Leave & Licence Agreement: ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Made and Entered Into at Mumbai On This
Leave & Licence Agreement: ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Made and Entered Into at Mumbai On This
Leave & Licence Agreement: ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Made and Entered Into at Mumbai On This
1. The Licensor hereby grant "LEAVE AND LICENCE" to the Licensee to the use and
occupancy of the said premises for a period of 11 months commencing from
the__________day of____________/2010 till the______________day
of_____________/2010 (both days inclusive) on certain terms and conditions
herein set out.
2. The Leave and License hereby granted is for a period of 11 months only as
aforesaid, in the first instants, with an option to the Licensee for extension for a
further period fo Eleven Months, in which case, a separate "Leave and License"
agreement shall have to be executed.
4. The Licensee shall pay the monthly compensation mutually agreed upon and fixed
at Rs.__________________________(Rupees_______________
______________________________________only) towards the use and
occupation of the said premises, fittings and fixtures therein, in advance, on or
before the 10- of each month. The said compensation is exclusive of Electricity,
Water and maintenance charges and other outgoings, if any.
5. It has been mutually agreed upon by and between the parties hereto that the
Licensee shall be liable to pay the compensation for the entire period of Eleven
months irrespective of the use and occupation of the said premises and/or earlier
vacation thereof.
6. It has been further mutually agreed upon by and between the parties hereto that:
(a) In case, the Licensee commits defaults in payment of the monthly
compensation as aforesaid or commits breach of any of the terms,
conditions and covenants of this Agreement, the Licensor shall be entitled
to revoke forthwith this "Leave and License".
(b) at all times, the Ownership and possession of the said premises shall be
that of the Licensor and
(c) the Licensee shall not and occupy the said premises as Licensee and shall
not claim any interest of any nature, whatsoever in the said premises and
(d) the party of the other part shall not alter the nature of the said
flat/premises nor carry out any additions or alterations in the said premises
for the purpose of business use for himself.
(a) to pay the Electricity, Water and maintenance charges and other outgoings,
if any by the due date without fail and'
(b) to take reasonable care of all singular the said premises and shall
indemnify the Licensor from and against any damage and/or loss, other
than by ordinary use and occupation thereof.
9. On taking over the possession of the said premises, the Licensor shall immediately
return the Security Deposit to the Licensee, after deducting therefrom the amount
of outstanding compensation. If any, besides the loss in terms of money, suffered
by them on account of damage to the said premises, fittings and fixtures therein.
Schedule of Property
RECEIVED from within named Licensee_____________________________
a sum of Rs.____________/- (Rupees_____________________only) by
Cash towards interest free refundable Security Deposit for the due
performance Leave and License Agreement of my Flat as per the
Agreement hereinabove mentioned.
I SAY RECEIVED Rs._________________/-
(Signature of the Licensor)
Witnesses :
RECEIVED of and from within named Licensor the sume of
Rs._____________/- (Rupees__________________________only) being
the refund of Security Deposit after adjustment of all dues payable by
me/us to the Licensor as agreed in the Agreement of Leave and Licence
dated______________________ 2010 entered into between us in rerput of
I further state that I don't have any claim against the said flat of the
owner. Licensor and have handed over the peaceful possession of the said
flat to the Licensor on ____________________ 2010 after completion of
period of eleven months.
(Signature of the Licensor)
Witnesses :