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a. b. c. d. Ans: B for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

PSC 2003 Paper with answers: (MCQS) only some answers are missing. You
5. Which one of the following is NOT associated with Cephalhematoma? a. b. c. d. Ans: B Swelling is present at birth Usually involves parietal and occipital bone Bleeding is subperiosteal Usually reabsorbed in 2-3 months

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1. Diarrhea-related hemolytic uremic syndrome is characterized by all, EXCEPT Acute renal failure Coombs positive hemolytic anemia Thrombocytopenia Neutrophilic leukocytosis 6. A girl can walk upstairs, alternating feet, and make a tower of 8 cubes. She refers to herself by the pronoun I knows her name, but not her age and gender. The most likely chronological age is a. b. c. 2. An 11-year old girl presents with severe hypertension. Ultrasonography shows a small sized left kidney. The DTPA radionuclide scan shows reduced function in this kidney that further declines following oral administration of enalapril. What is the most appropriate investigation that is required? a. b. c. d. Ans: C 7. The likely diagnosis is 3. Erythrocyte Sedimention Rate is zero in: a. b. c. d. Ans: B 8. One life-threatening complication of this conditions is 4. Infant born to a diabetic mother is at risk for all of the following, EXCEPT a. b. c. d. Ans: A Neonatal hepatitis Polycythemia Hypoglycemia Congenital malformations 9. The most important aspect of management is a. b. c. d. Ans: C Hyperkalemia Hypernatremia Metabolic acidosis Hypoglycaemia Abetalipoproteinemia Afibrinogenemia . Asplenia Aplastic anemia a. b. c. d. Ans: A Kwashiorkor Acute renal failure Congestive cardiac failure Indian childhood cirrhosis Renal biopsy Intravenous pyelogram Arterial angiography Micturating cystourethrogram The following THREE (7-9) questions are based on the given passage. Read the passage carefully and answer the following THREE questions: Passage: One and a half year old girl child, fed mostly on dilute cows milk, develops diarrhea which persists for 10 days. This was followed by swelling on feet. d. Ans. B 24 months 30 months 36 months 42 months UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

a. b. c. d. Ans: C 10. Consider the following statements : Breath holding spells in children have the following features 1. 2. 3. 4. they are preceded by minor trauma. Child stops breathing and is cyanosed. Child becomes suddenly pale and limp. Frequency becomes less on zinc supplementation. Which of the above statements are correct? a. b. c. d. Ans : A 11. In which one of the following conditions Dactylitis CANNOT be seen ? a. b. c. d. Ans: B 12. Spleen is palpable in all haemolytic anemias in a child of 8 years of age, EXCEPT in a. b. c. d. Ans : C 13. Which one of the following is NOT a live vaccine a. b. c. d. OPV BCG Hib vaccine Ty 21a against Typhoid c. b. Thalassemia Spherocytosis Sickle cell anemia Haemolysis in malaria 18. A case of eclampsia is brought to a primary health centre late in the night. The decision is to a. Tell the relatives to take her referral hospital immediately Give 10 mg Calmpose IV and ask the relatives to take her to a higher centre Give 10 mg Calmpose IV, induce labor and wait for transport Sickle-cell anemia Beta thalassemia Congenital syphilis Tuberculosis 17. Which one of the following parameters is NOT necessary for monitoring during magnesium sulphate therapy for eclampsia? a. b. c. d. Ans : A Central venous pressure Respiratory rate Patellar reflex Urinary output 1,2 and 3 1 and2 2,3 and 4 1,3 and 4 16. Deep vein thrombosis is more common in the left leg because a. b. c. d. Ans : A of dextrorotation of uterus the left common iliac vein is more tortuous inferior vena cava is on right side left ovarian artery is a branch of aorta 15. Umbilical cord has a. b. c. d. Ans : A two arteries and one vein two veins and one artery one vein and one artery two arteries and two veins Diuretics Fluid restriction Diet with adequate calories and protein Potassium restriction 14. Maternal mortality is defined as number of maternal deaths per a. b. c. d. Ans : A 1000 live births 10,000 live births 1,00,000 live births 1,00,000 pergnancies Ans : C UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

