Analysis of Translation Techniques in Translating Cultural Words Into Indonesian in The Novel "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

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Reinata Andriyanie Hendro Firmawan Tri Wahyu R

Gunadarma University Gunadarma University Gunadarma University
jl. Margonda Raya 100 jl. Margonda Raya 100 jl. Margonda Raya 100
Depok, 16424 Depok, 16424 Depok, 16424
[email protected]

The writer conducts this research to find what translation techniques which
are applied by the translator in translating cultural words in the novel Eat, Pray,
Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, and translated by Silamurti Nugroho. Here the writer
uses the theory of Molina and Albir, because the writer thinks that the theory of
Molina and Albir is the most appropriate theory for this research topic. The writer
here uses qualitative and quantitative method in order to reach the goal of this
research. The writer employs herself to collect data; Read the two versions of
novel, they are Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and Makan, Doa, Cinta which is
translated by Silamurti Nugroho, mark all the cultural words in the English version
of the novel, find the equivalent in Indonesian version of the novel, classify the
cultural words based on Newmark’s cultural words categories, select some of the
data that are most appropriate with Newmark’s cultural words categories, and
analyzed the selected data by using Molina and Albir’s theory of translation
techniques. The result of this study shows that: eight translation techniques are
applied by the translator in translating those cultural words.
Keywords: Cultural Words, Translation Techniques Translation.
a part of a culture and it can identify
1. INTRODUCTION someone’s culture. In addition, through
1.1 Background of the Research language we can learn about other’s
Culture in every society is different. culture. Human cannot socialize with
Culture also becomes one of the most others without communicating. There are
distinctive aspects of a person, a about 6.800 languages all over the world
group, a nation, or a country that (Grimes, 2000) which requires ability in
differentiate them. Culture can also be understanding a language. English is a
considered as someone’s identity. It common language which is most universal,
distinguishes the identity of a person used by most people in the world. But,
from another person. It is important to in understanding a meaning of a
know that different person possesses language, we shouldn’t need to learn it
different culture. specifically. We can only read or listen
According to Oxford Dictionary, to the translation of the language.
language is the method of human Text is a written language that
communication, either spoken or written, can be used to learn other culture, for
consisting of the use of words in a example a translation text. A translator
structured and conventional way. So that in translating text must have a wide
language is the most important range of knowledge about cultures in
communication tool in human life. It is order not to make the translation of the

Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Volume 4. No. 1, Juni 2016 33

text shift. Translation is the topic because the writer has an interest
replacement of textual material in one in translation and she wants to be a
language (SL) by equivalent textual translator. And the writer wants to know
material in another language (TL) about the translation techniques that
(Catford, 1965: 20). According to applied by an experienced translator.
Newmark (1981: 7), “Translation is a
craft consisting in the attempt to 1.2 Previous Research
replace a written message and or
statement in one language by the same 1.2.1 Rizki Gunawan (2011)
message and/or statement in another Rizki Gunawan concerns with translation
language”. Translation can’t be study, that is the translation strategy
separated from learning two languages, in the translation of cultural words in
which is English and Indonesian in this Laskar Pelangi novel translated by Angie
research, so that the translation could Kilbane. Findings of this study show
get an equivalent meaning between SL and that: first, seven procedures are used
TL. Pinchuck (1977:38) also stated that to render the selected Indonesian
“Translation is a process of finding a cultural words into English include pure
Target Language (TL) equivalent for a borrowing, naturalized borrowing, notes,
Source Language (SL) utterance”. cultural equivalent, functional
Translation should consider several equivalent, descriptive equivalent, and
limitations, including the context, the reduction; second, the most frequently
rules of grammar, writing conventions, translation strategy applied is
idioms, as well as other matters between domesticating; third, based on the
the two languages. Actually, the purpose result of procedure used, it can be
of the translation is very varies, classified that pure borrowing and
depending on the translator whether for naturalized borrowing are the
customers who want to use the services implementation of foreignizing; notes is
of a translator or further to contribute neutralizing strategy; while the use of
about the contents of the translation cultural equivalent, functional
itself. The main purpose is to ease the equivalent, descriptive equivalent, and
readers who are not understands the reduction are the realization of
source language. domesticating.
Nowadays, there are many
translation versions of English which
1.2.2 Shermy Ismawati (2013)
This research paper is entitled The
can we enjoy, one of them is novel.
Analysis of Cultural Words and Context
Novel is a story long enough to fill a
In The Young Adult Novel Translation
complete book in which the characters
Entitled “Eragon”. Based on the
and the events are usually imaginary
findings, the writer found that the
(Oxford, 2000:904). It is a kind of
translator used seven procedures:
prose which is favored by many people.
naturalization, componential analysis,
Many novels are translated from
addition, transference, cultural
Indonesia to English, and vice versa.
equivalent, couplets, and transposition.
Translating one language to another is
Those procedures were used in order to
not an easy thing. It is requiring a
make the translation acceptable and
special skill to translate a language
understandable, without changing the
because there are many differences in
essence meaning of the story. By
the source language and the target
conducting the research, the writer can
language, such as vocabulary,
conclude that translation procedure
grammatical rules, collocation, idiom,
helps the readers in understanding the
and culture.
message of the story and the different
The title of this novel is Eat,
culture of the novel.
Pray, Love and translated into Makan,
Doa, Cinta by Silamurti Nugroho. Here
the writer uses the theory of Molina and
1.3 Position of Study
Albir, because the writer thinks that This research certainly relates to the
the theory of Molina and Albir is the previous researches above. The
most appropriate theory for this similarity is about the topic, the
research topic. The writer chooses this theory of cultural words category, and
the kind of the data. The topic is

