3 CRITICAL THINKING Answer the questions.

1 Why do you think the ants helped the grasshopper?

2 What lesson do you think the grasshopper learned?

4 Who are you more like, the ants or the grasshopper? Explain why.

I’m more like the

10 I can read and understand a fable.

Lesson 5 | Vocabulary & Listening

1 Label the picture of the natural features. Use the words below.

flat grassy muddy rocky sandy steep



5 6

2 Look at the pictures. Read and make notes. a

1 What do you think the children are doing in each picture?

2 Do you think they’re having a good time? Why / Why not?

3 Are the children different or the same in each picture?

4 What adjectives can you use to describe the natural features
in picture a?
in picture b?

3 1.01 EXAM PRACTICE Listen and look at the pictures in

Activity 2. What did they do on their vacation? Choose the
correct picture.

I can describe natural features and use pictures to make predictions. Unit 1 11
Lesson 6 | Grammar Questions: Past Progressive + Simple Past

1 Unscramble and write the questions.

1 What / doing / when / you saw the clouds / you /were

2 going / Where / the storm started / when / you / were
3 was / doing / What / when / your family / they saw the storm

4 when / Where / your sister / was / the tree fell / going

STORM 5 your dad / What / he escaped / doing / when / was


2 Complete the interview with the correct form of the verbs.


Daniel Duarte is just back from an amazing trip to a rainforest in Brazil. When he
was there, he had a scary experience with a snake.
What were you 1 (do) when you saw the coral snake?
Where were you going when it 2 (appear)?
What 3 the snake (do) when you saw it?
What 4 your friends (do) when you 5 (see) the snake?

3 Write questions using the past simple and the past progressive.
1 2 3 4

1 What when ? I was taking a shower.

2 What when ? We were swimming.
3 Where ?
They were going up the volcano.
4 What ?
She was talking on her phone.

12 I can ask and answer about interrupted past actions.

Lesson 7 | Read the World

1 Remember the text. Check ( ) the kind of information you think you would find in the
humpback whale hyperlink.
1 what humpback whales eat 4 facts about other kinds of whales
2 the size of humpback whales 5 how long humpback whales live
3 a list of cities near the ocean 6 the sounds humpback whales make

2 Read the text on Student’s Book page 18 again. Match the facts to the photos.
Which animal …
a b
1 travels further than any other mammal?
2 spends half a year in each place?
3 moves from the tropical ocean to the north?
4 has their babies on the coast?
5 usually lives in the forest? c d
6 doesn’t like cold weather?

3 Watch the video again. Circle the correct answer.

1 Red crabs migrate on land / in the ocean.
2 Each female crab gives birth to 10,000 / 100,000 babies.
3 Adult crabs leave their babies as soon as they are born / after 3–4 weeks.
4 The babies return to land after 3–4 weeks / 9 days.
5 The whole trip takes about 9 days / 19 days.

4 Write an email to a friend. Share some ways to help animals that live in your local area.


I can understand how animals migrate and how to help them. Unit 1 13
Lesson 8 | Speaking Communication Skills

1 Read and choose. 2 1.02 PRONUNCIATION

1 Did I tell you about / of the time I went deer watching? Listen and repeat.
2 I went to / in Vermont on vacation with my family. 1 No!
3 You ’ll never / ’re going to guess what happened! 2 The hospital? What happened?
4 We were waiting what / when two deer arrived. 3 What did you do?
5 Suddenly / Just one of them ran towards us. 4 Broke his leg?
6 Eventually / Lastly a helicopter rescued us!

3 Read, think, and write notes for a story about an exciting event.
1 Where were you at the beginning of the story? Who was with you?

2 What were you doing when the event in the story started?

3 What happened in the middle of the story?

4 What happened at the end of the story?

5 What was the result of what happened in the story?

4 Complete the notes for the story you’re going to tell. Look at your answers in Activity 3.

Did I tell you about the time ?

You’ll never guess what happened!
I was when .
After a while/Suddenly, .
Eventually, .

5 Look at the checklist and check ( ).

Decide: Be ready to:

• what information to include. • give background information.
• on the order of events. • show interest.

14 I can plan how to tell a story.

Communication Skills
Lesson 9 | Writing

1 Think about a story with a strong ending. Complete the flowchart.

At home? On vacation? Find something? Something

Friends? Family? Strangers?
At school? bad happens?

End Result Hurt? In danger?

Stuck somewhere?

2 Look at your ideas Activity 1. Write notes for your story.

Where and when does the story take place?
Who are the characters? What are they doing?

What is the problem?
What happens next?
How do the characters solve the problem?

What lesson do they learn?

3 Now write a draft of your story in your notebook. Use your notes from Activity 2.

I can write a story with a message. Unit 1 15

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