d. Ans: B 19. Anti-thrombin III levels in disseminated intravascular coagulation a. b. c. d. Ans: A 20. Hydramnios is diagnosed by ultrasound by all of the following, EXCEPT a. b. c. d. Ans: D 21. Which one of the following endometrial histopathological findings is suggestive of an ectopic pregnanct? a. b. c. d. Ans: A 22. Deep vein thrombosis in pregnancy is best treated by a. b. c. d. Ans: A 23. The following are the characteristics of caput succedaneum, EXCEPT a. b. It is present at birht It does not cause jaundice in newborn Heparin in the 1 trimester and warfarin in the 2 and 3 trimesters Warfarin in all trimesters Heparin in all trimesters Heparin in the 1 and 2 trimesters and Warfarin in the 3rd trimester 26. With reference to abnormal labor, consider the following procedures : a. b. c. a. internal podalic version Forceps application Assisted breech delivery 1,2 and 3
st nd nd rd st

Give anticonvulsants, inform higher centre and wait for transport

c. d. Ans: C

It is limited to individual bone It disappears within a few hours of birth

24. The four cardinal movements, 1. flexion 2. internal rotation, 3. extension, 4. restitution and external rotation; constitute the normal mechanism of labor. The chronological order in which they occure is a. b. c. d. Ans : A 25. Match list I (Feature) with List II (Diagnosis) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists : List I A. Star gazing fetus B. Frog eye Appearance C. Buddhas position D. Partus conduplicate Corpore Codes : a. b. c. d. Ans : D A 1 A 1 A 2 A 2 B 4 B 3 B 4 B 3 C 3 C 4 C 3 C 4 D 2 D 2 D 1 D 1 List II 1. Transverse lie 2.Breech with extended head 3. Anencephaly 4. Hydrops fetalis 1,2,3,4 2,1,3,4 1,3,4,2 2,3,4,1

Are decreased Are increased Remain same Are variable

Single vertical pocket > 8 cm Single vertical pocket > 5 cm Amniotic fluid index > 24 cm Subjective assessment

Decidual reaction Chorionic villi Proliferative endometrium Secretory endometrium

In which of these, the cervix should be fully dilated? UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

b. c. d. Ans: A 27. At which station of head is outlet forceps applied? a. b. c. d. +2 station +3 station O stations After full engagement of head 32. Lymphatic drainage of the cervix is to the following lymph nodes, EXCEPT a. b. 28. Which one of the following is NOT true in Normal Puerperium? a. b. c. d. Ans: D 29. Consider the following a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. Ans: A 30. In a male fetus, ultrasound identifications of bilateral hydronephrosis and bladder dilatation is diagnostic of a. b. c. d. Ans : D polycystic kidney disease multicystic dysplastic kidney uteropelvic junction obstruction posterior urethral valve syndrome 36. Among the following the best indicator of health in a community is a. Maternal mortality rate Endometritis Mastitis Urinary tract infection Deep vein thrombosis 1,2 and 3 1 and 2 2 and 3 1 and 4 35. The most important factor in hemostasis preventing PPH after placental separation is due to a. b. c. d. Ans : B Uterine contraction and relaxation Retraction of uterus Thrombosis of blood vessels in myometrium Retroplacental clot 34. In which of the following is Mullerian System present? a. b. c. d. Ans : B Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome Turners syndrome Testicular feminization syndrome Klinefelters syndrome Women loses body weight Diuresis occurs from the 2 day Progressive diminution of the size of the uterus Red lochia (lochia rubra) continues till the 8th week after the delivery of the fetus (Parturition) 33. Hypoplastic uterus with streak gonads is feature of a. b. c. d. Ans: D Testicular feminization syndrome Triple X-syndrome Adrenogenital syndrome Turners syndrome