34 Andriyanie, Firmawan, Wahyu R, Analysis of...

related to cultural words, and also its Indonesia, translated by Silamurti
translation. The kind of the data shows Nugroho, which was taken from internet,
that this research and the two and the book. And the writer supported
researches about took the data from two the data collection with the cultural
version of a novel. The similarity about words categorization by Newmark (2010).
cultural words theory is the three
researches took the cultural words 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
category from Newmark. But there are 3.1 Research Design
many differences they are the data To support this research, the writer
source, the theory of translation used qualitative research methods.
techniques, and the amount of the data. Qualitative research is a type of
The first previous research took the scientific research. In general terms,
data from the novel entitled Laskar scientific research consists of an
Pelangi and The Rainbow Troops, while investigation that: seeks answers to a
the second previous research took the question, systematically uses a
data from some young-adult novel predefined set of procedures to answer
entitled Eragon, and this research took the question, collects evidence,
the data from the novel entitled Eat, produces findings that were not
Pray, Love and Makan, Doa, Cinta. Those determined in advance, and produces
three researches applied a different findings that are applicable beyond the
theory of translation techniques, the immediate boundaries of the study
first previous research applied the Creswell (in Herdiansyah, 2010: 8),
theory of Newmark and Venutti, while the stated that qualitative research is an
second previous research applied the inquiry process of understanding based
theory of Newmark, and this research on distinct methodological traditions of
applied the theory of Molina and Albir. inquiry that explore a social or human
problem. The researcher builds a
2. LITERATURE REVIEW complex, holistic picture, analyzed
2.1 Research Design words, report detailed views of
To support this research, the writer information, and conducts the study in a
used qualitative research methods. natural setting.
Qualitative research is a type of
scientific research. In general terms, 3.2 Source of Data
scientific research consists of an The data collected from the data source,
investigation that: seeks answers to a it is a novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love
question, systematically uses a by Elizabeth Gilbert. The novel is in
predefined set of procedures to answer two languages version, English and
the question, collects evidence, Indonesia, translated by Silamurti
produces findings that were not Nugroho, which was taken from internet,
determined in advance, and produces and the book. And the writer supported
findings that are applicable beyond the the data collection with the cultural
immediate boundaries of the study words categorization by Newmark (2010).
Creswell (in Herdiansyah, 2010:
8), stated that qualitative research is 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
an inquiry process of understanding
based on distinct methodological
4.1 Data Description
In the novel Eat, Pray, Love, the writer
traditions of inquiry that explore a
has identified 180 cultural words that
social or human problem. The researcher
are used in the novel. From 180 cultural
builds a complex, holistic picture,
words that the writer has found, it will
analyzed words, report detailed views of
be classified according to Molina &
information, and conducts the study in a
Albir (2002) translation techniques
natural setting.
classifications. The writer tabulates
2.2 Source of Data the 180 selected data of cultural words
The data collected from the data source, based on Newmark’s cultural words
it is a novel entitled Eat, Pray, Love categories from Eat, Pray, Love and
by Elizabeth Gilbert. The novel is in Makan, Doa, Cinta, translated by
two languages version, English and

Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Volume 4. No. 1, Juni 2016 35

Silamurti Nugroho. The selected data can lama). (page 13)
be tabulated as follows.
4.1.1 Ecology
According British Ecological Society, 4.1.2 Public Life
ecology is the study of the distribution Public life refers to politics, law and
and abundance of organisms, the government (Newmark 2010: 173-177). In
interaction between organisms, the the two version of novel, only political
interaction between organisms and their terms that can be found. The political
environment, and structure and function as public life of a country is reflected
of ecosystems. Discussion ecology cannot in its institutional terms. Where the
be separated from the discussion of the title of a head of state or the name of
ecosystem with various constituent a parliament are ‘transparent’, that is,
components, namely the abiotic and made up of ‘international’ or easily
biotic factors. Abiotic factors, they translated morphemes, they are through-
are temperature, water, humidity, light, translated. Where the name of a
and topography, while the biotic factors parliament is not ‘readily’
are living creatures which consists of translatable, it has a recognized
humans, animals, plants, and microbes. official translation for administrative
Ecology encompasses culture specific documents but is often transferred for
items referring to geological and an educated readership and glossed for a
geographical environment (Newmark 2010: general readership. When a public body
173-177). Geographical features can be has a ‘transparent’ name, the
normally distinguished from other translation depends on the ‘setting’ (in
cultural terms in that they are usually official documents, and in serious
value-free, politically and publications such as textbooks, the
commercially. Many countries have title is transferred and where
‘local’ words for plains (prairies, appropriate, literally translated
steppes, tundras, pampas, and savannahs) (Newmark 1988: 94-102).
all with strong elements of local color.
Table 2: Public Life (Political Terms)
Table 2: Ecology Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta
Eat, Pray, Love Makan, Doa, Love (SL) (TL)
(SL) Cinta (TL)
She wonders Dia berkata dengan
Let it be Cukup untuk aloud, “Why suara keras,
sufficient to mengatakan, don’t people “mengapa orang-
say that, on bahwa malam ini, talk more
this night, he orang tida banyak
dia masih about the
was still my Council of membicarakan
lighthouse and merupakan mercu mengenai Council
Trent?” (page
my albatross in suar saya dan 90) of Trent?” (page
equal measure. pada saat yang 99)
(page 8) bersamaan juga
(burung laut 4.1.3 Social Life
Social life includes economy,
dari famili
occupations, social welfare, health and
diomedeidae, education (Newmark 2010: 173-177). In
ditemukan di considering social culture, one has to
lautan bagian distinguish between denotative and
selatan connotative problem of translation. The
mempunyai paruh obvious cultural words that denote
yang panjang dan leisure activity in the SL are the
national game with their lexical sets.
sanggup terbang
There are only the occupation category
dalam waktu yang that can be found in the two version of

36 Andriyanie, Firmawan, Wahyu R, Analysis of...

novel. Those words will be shown in approximately constant, indicating the
Table 3. part of the body that is covered, but
Table 3: Social Life (Occupations) the description varies depending on
Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta climate and material used (Newmark 1988:
Love (SL) (TL) 94-102).

Sandwich Sandwich counterman Table 5: Personal Life (Clothes)

