Analysis of Translation Techniques in Translating Cultural Words Into Indonesian in The Novel "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
Analysis of Translation Techniques in Translating Cultural Words Into Indonesian in The Novel "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
Analysis of Translation Techniques in Translating Cultural Words Into Indonesian in The Novel "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
The writer conducts this research to find what translation techniques which
are applied by the translator in translating cultural words in the novel Eat, Pray,
Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, and translated by Silamurti Nugroho. Here the writer
uses the theory of Molina and Albir, because the writer thinks that the theory of
Molina and Albir is the most appropriate theory for this research topic. The writer
here uses qualitative and quantitative method in order to reach the goal of this
research. The writer employs herself to collect data; Read the two versions of
novel, they are Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and Makan, Doa, Cinta which is
translated by Silamurti Nugroho, mark all the cultural words in the English version
of the novel, find the equivalent in Indonesian version of the novel, classify the
cultural words based on Newmark’s cultural words categories, select some of the
data that are most appropriate with Newmark’s cultural words categories, and
analyzed the selected data by using Molina and Albir’s theory of translation
techniques. The result of this study shows that: eight translation techniques are
applied by the translator in translating those cultural words.
Keywords: Cultural Words, Translation Techniques Translation.
a part of a culture and it can identify
1. INTRODUCTION someone’s culture. In addition, through
1.1 Background of the Research language we can learn about other’s
Culture in every society is different. culture. Human cannot socialize with
Culture also becomes one of the most others without communicating. There are
distinctive aspects of a person, a about 6.800 languages all over the world
group, a nation, or a country that (Grimes, 2000) which requires ability in
differentiate them. Culture can also be understanding a language. English is a
considered as someone’s identity. It common language which is most universal,
distinguishes the identity of a person used by most people in the world. But,
from another person. It is important to in understanding a meaning of a
know that different person possesses language, we shouldn’t need to learn it
different culture. specifically. We can only read or listen
According to Oxford Dictionary, to the translation of the language.
language is the method of human Text is a written language that
communication, either spoken or written, can be used to learn other culture, for
consisting of the use of words in a example a translation text. A translator
structured and conventional way. So that in translating text must have a wide
language is the most important range of knowledge about cultures in
communication tool in human life. It is order not to make the translation of the