1 and 2 2 and 3 1 and 3

31. In which one of the following combinations, ABO incompatibility is most common? a. b. c. d. Ans : B Mothers group A and fathers group O Mothers group A and fathers group B Mothers group O and fathers group A Mothers group B and fathers group AB

Ans : A/B

Parametrial lymph nodes Deep inguinal lymph nodes Obturator lymph nodes External iliac lymph nodes

c. d. Ans : B

Which of these are common causes of Puerperal Fever? UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

b. c. d. Ans : B 37. Which one of the following gives strong evidence of Typhoid Fever carrier status ? a. b. c. d. Ans B 38. Which one of the following is NOT a socio-economic indicator ? a. b. c. d. Ans : D 39. Which one of the following diseases CANNOT be eradicated a. b. c. d. Ans : B 40. Which of the following statements is correct? a. b. A cohort study is more expensive is comparison to case control study. A cohort study starts with people exposed to risk factor or suspected cause while case control study starts with disease c. A long follow-up period often needed with delayed results in a cohort study whereas a case control study yields relatively quick results d. A cohort study is more appropriate when the disease or exposure under investigation is rare, in comparison to case control study. 45. Consider the following sentence: The risk factors for peptic ulcer include 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. Regular use of aspirin or steroids Tobacco smoking Familial predisposition Dietary habits 1,2,3 and 4 1 and 2 Leprosy Tuberculosis Measles Pertussis 44. Which one of the following is NOT used in testing for adequate pasteurization of milk? a. b. c. d. Ans : D Phosphatase test Coliform count Sandard plate count Methylene blue reduction test Literacy life Family size Housing Life expectancy at birth Isolation of Core antigen Isolation of Vi antigen Persistence of Vi antibodies Demonstration of Typhoid bacilli in stools. 42. The ratio between the incidence of disease among exposed and non-exposed is called a. b. c. d. Ans : B 43. How much amount of energy is yielded by one ml of alcohol in the body? A. 1cal B. 4 cal C. 7 cal D. 9 cal Ans : C Causal risk Relative risk Attributable risk Odds ratio Infant mortality rate Life expectancy Neonatal mortality rate 41. There is a public health perception that healthy girls aged 5-14 years should be exposed for infection to a. b. c. d. Ans : C Odontogenic myxoma Fibromatous epulis Dentigerous cyst Ameloblastome Ans : D

Which of these statements are correct? UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

c. d. Ans : A 50. When an abandoned child is legally accepted by a 46. Screening is the most commonly used pidemiological tool in school health services. Which level of prevention does it refer to? a. b. c. d. Ans: B 47. With reference to school health, which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. b. c. d. Ans: B 48. In which one of the following situations is Amniocentesis NOT called for? a. b. c. d. Ans: D 49. The efficiency of cold chain system for oral polio vaccine as monitored by Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM) depends on a. b. c. Change in the colour of vaccine Temperature indicator of the system Viral potency test Mothers age is 35 year or more Parents who are known to have chromosomal translocation Raised alpha fetoprotein in amniotic fluid during earlier pregnancy A Rh ve multipara mother aged 30 years with two live healthy boys 53. Consider the following sentence : Use of oral contraceptive pills confers additional protection against 1. 2. 3. a. b. c. d. Fibroadenoma Ectopic pregnancy Ovarian cysts and iron deficiency anemia 1 and 2 1 and 3 2 and 3 1,2 and 3 Per captia space for students in classroom should not be less than 10 sp ft. Desks should be of plus type Classroom should have sufficient natural light preferably from the left There should be one urinal for 60 students and one latrine for 100 students 52. Which one of the following Immunoglobulins is transmitted to the fetus through placenta? a. b. c. d. Ans : A IgG IgA IgM IgD Primary secondary Tertiary Primary and secondary c. d. Ans: C 51. Which one of the following doses in lethal flocculent units of Diphtheria Toxoid is incorporated in DPT vaccine? a. b. c. d. Ans : C 5 15 25 35 b. couple, it is called as a. Remand home placement and Foster home placement. Remand home placement and Borstal placement. Adoption and Foster home placement. Adoption and Remand home placement. 1 and 3 2 and 3 d. Ans: D Change of colour on the label of the bottle

