The Red Heifer Final
The Red Heifer Final
The Red Heifer Final
In this analytical essay, I will endeavour to give an interpretation of the red heifer, more specifically,
cow (pahrah) and its’ use in the ritual purification of Tum'at HaMet, "the impurity of the dead". As a
rigorous check, I will proceed to address the entire passage of Numbers 19 from the King James
version of the Bible, verse by verse.
The passage as appears in Numbers 19:1-22, describes the ritual involving the red heifer. The
purification ritual has been called “The Deepest Mystery of the Torah”.
This passage has troubled interpreters throughout the ages, and is often described as
“incomprehensible”. Countless attempts from dedicated and qualified persons have tried in vain to
solve the mystery.
“The reason underlying the commandment of the red heifer is considered the deepest secret in the
Torah. Even King Solomon, the wisest scholar who ever lived, was unable to fathom the full depth of
its meaning. According to the Midrash its meaning will be revealed in the era of the Mashiach.”
“With its contradictory "regulations" rendering the unclean clean and the clean unclean, it was
regarded as a classic example of a ḥukkah”
Therefore, it has been classed as a hukkah or hok, the word in classical Jewish parlance for rituals
without any obvious rational meaning. It is biblical law with no apparent logic and must be simply
obeyed without question. This statute (hukkah) is a ritual law. This commandment in Numbers 19 is,
therefore, an ordinance or chukim to be obeyed like the kosher dietary rules, which are also
seemingly without logic.
The importance of the red heifer continues to exist still to this day. Since it is a purification ritual,
building and worshipping in a holy Temple is not permitted by God without the ceremony of purity.
There is an ongoing search and yearning for the red heifer for the Third Temple. Stories will
consistently appear in news media of a red heifer being born or found, but due to strict
requirements, they fail to pass the test of suitability. Notably, the red heifer must be without defect
or blemish, and that has never been under a yoke (worked). Even a few strands of black hair will
render the red heifer unsuitable. If we examine the requirements for the red heifer, it becomes
apparent that it is impossible and it would be a “biological anomaly” if it existed. Breeding programs
and even genetic modifications are being employed to create a red heifer.
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The Red Heifer
In psychology, there is the concept that your viewpoints, experience, ideas and beliefs shape your
perception of reality. This is more commonly encapsulated in the term ‘baggage’. This is even more
true in areas of theology. To clear our vision and thoughts to enable understanding of a new
concept or to pierce arcane knowledge, we must strip away the baggage we have acquired and let
the new information form. If we are to give respect to the verses of Numbers 19, we must listen to
what they have to say and let the verses lead without impediments.
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A very useful tool to “check” if you are approaching the “truth” of the matter, is to see if the new
ideas and information that you form clarifies and makes simpler the arcane knowledge. The pieces
should fit, as they say. If you’re more confused or feel like you have receded in your progress of
understanding, it is normally a strong sign that you have deviated from the path of truth. With this
simple ‘tool’ as our yardstick and guide, the verses should no longer be incomprehensible. The
mystery will unravel. This is our check for truth.
In the following analysis, I will explain each verse as written and assume they are true as I believe I
understand them to be. My understanding may be and even highly probable to be incorrect. If we
attribute any respect to the verses, we must at least, on the first attempt, try to understand them as
they are written before we inject any of our own ideas and interpretations in fear of introducing our
own distortions that may arise from our own baggage.
After I explain each verse, I will attempt to tie it all together at the end and hopefully reveal the
common thread, idea and truth of this mystery!
Numbers 19
1. And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
2. This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath commanded, saying,
Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring thee a red heifer without spot,
wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came yoke:
The cow should be of a good example. No blemish means it is of good condition, especially
of sores, cuts, wounds, infections (blemishes). It has never been worked, so it is of good
health, fat even. Similar to how Kobe or Wagyu beef is breed lazily and fatten up to make
the meat have a high-fat content or is marbled. The colour is important only in denoting a
breed of cow possessing certain traits. An example would be how Angus beef is from black
cows. So black cows have a different constitution than red cows.
As this verse is read and passed down through time, with countless interpretations, the
natural tendency of the human condition to embellish and assign meaning beyond the
simpler original has elevated and miss-focused the attention onto The red heifer. A’ la,
Chinese whispers. The simple red heifer has become the perfectly flawless red heifer
without a single hair of black. As perfect as we humans can imagine and attribute. So
perfect, it is a biological anomaly.
We must stay true and try to understand the texts as was written and without deifying.
