TOPNOTCH Diagnostic Exam ANSWER KEY September 2018
TOPNOTCH Diagnostic Exam ANSWER KEY September 2018
TOPNOTCH Diagnostic Exam ANSWER KEY September 2018
Amino acids that form hydrophobic interaction are usually found in
the interior of the protein to minimize interaction with the surrounding
water. Methionine is the only amino acid in the choices which forms
1 A hydrophobic interactions
17 D Topnotch handout
This is due to a defect in the loading of apo B with lipid. There is
18 D absence of chylomicrons or VLDL leading to the accumulation of
triacylglycerol in the liver and intestines
19 B Due to exposure to UV light,
Rifampicin: Binds to DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
Streptomycin and Aminoglycosides: binds to the 30s subunit and
interferes with initiation
20 C Dactinomycin: Binds the DNA template and interferes with the
movement of RNA polymerase during transcription
There was one question that came out in our boards that asked
about the different type of joints.
21 A Syndesmosis - slightly movable fibrous joint between two bones.
Example: distal tibiofibular joint
Gomphosis - binds the teeth to bony teeth sockets
The medial epicondyle fracture involves the ulnar nerve. All the
24 A other statements are correct
The patient has a steppage gait due to inability to dorsiflex her foot.
Foot drop may be caused by an injury to the common peroneal or
25 D deep peroneal nerve. However, there was also noted pain in the
lateral leg and dorsum of the foot, thus common peroneal nerve is
the answer
A similar question was asked in the board exam. The auricular
26 D branch of the vagus nerve is also called Arnold's nerve.
Again, there are several double/triple negatives in the board exams
A - it should be inferior deep cervical lymph node
B- palatoglossus, which is supplied by the vagus nerve
27 C D - the intrinsic muscles of the tongue are supplied by the
hypoglossal nerve
A similar question was asked in the boards for both anatomy and
Oxytocin - increases IP3 + DAG
33 A Insulin - tyrosine kinase
EPO - tyrosine associated kinase -> Src and JAK/STAT proteins
The ureteric bud is the embryologic origin of the ureter, renal pelvis,
renal calyces and collecting tubule
34 A The metanephric tubule form the nephron (renal corpuscle, PCT,
loop of henle, DCT)
A - the upper seven pair of ribs are true ribs
B- the first rib is important clinically
C- it is kept patent by U-shaped bars of cartilage
35 D
Snell 9th edition pg 35-37
The needle should be introduced to the left of the xiphoid process in
36 B an upward and backward direction at an angle of 45 degrees to the
37 B
The splenic cords of Billroth are reticular tissue rich in macrophages
38 C and lymphocytes
A similar question came out in the boards
39 C Hassal corpuscles are large aggregates of thymic epithelial cells
Ampulla - longest and expanded region where fertilization occurs
40 A Isthmus- narrow portion nearer the uterus
Intramural - passes through the wall of the uterus
The signs and symptoms of the patient especially, her recent travel
41 A to a place endemic with Malaria and paroxysmal fever, most likely
points to a diagnosis of malaria.,
Banana-shaped gametocytes is seen in P. falciparum. This is
42 A usually present with coarse granulations or maurer dots
Quinine is the DOC for malaria in pregnant patients
43 B
Trophozoites in tetrads, forming a maltese cross, is associated with
44 D Babesia. Sign and symptoms are very similar to that of malaria
Babesia is transmitted via a bite of an ixodes tick
45 D
This is a case of Actinomyces and the DOC is Penicillin. Remember
46 C the mnemonic SNAP - sulfonamide nocardia actinomyces penicillin
C. Sordelli in particular, is associated with septic abortion
47 A
Recall question. See topnotch handout
48 E
62 D
=2 (38−23)
= 2 (15)
63 D = 30
FF = 30/150
64 C FF = 0.2
= 20%
Loop diuretics mainly cause hypokalemia. Remember loop diuretics
65 C act on the Na/K/2Cl receptors located in the thick ascending loop of
G cells: Gastrin
66 B I cells: cholecystokinin
M cells: motilin
Remember secretin does NOT increase pancreatic enzyme secretion
67 C
Simple and facilitated diffusion is non-energy requiring
68 D Simple diffusion and Endocytosis is non carrier-mediated
Dopamine - secreted in the substantia nigra
69 D Serotonin - found in the median raphe of the brain stem
Ach - found in several areas in the brain
Ganong pg 97-98
Microglia are scavenger cells. Astrocytes, which is a type of
70 B macroglia, is the one responsible for producing substances that are
tropic to neurons
DHPR - voltage gated Ca channels in the t tubule membrane which
activates the Ryanodine receptor
Ryanodine receptor - Ca- release channel in the SR
71 A Troponin C - part of the actin filament which binds to calcium
73 D
Capillaries - largest cross-sectional area
74 C Veins - capacitance vessels
Even if the child is less than 3 days old; if the killer is the mother or
90 C father or legitimate ascendant, the penalty is that of parricide
91 B
92 A
Magnus - ligature applied around base of finger
93 C Diaphanous - finger webs are viewed through a strong light
Benzidine - chemical exam used for blood stains
Similar question came out
94 D
Similar question came out
Burking - the murderer kneels or sits on the chest, and with his
95 A hands, closes the nostrils and mouth of the victim
Lynching- homicidal hanging practiced by Americans against
112 C
113 C
Although signs and symptoms are non-specific, biopsy showing
114 B nectrotizing inflamation with temporal heterogeneity clinches the
The history of asthma, allergic rhinitis as well as (+) p-anca are clues
that will tell you that this is a case of Churg -strauss. Remember
115 A eosinophils + p-anca. Only churg strauss and microscopic polyangitis
are p-ancea positive among the vasculitides.