counterman (penjual roti yang Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta
(page 35) dilapisi dengan Love (SL) (TL)
daging, keju, dll,
The divorcée Seorang janda
yang berdiri di in the muumuu dalam pakaian
belakang meja with the dyed muumuu (pakaian
panjang untuk orange hair
wanita yang
melayani) (page 40) who doesn’t
eat dairy but panjang berwarna
smokes warni, biasanya
menthols, dikenakan di
4.1.4 Personal Life who’s always Hawaii) dengan
Personal life encompasses food, clothing just coming rambut dicat
and housing (Newmark 2010: 173-177). back from her
Food terms are subject to the widest oranye dan tidak
variety of translation procedures. minum susu tetapi
cruise or
Various settings: menus (straight, breaking up merokok mentol,
multilingual, glossed, cookbooks, food with her yang selalu
guides), tourist brochures, journalism aroma- kembali dari
increasingly contain foreign food terms. therapist perjalanan dengan
For English, other food terms are in a boyfriend. kapal
different category (Newmark 1988: 94- (page 95)
102). These sentences are the samples of astrologinya atau
in translating cultural words in various putus dengan
types of cultural words and translation pacarnya yang
techniques. aroma terapis.
(page 107)
Table 4: Personal Life (Food)
Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta
The last category is housing. Many
Love (SL) (TL) language communities have a typical
house which for general purposes remains
Which was Ini mengingatkan untranslated (Newmark 1988: 94-102).
slightly saya pada seorang This Table 5 below will show the words.
reminiscent teman yang
of a friend Table 6: Personal Life (Housing)
vegetarian kecuali
of mine who Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta
is vegetarian daging babi, dan
Love (SL) (TL)
except for tidak yang lainnya.
bacon, but (page 8) I was already Saya telah mulai
composing my menulis surat ke
(page 4)
letter to Penthouse. (page
The next category that include in Penthouse. 8)
personal life cultural word category is
(page 4)
clothes. Clothes as cultural terms may
be sufficiently explained for TL general
readers if the generic noun or
classifier is added, or if the 4.1.5 Customs and Pursuit
particular is of no interest, generic Customs and pursuits refer to various
word can simply replace it. However it body language signs that are specific to
has to be borne in mind that the particular culture (gesture), and
function of the generic clothes terms is various means of entertainment (leisure)

Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Volume 4. No. 1, Juni 2016 37

(Newmark 2010: 173-177). The first sub- the surf and pada waktu senja.
category of customs and pursuit is the running (page 20)
gesture. There is a distinction between hand-in-hand
description and function which can be through the
made where necessary in ambiguous case, golden
all of which occur in some cultures and meadows at
not in others (Newmark 1988: 94-102). twilight.
The Table 6 below will show the words of (page 16)
gesture that can be found in the novel.

Table 7: Customs and Pursuit (Gesture) 4.1.6 Private Passions

Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta Private passions include religion,
Love (SL) (TL) music, poetry and their different social
organizations (Newmark 2010: 173-177).
What I said to Apa yang saya The first category that can be found in
God through my katakan kepada this novel is about religion. In
gasping sobs Tuhan dalam sedu- religious language, the proselytizing
was something activities of Christianity, particularly
sedan tangisan
like this: the Catholic Church and the Baptists,
“Hello, God. saya seperti ini: are reflected in manifold translation.
How are you? “Halo Tuhan. Apa The language of the other world
I’m Liz. It’s kabar? Saya Liz. religions tends to be transferred when
nice to meet Senang bertemu it becomes of TL interest, the commonest
you.” (page denganmu.” (page words being naturalized (Newmark 1988:
12) 16) 94-102). These sentences are the samples
of in translating cultural words in
The obvious cultural words that various types of cultural words and
denote leisure activities in Europe are translation techniques.
the national games with their lexical
Table 9: Private Passions (Religion)
sets: cricket, bull-fighting, boule,
Eat, Pray, Love Makan, Doa,
petanque, hockey. To these must be added
(SL) Cinta (TL)
the largely English non-team games:
tennis, snooker, squash, badminton,
fives, and a large number of card-games, Let me first Pertama-tama
the gambling games and their lexical explain why I saya akan
sets being French in casinos (Newmark use the word menjelaskan
1988: 94-102). This Table 7 below will God, when I
mengapa saya
show the words of leisure that can be could just as
easily use the menggunakan kata
found in the novel. Tuhan, meskipun
words Jehovah,
Table 8: Customs and Pursuit (Leisure) Allah, Shiva, dengan sangat
Eat, Pray, Makan, Doa, Cinta Brahma, Vishnu mudah saya dapat
Love (SL) (TL) or Zeus. (page menggunakan
10) kata-kata
The first Musim panas yang Jehovah, Allah,
summer of pertama bagi Liz Shiva, Brahma,
Liz and dan David terlihat Vishnu, atau
David looked
seperti montase Zeus. (page 14)
like the
falling-in- jatuh cinta dalam
love montage setiap film roman The second category is social
of every yang pernah kita organization. This Table 9 below will
romantic show the words of social organization
lihat, dari
movie you’ve that can be found in the novel.
berselancar, sampai Table 10: Private Passions (Social Organization)
ever seen, berlari dengan Eat, Pray, Love Makan, Doa,
right down
bergandengan tangan (SL) Cinta (TL)
to the
splashing in di padang rumput

