The document discusses a study that examined the personality traits of 246 children of people who lived to be at least 100 years old. The study found that those who lived the longest were more outgoing, active, and less neurotic. Long-living women were also found to be more empathetic and cooperative. Interestingly, traits like self-discipline did not impact longevity. The text also notes that while personality may be fixed in adulthood, being outgoing could lead to a longer life based on evolutionary theory.
The document discusses a study that examined the personality traits of 246 children of people who lived to be at least 100 years old. The study found that those who lived the longest were more outgoing, active, and less neurotic. Long-living women were also found to be more empathetic and cooperative. Interestingly, traits like self-discipline did not impact longevity. The text also notes that while personality may be fixed in adulthood, being outgoing could lead to a longer life based on evolutionary theory.
The document discusses a study that examined the personality traits of 246 children of people who lived to be at least 100 years old. The study found that those who lived the longest were more outgoing, active, and less neurotic. Long-living women were also found to be more empathetic and cooperative. Interestingly, traits like self-discipline did not impact longevity. The text also notes that while personality may be fixed in adulthood, being outgoing could lead to a longer life based on evolutionary theory.
The document discusses a study that examined the personality traits of 246 children of people who lived to be at least 100 years old. The study found that those who lived the longest were more outgoing, active, and less neurotic. Long-living women were also found to be more empathetic and cooperative. Interestingly, traits like self-discipline did not impact longevity. The text also notes that while personality may be fixed in adulthood, being outgoing could lead to a longer life based on evolutionary theory.
a. How personality related to longevity Soal TPS 2019-Bahasa Inggris Paket 6 b. Characteristics of longevity READING COMPREHENSION c. A study on the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society What effect does your personality have on d. Empathy and cooperativeness your longevity? Do some kinds of among women temperaments lead to longer lives? A new e. The newspaper suggestion if we study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by want long life examining the personality traits of 246 PEMBAHASAN children of people who had lived to be at least 100. Bab : main idea The study shows that those who live the longest are more outgoing, more active and PILIHAN A merupakan jawaban yang tepat less neurotic than other people. Long-living sebab keseluruhan teks membahas tentang women are also more likely to be bagaimana hubungan kepribadian dan empathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings umur panjang comfort with what you would expect from PILIHAN B, C, D, E merupakan pilihan yang evolutionary theory those who are extroverted enough to make friends and kurang tepat sebab pilihan-pilihan ini help other are those who are going to be merupakan hanya bagian dari teks diatas able to gather enough resources to make it dan tidak dibahas keseluruhan through tough times Interestingly, however, other traits that you TK SOAL : SULIT might consider advantageous had no impact in this study in whether participants 2. The passage says that long-living were likely to live longer. Those who were women…. more self-disciplined, for instance, were no a. Have fewer activities than other more likely to live to be very old (which people might explain the long life of the smoking b. Are likely to be extroverted French lady). Also, being open to new ideas c. Have always wanted to live longer had to relationship to long life, which might d. Are more disciplined explain all those cantankerous old people who are fixed in their ways. e. Succeeded in changing their Whether you can successfully change your personality personality as an adult is the subject of a PEMBAHASAN longstanding psychological debate. However, the newspaper suggests that if Bab : detail information you want long life, you should strive to be PILIHAN A, C, D, E: merupakan pilihan yang as outgoing as possible. kurang tepat. Tertera pada “Interestingly, however, other traits that you might PILIHAN D : merupakan pilihan yang kurang consider advantageous had no impact in tepat. Anxious = Gelisah this study in whether participants were likely to live longer. Those who were more PILIHAN E : merupakan pilihan yang kurang self-disciplined, for instance, were no more tepat. Pious = Saleh likely to live to be very old (which might explain the long life of the smoking French TK SOAL : SULIT lady). Also, being open to new ideas had to relationship to long life, which might 4. The word “those” in line 24 refer to …. explain all those cantankerous old people a. Resources who are fixed in their ways. b. Times Whether you can successfully change your c. Women personality as an adult is the subject of a d. Traits longstanding psychological debate.” e. Participants