3. And ye shall give her unto Eleazar the priest, that he may bring her forth without
the camp, and one shall slay her before his face:
The heifer must be taken away outside the camp. Slaughtered in his presence (witnessed).
4. And Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger, and sprinkle of her
blood directly before the tabernacle of the congregation seven times:
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These actions connotate a ritual. Its purpose is to impart to the persons partaking of the
importance of the actions and methods. It is to psychologically instil a sense of significance
and therefore respect and attention should and must be paid. This is evident by the
requirement to repeat seven times. Similar to chanting seven times. Repetition
automatically enforces significance. This is common throughout all forms of worship, magic,
and ritual practices.
5. And one shall burn the heifer in his sight; her skin, and her flesh, and her blood,
with her dung, shall he burn:
This instruction is clear. The heifer shall be burnt in its entirety. It must be noted, and
attention should be paid to the qualifiers, especially the inclusion of dung, as we will see
later on. As a purification ritual, the specific inclusion of dung, when normally it would be
removed and cleaned out, is an interesting point. This is the first point of contradiction we
have faced. It’s only a contradiction when we don’t fully understand. It will be made clear
when I tie it all together. The inclusion of dung is important and must serve a specific
purpose. Also notice, we have interpreted the verses literally thus far. Scholars have debated
this point at length, wondering why the stipulation of a blemish-free heifer only to include
elements far from ‘pure’ in the process, and for attention to be drawn at that.
6. And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast it into
the midst of the burning of the heifer.
This is basically a list of ingredients to add to the burning heifer. The ingredients all have
certain properties that are often, if not always overlooked. I will list some of those
Cedar wood: Cedar wood, when burned, releases cedar oil. Cedar oil is a natural repellent to
insects, e.g. moths, mosquitos etc. Its’ effect is even greater when heated or burnt.
Hyssop: from Wiki “Due to its properties as an antiseptic, cough reliever, and expectorant, it
is commonly used as a medicinal plant.” “The essential oil includes the chemicals thujone
and phenol, which give it antiseptic properties.”
Hyssop contains antifungal and antibacterial agents that still used in medicines today
Scarlet: This one was tricky. It took me some research. Most translations of the Bible notes
this ingredient down as :
Scarlet wool
Scarlet yarn
Scarlet material
Crimson yarn
‘piece of red yarn’
red cord
scarlet twice dyed.
In my opinion, all these translations are wrong. The above is not a specific ingredient that
would posses any traits in similar essence from the previous two ingredients this verse has
mentioned. However, the original word in this verse in Hebrew gives us the answer. The
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original word is tola or Tola’ath, which means “Crimson worm” or “Scarlet worm”. This
worm was used to make scarlet dye, which was used to dye yarn and other materials. This is
the reason for the mix-up and confusion. This idea, of scarlet being red yarn or wool was the
closest scholars got and therefore believed and included it in most translations and
discussions. If scholars studied this mystery believing it was red wool, they would have
strayed far from the path and might not even make it back. Therefore, most scholars have a
very different view throughout history on this point. However, for myself, I did not think it
‘felt’ in line with the other ingredients mentioned in this verse. The verse is addressing some
purpose that is very specific. So I continued to look. It turns out that the scarlet worm from
which scarlet dye is made is also an astringent compound used in ancient times as a skin
lotion. An astringent chemical constricts body tissue and closes pores in the skin. It is also
used to reduce bleeding from abrasions. This property now fulfils the requirements I believe
to ‘fit’ better into this verse. Its’ properties of being a chemical with medicinal purposes and
utility are the important attribute, not its’ colour.
Scarlet: The scarlet worm. The worm contains astringent compounds which close off pores
and seals wounds.
7. Then the priest shall wash his clothes, and he shall bathe his flesh in water, and
afterwards he shall come into the camp, and the priest shall be unclean until
the even.
After the priest has prepared and carried out the burning of the heifer, he is to make sure he
is clean himself. This makes perfect sense without the need to inject more meaning than
what is already written. A lot of confusion arises because scholars are not clear how, when
carrying out a ritual of purification, that the priest himself becomes unclean. This issue has
been viewed traditionally as another intractable contradiction. It is not a contradiction at all
if we respect the writings as containing a truthful account of a procedure. When burning the
ingredients, the natural repellents from the cedar wood, the antiseptic, anti-fungal and
antibacterial compounds may contaminate the priest’s body. This is exactly the case today
when exterminators carry out pest control on a house, they make sure to wear protective
suits. We must remember that Numbers 19 and the red heifer concern an act of purification
and cleansing! It’s the titular topic.
