Mist Wired Assurance
Mist Wired Assurance
Mist Wired Assurance
Mist Wired Assurance is a cloud service that brings automated Mist’s AI engine and virtual network assistant, Marvis, further
operations and service levels to the enterprise access layer for simplifies troubleshooting while streamlining helpdesk
wired switches, IoT devices, access points, servers, printers, etc. operations with self-driving actions to automatically remediate
It’s about simplification every step of the way, starting from Day issues. Marvis is one step towards the Self-Driving Network™,
0 for seamless onboarding and auto-provisioning through Day 2 turning insights into actions and fundamentally transforming
and beyond for operations and management. Juniper EX Series IT operations from reactive troubleshooting to proactive
Switches provide the rich Junos streaming telemetry that enable remediation.
the insights for switch health metrics and anomaly detection.
Mist Cloud services are 100% programmable using open APIs
for full automation and/or integration with your IT applications.
Artificial Mist
Intelligence Cloud
Mist AP21 AP41 AP43 AP61 BT11 EX 4600/4650 EX 4300 EX 3400 EX 2300
Edge (Wi-Fi 6) (outdoor) (BLE)
Figure 1: Portfolio Overview of Mist Cloud Services, Mist Access Points, and Juniper EX Series Switches
DAY 0/DAY 1: SINGLE CLICK ACTIVATION AND AUTO- AI-Driven Switch Insights. Know exactly how Juniper EX
PROVISIONING FOR WIRED SWITCHES Series Switches are performing with detailed switch metrics
and insights at a device level such as CPU, memory utilization
One Step, Simplified Onboarding. With true plug and play
and Virtual Chassis status, as well as down to the port level
capabilities, the wired access layer can be onboarded onto the
including bytes transferred, traffic utilization and power draw.
cloud with a single activation code. Network admins can get
It shows performance series data and real-time status data for
visibility into switch metrics and service levels for wired devices
connected endpoints. Wired Assurance also logs and correlates
within a few minutes.
switch events, like configuration changes, firmware updates and
Existing EX deployments (“brownfield”) can take advantage of system alerts. By hovering over the switch ports, device details
Wired Assurance as well, once adopted to the cloud. (wired client or access point) and connectivity details (connected
speed, PoE status, and throughput) pop up.
Configurations Models. Enable consistent configurations via global
templates through the cloud with the flexibility for specific switch
and site attributes. Colorless ports add another dimension of plug
and play, where the Mist Cloud can automatically detect the type of
device plugged into the switch and apply the relevant port profiles.
This helps to drive consistency and commonality across a number
of sites, while streamlining bulk deployment rollouts.
Device, Port and Interface Profiles for Static and Auto
Provisioning. Port profiles provide a convenient way to manually
or automatically provision switch interfaces. For the static
provisioning of color ports, users can manually assign profiles
to specific port ranges and odd/even ports.
For the auto-provisioning of colorless ports, simply plug in the
end client into the port. Users set up the profiles and the Mist
platform can automatically configure and apply policies to specific
types of wired devices (access point, corporate device, IoT device,
etc.) based on LLDP, radius name or manufacturer OUI attributes.
Open APIs for Third Party Integrations. Proactively monitor the
network with the power of 100% programmable APIs for full
automation of activation, onboarding and configuration. Mist
APIs are open and seamlessly integrate with third party systems
like ServiceNow and Splunk which support APIs for automated
ticketing, troubleshooting, and more.
Levels Insights
Values Settings
Wired Clients
Access Points
System Changes
Firmware Upgrade
Congestion 10%
Throughput 50% Admin Action 09:22 AM Nov 8 Interface Anomalies 19%
success 0% Network 71%
Authentication 56%
Successful Connects 50%
DHCP 44%
success 0%
Memory 5%
Switch Health 50%
Temperature 0%
success 0%
Switch Uptime 88%
Wired Clients Health Metrics. See an inventory of switches Natively Integrated Juniper EX Series Switches. The following
and wired devices in a list, topology or location view. Wired models of Juniper Networks EX Ethernet Series Switches are
Assurance ensures optimal network operations with key health supported:
metrics such as switch firmware compliance, switch AP affinity,
PoE compliance, and missing VLANs. These metrics are available
for multivendor environments across all vendors’ wired switches EX 4600/4650
when paired with Mist access points and the Marvis cloud
EX 4300
EX 3400
EX 2300
Access Points
Juniper Networks, we believe that the network is a resource for
Switches 6
sharing knowledge and human advancement that changes the
world. We are committed to imagining groundbreaking ways to
4 Missing VLAN
1 Bad Cable
deliver automated, scalable and secure networks to move at the
speed of business.
1 Negotiation Mism...
Mist built the first AI-driven, microservices cloud-based Wireless
LAN (WLAN), which makes Wi-Fi predictable, reliable, and
Please reference the Marvis datasheet for more details. measurable and enables scalable indoor location services like
wayfinding, proximity messaging and asset visibility. In addition,
Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Network Mist’s AI technology plays a key role in bringing automation and
Insights. Wired Assurance includes a base analytics capability insight across the full IT stack, delivering seamless end-to-end
for analyzing up to 30 days of data which enables you to user experiences and substantial IT cost savings. In 2019, Mist
simplify the process of extracting network insights from data was acquired by Juniper Networks and operates as a business
and analytics across your enterprise. Review your network unit focused on the AI-Driven Enterprise which combines Mist’s
throughput peaks to properly align your support resources. To next-generation wireless platform with Juniper’s best-in-class
extend these capabilities to 3rd party network elements and switching, routing, security and SD-WAN solutions to deliver
the ability to consume up to one year of data, along with the unsurpassed end-to-end user and IT experiences.
option to generate customized reports, Mist Premium Analytics
is available as an additional subscription.
Mist Systems, Inc. | mist.com | [email protected] | +1 408-326-0346 | 1601 S. De Anza Blvd. #248, Cupertino, CA 95014
© 2019-2020 Mist Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Mist, Mist Systems and the Mist logo are trademarks of Mist Systems, Inc.