Which of these statements are correct. UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

Ans: D 54. Which one of the following is NOT an absolute contraindication for oral contraceptive pills? a. b. c. d. Ans: A 55. The best indicator (s) for monitoring of air pollution is/are a. b. c. d. Ans: B 56. The organism which is NOT and indicator of fecal pollution is a. b. c. d. Ans: A 57. Last case of Smallpox occurred in India during which one of the following years. a. b. c. d. Ans: B 58. DOTS indicates a. b. c. d. Ans: B long-term treatment under direct observation short-term treatment under direct observation short-term treatment without observation domiciliary treatment without observation. (d) (c) (b) 1965 1975 1986 1995 C. D. Codes: (a) A 1 A 3 A 1 A B 2 B 4 B 4 B C 4 C 2 C 2 C D 3 D 1 D 3 D B. Staphylococcus Streptococcus E.coli Clostridium perfringens 62. With reference to lead poisoning, maths list I (Agent) with List II (Amount) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list List I A. List II Coproporphyrin 1. > 70 g/100ml In urine Aminolevunlinic Acid in urine Lead in urine Lead in blood 3. >150g/L 4. > 0.8 mg/L 2. > 5 mg/L Sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide and suspended particles Oxides of nitrogen and polyaromatic hydrocarbons Carbon monoxide. 61. The number of live birth per 1000 women in the reproductive age group in a year refers to a. b. c. d. Ans : D Total fertility rate Gross Reproduction Rate Net Reproduction Rate General Fetrility Rate Nursing mothers Cancer of breasts Cardiac abnormalities History of thromboembolism 60. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of non-communicable disease? a. b. c. d. Ans: A Well-defined etiological agen Multifactorial causation Long latent period Variable onset 59. Lymphogranuloma venereum is caused by a. b. c. d. Ans : D Haemophilus ducreyi Donovania granulomatis Treponema pertenue Chlamydia trachomatis UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

3 Ans : D Ans : C 63. The minimum air space per worker prescribed by Indian Factory (Amendment) Act, 1987 is a. b. c. d. Ans : C 64. Amniocentesis to detect chromosomal abnormalities can be done as early as a. b. c. d. Ans : A c. 65. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder of coagulation seen only in males. It is transmitted as a. b. c. d. Ans : C 66. The pattern of inter-relations between persons in a society is called a. b. c. d. Ans : B 71. In patients of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, with 67. The most effective method for motivating a couple for adopting family planning practices is a. b. c. Printed material Films and television Group discussion secretory endometrium on histopathology, the initial treatment of choice would be a. b. c. Oral contraceptives Progestins NSAIDs Social stratification Social structure Caste system Herd structure Ans : D X-linked dormant Y-linked dormant X-linked recessive Autosomal recessive Ans : C 70. For the treatment of excessive bleeding in a case of DUB, which one of the following therapies used is termed as Medical Curettage? a. b. c. d. Combined estrogen progestogen pile Danazol High doses of progestogens Gn RH analogue d. 14 week of gestation 18th week of gestation 22 week of gestation 26 week of gestation
th nd th


Inter-personal communication

68. Which one of the following is an environmental factor associated with mental illness? a. b. c. d. Ans : C 69. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. b. The graafian follicle after ovulation changes to corpus luteum. Atretic follicles are formed after atrophy of corpus luteum. Estradiol is formed from androgens in the ovarian follicle. Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) is necessary for the development of the granulosa layer. Emotional stress Frustration Broken home Anxiety