8. And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes in water, and bathe his flesh in
water, and shall be unclean until the even
To reiterate verse seven, it is again repeated that not only the priest should wash, but also
‘he that burneth’ (the person that actually carried out the physical act of burning the heifer)
to also wash clean. This only solidifies and adds strength to the idea that the burning
produces and releases these compounds from the ingredients. It’s is no longer contradictory,
but the actions of the burning actually mandate verses seven and eight to be done! In other
words, you must wash. This is obvious and intentional because the ingredients were selected
for these properties in the first place.
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9. And a man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them up
without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the congregation of
the children of Israel for a water of separation: it is a purification for sin.
This verse mirrors the modern day procedures to prevent cross-contamination. A clean
person is to gather the finished and prepared compound that results from the burning of
ingredients and place it outside the camp. i.e. before people are allowed to enter. The
compound is specifically used with water, ‘a water of separation’ to purify, i.e. to
decontaminate, persons before they are allowed to enter. Think of it as soap. As the reader
can see, these are VERY specific steps. The verses provide clear, or rather clear once
understood, and precise methods and ingredients to produce this compound and how to use
it. Verses to follow only add to this idea by eliminating other possibilities. By having such
detailed and clear unambiguous steps, once you understand, proves the reality of the
procedures. There does not seem to be any religious analogies featured at all up to this
point. All the verses feature very practical steps. The ritual steps are procedures and for
them to fit in precise procedural order further lends weight to the idea I am leading up to.
The chances of how precisely these verses fit with procedures would be astronomical. There
is little interpretation needed. We again must remember this is a purification ritual, so
purify and cleanse something we must. In my interpretation of each verse, I have not taken
any leaps of faiths in reasoning. The interpretations are made rather simply in actuality.
10. And he that gathereth the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be
unclean until the even: and it shall be unto the children of Israel, and unto the
stranger that sojourneth among them, for a statute forever.
A pattern emerges and once again becomes clearer. The gatherer must also wash. This
procedure applies to all the Israelites and foreigners amongst them. This ordinance shall
apply forever. The words “unclean until even” or evening, simply means that after being
exposed to the ashes or after being washed with the ashes and water, it takes some time, by
the evening or end of the day, for its’ full and cleansing power to be affected. Much like the
modern “Take one capsule before bed”. This cleansing places no special requirement of only
being effective on Israelites. Verse 10 specifically mentions that strangers (foreigners) should
be cleansed as well. The verse eliminates any ideas that this cleansing is only for those that
are worthy or of specific decent. The verse further highlights the practicability of this ritual,
and not of purely religious ideologies.
11. He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days.
This verse is personally interesting. The specific mention of seven days raises very
interesting implications. Many viruses, such as the flu virus, can last and stay alive outside
the body and on surfaces for 7 days. Therefore, if a person touches a dead body, he will be
contaminated and be ‘unclean’ for an average of 7 days. This is a very specific and scientific
verse. The interesting question now arises of how, if we attribute the writings to their
accepted timeframes, could the information about virus, bacteria, contamination and their
role in disease and sickness be known back then? The modern discovery of viruses only first
came about in 1892 by Dmitri Ivanovsky, relatively very recent in history. Here, in Numbers
19, we have written acknowledge of not only of viral and germicidal contamination, but the
virology of the viruses, methods of transmission, methods of controlling and combating and
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even effective ingredients to fight and control them. This is nothing short of advanced
12. He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall
be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall
not be clean.
This is a huge contradiction and mystery, the proverbial thorn in the flesh of scholars. This
verse further adds to my contention that Numbers 19 is a practical and procedural method
to control outbreaks of diseases. It does what is written on the tin, that is, it’s for
purification and cleansing. It’s literally and functionally identical to a modern antibiotic
prescription! You cannot miss a day in your dosage, or it may not work. In this case, you
must partake of the purification on the third and seventh day, strictly being unable to miss
the third day.
He said, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay
attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on
the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you." (Exodus 15:26)
The Israelites were given information to combat the disease and pestilence afflicting the
Another factor to note is that when burning off certain herbs and ingredients, the smoke
and fumes released will disinfect and purify the buildings, temples, camps and physical
objects as well. This was the entire purpose, as plainly stated. A modern research program
was undertaken by the Department of Microbiology at Kovai Medical Center in 2008.