38 Andriyanie, Firmawan, Wahyu R, Analysis of...

Just when I was Ketika saya That is the example of adaptation
feeling mulai translation technique category found in
particularly mengasihani diri this novel. This technique replaces the
sorry for cultural element of the source language
sendiri karena
myself for (SL) with one of the element in the
being broke and jatuh miskin dan target language which is similar (Molina
lonely and kesepian serta & Albir 2002). In the translated novel,
caged up in terkurung dalam the SL word written in normal style and
Divorce Divorce the translator translate those words by
Internment Internment Camp using the equivalent of each word in
Camp, an editor (Kemah Indonesian language. The translator used
from a women’s this technique because there are
magazine asked equivalent of those words in Indonesian
if she could Perceraian), language. Those are not literal
pay to send me seorang editor translation technique because it is not
to Bali to dari majalah translated literally.
write a story wanita
about Yoga menawarkan
vacations. 4.2.2 Amplification
kepada saya The
(page 24) Eat, The
perjalanan ke Makan, Types
Bali untuk Pray Translati
Doa, of
meliput liburan , on
Cinta Cultura
Yoga. (page 28) Love Technique
l Words

Haze Krim Foods Amplifica

lnut kocok tion
4.2 Translation Techniques which
mous dari
are Applied by the Translator in
se kacang
Translating Cultural Words into
(pag hazel
e (page
From the tables above, this novel
57) 62)
contains 180 cultural words with various
techniques of translating the cultural
The data in the amplification
words. The cultural words are chosen by
translation technique category shows
consideration by using the relevant
that those cultural words refer to
theories (Molina & Albir’s theory). But
amplification technique. Amplification
not all translation techniques applied
is the technique of introducing the
by the translator, only 8 techniques
details that are not formulated in the
from 18 techniques which are applied by
ST: information, explicative
the translator. The data can be analyzed
paraphrasing (Molina & Albir 2002).
based on the translation technique
sorting alphabetically, as follows:
4.2.3 Borrowing
4.2.1 Adaptation 1. Pure Borrowing
The Eat, Makan, The
Eat, Makan, The Types of
Types of Pray, Doa, Translation
Pray, Doa, Translation Cultural
Cultural Love Cinta Technique
Love Cinta Technique Words
Rome Roma Ecology Borrowing
Milky Bima Ecology Adaptation
(page (page (pure)
Way Sakti
3) 7)
(page (page
124) 142)
That is the cultural words that
refers to pure borrowing translation

Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Volume 4. No. 1, Juni 2016 39

technique. Borrowing technique is words has a change in their position,
implemented by taking a word or appropriate to the use in Indonesian
expression straight from another language.
language (Molina & Albir 2002). In the
translated novel, some of the SL words 4.2.5 Compensation
written in italic but they didn’t change The
in any form. As Molina & Albir’s theory, Types The
Eat, Makan,
translation technique which of Translati
implementation is by taking a word or Pray, Doa,
Cultur on
expression straight from other language Love Cinta
al Technique
or we can say without any change, called
as borrowing. The kind of borrowing that
applied in this data is pure borrowing
which is no change at all. But this may Coconu Kue Foods Compensat
made some readers of the translated t yang ion
novel will not know the meaning of some cream sangat
words. pie berlema
(page k (page
2. Naturalized Borrowing 135) 153)
Eat, Makan, The
Types of That is the cultural word refers to
Pray, Doa, Translation
Cultural compensation technique and it is
Love Cinta Technique
Words including in various cultural words
categories from Newmark’s theory. The
Venice Venisia Ecology Borrowing compensation technique of making up for
(page (page (naturalized) the translation loss of important ST
27) 31) features by approximating their effects
in the TL through means other than those
used in ST (Molina & Albir 2002). In the
That is the example of cultural words
translated novel those words has a
that refers to naturalized borrowing
change in meaning far from the original
translation technique. Naturalized
borrowing technique is implemented by
taking a word or expression straight
from another language (Molina & Albir 4.2.6 Description
2002) but make change in some letter The
appropriate to the use in Indonesian Types The
language. Eat, Makan,
of Translati
Pray, Doa,
Cultur on
4.2.4 Calque Love Cinta
al Technique
The Words
Eat, Makan, The
Types of
Pray, Doa, Translation
Cultural Albatro Albatro Ecolog Descripti
Love Cinta Technique
Words ss ss y on
(page (burung
Yoga Kelas Leisure Calque 8) laut
class yoga dari
(page (page famili
20) 25) diomede
That cultural word refers to calque
technique and it is including in various
cultural words categories from Newmark’s an di
theory. Calque is a literal translation lautan
of a foreign word or phrase; it can be bagian
lexical or structural (Molina & Albir selatan
2002). In the translated novel those

