How Does A Camel Protect Itself From Predators?: Riddle
How Does A Camel Protect Itself From Predators?: Riddle
How Does A Camel Protect Itself From Predators?: Riddle
Whole Numbers as
Improper Fractions
Name: Date:
Riddle 11
How does a camel protect
itself from predators?
Rename the whole and mixed numbers as
improper fractions. Write the missing numbers.
Solve the riddle using your answers below.
1 H 5
3 = 1 =
4 4 L
8 = 2 =
4 10
1 7 I
2 = 7 =
3 F 4
4 5 G
2 = 1 =
T 6 6
2 6 C
1 = 3 =
4 R 6
A 2 W
5 = 4 =
3 5 5
Solve the Riddle! Write the letter that goes with each answer.
22 28 2 13
18 15 20 32 5 3 5 15 11 32
16 Solve-the-Riddle Math Practice: Fractions & Decimals © 2012 by Liane B. Onish. Scholastic Teaching Resources
62 Solve-the-Riddle Math Practice: Fractions & Decimals © 2012 by Liane B. Onish. Scholastic Teaching Resources