200 cu ft 300 cu ft 500 ci ft 700 cu ft UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

d. Ans : B 77. Young women whose mothers took diethylstilbestrol 72. Retroverted uterus detected in routine examination in gynaecological clinic can be managed as a. b. c. d. Ans : A 73 The commonest organism responsible for Bartholin abscess is a. b. c. d. Ans : C 74. Icreased LH : FSH ratio is found in a. b. c. d. Ans : D 75. Which of the following statements about definition of Hirsutism is correct? a. b. c. d. Ans : C 81. Which one of the following is the most common 76. Complete perineal tear is common in a. b. c. Face to pubes delivery Breech delivery Internal podalic version problem associated with the use of condom? a. b. c. Increased monilial infection of vagina Premature ejaculation Contact dermatitis Hirsutism is excessive facial hair. Hirsutism is excessive distribution of facial and body hair in a female distribution pattern. Hirsutism is excessive distribution of facial and body hair in a male distribution pattern. Hirsutism is excessive distribution of body hair. Ans: A Premature menopause Sheehan syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome Turners syndrome Ans: 80. The first evidence of pubertal development in the female is a. b. c. d. Appearance of breast buds. Onset of menarche Appearance of axillary hair Appearance of pubic hair Treponema pallidum Trichomonal vaginalis Neisseria gonorrhoea Lymphogranuloma venereum Pessary treatment Ventral suspension operation Postural exercise No treatment during pregnancy are likely to develop one of the following genital malignancy a. b. c. d. Ans : D 78. In carcinoma cervix, the causative etiological factor is a. b. c. d. Ans : B 79. Which one of the following is the most common extrauterine site to be affected by endometriosis? a. b. c. d. vagina Rectovaginal septum Sigmoid colon Broad ligament (except tubes and ovaries) Condyloma acuminata HPV 16,18 HPV 6,11 HSV 1 and 2 Squamous-cell carcinoma Adenosquamous carcinoma Papillary adenocarcinoma Clear-cell adenocarcinoma Danazol d. Ans : A Manual removal of placenta UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards. for MORE LATEST PG PAPERS

d. Ans: C 85. Which one of the following hormonal contraceptives 82. Which one of the following intrauterine contraceptive devices has the lowest pregnancy rate? a. b. c. d. Ans: B 83. A primipara with a cardiac lesion (MI) has come on the 40 day of delivery asking for contraception. The contraceptive of choice is a. b. c. d. Ans: A 87. Which part of the tube is ligated while doing female 84. Match List I (Type of Pill) with List II (Effect) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I A. Triphasic B. DMPA 1. Prevention of ovarian tumours 2. Good for wome Having hypomenorrhoea C. Biphasic pill 3. Amenorrhoea is common D. Progestin Containing IUD 4. Beneficial effect on high density lipoproteins 5. Chance of ectopic pregnancy Codes: (a) (b) (c) A A 4 A 4 A 5 B B 3 B 1 B 4 C C 1 C 3 C 2 D D 5 D 5 D 1 (d) 89. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was passed by the Parliament of India in a. 1950 d. b. c. 88. The following statements are true regarding sterilization by Pomeroys method, EXCEPT a. It is performed with non-absorbable suture material It does not include crushing of fallopian tube. It has a higher failure rate if performed at the time of caesarean section. It has a failure rate of about 0.1-0.4% Ans: A/C Ans: B List II sterilization by Pomeroys technique? a. b. c. d. Ampullary Isthmo-ampullary Interstitial Isthmic Condom with spermicidal jelly Oral contraceptive pill Intrauterine contraceptive device Laparoscopic sterilization

Retention of urine Ans : A

CANNOT be used during lactation? a. b. c. d. Ans: D 86. Third generation oral contraceptive pills containing norgestrel and gestodene along with estrogens a. b. c. d. Ans: A Are more lipid friendly Decrease the risk of venous thromboembolism Increase the risk of break through bleeding Are not used for emergency contraception Mini-pill Norplant DMPA Combined oral contraceptives

Lippes loop Cu-7 Cu T-200 Levonorgestrel IUD UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards.