40 Andriyanie, Firmawan, Wahyu R, Analysis of...

mempuny more general than the word “pastries”
ai and there is no equivalent for the word
paruh “pastries” in Indonesian language.
yang 4.2.8 Literal Translation
panjang The
Eat, Makan, The
dan Types of
Pray, Doa, Translation
sanggup Cultural
Love Cinta Technique
terbang Words
waktu Bayou Sungai Ecology Literal
yang (page kecil translation
lama) 4) (page
(page 9)
This literal translation technique
That is the cultural word that refers to implemented by translates a word or an
description translation technique. This expression word for word (Molina &
technique replace a term or expression Albir, 2002). The translator uses this
with a description of its form or/and technique because there are the
function in the ST message to make it equivalents of those cultural words in
clear in the target text (Molina & Indonesian.
Albir, 2002). In the translated novel, From 180 cultural words in the
the SL word written in italic and the novel, there are 8 techniques of
translator added additional information translation which are used in
in brackets. The translator used this translating them; adaptation,
technique because there is no equivalent amplification, borrowing, calque,
of those words in Indonesian language. compensation, description,
Meanwhile, if the translator didn’t use generalization, and literal translation.
this technique, the readers of Adaptation. There are 2 words refer to
translated novel will not know about or adaptation found in the novel.
meaning of those words. x 100% = 1,11%
1. Amplification which consists of 5
4.2.7 Generalization words.
The x 100% = 2,78%
Types The 2. Borrowing. There are 96 words refer
Eat, Makan,
of Translati to borrowing technique which consists
Pray, Doa, of 74 words of pure borrowing and 22
Cultur on
Love Cinta words of naturalized borrowing
al Technique
x 100% = 41,11%
Pastri Kue-kue Foods Generaliz
x 100% = 12,22%
es kecil ation
3. Calque. There is only 15 word found
(page (page
in the novel.
73) 80)
x 100% = 8,33%
That is the cultural word refers to 4. Compensation. There is only 1 word
generalization technique and it is found in the novel.
including in foods cultural words x 100% = 0,56%
categories from Newmark’s theory. The
5. Description. There are 26 words found
word refers to generalization technique
in this novel.
because generalization technique is
applied by using a more general or x 100% = 14,44%
neutral term (Molina & Albir 2002). In 6. Generalization. There is only 1 word
this case the word “Kue-kue kecil” is found in this novel.

Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra Volume 4. No. 1, Juni 2016 41

x 100% = 0,56% the novel Eat, Pray, Love is borrowing.
The writer concludes that the
7. Literal translation. There are 34 translation technique which mostly
words found in this novel. applied by the translator is pure
x 100% = 18,89% borrowing. Because not every cultural
word in Eat, Pray, Love novel have the
The writer concludes that the
equivalent in Indonesian, therefore the
translation technique which mostly
writer offers that the reason why the
applied by the translator is pure
translator mostly used pure borrowing is
borrowing. Because not every cultural
to avoid any misinterpretation.
word in Eat, Pray, Love novel have the
Borrowing is the most frequently used
equivalent in Indonesian, therefore the
technique with total of 96 words or
writer offers that the reason why the
53,33% from the total 100%, and the
translator mostly used pure borrowing is
least applied translation techniques in
to avoid any misinterpretation.
the novel are compensation and
generalization with respectively 0,56%
5.1 Conclusion
After analyzing all the data, the writer
found 180 cultural words in the novel. 6. REFERENCES
Those cultural words classified based on
Newmark’s cultural categories (2010). Axiela, J.F. (1997), “Culture-Specific
All the six cultural categories found in Items in Translation”. In
the novel, they are; ecology, public Translation, Power, Subversion.
life, social life, personal life, custom Ed. Roman Alvarez and M. Carmen-
and pursuit, and private passion. The Africa Vidal. Clevedon:
first category of cultural word is Multilingual Matters, 52-78.
ecology. There were 76 words found in
the novel that refers to ecology. The Bell, R.T. (1998), Psychological /
second category of cultural word is cognitive approaches. In M. Baker
public life. There are 2 words of public (Ed), Routledge encyclopedia of
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