PILIHAN B merupakan jawaban yang tepat PEMBAHASAN
sebab tertera pada kalimat “the newspaper Bab : referring to suggests that if you want long life, you should strive to be as outgoing as possible.” PILIHAN A, B, C, D : merupakan pilihan yang kurang tepat. Sebab kalimat ini tidak TK SOAL : SULIT bertujuan pada kata-kata pada pilihan- 3. In line 10,the word “outgoing” could be pilihan ini replaced with PILIHAN E merupakan pilihan yang tepat. a. Leaving Sebab pada kata sebelumnya menjelaskan b. Retired tentang “traits” pada kalimat “other traits c. Amiable that you might consider advantageous had d. Anxious no impact in this study in whether e. Pious participants were likely to live longer”. PEMBAHASAN TK SOAL : SULIT Bab : vocabulary In high school Erdoğan became known as a PILIHAN A : merupakan pilihan yang kurang fiery orator in the cause of political Islam. tepat. Leaving = meninggalkan He later played on a professional football (soccer) team and PILIHAN B : merupakan pilihan yang kurang attended Marmara University. During this tepat. Retired = pensiun time he met Necmettin Erbakan, a veteran PILIHAN C merupakan pilihan yang tepat. Islamist politician, and Erdoğan became Amiable = Ramah = Outgoing active in parties led by Erbakan, despite a ban in Turkey on religiously based political parties. In 1994 Erdoğan was elected mayor 5. The main topic of this text is of Istanbul on the ticket of the Welfare a. Erdogan’s early life and political Party. The election of the first-ever Islamist career to the mayoralty shook the secularist b. Erdogan’s prime minister-ship establishment, but Erdoğan proved to be a c. Erdogan’s lifestyle competent and canny manager. He yielded d. Erdogan’s journey to become to protests against the building of a mosque president in the city’s central square but banned the e. Erdogan’s powers sale of alcoholic beverages in city-owned PEMBAHASAN cafés. In 1998 he was convicted for inciting religious hatred after reciting a poem that Bab : main topic compared mosques to barracks, minarets to bayonets, and the faithful to an army. PILIHAN A merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Sentenced to 10 months in prison, Erdoğan Sebab topik inti pada teks ini merupakan resigned as mayor. tentang masa kecil dan karir politik erdogan. After serving four months of his sentence, Erdoğan was released from prison in 1999, PILIHAN B, C, D, E bukan merupakan jawaban yang tepat sebab pada teks secara and he reentered politics. When Erbakan’s keseluruhan tidak membahas topik-topik Virtue Party was banned in 2001, Erdoğan pada pilihan ini. Dan pilihan-pilihan ini broke with Erbakan and helped form hanya bagian dari teks diatas dan ada yang the Justice and Development Party (Adalet bukan bagian dari teks diatas. ve Kalkınma Partisi; AKP). His party won the parliamentary elections in 2002, but TK SOAL : SULIT Erdoğan was legally barred from serving in 6. All the following are mentioned, EXCEPT parliament or as prime minister because of a. He attended Marmara University his 1998 conviction. and played football A constitutional amendment in December b. He was an active member of parties 2002, however, effectively removed led by Necmettin Erbakan Erdoğan’s disqualification. On March 9, c. He was elected as mayor of Istanbul 2003, he won a by-election and days later in 1996 were asked by President Ahmet Necdet d. He was jailed in prison for 10 Sezer to form a new government. Erdoğan months took office on May 14, 2003. e. Because of the constitutional amendment, it effectively removed (Source : Erdogan’s disqualification Tayyip-Erdogan) PEMBAHASAN Bab : detail information PILIHAN A : kurang tepat. Sebab spirited = bersemangat = fiery PILIHAN A : merupakan pilihan yang kurang tepat. Sebab tertera pada kalimat “He later PILIHAN B : kurang tepat. Sebab passionate played on a professional football (soccer) = bersemangat = fiery team and attended Marmara University” PILIHAN C : kurang tepat. Sebab On-fire = PILIHAN B : merupakan pilihan yang kurang bersemangat = fiery tepat. Sebab tertera pada kalimat “and PILIHAN D : kurang tepat. Sebab intense = Erdoğan became active in parties led by bersemangat =fiery Erbakan,” PILIHAN E merupakan jawaban yang tepat. PILIHAN C merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Sebab apathetic = apatis/tidak Sebab Erdogan menjadi walikota Istanbul peduli><fiery=bersemangat pada tahun 1994 bukan 1996. Tertera pada kalimat “ In 1994 Erdoğan was elected TK SOAL : SULIT mayor of Istanbul on the ticket of the Welfare Party.” 