b. c. d. Ans: C 90. Gas preferred for creating pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopy is a. b. c. d. Ans: A 91. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? a. b. c. d. Ans: B 92. A 3-year old child develops severe dehydration following acute gastroenteritis. Investigations show blood urea 60mg/dl, pH 7.27, base excess -10 mEq/L, sodium 134 Eq/L and potassium 3.8 mEq/L. The most appropriate fluid for initial treatment of this child is a. b. c. d. Ans : C Directions: 93. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is characterized by the following, EXCEPT a. b. c. d. Ans: B most common hereditary neuro-muscular disease both boys and girls are equally affected pseudohypertrophy of calves and thigh muscles high serum creatinine phosphkinase levels The following 9 (nine) items consist of two statements, one labeled as Assertion A and the other labeled as Reason R. You are to examine these two statements carefully and decide if the Assertion A and the Reason R are individually true and if so, whether the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. Select your answers to these items using the codes given below and mark your answer sheet accordingly: Codes: N/3 saline in 5% dextrose N/3 saline in 10% dextrose Normal saline with 5% dextrose 3% saline 96. A person working in hot environment who consumes more water without salt is likely to develop a condition called a. b. c. d. Ans:C Heat stroke Heat exhaustion Heat cramps Heat hyperpyrexia Unfractionated Heparin does not cross the placenta. Low molecular Heparins can cross the placenta Warfarin crosses the placenta Breasta feeding is safe for the infant of a mother taking Warfarin 95. Which one of the following diseases is NOT developed by intrauterine growth retarded full term Low Birth Weight infants in later life? a. b. c. d. Ans: ? Coronary heart disease Hypertension Diabetes Malabsorption syndrome carbon dioxide oxygen air nitrous oxide 1965 1971 1981 94. Consider the following clinicopathological changes in Rheumatic Carditis: 1. Mitral regurgitation 2. Aortic regurgitation 3. Rise in ASLO Titre 4. Left atrial hypertrophy The correct chronological sequence of these changes would bea. b. c. d. Ans: A 3,1,2,4 1,2,3,4 4,2,1,3 3,4,1,2 UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards.


a. b. c. d. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. Both A and R are true but R is NOT a correct explanation of A. A is true but R is false. A is false but r is true. 102. Assertion (A) 97. Assertion (A) The term Eradication means termination of all transmissions of infection. Reason (R) It involves completer destruction of the infective agent. Ans : A. 98. Assertion (A) Abortion may be induced at twenty weeks of gestation without second medical opinion. Reason (R) The condition for medical termination of pregnancy have been liberalized in India. Ans : D. 99. Assertion (A) All newborns should be screened for hypothyroidism at birth. Reason (R) Treatment at birth for hypothyroidism can assure normal mental development. Ans : A. 100. Assertion (A) The 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine is not recommended for routine use in children. Reason (R) Most pneumococcal strains are still susceptible to penicillin. Ans : Ans: B 101. Assertion (A) Lumber puncture is indicated in a child with fever and asymmetric flaccid limb weakness. Ans : C. 105. Assertion (A) A child who has had an acute attack of poliomyelitis, should be administered oral polio vaccine. Reason (R) There is no cross-immunity between the different types of polio viruses. Ans : 104. Assertion (A) Supravaginal elongation of of cervix occurs in uterovaginal prolapse. Reason (R) There is gaping genital hiatus but the ligamentous support of uterus is strong. Ans : 103. Assertion (A) Ferrous sulphate should not be given to pregnant womenn who are at high risk of PIH. Reason (R) Ferrous sulphate increases free radicals which induce serum lipid peroxide formation. Systemic estrogens as HRT are indicated in post-menopausal women with hypertriglyceridemia. Reason (R) The systemic estrogens induce the hepatic synthesis of lipoproteins. Ans : B Reason (R) The diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome can be established by albuminocytologic dissociation on CSF analysis. UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards.