Various holy sticks collected from trees and fumes were produced along
with cow dung cake and ghee. Various bacteria were isolated from various
sources and each organism was exposed to the religious stick fumes with
different time incubation. The results revealed that organisms
like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae were prominently inhibited. Fumes
of Achyranthus aspera controlled Streptococcus pyogenes. These
sticks (dhoops) with various level combinations produce fumes to inhibit or
reduce the level of contamination and risk of infection.
Fumigation, featuring cow dung has been proven effective. The ritual in Numbers 19 simultaneously
fumigates and produces a compound to be used with water to decontaminate persons after they
have been in contact with a corpse. The procedures as written feature very clear and concise steps
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to quarantine (must burn away and outside the camp and careful steps for persons that have been
near or in close contact with potential contamination points and washing procedures) and
decontaminate persons and physical objects (in the following verses).
13. Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not
himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from
Israel: because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be
unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him.
I hope the reader can see the clarity in this verse after learning and understanding what was
laid out above. It is clear this verse is, again, further adding and strengthening the above
conclusions. If it was not clear before, this verse repeats the condition of contamination. The
person (soul) is to be literally quarantined (cut off). We are truly unveiling “the deepest
secret”, and its’ incomprehensibility is now being replaced with clarity.
14. This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent: all that come into the tent, and all
that is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days.
The bacteria and virus can continue to be alive for seven days.
15. And every open vessel, which hath no covering bound upon it, is unclean.
This is a very important verse as it states that objects get contaminated also. Now, this point
should make perfect sense to the reader after understanding the idea of viruses, bacteria
and contamination. It also dispels a large chunk of confusion and conjecture on what is
meant by purification and cleansing as it relates to the Red Heifer. Since inanimate objects
can also become unclean, this sin is not of moral or religious reasoning. It’s not because a
person has sinned in the canonical sense that they are unclean. Inanimate objects cannot
sin so this impurity cannot be caused by sin. This purification is not a purification of the soul
or spirit. It is of a practical purification and cleansing.
16. And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword in the open fields, or a
dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.
As in verse 14. All the repetition in the verses makes other interpretations or explainations
more and more untenable. This further strengthens the concept I have disclosed herein.
17. And for an unclean person they shall take of the ashes of the burnt heifer of
purification for sin, and running water shall be put thereto in a vessel:
Verse 17 is reinstating how to use this disinfecting compound or soap with water. I shall
remind the reader that in ancient times, charcoal was a main ingredient in soap. The burning
of the heifer would produce an abundance of activated carbon and charcoal.
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18. And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip it in the water, and
sprinkle it upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons that
were there, and upon him that touched a bone, or one slain, or one dead, or a
These are instructions to make sure to disinfect everything, including the tent and vessels
(inanimate objects)
19. And the clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean on the third day, and on
the seventh day: and on the seventh day he shall purify himself, and wash his
clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall be clean at even.
Detailing the procedure a clean (uncontaminated) person should use in treating the unclean
(contaminated) person and how to ensure their own safety. This is similar to what is taught
to modern aid workers and disease control personnel. All these repeated verses that
detailed steps that are in a similar vain make it all but certain of the real reason of the
methods in Numbers 19. It becomes more and more highly unlikely that another
interpretation of Numbers 19, that is more theological would fit all the verses as simply,
succinctly and dare I say, as straight-forward as the concept of disease control. After all, God
said he would protect the Israelites from the diseases and pestilence that was afflicted on
the Egyptians. These are the methods used.
20. But the man that shall be unclean, and shall not purify himself, that soul shall
be cut off from among the congregation, because he hath defiled the sanctuary
of the LORD: the water of separation hath not been sprinkled upon him;
he is unclean.
As in verse 13.
21. And it shall be a perpetual statute unto them, that he that sprinkleth the water
of separation shall wash his clothes; and he that toucheth the water of
separation shall be unclean until even.
This is a lasting ordinance. Perpetual statute.
22. And whatsoever the unclean person toucheth shall be unclean; and the soul
that toucheth it shall be unclean until even.
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The analysis and interpretation of the entire passage of Numbers 19 has been made with simple
reading and conclusions drawn that directly link to the words as written. I have explained and
interpreted each verse and even the words used. At no point will the reader find any far-reaching
and twisting wordplay in the interpretation of the verses. I was intentional in not letting ideas stray
too far if at all from the text. The principle of Occam’s Razor has been applied here. Achieving
simplicity that fits closely to the text serves as a powerful tool in establishing the truth. To develop a
simple and singular concept that explains a topic lends immense weight and conviction to the
concept. The deepest mystery seems pretty clear now. That is not to say my above concept is true,
for we can never be 100% certain.
Sophat Ngim
December 2018
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