8. The first time Erdogan took over the president office was in PILIHAN D : merupakan pilihan yang kurang a. 1999 tepat. Sebab tertera pada kalimat b. 2000 “Sentenced to 10 months in prison, Erdoğan c. 2001 resigned as mayor” d. 2002 e. 2003 PILIHAN E : merupakan pilihan yang kurang tepat. Sebab tertera pada kalimat PEMBAHASAN “A constitutional amendment in December 2002, however, effectively removed Bab : detail information Erdoğan’s disqualification.” PILIHAN A : kurang tepat. Sebab pada tahun TK SOAL : SULIT 1999 Erdogan keluar dari penjara. Pada kalimat “Erdoğan was released from prison 7. The antonym of “fiery” in line 2 is in 1999”. a. Spirited b. Passionate PILIHAN B : kurang tepat. Sebab pada tahun c. On-fire 2000 tidak ada keterangan apapun pada d. Intense tahun ini e. Apathetic PILIHAN C : kurang tepat. Sebab pada tahun PEMBAHASAN 2001 partai Erbakan dicekal, tertera pada kalimat “When Erbakan’s Virtue Party was Bab : Antonym banned in 2001” PILIHAN D : kurang tepat. Sebab pada tahun TERJEMAH 2002 terjadi kemenangan partai erdogan Apa pengaruh kepribadian Anda terhadap pada eleksi sebagai presidenyang tertera umur panjang Anda? Apakah beberapa jenis pada kalimat “His party won the temperamen membuat hidup lebih lama? parliamentary elections in 2002,” dan Sebuah studi baru dalam Journal of amandemen konstitusional, tertera pada American Geriatrics Society melihat kalimat “A constitutional amendment in pertanyaan ini dengan memeriksa ciri-ciri December 2002,”. kepribadian dari 246 anak-anak dari orang- orang yang hidup setidaknya 100 tahun. PILIHAN E merupakan jawaban yang tepat. Sebab tertera pada kalimat “On March 9, Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang 2003, he won a by-election and days later hidup paling lama lebih terbuka, lebih aktif were asked by President Ahmet Necdet dan kurang neurotik dibandingkan orang Sezer to form a new government. Erdoğan lain. Wanita berumur panjang juga lebih took office on May 14, 2003.” cenderung empatik dan kooperatif daripada wanita dengan rentang hidup normal. TK SOAL : SULIT Temuan-temuan ini menghibur dengan apa yang Anda harapkan dari teori evolusi, mereka yang cukup ekstrovert untuk berteman dan membantu orang lain adalah mereka yang akan mampu mengumpulkan sumber daya yang cukup untuk melewati masa-masa sulit.
Menariknya, bagaimanapun, sifat-sifat lain
yang Anda anggap menguntungkan tidak berdampak dalam penelitian ini apakah peserta cenderung hidup lebih lama. Mereka yang lebih disiplin, misalnya, lebih cenderung hidup menjadi sangat tua (yang mungkin menjelaskan umur panjang wanita Prancis yang merokok). Selain itu, bersikap terbuka terhadap ide-ide baru memiliki hubungan dengan umur panjang, yang mungkin menjelaskan semua orang tua yang tidak ramah yang terpaku pada cara mereka. Apakah Anda dapat berhasil mengubah Di sekolah menengah Erdogan dikenal kepribadian Anda sebagai orang dewasa sebagai orator yang bersemangat dalam adalah subjek perdebatan psikologis yang politik Islam. Dia kemudian bermain di tim sudah berlangsung lama. Namun, surat sepak bola profesional dan masuk kabar itu menyarankan bahwa jika Anda Universitas Marmara. Selama waktu ini ia menginginkan umur yang panjang, Anda bertemu Necmettin Erbakan, seorang harus berusaha keras untuk tetap terbuka. politisi Islam veteran, dan Erdogan menjadi aktif dalam partai-partai yang dipimpin oleh Erbakan, meskipun ada larangan di Turki pada partai politik berbasis agama. Pada 1994 Erdogan terpilih sebagai walikota Istanbul atas tiket Partai Kesejahteraan. Pemilihan Islamis pertama kali ke walikota mengguncang pendirian sekuler, tetapi Erdogan terbukti menjadi manajer yang kompeten dan cerdik. Dia menyerah pada protes terhadap pembangunan sebuah masjid di alun-alun kota tetapi melarang penjualan minuman beralkohol di kafe-kafe milik kota. Pada tahun 1998 ia dihukum karena menghasut kebencian agama setelah membacakan sebuah puisi yang membandingkan masjid dengan barak, menara dengan bayonet, dan umat beriman dengan tentara. Dihukum 10 bulan penjara, Erdogan mengundurkan diri sebagai walikota.
Setelah menjalani empat bulan
hukumannya, Erdogan dibebaskan dari penjara pada tahun 1999, dan ia masuk kembali ke dunia politik. Ketika Partai Kebajikan Erbakan dilarang pada tahun 2001, Erdogan memutuskan hubungan dengan Erbakan dan membantu membentuk Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi; AKP). Partainya memenangkan pemilihan parlemen pada tahun 2002, tetapi Erdogan dilarang secara hukum untuk melayani di parlemen atau sebagai perdana menteri karena keyakinannya pada tahun 1998. Namun, amandemen konstitusi pada Desember 2002 secara efektif menghapus diskualifikasi Erdogan. Pada 9 Maret 2003, ia memenangkan pemilihan sela dan beberapa hari kemudian diminta oleh Presiden Ahmet Necdet Sezer untuk membentuk pemerintahan baru. Erdogan mulai menjabat pada 14 Mei 2003.