106. Match List I (Health Planning Commitees) with List II (Main Recommendations/Important Results) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I A. Shrivastava Committee B. Chadah committee List II 1. Malaria workers to look after FP work also. 2. Intergration of services from the highest to the lowest levels C. Karter singh Committee Committee Codes: (a) (B) (c) (d) Ans: C 107. The poverty line limit for rural areas is the purchasing capacity for a daily intake of 2400 calories per person. Which one of the following calorie limits is for urban areas? a. b. c. d. Ans: B 108. Which of the following is/are used as operation indicator in antileprosy activity. a. b. c. Incidence Incidence and prevalence Relapse rate and case detection ratio Ans: A 1900 2100 2400 2800 (c) (d) (B) Codes: (a) A 4 A 1 A 4 A 1 B 2 B 3 B 3 B 2 C 3 C 2 C 2 C 3 D 1 D 4 D 1 D 4 D. DANIDA A 3 A 3 A 2 A 2 B 4 B 1 B 1 B 4 C 1 C 4 C 4 C 1 D 2 D 2 D 3 D 3 111. Match List I (Organization/Agency) with List II (Programme) and select the correct anser using the codes given below the Lists: List I A. USAID C. SIDA List II 1. Blindness control 3. Tuberculosis control 4. Technical cooperation Mission 3. Led to creation of Health Guides multipurpose worker. 110. Under the National Programme for Control of Blindness, to define blindness, the visual acuity should be less than a. b. c. d. Ans: A 3/60 6/60 1/60 6/24 d. Ans: D 109. With increased plan outlays for National AIDS Control Programme, the secondary dividends of these interventiosns shall directly benefit a. b. c. d. Ans: RCH Programme MCH services Immunization Programme National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Incidence and case detection ratio

D. Jungal Wallah 4. Led to creation of

B. Colombo plant2. Agriculture and Industry UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards.


112. In respect of type-I error in the field of medical statistics, which one of the following is NOT correct. a. b. c. d. Ans: C 113. The decadal exercise of Census Operation is done over a period of time but population count is assumed to be one existing on a. b. c. d. Ans: B 114. Match List I (Disease) with List II(Vector) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I A. Scabies B. Fist Tapeworm Infestation C. Relapsing Fever D. Kyasanu Forest Disease (KFD) 119. What is the correct sequence of the following while resuscitating an infant with Foreign Body Airway Codes: (a) (B) (c) (d) Ans: A 115. Effect of pyrethrum on mosquitoes is described as a. b. Residual Repellent 120. Regarding simple febrile seizure, which one of the following statement is NOT correct? A 3 A 4 A 3 A 4 B 2 B 1 B 1 B 2 C 1 C 2 C 2 C 1 D 4 D 3 D 4 D 3 Obstruction? 1. Chest thrust 2. Tongue-jaw lift 3. Back blows Select the correct sequence form the codes given below: Codes: a. b. c. d. Ans: C 1,3,2 3,2,1 3,1,2 2,1,3 3. Sarcoptes 4. Hard Tick Ans: D List II 1. Soft Tick 2. Cyclops c. d. January 1st March 1 April 1st March 31st

c. d. Ans: D

Knock down Contact

It is also called alpha error. It is often assigned a value of 0.05 in studies. It is equal to 1 minus the beta error. It is used to determine sample size.

116. a screening test applied to detect diabetes in population over 40 year of age should satisfy the following criteria, EXCEPT for a. b. c. d. Validity Reproducibility Feasibility Ingenuity

Ans: D/C 117. A 5-year old boy, a known patient of bronchial asthma, presents with cough, wheezing and breathlessness. Examination shows respiratory rate 48/minute, pulsus paradoxus and bilateral rhonchi. The most appropriate immediate treatment is a. b. Intravenous theophylline and corticosteroids Intravenous theophylline and nebulized salbutamol Nebulized salbutamol and ipratropium Nebulized salbutamol and intravenous corticosteroids. UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards.


a. b. c. It is usually seen in children between 6 months and 6 year of age The seizure usually lasts for less than 15 minutes. Rectal diazepam given at the onset of febrile illness can reduce the incidence of recurrent febrile seizure. d. Ans: Oral phenobarbitone is usually prescribed after the first episode of seizure to prevent recurrences. UPSC PAPER 2003 with answers Visit www.aippg.Net/forum for most visit PG / PLAB / MRCP / IELTS discussion boards.


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