6-12 hours: ischemic coagulative necrosis - wavy fibers and
1-3 days neutrophils
116 B 3-7 days macrophages
1-2 weeks granulation tissue
118 B
119 A
120 C
The other drugs have the ability to inhibit peripheral conversion and
is usually given in patients with thyroid storm.
124 B Methimazole works by inhibits thyroid peroxidase and organification
128 D Vs
137 B
Isoniazid, Rifampicin and Streptomycin - bactericidal
Ethambutol - bacteriostatic
138 C Similar question also came out
Remember the mnemonic: OH DANG
139 A Allergy to sulfa
Last resort and best performed in the OR. Usually done in cases of
146 D laryngeal fracture
149 A
The presence of amyloid confirms that this is a case of medullary
thyroid carcinoma. Since there is the possibility of it to be syndromic
(MEN 2A, MEN 2B), it is important to screen for pheochromocytoma
as this must be treated first. After which, patient should undergo total
150 C thyroidectomy with routine bilateral central neck dissection.
Any size with direct extension to the chest or skin makes this
151 C automatically T4
T4 with less than 3 lymph nodes involved is stage IIIB
The first heart sound coincides with the closure of the mitral and
tricuspid valves, best heard at the apex
168 D Similar question in the boards
The patient falls under category II and should be treated with 2
169 E HRZES/ 1 HRZE/ 5 HRE
In general, infection accounts for about 20-25% of cases of FUO in
Western countries; next in frequency are neoplasms and
noninfectious inflammatory disease. In geographic areas, outside the
west, infections are much more common cause.
170 A Similar question was asked in the boards
Remember that serum uric levels can be normal or low at the time of
an acute attack. It is important to do arhtrocentesis since you note
already erythema and swelling of the joint. You need to identify the
171 C joint aspirate characteristics. If it is inflammatory, the joint should be
considered infected until proven otherwise.
Similar question also came out in the boards. Remember that the first
172 C line for acute gouty attack are NSAIDS (topnotch handout)
Remember the mnemonic HYPERGLUC - hyper-glycemia, lipidemia,
173 D uricemia, calcemia
Ivabradine - inhibits the funny channels slowing the heart rate
Nicorandil - dilates peripheral and coronary resistance vessels
174 C Ranolazine - inhibits late inward sodium current leading to a shift in
myocardial substrate uptake from fatty acid to glucose
178 B
Pleural effusion is a minor critera
Major criteria include: PND or orthoponea, neck vein distention,
179 B rales, cardiomegaly, acute pulmonary edema, s3 gallop, increased
venous pressure > 15cm H20, hepatojugular reflux
BMI is 25.1. if we use the Asian classification, the patient would fall
under Obese type I
180 C A question on BMI was asked in the boards
183 C
Remember Naegel's rule. +7 days - 3 months + 1 year
184 A
Phase 1: quiescence
Phase 2: activation
185 B Phase 3: stimulation
Phase 4: involution
Anterior asynclitism - anterior parietal bone
186 B Posterior asynclitism - posterior parietal bone
1st - vaginal mucosa
2nd - perineal body
187 B 3rd - anal sphincter
4th - rectal mucosa
Pinard - press popliteal fossa and deliver leg
188 C Loveset- deliver arms
189 D
Similar question came out in the boards.
191 A
Plasma levels increase rapidly, doubling every 2 days, with maximal
levels being attained at 8 to 10 weeks
At 10 to 12 weeks, plasma levels begin to decline, and a
192 A nadir is reached by about 16 weeks
197 C
198 D
199 D
200 B
204 C ABG can be done to check for oxygen saturation gradient between
preductal and postductal
A similar question also came out.
206 C
Duodenal atresia - double bubble sign
207 A Intussusception - target sign on utz
Volvulus - omega sign of coffee bean sign on chest xray
The history of URTI and normal C3 levels points to IgA nephropathy
208 D
Granular IgG, C3 - APSGN
209 A Linear IgG, C3 - Good pasture
No immune deposits - RPGN
This is a case of hemolytic uremic syndrome and
210 B management is still to continue supportive therapy
Since the patient is < 1 year old, this is stage 4s and the appropriate
211 E course of action is to simply observe
A similar question came out in the boards
a/ (a+c)
225 A = 150/ 200
= 75%
d/ ( d+b)
226 D = 280/ 300
= 93%
a/ (a+ b)
227 C = 150/ 170
= 88%
d/ (c+d)
228 B = 280/330
= 85%
229 B
230 B
Negatively skewed
231 A Outlying values are small
232 C
Major therapeutic efforts - most challenging and rewarding stage for
233 A the physician
234 E
Infectivity - ability to invade and multiply
Pathogenicity - capacity to induce disease which is clinically apparent
Immunogenicity - ability to induce immunity
235 D Antigenicity - ability to combing specifically with effectors of immune
239 D
240 B